Benito Mussolini

Benito Mussolini

Politician, Italian dictator

Benito MussoliniBenito Mussolini
Lagna in Libra 26°18'43"
A Libra Ascendant usually bestows a long face, an attractive appearance, tender eyes and sparsely set teeth. You are generally above average height, lean and thin. Mentally, you are disorganized, emotionally unstable and socially unbalanced. You are extravagant, generous, helpful and simple at heart. You crave social contact and the assurance that other people need you. You are also subject to contradictory thoughts and actions. You are fond of justice and law, but easily irritated. Your friends and benefactors tend to be well positioned individuals, but you can also associate with dishonest people who, unfortunately, might stick with you for years. Physically you appear strong and healthy, but you may secretly suffer from diseases relating to the loins and kidneys, and should take precaution against urinary tract infections. You may have a strong desire for artistic achievement, but fail to actualize it. Saturn is a very powerful planet for you. Jupiter is not very good. You are fond of helping the lowly, and so much so that you may use base acts to achieve your goals. You respect spiritual leaders, because they respect principle centered persons, but you are often too driven to stick strictly to principles yourself, but would rather see to it that the objective gets carried out.
Lagna in Lunar Mansion '16 Vishakha-2'
The Star ruling your Moon or Ascendant is Vishakha.

Physical features: your face will be round, bright and physical appearance extremely attractive. There has been noticed two types of physical appearance i.e. one with fatty and long structure and the other with very lean and short structure. Character and general events: you will be full of vigor and vitality and possess intelligence of the highest order. You are a firm believer in God and lead a life of truthful existence. You do not believe in the orthodox principles nor the age old tradition. You are fond of adopting modern ideas. Mainly, you live away from your family. You are overly generous when dealing with others. While you are very much religiously active, you do not follow any superstitious religious fanaticism. You treat all religions, castes and creed as one. You will follow a non-violent approach to life and may become a renunciate in your mid-30s.

Education, sources of earning/profession: you are a very good orator and has the capacity to attract a crowd. You will win several prizes in elocution competition. Hence you will be the fittest person to be in the political circle. There is a peculiar spending tendency. While on the one side you are very careful spending, on the other side you may be extravagant in spending where it is not required. You are fit for doing an independent business, or a job involving high responsibility, banking and religious professions, mathematician or a teacher or a printer.

Family life: you may not enjoy love and affection from your mother, caused mainly by separation. On the other hand, there may be several beneficial points of your father with which you can always be proud of, even though you will lead a very independent life. There may be difference of opinion between your father and you that seem unresolvable. It is due to these reasons from childhood that you become a hardworking and self made person. You love your spouse and children very much, although you may struggle with addiction to intoxication and intimate relationships outside of marriage. In spite of these weaknesses they will not become a hindrance either in the family or in your social life.

Health: your health will normally be very good. However, you may be prone to paralytic attack after the age of 55 years. You may also be prone to asthmatic attack.
Sun in Cancer 13°47'06"
This brings the following general characteristics, which get modified by specific aspects and other placements in your chart: You may experience fluctuating commitment to your activities and undertakings, but your overall attractive personality and qualities will make you well liked, you may find that you totally dislike your birth family or that 'whole scene' or even your country. You will probably be good looking, but you may have troubles from imbalances inside the body, related to digestion and you may experience distress from too much hard work. You will like intoxication, but will be virtuous, honorable and eloquent. You may have talent in the areas of time, space, science, geography, cartography, navigation, etc.
Sun in Cancer with Libra ascendent
You will perform sacred activities or visit holy places of pilgrimage.
The Sun occupying this sign provides vitality to your social interaction. Intellectually, you are versatile to the point of genius. It is not just social eminence which attracts people to you, but the fact that you are always concerned with helping and working for others. Your sense of responsibility is enormous; whenever you accept the responsibility for any task, you will certainly see it to its successful completion. Your organizing skill are so extraordinary, your personality so commanding, and your conduct so ethical that everyone from whom you require service or work willingly cooperates with you.
Sun in 10th House
This placement draws you to the center of power. You acquire a role in the administration of your country. Your mind goes straight to the central point in any argument or discussion and you intuitively understand the motivations of others. You are learned in Vedantic philosophy and are not interested in ritualistic observances. You dislike flattery in social behavior.

