Arnaut Plamondon

Arnaut Plamondon


Arnaut PlamondonArnaut Plamondon
Lagna in Virgo 25°45'54"
Virgo in the Ascendant allows the primordial feminine power to pour down into the individual's personality. You may not be constitutionally strong, but are pleasing in appearance, feminine by temperament, sharp in intellect, and capable of interpreting the thoughts of others. Given over to sensual pleasures, the spiritual quest will not be your forte. You like to be surrounded by respectable people, who could be famous as authors, tradesmen, lawyers, diplomats and even martyrs. You may attain material prosperity and be honored outside your immediate surroundings and country. You can be easily frustrated, and your passionate nature often leads to serious psychological complications. You may even have a psychopathic personality and often found to be deceitful, critical, manipulative and covetous of other people's wealth. You are full of anxiety for the world at large and usually do not have many children. You will be gentle, skillful in music, poetry and fine arts and in training or teaching others, be a sweet speaker, a liar, be affectionate, interested in charitable works and serving others, be endowed with goodness, enjoy others' wealth, wander, have a female's disposition, be modest, attempt to enlarge your landed properties, be fortunate, sensuous, virtuous, merciful and beautiful, will honor elders, be sinful, inimical to brothers, may have (more) daughters, be phlegmatic and windy in humor and will be away from base and inimical people.
Lagna in Lunar Mansion '14 Chitra-1'
The Nakshatra ruling your Ascendant or Moon is Chitra. Physical features: you have a lean body. In some cases there is an indication of a stout and tall body.

You can be recognized or identified in a crowd of hundreds of people through your magnificent dealings and expressions. There is a hidden inherent gift of having wonderful ideas that may initially appear silly, but are later viewed as excellent. There is also an inherent gift of intuition. You are the type of person who is very much fit for the astrological profession where intuition is very much needed. In some cases it is also noticed that you may experience dreams that come true. This indirectly indicates that a divine power may be installed in the psyche of those born under Chitra.

You are the type of person who is not bothered about the sentiments of others, nor are you selfish to others. Your dealings with the poor will be very cordial and full of kindness. You may be mistaken by others as rude and stingy. Guard your tendency to speak before you think. You may have to confront your enemies at every step but are capable of escaping any conspiracy. You have a soft spot for those in need and spend your energy in their upliftment.

Education, sources of income/profession: obstacles in life are no problem for you. You can overtake all hurdles with courage and hard work. You may not lead a comfortable life up to the age of 32 years. The period between 33 years and 54 years of age will be your golden period. One of the redeeming features of Chitra born is that you receive help from unexpected places without much effort.

Family life: while you love and respect your siblings and parents, you may experience some doubts concerning them. You may not enjoy the benefit, love and affection of your father. You may even live separated from him, and he may be famous or successful. You are more attached to your mother and enjoy benefit from the maternal side.

There is a saying that the Chitra born cannot stay in the house where she/he is born. This may manifest in many ways, you may travel and live far from your home town, or your childhood home may be destroyed. In any case you will settle far from home. Married life may be considerably strained, and while the marriage will be stable, the relationship between the couples may not be cordial, at times leading to frequent friction on small matters.

Health: there may be some difficulty with internal organs.
Sun in Taurus 15°01'33"
Eyes and looks defective, tolerant, tactful, wise, jealous, affluent, fond of music, danger from water. Firm, patient and obstinate. This placement indicates that you will have troubles from diseases of the face and eyes, will endure difficulties, will have an emaciated body, will not have many sons, will be beautiful (also means fortunate, nice, handsome etc.), will possess decorum, be wise, will be jealous of those with no children, be endowed with eatables, clothes and scents, will have knowledge of singing, playing musical instruments and dancing and will face risk from water.
Sun in Taurus with Virgo ascendent
This placement indicates difficulty for children if any, and tends to make you careful about money matters.
You may espouse a beautiful philosophy in impressive melodious language and speak movingly of charitable action and patriotic aspirations. You may assure people of your help in supporting their betterment. But behind all these utterances and assurances will be your strongly felt passion for attaining sensual gratification - which may be political, social, or financial.
Sun in 9th House
The Sun in the ninth house does not discourage you from religious observances; rather the intensity with which you apply yourself to such observances is quite severe, even fanatical. The mind is sharp and you are clear about your goals in life. The greatest problem is egotism. Depending on other conditions, you may be a heartless self-promoter moved by a strong libido. You are interested in the higher aspects of life, but the interest is only skin-deep.

