Birgit Nilsson

Birgit Nilsson

Singer, Opera diva

Birgit NilssonBirgit Nilsson
Lagna in Virgo 9°54'36"
Virgo in the Ascendant allows the primordial feminine power to pour down into the individual's personality. You may not be constitutionally strong, but are pleasing in appearance, feminine by temperament, sharp in intellect, and capable of interpreting the thoughts of others. Given over to sensual pleasures, the spiritual quest will not be your forte. You like to be surrounded by respectable people, who could be famous as authors, tradesmen, lawyers, diplomats and even martyrs. You may attain material prosperity and be honored outside your immediate surroundings and country. You can be easily frustrated, and your passionate nature often leads to serious psychological complications. You may even have a psychopathic personality and often found to be deceitful, critical, manipulative and covetous of other people's wealth. You are full of anxiety for the world at large and usually do not have many children. You will be gentle, skillful in music, poetry and fine arts and in training or teaching others, be a sweet speaker, a liar, be affectionate, interested in charitable works and serving others, be endowed with goodness, enjoy others' wealth, wander, have a female's disposition, be modest, attempt to enlarge your landed properties, be fortunate, sensuous, virtuous, merciful and beautiful, will honor elders, be sinful, inimical to brothers, may have (more) daughters, be phlegmatic and windy in humor and will be away from base and inimical people.
Lagna in Lunar Mansion '12 Uttara Phalguni-4'
Physical features : Normally a tall and fat figure. Large countenance and long nose. A black mole in the right side of the neck.

Character and general events :You enjoy a happy existence. You are lucky in several respects. You have a neat behaviour. You show extreme sincerity in all the work you undertake. Religiously also you are much inclined. Enjoys good reputation for social work.

While you are clean-hearted, you are hot-tempered also. You do not have the requisite patience or tolerance
Once you heat up, it will be very difficult to calm you. But later on you repent over such expressions when it is too late. However, you will not admit your fault at any cost. Even if you are convinced that you have done a wrong thing you will not admit the fact. However, you have good reasoning and are tactful.

Education, sources of earnings / profession : You have an independent nature. However, you undertake all the responsibilities and do the same in a perfect manner. You do not like to deceive others or to be deceived by others. You can shine well in the profession or work where public contact is required. This success is attributable to the inherent quality of behavioural techniques. However, you earn a good amount as commission out of the public dealings. You are not sincere in your own affairs, whereas you are sincere in other's work. Once you take a decision nobody can change the decision. Since you are a born hard-working person you can reach a good position through your hard work. You are suited to the profession as a teacher, writer or research fellow in the scientific field. In some cases it has been noticed that you earn extra money out of tuitions.

Period upto 32 years of age will be a period of complete darkness. Thereafter slight upward trend commence up to 38 years of age. From your 38th age onwards, your progress is much faster and you achieve much of your desires. A smooth sailing in your life goes on up to 62 years of age. You will be lucky to earn fame and wealth during your fifties. You have only self acquired assets. You are good in mathematics or engineering, astronomy and astrology. You can also be successful in advertising business.

Family life : His married life will be more or less good. You are quite contended with your family life. Your wife will be most efficient.

Health : Your health will be generally good. However, you are prone to body ache, dental problems, gastric trouble, liver and intestine problems.
Sun in Taurus 3°07'03"
Eyes and looks defective, tolerant, tactful, wise, jealous, affluent, fond of music, danger from water. Firm, patient and obstinate. This placement indicates that you will have troubles from diseases of the face and eyes, will endure difficulties, will have an emaciated body, will not have many sons, will be beautiful (also means fortunate, nice, handsome etc.), will possess decorum, be wise, will be jealous of those with no children, be endowed with eatables, clothes and scents, will have knowledge of singing, playing musical instruments and dancing and will face risk from water.
Sun in Taurus with Virgo ascendent
This placement indicates difficulty for children if any, and tends to make you careful about money matters.
You may espouse a beautiful philosophy in impressive melodious language and speak movingly of charitable action and patriotic aspirations. You may assure people of your help in supporting their betterment. But behind all these utterances and assurances will be your strongly felt passion for attaining sensual gratification - which may be political, social, or financial.
Sun in 9th House
The Sun in the ninth house does not discourage you from religious observances; rather the intensity with which you apply yourself to such observances is quite severe, even fanatical. The mind is sharp and you are clear about your goals in life. The greatest problem is egotism. Depending on other conditions, you may be a heartless self-promoter moved by a strong libido. You are interested in the higher aspects of life, but the interest is only skin-deep.