You run your business or industry very successfully and profitably. Your mother's ailments cause you constant worry. You might feel remorseful due to separation from partner or friend. You attain success, favor and reputation through hard work. Your parents suffer and your spouse and children cause anxiety; you tend to be friendless, dissipated and bold.

It may be observed that except for professional and vocational success, there is no relieving feature in your life. With this placement you are blessed with wealth and jewels, education, honor, success, valor, love for music and art, talent, kindness and generosity. This placement denotes service to saints, high moral standards, power, authority, trust, frugality and firmness.

You gain fame through great learning and are able to accumulate wealth. When the Sun reaches the height at noon, human activities are at height. Likewise, when you are in the Zenith in the horoscope of birth (i.e. on the 10th cusp), one is likely to reach enviable heights in life. You were born at such a time, and that is somewhat rare.

You are intelligent, rich, strong and will be endowed with conveyances, relatives and children. You will succeed in your undertakings, be valorous, unconquerable and great. At times you will be separated from your near and dear ones. Your mother will contract many kinds of illnesses. You will be wealthy, happy with regard to your father, be very learned, famous, strong, pure, liberal and happy. You will be interested in music and dances. You will suffer illness in the later part of your life. You will, however, have mental worries throughout.
Sun in Lunar Mansion '8 Pushya-4'
You may have a difficult relationship with your spouse, try not to let it impede your progress. Please refer to our guide for 'Remedial Measures for Difficult Sun Placement'.
Moon in Taurus 16°51'22"
Loves pleasure, music and all that is beautiful, has friends, is noble, charitable, benevolent, strong, possessive, intuitive and sharp, loves chemistry or life sciences and products of the earth. Your Moon is exalted. You have a big heart, are very giving, libidinous, famous, shining, are more likely to have daughters, and have nice looking eyes. You will be large-hearted, short-haired, libidinous, famous, brilliant, be in a position to differentiate between good and bad, be happy during middle age and concluding parts of your life, will have a strong waist, feet, shoulders, face etc., will walk beautifully and be endowed with forbearance If the Moon is full and in a good house, benefic effects are sure to follow. If she is decreasing, then the results are proportionately less.
Moon in Taurus with Libra ascendent
You are cool even amidst turmoil. Longevity is enhanced, in spite of confrontations with difficult physical and psychological situations. Your rise in status and renown will be enduring, though arrogance, however subtle, will be noted by those around you. You will receive a substantial legacy or property acquired by others.
Moon in 8th House
Moon in the 8th house harms the mental composure. The past is brought to the surface. Defects in character, ailments, and adversaries appear in the forefront and you find you have to deal with these. The Moon in the 8th house indicates death in a public place, by drowning, ship wreck, road accident or public calamity. Separation from family members due to spouse's influence is indicated in some way. You tend to suffer from different acute and chronic ailments and take varied treatment from several doctors, who flock to your house and prescribe strange medicines. You may have constant fear of curable and incurable diseases. The eighth house indicates death, legacies, interest in occult science, and diseases of the secret parts and generative system. Moon in the eighth house causes fear of chronic diseases and strong enemies e.g. government, thieves, etc. You are dependent on doctors and their medicines, are intelligent, learned and splendorous. You may suffer from the severest of diseases and will be attended to by many doctors. The eyes may suffer and epilepsy is possible. You will not have firm livelihood and will be wandering. Poverty may come and conjugal happiness suffers.
Moon in Lunar Mansion '4 Rohini-3'
Rohini is the star ruling your Ascendant or Moon.