Sun in the ninth is not very helpful for your father's longevity. Early life may have been difficult, middle life, easy and later life, unhappy. You are wicked, and good deeds are not the outcome of noble thoughts. These are performed out of vanity and to beguile others. However, all this goes to your favor.

You gain popularity and are considered virtuous and religious and therefore, praised. Mentally, you are at war and worry, your deeds are not backed by sincerity. You are not fair and just, even to your brothers and therefore, suffer at their hand. You live a life of constant worries and anxieties.

Essentially, you are vain, showy and therefore an opportunist. That's why you change directions like a weather-cock. You are unlucky, uneducated, irrational, characterless and a debauch. You get wealth, friends and sons, but are denied love and affection from the father and partner. You have strained relations with your maternal uncle, are head strong and will not listen to the advice given by your father or preceptor.

You readily change faith. You love truth, have beautiful long hair, are the well wisher of your family and revere the learned and saints. You experience sickness in childhood, are well settled by the middle age, handsome, and blessed with longevity and wealth.

You are sharp and thoughtful, take the virtuous path of life, and get happiness through family and friends. You are opposed to the maternal uncle, are religious, but not lucky, and get happiness from spouse and children.

Denotes longevity to father if the Sun is in its own sign or in exaltation. You are rich, like to meditate and are devoutly austere. You have trust in and respect for preceptors and learned people. You will be endowed with wealth, children and friends, will be very interested in religion, will not be well-disposed towards wife and father, and be not calm. You will be wicked, showy, will not be interested in doing any auspicious acts, will not relate well with siblings, be not learned, devoid of good conduct and be separated from your father early.

You will be endowed with wealth and progeny. Children will be quite virtuous. You will be inimical to maternal relatives, change religion and enter a new religion and be long-lived. You will face many obstacles in your undertakings and will enjoy others' wealth. You will seek carnal pleasures during the day time. One of your children will become famous through musical accomplishments.
Sun in Lunar Mansion '4 Rohini-2'
Impressive and pleasing personality. Establishes business connected with oil. Beware of swimming in deep rivers or oceans. Meningitis, fainting or headache.
Moon in Libra 11°17'34"
Much movable property, gain and success through partnership, morose and irritated for nothing, soft-spoken, courteous and warm-hearted, success in love and marriage. Balanced and artistic if Mercury is in good aspect. Much traveling. Elevated nose, humble looking face, thin body, many partners, abundant properties, valorous, skillful, will honor divinity and saintly persons, wealthy in various ways, conquered by the opposite sex, will be easily swayed from decisions and is helpful to relatives.
Moon in Libra with Virgo ascendent
You may acquire wealth and the comforts of life. Your speech will also be pleasant.
Moon in 2nd House
The Moon in the second house makes you very talkative, prosperous, of sound body and have a very charming personality. You are romantic and find pleasure in other peoples company - ignoring your own spouse and family.

The second house stands for wealth, finance and hereditary position. Full Moon in this house bestows you with promising progeny and wealth. But, if it is dark or feeble, you may stammer, be poor and unwise.

You are sensitive to the changing Moon, have many friends and are soft spoken. You may suffer from poor digestion and loss of appetite. Dark or feeble Moon, despite of benefic aspect, causes loss of acquired or inherited property and obstructs earning and further acquisition of wealth.

You will enjoy incomparable happiness and friends and will be wealthy. You will be plentiful in wealth and grains, be physically sound, famous, and wise and spend your time joyously with the opposite sex,. You may lose money on account of your sisters and daughters.
Moon in Lunar Mansion '15 Swati-2'
The Star ruling your Moon or Ascendant is Swati.