Sun in the ninth is not very helpful for your father's longevity. Early life may have been difficult, middle life, easy and later life, unhappy. You are wicked, and good deeds are not the outcome of noble thoughts. These are performed out of vanity and to beguile others. However, all this goes to your favor.

You gain popularity and are considered virtuous and religious and therefore, praised. Mentally, you are at war and worry, your deeds are not backed by sincerity. You are not fair and just, even to your brothers and therefore, suffer at their hand. You live a life of constant worries and anxieties.

Essentially, you are vain, showy and therefore an opportunist. That's why you change directions like a weather-cock. You are unlucky, uneducated, irrational, characterless and a debauch. You get wealth, friends and sons, but are denied love and affection from the father and partner. You have strained relations with your maternal uncle, are head strong and will not listen to the advice given by your father or preceptor.

You readily change faith. You love truth, have beautiful long hair, are the well wisher of your family and revere the learned and saints. You experience sickness in childhood, are well settled by the middle age, handsome, and blessed with longevity and wealth.

You are sharp and thoughtful, take the virtuous path of life, and get happiness through family and friends. You are opposed to the maternal uncle, are religious, but not lucky, and get happiness from spouse and children.

Denotes longevity to father if the Sun is in its own sign or in exaltation. You are rich, like to meditate and are devoutly austere. You have trust in and respect for preceptors and learned people. You will be endowed with wealth, children and friends, will be very interested in religion, will not be well-disposed towards wife and father, and be not calm. You will be wicked, showy, will not be interested in doing any auspicious acts, will not relate well with siblings, be not learned, devoid of good conduct and be separated from your father early.

You will be endowed with wealth and progeny. Children will be quite virtuous. You will be inimical to maternal relatives, change religion and enter a new religion and be long-lived. You will face many obstacles in your undertakings and will enjoy others' wealth. You will seek carnal pleasures during the day time. One of your children will become famous through musical accomplishments.
Sun in Lunar Mansion '3 Krittika-2'
Sun in this segment indicates long life and happiness from children. You become wealthy after middle age and are mentally very strong. You have the quality and strong liking for priesthood. You are fond of music and have speculative tendencies. Compounders, nurses and doctors have their Sun placed under this star quarter. Swelling in the neck or abnormal gland development could lead to cancer.
Moon in Leo 0°06'03"
Moon in Leo brings idealism in love, and you will desire affection from all directions. You will be fond of the opposite sex and enjoyment, calm, magnanimous, persevering, loyal to father and Guru, a good organizer, well-dressed, given to music art and sports, popular and respected. Some of the natural feminine qualities bother you because of how opposite they are to your mental nature. You may not eat well, have stomach disorders, tooth decay, eat meat, are harsh, like to copulate in the forests and hills, yet be charitable, respectful to your mother, valorous, dutiful and majestic looking.
Moon in Leo with Virgo ascendent
With the Moon in this position you achieve a name in the field of philosophy, and in the understanding of mysterious and abstruse knowledge; you serve your mother, your country, and the cause of true knowledge.
Moon in 12th House
Having Moon in the 12th house encourages some worldly engagements, which lead to worldly reactions. Pleasures of sex, the arts, dabbling in various subjects without a sincere desire to find truth, and so on, lead to the kinds of unwanted displeasures that come to us all to different degrees.

You have the Moon (mind-significator) in the 12th house (liberation from worldly entanglement). Thus, your mind spends time thinking about how to liberate yourself and others from worldly entanglements. Yet, you keenly feel a large set of restrictions or confining forces, which are not necessarily bad. Therefore, this is a suitable position for doctors, lawyers, and people of religious orders. You can keep secrets.

You love occult things, mystery, romance, and deep things. However, you may lack firmness and stability in character. You may have trouble in one eye, be frugal, and distrusted by others. Others may see you as suspect. There may be loss of wealth, and disputes in the family. You turn to addictions for comfort. Look for these indications during Moon-ruled periods.

You suffer anxiety from 'enemies' or 'opposition'. You are a philanthropist. You are not attached to the opposite sex in general, or at some point it becomes important that you give up that attachment. You have unfulfilled desires. You undo yourself at times, i.e. you subvert your own life with your own thinking, which may or may not be a bad thing. You sometimes feel dejected after love-making. You may have problems with addictions of some type, not necessarily bad ones, but some type.