You are normally of slim physique. However, based on other planetary positions and aspects, short structured and fatty persons have also been seen. Your eyes are very attractive with a special magnetic touch. Appearance is very beautiful and attractive, big shoulders and well-developed muscles. You are short-tempered. Once you get angry, it will not subside so easily, and nobody can change your decision. You become extremely obstinate, if someone attempts to override your opinions or thwart your plans. You remain oblivious to any advice or ideas counter to your own. You have a special knack to find fault in others. You are ruled by your heart rather than your brain. While you are ready to sacrifice everything for loved ones, you will not hesitate to cause extreme trouble to the hated. You feel impressed with your own work. Acceptance of the truth and discard of the false is your plus point.

Your life is full of ups and downs, as you do not try to pre-plan your objectives. You can attain great success in life, provided a little restraint is kept in the freedom of your mind. There is no tomorrow for you. You spend everything for the sake of today's comfort.

You can shine not only in any independent profession or business but also in social work. As far as possible, you try to be more sincere and honest in all the work you undertake. But you lack patience and forgiveness. You try to be a jack of all trades, and in the process you fail to pass through the path of requisite rhythm and system. Your freedom of mind will quite often lead you to downfall. It is also seen that some Rohini born persons have risen from the lowest rung of life to the highest rung due to other planets in the chart being very well placed. You may earn from milk products, sugarcane or as a chemical engineer. You are best adapted for mechanical and laborious work.

Between the age of 18 and 36 will be the most trialsome periods. You will have to face a lot of problems economically, socially and on health grounds. It is often noticed, that such people enjoy their lives best between the age of 38 and 50, and 65 and 75. One of the primary factors to keep in mind is that you should never take anyone into confidence. You have to be extra careful with business partners and employees. There is an inherent drawback in you, that you blindly believe others. For a happy existence, it is suggested that you should screen people thoroughly before confidence is bestowed on them.

While you cannot enjoy full benefit from your father, you will be more attached to your mother and maternal uncle or anything maternally related. You will not hesitate to throw away any social or religious laws when warranted. Hence your married life will be marred with disturbances.

You are prone to diseases connected with blood, spoiled blood, blood cancer, jaundice, urinary disorders, blood sugar, tuberculosis, respiratory problems, paralysis and throat troubles.
Pleasant life in the company of the opposite sex. May join a profession connected to water. Lovely appearance. Intelligent and stable mind. Eye troubles or sore throat.
Mars in Taurus 20°54'23"
You are an ambitious, practical, capable manager, who shows foresight, is inventive and undeterred by obstacles. Afflicted Mars indicates great financial losses through bull-headedness. Likes to break the vows of chaste persons, eats voraciously, little wealth, few sons, jealous, will maintain many people, is not trusting, plays violently, speaks harshly, is fond of music, sinful, inimical to relatives and brings infamy to the family.
Mars in Taurus with Libra ascendent
You are motivated by a powerful inward impulse. Life will be constant movement; your passion for living, exploration, renown, monetary reward and sexual conquest will be insatiable. You will, however, be unable to enjoy the fruit of your conquests blissfully.
Mars in 8th House
Externalizes adverse past Karma which has a very detrimental influence on the health. Various diseases connected with the urinary tract or with blood circulation may afflict you; you may undergo surgery, and your sensuality is fiery and passionate. This combination is harmful to the marriage partner. Look for further afflictions to this Mars in the 8th before judging serious harm to the spouse.

Officers with Mars in their eighth house take a lot of bribes but are not caught. You may overeat till the age of 30. Later in life you might develop indigestion, and blood pressure. Long-life is helped with this placement. Weapons, or burns may cause death. Trouble for spouse and degradation are indicated. Friends become enemies, though you are respectably honored.

Efforts made according to industry do not fructify, but are defeated by hindrances. Even brothers and relatives suddenly behave like enemies. Difficult diseases and misfortune in business might come. Denotes unbecoming speech, diseases of the private organs, sorrow, grief and vexation from spouse.

You might feel physically weakened due to disorders of blood and ulcers. You have few sons. You dress simple, but are popular amongst the rich. Negative karmic forces may be experienced in this life for better or worse. Be careful regarding danger from water or swimming.