Physical features: one of the peculiar features of Swati born is that the under part of the feet will appear to be curved and the ankle risen. You will have an attractive appearance. Character and general events: you are a peace loving person, but adamant and independent. You respect others property. You may be uneasy with criticism of your work. You may have trouble controlling your temper once you lose it. A proper balance of mind will result in a more positive life. You are willing to extend a helping hand to others provided your own freedom is not questioned. You give respect unconditionally. You are the best friend in need and worst enemy of the hated. You do not hesitate to take revenge on the persons who are against you. You may experience difficult times in childhood. You initially try to give help and protection to those close to you, but later change your mind because of harsh criticism.

Education, sources of earning/profession: your intelligence and capacity to do the work are excellent. You may suffer, financially and mentally, even if born in a wealthy family, until your 25th year. However, you may not experience much progress, in profession or business up to the age of 30 years. Thereafter you will have a golden period up to your 60th year. You may earn through the profession of gold smith, traveler or pharmacist.

Family life: your married life may not be so congenial. To outsiders it may seem that you are the most adjustable couple, but in reality you are not. Health: you will have very good health. You may suffer from common human diseases.
You are tall, have a long nose, and weak organs. You are grateful to the persons who help you. You enjoy respect from your family members. However, you may be ruined by those same family members.
Mars in Taurus 19°02'19"
You are an ambitious, practical, capable manager, who shows foresight, is inventive and undeterred by obstacles. Afflicted Mars indicates great financial losses through bull-headedness. Likes to break the vows of chaste persons, eats voraciously, little wealth, few sons, jealous, will maintain many people, is not trusting, plays violently, speaks harshly, is fond of music, sinful, inimical to relatives and brings infamy to the family.
Mars in Taurus with Virgo ascendent
You begin spiritual lessons differently and receive setbacks in your personal life, face many perils, and come in contact with highly evolved souls. Premonitions from the unknown draw you toward the world of inner knowledge. From suffering you begin the spiritual journey.
Mars in 9th House
Mars interests you in the spiritualization process, which takes you through difficult and varying sets of experiences depending on your special temperament and past Karma. You may be a great egotist, a valiant fighter, a bigoted religious fanatic, a dedicated and self-sacrificing leader, or even a frustrated artist or scientist, but in any event there will be a spirit of indomitable determination which will finally, after all mundane responsibilities are over, place you on the path of righteousness and spirituality. You are a reformer with a modern out-look. If you do not exercise self-control, you will destroy all orthodox beliefs. You break marriage sanctity. Some person may remain unmarried and others have to marry twice to take care of the children. This is a suitable placement for doctors, but not so good for lawyers; it is gainful for engineers, fitters, goldsmiths, iron smiths, but unsuitable for police officers. Don't expect any promotion without strife. You might run for government elections. You are very sharp, rational, brilliant and fortune by luck, as under malefic Mars all efforts are futile. You may have no elder brother or brother-in-law or you do not gain from either of them. You are hard working, have a strong drive, and live by industry or by luck. The former, even if it is a lion-like effort, is denied its reward. You are not allowed to boast that you have earned by hard work. This Mars can not afford any labor to fructify under its influence. Of course, if you have acquired any fortune due to last life, Mars will not create any hurdle in its consumption. All pains to acquire wealth will out-weigh their results. You are vicious, wealthy, reputed, adorable, debauch, fortunate, gain from agriculture, undertake fruitless journeys, are dignified, irreligious, suffer from heart burning and there might be trouble to your father. You are malevolent, sick, trapped, unfortunate, shabby, gentle, fond of learning, immoral, impotent, and your eyes, hands and body are discolored. You live with low people, might be cruel or violent at times and have distressed criminal tendencies. Beware of trouble from poison and fire and danger from voyage, litigation and through disputes. You might have bleeding feet, and feel weak. Gain comes after age 28. You might engage in trade by waterways. You have an enthusiastic mind, and are sometimes irrational, impulsive and too independent. If Mars is under good aspect you are jealous and enterprising; he will act impulsive in fiery signs, and somewhat passive in earthy or watery signs if in airy signs, you will ignore all discipline either legal or moral. Mars in this house may give religious fervor.