Moon in the 12th causes damage to the left eye, or the eyes on general suffer. You have a hard time maintaining your morals, and your health. There may be some question regarding your birth. The relatives of your parents are annoying to you. You may have to move in order to escape some botheration. The appetite is weakened by this Moon, who also indicates that you are deprived of good food, incur wasteful expenditure, will be of angry nature, unhappy and will not be liked by others.
Moon in Lunar Mansion '10 Magha-1'
The Star ruling your Moon or Ascendant is Magha.

You will be very enterprising, will respect elders and be God-fearing. You enjoy leading a quiet life, and will be expert in various sciences and soft spoken. You will receive honor and recognition from learned persons. You will possess good knowledge about various arts, and will devote your time for the expansion of your culture and be actively involved in various cultural activities. Your dealings with others will be thoughtful, you try to avoid hurting others feelings, and immediately rectify the situation if you do. You do not care for any person who makes hindrance or causes trouble to others. As a result you may have several hidden enemies in your life.

You have a short temper when it comes to improprieties, be cautious that this does not affect your success. You will be generous and perform many philanthropic activities without concern for recognition. These activities may make you famous.

You will have great wealth and many people working under you. In the professional field you cannot attain much success materially as you are not business minded, mainly due to your straight-forwardness. However, you will be a fitting example of sincerity and hard work. This inherent quality of sincerity and hard work does sometimes pay you some lift but not to the extent when we see the balance. You are bound to change your field of earning frequently. Once you make a decision, you stick to that decision. Your dealings with your superiors and subordinates are very cordial and most technical. Hence you are able to be a link between your bosses and the subordinates.

This placement indicates you will enjoy a happy and harmonious married life with good children. You will be generous and helpful to your siblings. You may suffer from difficulty with your vision.
You may have light eyes. You may have two or three children, and will devote your time to social work and be successful at it. You will be well respected by your co-workers and also by your superiors.
Mars in Leo 23°49'38"
You are frank, active, conscientious, a good leader, gain through speculation, insurance and companies, are friendly, over enthusiastic, firm and adventurous. Love for new ideas, music. Mars in Leo is intense. You are impatient, valorous, grabbing others money and children, like forests, lose your first spouse, are bereft of children, devoid of charitable acts and always active in your occupation.
Mars in Leo with Virgo ascendent
Mars will be very disturbing. You may suffer physical injuries and diseases of the rectum. Your siblings will covet your position and renown. You will have a deep interest in spiritual wisdom and your physical difficulties will not distract you from your esoteric interests.
Mars in 12th House
Mars externalizes inherent tendencies. The twelfth house being the repository of all one's past karmic forces and future possibilities, the presence of Mars here brings these forces to the surface. This is done in order to neutralize them so that you may be liberated from their binding effect. During this process you may often be unprepared to bear the pressure; your reaction creates further binding.

Under the influence of Mars, you have the freedom either to liberate yourself from bondage and begin a new life or become more deeply immersed in layers of materiality. But if you have already cleared your past debts and no further undesirable forces are pending, your spiritual tendencies surface. In that case, you show genuine tendencies toward spirituality.

Under negative conditions, you may be possessed by anger, lustful behavior, animosity against friends, depravity and criminality. When these tendencies are bravely faced, you may possibly free yourself to enter the heavenly gates of divine pleasure. If your past is already full of spiritual merit, the Martian effect will externalize it, and you may be an inspiring spirit who helps others progress courageously. It is possible that some physical illness may afflict you if you have the seed of such an illness in your karmic past, even while you are engaged in your spiritual mission.

Whoever has Mars in the 12th will be fortunate in respect of brother. You may be a glutton and sexy, but get little pleasure from your spouse. A second marriage comes. You are truthful, generous, and excited and may be the founder of some organization.

You might be without progeny or have few children, and no sons. Traveling abroad is indicated, and you get success at age 26. You are frank, but somewhat crude. Danger of falls, poison, accidents, headaches, blood impurities, secret vice, and dyspepsia in old age are indicated.

There will be no accumulation of wealth. You may lose through theft, advances or misplacement. Mars in the 12th house brings about financial ruin. It attacks with such weapons, so severely and powerfully that even the strongest body shows the wound marks.