If Mars is in the eighth house from the Lagna, Jupiter or Venus (benefics) posited in the house of fate and misfortune etc. may even become ineffective, as Mars (malefic) overrides them.
Mars in Lunar Mansion '4 Rohini-4'
Wealthy and fond of the opposite sex and wine and fickle-minded. You will also indulge in illegal activities and earn money out of such activities. Smugglers and drug sellers come under this category. (May be altered by aspects and house placement. But this is a star reading only, therefore it's affect may be only somewhat apparent.)
Mercury in Cancer 13°18'03"
You are talkative and your mind is changeable. This is good for storytelling, but it can also lead to exaggeration. Your intellect is governed by emotion.
Mercury in Cancer with Libra ascendent
You may be drawn towards mundane relationships; there may be a display of affluence, interest in social status, mental exhibitionism and general covetousness. However, you will also be learned in religious scripture and classical literature. You will be widely known and attain eminence even in foreign countries.
Mercury in 10th House
Mercury makes you very social, intelligent, and amiable. Your demeanor is so flexible that every type of social group accepts you in its fold without reservation. You have the ability to mix with the high and low with equal ease. You possess special expertise in the legal profession, economics, trade and commerce, business management and accounting. You can make a good teacher as well. Your efficiency as a diplomat or negotiator will be pronounced and often you inherit wealth and property. You can get recognition, name and fame due to your wealth; sagaciousness, administrative powers and the ability to do justice are some of you traits. You act firm in both reward and punishment. You are revered, tactful, soft-spoken, and oracular. This denotes gain of wealth, conveyances and garments. This placement may bring you prosperity in every respect. and you get patrimony, attendants, gold and jewelry, dress materials and property. You may be a politician or the most trusted employee of the court. You are bold, prosperous, handsome, brainy, calm, pious and ingenious and have found knowledge of art, science and all higher educational or enlightening subjects. You are well- known, rich and jovial. You like to involve yourself in higher intellectual activities. You easily gain success right from start of every job undertaken, are strong and flourishing. Truth loving, courteous and brave, you involve yourself in good deeds and often possess every kind of material wealth, and are lustful and luxury-loving. You tend to be rich, devoted to your preceptors, and accumulate wealth by own efforts. Gain at age 19 is indicated. You are eloquent and live by poetic work and handicraft. You enjoy conveyances and mother's blessings. You gain through writing and business and by developing potentiality amongst the inert. Success and recognition in business will depend on the aspects and the signs it occupies. Gain from public service or responsible positions is indicated. You may be a novelist, reporter, lecturer, teacher, traveler, employee, electrician, occultist, psychologist, or a dealer in occult literature, antiquities and inventions. If Mercury is alone you could be an exporter, wholesaler, distributor or commission agent. In airy signs this Mercury gives fluent speech for business activities.
Mercury in Lunar Mansion '8 Pushya-3'
Jupiter in Gemini 26°19'18"
Truly kind and reliable, and not too interested in expanding your social circle. You have a liking for literature, occult studies and enlightening things. You may attempt publishing, but due to various miscalculations and relatives you sometimes suffer loss of money.
Jupiter in Gemini with Libra ascendent
You may be lonely, but it will prepare you for the arduous task of renunciation and for the acquisition of deeper spiritual knowledge which lie ahead. You will be respected in society and will have status in the religious order to which you belong.
Jupiter in 9th House
Jupiter in the ninth house is very good for religion. It makes you attracted to rituals, observances, study of scripture and good association with others into these things. However, it also gives attraction to material achievement, recognition and status. You must learn that this later quality distracts from the earlier mentioned good qualities. Then only can religion be purified. Jupiter in the 9th is good for fame and prosperity, and means that you will visit sacred places, be charming, happy, skilled, perform sacrifice, and receive divine knowledge. It is one of the best possible Karmas because it represents being near to the end of cycles of birth and death. It will take care of you in many ways. It is not such a good indicator for the material father however. It makes you interested in devotion, and able to perform austerity, and be saintly and noble. You will probably at some point receive honor and servants. Jupiter in the 9th house will cause you to one day own a nice house and enjoy the respect of the higher class. You revere the saintly persons and say your prayers. You paint your house red, yellow and green. You receive support from authorities. You can be deeply arrogant however, and sometimes a real lush, performing little penance. You may end up an ascetic, virtuous, learned, observing fasts. This is a good for theologists and religious advisors. You can be ideal if balanced in all things. You prefer to deal straight, and should be able to gain opulence unless other forces prevent it.
Jupiter in Lunar Mansion '7 Punarvasu-2'
You will be helpful to others, possibly as a priest or counselor. You may be wealthy and famous. Your relationship with your spouse may be strained, although your relationship with your children will be good. This placement shows success for your children in business or politics.
Venus in Gemini 29°19'22"
Your Venus, being in Gemini, gives name and fame through science, art, literature, composition of poetry and drama. You are intuitive, ingenious, humorous, get income through varied sources. This placement is conducive to mental growth. You are amicable and friendly, but unfaithful in love affairs.
Venus in Gemini with Libra ascendent
You are concerned, in a worldly sense, with the comfort of others. You have money for affluent living. But your involvement with social services is to gratify your own senses and to glorify yourself. You will travel widely.
Venus in 9th House
Venus provides a sensitivity which enables you to vibrate to a higher frequency and learn how to dissolve your self-consciousness by merging it with something else. The object of assimilation may be an ideal for which you fight, a goal you want to achieve, or even the beloved with whom you desire to be with, but the central theme in all of these is self-forgetfulness, aroused by sensitivity and the desire for union with something sublime, higher than oneself.