Mars in Lunar Mansion '4 Rohini-3'
You are courageous and honored by learned men. Muscular rheumatism in the neck or pharyngitis.
Mercury in Taurus 14°49'34"
Your intellect is full of happiness and cheer, but you may be too cunning when it comes to love, finding yourself attracted to more than one person. You like to use your intelligence to actually achieve worldly happiness in life. Your motto is that prosperity flows from good thinking.
Mercury in Taurus with Virgo ascendent
You become very conscious of personal responsibilities. Your activities evolve in such a way that you gradually begin to work selflessly.
Mercury in 9th House
Mercury in this position renders you intellectually capable of discussing spiritual topics with ease, but your personal life is entirely divorced from true spirituality. You consider worldly position, money, and intellectual discourse as the true measure of life's success; you may observe all the rules of public morality, but your private life needs a great deal of preparation before you can take the direct path towards final release from material bondage. You are pious, prosperous, glorious and sharp, interested in Yoga and visiting holy places. You exercise overwhelming influence, destroying the wicked and are blessed with children and property. With Mercury is in the 9th house you observe religious ceremonies, construct wells and gardens, truth loving, ascetic, devoted to father, charitable, an eloquent speaker and noted for benevolence and learning. You are generous, anxious and sometimes, perverted. If Mercury is a malefic, you are vain and less fortunate; if a benefic, you are fortunate and devout. You are wise, live according to religious principles, are rich, a good speaker and a holy pilgrim. You have a very active mind, exploring the hidden mysteries of life and are interested in metaphysics. Well aspected Mercury will give power to concentrate. You are seeking after higher knowledge from heaven to earth and even under water life. You have an ingenious and studious mind, and love for art, science and literature. You may gain through journey, law suits and publication work, even if this Mercury is not under any planetary influence. Your bent of mind is subjected to the influence of the sign, this Mercury is posited in. In movable signs, it indicates love of journey in airy signs, well developed interest in aerial affairs.
Mercury in Lunar Mansion '4 Rohini-2'
You will be famous, will have profound knowledge of the higher branches of knowledge. Moderate wealth. You must take care of fire or fire arms. You will enjoy premarital sexual relationship with many partners.
Jupiter in Cancer 22°23'42"
You are sociable and well liked by all. Culturally embellished in dress and manor etc. Benevolent at heart, but dominant also. Devoted to the mother and your own heartfelt feelings. This placement comes once every 12 years and lasts for a year, so everyone born during that year has this Jupiter in Cancer. It marks a particular generation as a little special.
Jupiter in Cancer with Virgo ascendent
Jupiter is exalted in this sign, and therefore its occupancy of the Eleventh house brings good fortune and respectability. You are very religious and attached to your family. You enjoy participating in social work, respect the elders, and uphold the sanctity of traditional values. Good later life.
Jupiter in 11th House
Jupiter in the eleventh house makes you learned, a follower of traditional social values, and fond of religious discourses. You earn wealth through religious scholarship or by way of your sons. At heart you are some sort of priest and your income may be derived in that manner. In any case, this planetary combination produces a very earnest individual working very conscientiously; you are eminently respectable and seek to attain perfection, though you are willing to compromise with reality when necessary.

Psychologically, you are so independent that you regard yourself as a leader and maintain a very healthy sense of dignity in your personal deportment. You suffer sorrow from elder brother if Jupiter is in the 11th. Jupiter in the 11th is very good for overall gains in life, and fulfillment of desires. .

You are alert, mindful, and can serve others well. You shoulder the responsibility of your father and are blessed with 5 children (take that lightly). Wealth is for others, and not for you. You surprise your own family. This is a favorable placement for religion, conveyances and attendants. You are of saintly disposition and have little education and few sons. .