This placement may indicate rumors to defame, scandals, disputes, strife or jealousy, trouble through servants, fear and sorrow due to dependence, and a life of misfortunes. You may suffer immediate loss of wealth. Beware of danger from thieves, burglars, weapons, and enemies.

You are base, and depraved by own actions, and have a desire to extort others' wealth. Your eyes are transient, your mind restless, and you are mobile, cheerful, strong, prosperous, debauch, despondent and successful in gaining your end.

You are hostile, and may be without wealth and spouse, are rude with own family members, aggressive, inconsiderate, and always tense. You may divulge secret information to the enemies and get contempt and imprisonment. You might die in seclusion or prison. You have the reputation of being a trouble creator amongst your friends by giving them wrong advice.

You are extravagant, atheist, cruel, wicked and crafty, a boaster, and travel far. This placement denotes possible injury to left eye, ear, hand or foot of the spouse. If this Mars is well posited, the wound marks are short lived, if ill aspected or associated, they remain for a long time. Death of paternal uncles is indicated.

You are wrathful, sexy, crippled, infidel, jealous of friends and relatives, unfriendly, agitated, disabled and suffer loss of reputation and wealth at age 45. You may suffer from troubles in throat, ears and eyes, blood infection, feverish complaints, cataract or heat stroke on eyes. Beware of secret or treacherous enemies, misadventures, accidents, slander, or scandal. Mars here indicates expenditure through enemies, crimes etc.
Mars in Lunar Mansion '11 Purva Phalguni-4'
Mercury in Aries 9°37'09"
You are a quick thinker and like to speak your mind without delay. You love learning but you don't like to tarry on any one subject. If something doesn't come quickly to the mind you don't pursue it. This may lead to an attachment to entertainment, rather than deep study.
Mercury in Aries with Virgo ascendent
Mercury will make you long-lived, regulated in habits, intelligent, calculating and respected, but sometimes you meet with opposition in life. You experience obstructions in your official career.
Mercury in 8th House
Mercury has the special characteristic of retrieving from past influences things which strengthen the mind, as a result of which you are able to cultivate relationships which are conducive to material prosperity, eminent status, and considerable wealth. Under this impulse, you are able to explore mystical, virgin areas of nature which open up exceptional opportunities in life.

On the physical plane, however, you beget very few children and suffer from stomach and thigh ailments. This position of Mercury is gainful, as it gives longevity, prosperity, land and property. You may have several children and get high status at age 25. Government favors and annihilation of the enemy are indicated.

You are glorious, enjoy a long life and are renowned in own and foreign land. You are cheerful, gain through business and enjoy the pleasure and confidence of the opposite sex. You are blessed with longevity, reputation and wealth, may be debauch but famous for your qualities, are hostile but philanthropic, ungrateful, vicious, sexy, a liar and ailing.