You are a money-lender; all are indebted to you. There isn't a man in town who does not take a loan from you. They pay interest and make you richer. You are religious, charitable, into daily distribution of free food and known for piety. Gain through brothers, servants, attendants and relatives is indicated. You are of robust nature, stout, large hearted, blessed with spouse and friends, render service to preceptors, are a kind host, prosperous, learned, fortunate, pious, generous, and self-made.

Your residence is outstanding. You live for a spiritual existence and holiness. This placement denotes patrimony for the good of respectable people, festivities and pilgrimages. You are contented, simple living, thin, respected by your own community and get physical comforts. Wealth gain at age15 and luck at age 25 is indicated. You are calm and balanced, and own conveyances and garments. You are devout, austere, offer adoration, have oceanic sign on the feet, are fond of enjoyments and sexual pleasure and are blessed with a long living father.

You have a very refined and artistic temperament and are considered a giant regarding all kinds of intellectual exercises. You are kind and sympathetic, fond of art and music and pure literature, and enjoy social intercourse with intellectual persons. You get success abroad, gain through travel and sea voyage and through relatives by marriage. Marriage to a foreigner, or to one like-minded is indicated.
Venus in Lunar Mansion '7 Punarvasu-3'
You will be wealthy and learned. You may be employed through the government or some other large company. A frequency in job changes is indicated . You may be an engineer.
Saturn in Taurus 15°20'25"
You have connections with older things for pleasure, such as antiques, ancient customs or cultures, older spouses, and so on. You are not easily contented, because the desires are unattainable. Because you feel restrictions arise mainly out of society's typical understanding of happy family life, you are compassionate on others troubles, which you see all around you. You try to restrain the presence of what you see as 'typical happy home life' in yourself. You try to make it more 'true' and 'more focused on higher principles'.
Saturn in Taurus with Libra ascendent
You may suffer from fasting.
You may be drawn towards spiritual studies, giving great insight into the personality of others and premonitions of coming events. You receive help and guidance from unknown sources; life moves in an unpredictable manner.
Saturn in 8th House
Saturn in the eighth house puts a powerful lid on past auspicious influences, forcing you to meet the everyday trials of life with no help from past Karma. Under such rigorous conditions you become bewildered, having been abandoned by relations, abused and tormented through no apparent fault of your own, and put to physical hardships which require great stamina to bear. In some cases, finding your helplessness acute, you begin to seek pleasure through dissipation, though under favorable circumstances you may begin pursuing an arduous spiritual path which, though it may not eliminate sorrow from your life, may reveal the deeper meaning that life and destiny awaits you after your period of trial. Long life is indicated and you may live in a foreign land where being caught as a thief is punished. Much sorrow, piles, poverty, cruel, friends avoid you. You are quarrelsome and bilious and death might occur in a foreign place due to heart trouble, cough, cholera etc. You are sober but bold and fearless. Your children are cunning. You live till up to 75 years of age. You tend to be poor, in service and have contact with low class persons. There will be financial difficulties due to several restrictions. You have unhappy dreams and are at times interested in occultism. This position of Saturn is not good but keeps you alert till the last breath: you get premonitions, esp. if 4th or 5th house is occupied by malefics. A benefic in these houses will keep you unconscious in your last moments. Fortune comes after age 36. You are denied the company of virtuous people, will be separated from your own people and live with the lower persons. You are far from being generous, very narrow-minded, and nobody can cheat you. You might suffer great loss of wealth, be ailing and often find fault with others. You are very clever, scared of diseases, ill-reputed, lazy, gluttonous, miserly, tend to be perverse at times, and are kind and timid. You have few children and a weak eyesight.
Saturn in Lunar Mansion '4 Rohini-2'
You will have income from cattle, have a good-looking body, your speech is pleasing and you are intelligent. Eye and throat troubles, nose bleeding, baldness and acute constipation leading to abdominal surgery.
Rahu in Libra 14°54'49"
Rahu in Libra with Libra ascendent
You may like to indulge in mean or perverse acts and associate with undesirable characters. You may suffer from diseases that are difficult to diagnose.
Rahu in 1st House
You make a great stride in life and might get honor, wealth and favor through religious, educational and scientific achievements. You have a dominating personality and are of promising self-expression. You receive gain and happiness through own initiative, but are slow to pick up new ideas and averse to formal education.