Longevity, success and gain is indicated. You are very sharp, Reputed, accredited, affluent, bold, valiant, fond of beautiful attire, handsome, skilled and fickle, healthy, strong, an advisor, learned in scriptures, gentle, brave, wealthy with best of the jewels, dresses and conveyances, get government favors, promote your family interests, are religious and rich, learned, blessed with sons, happy and prosperous, pious, and keep company with virtuous people. .

You own gold, silver and other metals, are revered by the leaders, moneyed, long living, have plenty of vehicles but few children. You gain through the government, sacrifices, transportation, land and learning activities. You get happiness through spouse, sons and friends, are scholarly and pious and get great gain in at age 32 and reputation through many sources. .

You are blessed either with children, wealth or education. Gain through many sincere and fortunate friends, eminent personalities, judges, legislators, bankers, doctors and people of status is indicated. You also gain through social life and your marriage partner and obtain wish-fulfillment through influential friends.
Jupiter in Lunar Mansion '9 Ashlesha-2'
You will be a scholar, charitable and endowed with truth and penance. You will be blessed with duty bound and long living children. This is a good Jupiter placement and indicates respect by all.
Venus in Cancer 0°11'49"
You are wise, scholarly, strong, calm, talented, affluent, charming, diplomatic and given to woman and wine. You may gain through voyaging and water products. Unfavorable placement for marriage. Indicates trouble through parents, money matters and intimacy with the low-bred. Close to mother and home. Prone to occultism.
Venus in Cancer with Virgo ascendent
Your Venus indicates that you will accept religion humbly, without trying to change it to suit yourself (which is good). Also, it indicates that you will get good assets together. Also, even advanced religious people will respect you for your good character and amiability.
Venus in 11th House
There is a golden touch in everything you do and your association has a luxurious influence on everyone who comes within your sphere. Your friendship is consequently much sought after. Your social circle includes well-placed people who are always eager to promote your interests. You have special gifts for music, drama, and dance which endear you to all kinds of people. You obtain riches through the opposite sex, fine arts, and the perfume business.

Your success in life depends on your effective handling of people. Venus in the 11th house mostly gives favorable results. This denotes good luck after age 21 if born of lower class; after age 31, if born of higher class. You are a very modest, imposing personality, an eloquent speaker, wealthy, of spotless reputation, a warning to your enemies, and a governor. This indicates gain. You might have unnatural sex desires, are rich and live abroad.

You are skilled, blessed with an adorable spouse and children, strong and healthy, know no sorrow, have wealth and attendants, and are wise and expert in dance and music. You are a super-person, sensuous. righteous, charming and jovial, of lovely physic and attractive. Servants and attendants obey you.

You might gain through women in service positions who please the senses of their customers, or through traveling, and trade in silver and pearls, or through villages, city connections or construction work.

You are inclined to noble deeds and permissible conduct. You are mentally tense, religious, learned and God fearing. Abundant happiness, conveyances, family and fortune, gems and jewels are indicated. You gain through the government or agriculture, are a scholar, affluent, and generous. You get wealth and possess qualities like a good nature, are brilliant, renowned, truth loving, luxurious living, prosperous, predominating, a supreme authority, almost a leader, and of captivating looks and noble conduct. If Venus is weak, none of these blessings are experienced.