You might get wealth from the government. You are proud, antagonist of the people, disrupting and devastating. You are a magistrate, support your family and are considered a distinguished personality, who is truth loving and honors the guests. The end is peaceful.
Mercury in Lunar Mansion '1 Ashwini-3'
You enjoy god's grace in abundance. You perform your duties and responsibilities. You get more sons. In spite of god's abundant grace, your health will generally not be good. Life span up to 60 years of age.
Jupiter in Taurus 24°23'09"
This placement adds an air of fairness and kindness and will tend to make you homebound. You will like to gain through wisdom, your partners or spouses in life, your children or through teaching children or leading others. Like all readings, if this placement is afflicted, quite the opposite may result.
Jupiter in Taurus with Virgo ascendent
Jupiter bestows riches and wealth, but you lack inner satisfaction. You feel that something is missing in life. This feeling will in the long run draw you toward evolved individuals and teachers who show you the way. However, you may find observance of spiritual discipline much more difficult than the rules which apply to conventional society.
Jupiter in 9th House
Jupiter in the ninth house is very good for religion. It makes you attracted to rituals, observances, study of scripture and good association with others into these things. However, it also gives attraction to material achievement, recognition and status. You must learn that this later quality distracts from the earlier mentioned good qualities. Then only can religion be purified. Jupiter in the 9th is good for fame and prosperity, and means that you will visit sacred places, be charming, happy, skilled, perform sacrifice, and receive divine knowledge. It is one of the best possible Karmas because it represents being near to the end of cycles of birth and death. It will take care of you in many ways. It is not such a good indicator for the material father however. It makes you interested in devotion, and able to perform austerity, and be saintly and noble. You will probably at some point receive honor and servants. Jupiter in the 9th house will cause you to one day own a nice house and enjoy the respect of the higher class. You revere the saintly persons and say your prayers. You paint your house red, yellow and green. You receive support from authorities. You can be deeply arrogant however, and sometimes a real lush, performing little penance. You may end up an ascetic, virtuous, learned, observing fasts. This is a good for theologists and religious advisors. You can be ideal if balanced in all things. You prefer to deal straight, and should be able to gain opulence unless other forces prevent it.
Jupiter in Lunar Mansion '5 Mrigashira-1'
You have a wavering mind and are fond of writing and reading. You tend to have short and square body. You will earn name, fame and wealth. You are prone to gout in the hands and shoulders and physical disability.
Venus in Pisces 18°47'02"
Charitable, large-hearted, popular, wealthy, learned, devoted to saints; love for art, music and drama; fickle in love affairs, accepts a low-bred spouse trouble and difficulty through own miscalculations.
Venus in Pisces with Virgo ascendent
There will be much warmth between the partners. Marriage will probably take place on the basis of a strong mutual attraction which lasts a lifetime.
Venus in 7th House
Venus makes you skilled in the erotic arts. Partners in love, as well as in business, are very cooperative and harmoniously related to you. Unless Venus is badly aspected or afflicted, the marriage partner is honest, attractive, and well-mannered. You are very sensual, have many sons and plenty of wealth. Your partner might be from an aristocratic family. You are prosperous and cheerful, artistic, lustful, inactive, suspicious and into aquatic sports.

You are wealthy, fond of lewd and unchaste partners, broad-minded, have a radiant body, are from a high family, are popular, pleased, proficient, healthy, amorous, attached to others' spouses, get conveyances and various other enjoyments, are skilled, averse to your own spouse, happy, social and receive financial gain through marriage. Early marriage is indicated.

Your spouse is an attractive, sincere, pleasing and fortunate companion giving all marital comforts, pleasures, and noble off-springs. This placement denotes amicable settlements, success in public relations and successful partnerships. You may suffer from backaches, might live abroad and are easy going. You derive love and satisfaction from off-springs and have intimate dealings with attractive mates. You might be an eminent artist with plenty of fans.

You are quarrelsome, addicted and very sexy, sensuous, amorous, most handsome, amiable and fortunate. A strong Venus in a chart denotes more than one spouse. In a female chart, it indicates a fortunate and wealthy husband. This Venus indicates sons, wealth, and an attractive, cheerful, happy and noble partner.
Venus in Lunar Mansion '27 Revati-1'
Saturn in Cancer 16°10'07"
Hardships and difficulties in early life, motherless, noble partner, reputed, absence of enemies, opposition from relatives, gentle, affluence in later life, a rolling stone.
Saturn in Cancer with Virgo ascendent
Saturn makes you well-disciplined and bestows renown in a foreign land. You suffer from some psychological impediments; though you gain much in life and rise high in social status, you feel that many restrictions are imposed on you. You have a special expertise in philosophical discussion and religious meditation; you can also be very skillful in technological subjects, and as a surgeon you may be exceptional. You will not be easily accessible to people, and will prefer to be very selective in your company.
Saturn in 11th House
Saturn in the eleventh makes you rich. You are thoughtful and serious in everything you do, and keep excessive control over your actions and reactions. You are very persistent, and your desire to attain a high material position is also very intense. You can become a seasoned bureaucrat, but whatever your vocation, you will be almost one-pointed in achieving the goal you set for yourself. Callous behavior during the pursuit of that goal may also be expected; you acquire fixed assets and landed property as well. Your education is usually incomplete, but your innate intelligence and practical wisdom are remarkable. Trouble through sons is indicated. Most of the life is full of struggle - it may be due to friends, family or any body. With Saturn in the 11th house you are rich, long-living, brave and firm. You suffer from acute ailments only. You are a thousand times more cunning and a better manipulator than anybody, and constant and firm in respect of wealth, health and mind. You enjoys longevity, very cunning and you show your bravery in the competition arena. You may be childless. You are reputed, have noble friends, are merciful, benevolent, soft and sweet, thin, lean, contented, affluent and pleasure seeking. You get wealth through the government, and have plenty of attendants. Some income through agriculture or employment is indicated. You are contemplative and fortunate. You have to endure much ailment since childhood and there is danger from fire. You are learned in all the sciences, get state honor but are immodest. Education through learned people is indicated. You are a family person and live through handicraft. This Saturn denotes wealth, obstacles, land and recognition through the government.
Saturn in Lunar Mansion '8 Pushya-4'
You may be raised by your father's relatives, but you will not face any problems, economically or mentally. You may inherit some property or business from a close relative, and will be wealthy. You may suffer from dental problems.
Rahu in Scorpio 29°50'09"
Rahu in Scorpio with Virgo ascendent
You can gain your objectives surreptitiously. You will be manipulative and accustomed to underhanded deals. Friendships may be directed primarily to the object of securing illicit sexual pleasures.
Rahu in 3rd House
Rahu in the third house causes trouble to siblings, but is otherwise helpful in enabling you to acquire material conveniences. You secure physical comforts, wealth, children, a good spouse, have many friends and may acquire expensive cars. This Rahu does not bode well for the birth of children.