A conqueror of enemies. You make the glory and influence of other people an instrument of your own success. You can effectively utilize your own powers and wealth for yourself and others. You might not be satisfied with your own spouse and may wander. You gain competence with the help of friends with effective grace. You are always ready for work and may have two marriages, and a charming spouse. Quick to hold discussion. Lots of troubles and suffering are indicated as well. Bad qualities may surround you on many sides.
Rahu in Lunar Mansion '15 Swati-3'
You will have a slim structure, be bold, a voracious eater, and suffer from windy complaints. You may have acute intestinal problems mainly due to indigestion.
Ketu in Aries 14°54'49"
Ketu in Aries with Libra ascendent
Ketu provides a new approach to the problems of human relationship by guiding you towards spirituality and idealism. It may also deny sexual pleasure, but this will be due to spiritual considerations.
Ketu in 7th House
Ketu in the 7th adds openness to sexuality outside of the norm. Also however, it makes you able to understand spiritual possibilities as well. Ketu is a planet greatly involved in the spiritualization process, and the 7th house primarily stands for relationships.

Ketu in the 7th house usually indicates that the spouse, if any, will be shrewd in dealings. The marriage partner may be a difficult person with some problems perhaps. You can be immodest, needing lots of sleep or being lazy, feeling humiliated and thus speaking humbly. Watch for intestinal and sex organ diseases during Ketu periods.

Be careful of trouble from government agencies at these times as well. Ketu in the 7th indicates danger from journeys and water, so be careful with these during Ketu periods. Ketu in the 7th means some trouble while traveling but you generally come back fine. Watch for losing money during Ketu periods. Watch for trouble through spouse/partners and sons. Don't give in to extravagant temptations and curb a tendency to be too nervous.
Ketu in Lunar Mansion '2 Bharani-1'
Uranus in Leo 28°38'36"
Uranus in Leo with Libra ascendent
Uranus in 11th House
Uranus in Lunar Mansion '12 Uttara Phalguni-1'
Neptune in Aries 28°40'41"
Neptune in Aries with Libra ascendent
Neptune in 7th House
Neptune in Lunar Mansion '3 Krittika-1'
Pluto in Taurus 8°48'00"
Pluto in Taurus with Libra ascendent
Pluto in 8th House
Pluto in Lunar Mansion '3 Krittika-4'

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