This Venus indicates gain and success through friends who would forward your interest by advise, their own goodwill and physical support. You may give music concerts at home.
Venus in Lunar Mansion '7 Punarvasu-4'
You will be endowed with all the paraphernalia of life, a happy married life, and nice children.
Saturn in Scorpio 6°59'04"
Hasty, stubborn, jealous, acquisitive, influential, vain, greedy, success in cheating others, danger from poison or arms. Many losses and ill health, interest in geology and chemistry. Gains through hard work.
Saturn in Scorpio with Virgo ascendent
Saturn in this sign shatters family ties and disrupts education. You keep bad company and might even engage in smuggling. You may also be somewhat mean-spirited.
Saturn in 3rd House
Native and things of the 3rd house may be brave and courageous. Saturn may also indicate loss of siblings. Depending upon other things on the 3rd house, native or things of the 3rd house may be eccentric and demonstrate cruelty to each other. Native may experience sorrow through things of the 3rd house. Native may be honored by govt agencies. He may also be able to become head or president of local boards, municipalities, etc. One peculiarity of this combination is that success attends the native only after he has suffered disappointments and reverses. The tendency of the mind is towards gloom, anxiety and misgivings. The mental condition improves with age. If Saturn is afflicted (by aspect, conjunction etc) or influenced by Sun, Moon, Mercury or Mars or other planet (it depends of various factors) etc, the despondency is likely to run into mental affliction that may cause the native admit in a mental institution.
Saturn in Lunar Mansion '17 Anuradha-2'
You may have a simple profile. You will have broad shoulders and may be bald headed. Your quarrelsome nature may affect your place in business. Curb any desire to misappropriate others' property as it may attract legal recourse.
Rahu in Virgo 14°15'35"
Rahu in Virgo with Virgo ascendent
This placement can spoil your general attitude. You can be depressive and haggard in appearance and will generally associate with undesirable groups of people, engage in illegal activities and suffer from physical ailments hard to diagnose. Drug addiction, sex crimes, smuggling and espionage are additional unfortunate possibilities.
Rahu in 1st House
You make a great stride in life and might get honor, wealth and favor through religious, educational and scientific achievements. You have a dominating personality and are of promising self-expression. You receive gain and happiness through own initiative, but are slow to pick up new ideas and averse to formal education.

A conqueror of enemies. You make the glory and influence of other people an instrument of your own success. You can effectively utilize your own powers and wealth for yourself and others. You might not be satisfied with your own spouse and may wander. You gain competence with the help of friends with effective grace. You are always ready for work and may have two marriages, and a charming spouse. Quick to hold discussion. Lots of troubles and suffering are indicated as well. Bad qualities may surround you on many sides.
Rahu in Lunar Mansion '13 Hasta-2'
You may be employed in transport connected industry. You may also be in the government in the revenue collecting department, but be careful in this profession as the cheating risk through bribery is very high.
Ketu in Pisces 14°15'35"
Ketu in Pisces with Virgo ascendent
Ketu in this sign will cause trouble on account of your passionate sexuality. Lust may motivate you till the end of life, and if this is allowed, it will make for a sorrowful departure from the world. You may realize the futility of all your efforts, and this final disenchantment may be almost maddening.
Ketu in 7th House
Ketu in the 7th adds openness to sexuality outside of the norm. Also however, it makes you able to understand spiritual possibilities as well. Ketu is a planet greatly involved in the spiritualization process, and the 7th house primarily stands for relationships.

Ketu in the 7th house usually indicates that the spouse, if any, will be shrewd in dealings. The marriage partner may be a difficult person with some problems perhaps. You can be immodest, needing lots of sleep or being lazy, feeling humiliated and thus speaking humbly. Watch for intestinal and sex organ diseases during Ketu periods.

Be careful of trouble from government agencies at these times as well. Ketu in the 7th indicates danger from journeys and water, so be careful with these during Ketu periods. Ketu in the 7th means some trouble while traveling but you generally come back fine. Watch for losing money during Ketu periods. Watch for trouble through spouse/partners and sons. Don't give in to extravagant temptations and curb a tendency to be too nervous.
Ketu in Lunar Mansion '26 Uttara Bhadrapada-4'
You will reside in a foreign land and will have fights with your parents. Your education may be interrupted, but later on, you attain a good education and will reach a position, where power and authority will be conferred.
Uranus in Pisces 25°11'47"
Uranus in Pisces with Virgo ascendent
Uranus in 7th House
Uranus in Lunar Mansion '27 Revati-3'
Neptune in Aquarius 15°42'12"
Neptune in Aquarius with Virgo ascendent
Neptune in 6th House
Neptune in Lunar Mansion '24 Shatabhisha-3'
Pluto in Sagittarius 21°01'41"
Pluto in Sagittarius with Virgo ascendent
Pluto in 4th House
Pluto in Lunar Mansion '20 Purva Ashadha-3'

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