You are sharp, inclined to spiritualism or higher educational disciplines. There is good fortune and success through affectionate dealings, neighbors, journeys, writing or publishing. This Rahu denotes bravery, courage, industry, fortune, wealth, state honor and health. You have many friends, travel alot and are the annihilator of the enemy. There will be agricultural wealth. You are matchless in prowess, strong, treat all as brethren and are fortunate.

You are most lucky and extend friendship to all. You are the least actively benevolent type, but toughest in most difficult work. You suffer sleepless nights due to enemies, are renowned, live in luxury. Troubles for brothers is indicated. You are wretched, affluent, valiant, charitable, proud, firm minded, long living and artless. You might be a state authority. Rahu in the third house might make your siblings prosperous.
Rahu in Lunar Mansion '18 Jyeshtha-4'
You may lead a life separate from your family due to your cunning nature.
Ketu in Taurus 29°50'09"
Ketu in Taurus with Virgo ascendent
You are denied physical gratification and conveniences which affects your body. As a result of such restrictions on the physical level, you are aroused to higher state of consciousness.
Ketu in 9th House
The presence of Ketu in the ninth house leads to a blossoming of liberated consciousness regardless of the sign involved. This planet, though shadowy, has a most potent effect in dissolving all material attachments. It disengages you from the physical conditions of life and links you with the universe at large. It produces a different vision, a new approach to the problems of life, and consequently a sublime ethic of its own. Under its influence you become 'a person of the other world.' You get fortune and favor through foreigners and receive trouble and loss through brothers and pain in arms. People laugh at your penance and donations. You feel the absence of sons. Your generosity is considered a boast. You are short-tempered, eloquent, convert, critical, brave, jealous of your father, vain, spiritless, arrogant and unfortunate. You are blessed with wealth and a son. You gain through foreigners and get success over troubles. Your brothers are in difficulty. You feel much pain and suffering in both the arms at times. You are mocked at for your religious fervor and activities. Trouble for father since childhood. Luck is not favoring you. You have no desire for pilgrimage. You overcome anguish, are valiant, well-armed, and feel the absence of friends. You are worried about relatives and sons. This Ketu keeps you free from many troubles and calamities, but you might be poor. Satisfaction through asceticism and benevolence is indicated. You may be a leader or advisor, and possess fame, glory, wisdom, generosity, kindness and devotion. Voyages bring misery and misfortune and you might receive punishment in foreign land. You dream strange dreams.
Ketu in Lunar Mansion '5 Mrigashira-2'
There may be some physical handicap, but in spite of this, you will be highly learned. You will devote your life to the upliftment of the mentally retarded and physically handicapped. You may suffer from infection of the tongue or the throat.
Uranus in Aquarius 4°53'54"
Uranus in Aquarius with Virgo ascendent
Uranus in 6th House
Uranus in Lunar Mansion '23 Dhanishtha-4'
Neptune in Cancer 11°52'23"
Neptune in Cancer with Virgo ascendent
Neptune in 11th House
Neptune in Lunar Mansion '8 Pushya-3'
Pluto in Gemini 11°22'31"
Pluto in Gemini with Virgo ascendent
Pluto in 10th House
Pluto in Lunar Mansion '6 Ardra-2'

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