Cardinal Mazarin

Cardinal Mazarin


Cardinal MazarinCardinal Mazarin
Lagna in Sagittarius 28°07'34"
Sagittarius in the Ascendant brings overall positive habits and lifestyles. You will tend towards high ideals and try to fulfill your many goals. Regularity and exercise are good for you specifically. You can work long, hard hours. You tend to get respect for your learning and your counseling ability. You like organized religion in general. You tend to benefit greatly through your father. Either that, or you are benefited through governmental blessings. In other words, you tend to please and benefit from central authority figures. You have a warrior like tendency about you. Therefore, you are dear to central governments, and are expeditious and martial. You like protecting others and adhering to regularity and functional purposes. You can really lose your temper though. Sagittarian women make very good wives, as they do not try to interfere in their husbands lives but do try to be very helpful to them. The men of this rising sign tend to be somewhat detached, interested in sports and other activities that attract them outside of just family life. You do tend to have high ideals, morals and ethics.
Lagna in Lunar Mansion '21 Uttara Ashadha-1'
The Star ruling your Ascendant or Moon is Uttara Ashadha.

You have a well-proportioned, tall body with a broad head, long nose and bright eyes. You are of charming and graceful appearance with fair complexion. You will be refined, soft-spoken, pure-hearted and have an innocent looking countenance. In case you happen to occupy a very high position in society, you will not like to express pomp and show and will dress simply. You give respect to all and are God-fearing. It is not easy for others to find out your underlying merits and demerits. It is only after several acquaintances and dealings one can come to a conclusion about your behavioral aspect. In most of the cases, it has been noticed that there will be a black mole around your waist or on the face. A slight reddish color is noticed in your eyes.

You will be very plain in your dealings and will show utmost sincerity in all the work you undertake. You will not deceive others and would not like to cause any trouble to others. So much so, due to your inherent good behavior quality you often land into uncalled for problems. While you are plain hearted, you will not give in to any pressure and will not bestow full confidence on anybody. But once you take a person into confidence nobody can change you. To a certain extent, you are slave to flattery and expect that others must look after your welfare. You will not make any hasty decision, whereas full consultation with trusted persons will be obtained before coming to a conclusion.

While you are very much involved in all activities you undertake, usually you are lazy. Even in the state of conflict you cannot utter harsh words directly and in spite of a difference of opinion you will not like to express your unhappiness to others. Any discussion you make with others will be without expressing ill-will. You are bound to shoulder many responsibilities at a young age. Due to this you are fully trained to shoulder any responsibility with perfection. Once you are convinced that any action carried out by you or words uttered by you happens to be wrong you will not hesitate to repent and express regret. Your every action requires recognition by others. Otherwise, you are dragged into the state of unhappiness. You are subjected to maximum happiness at one stage and the maximum unhappiness at the next. You have to be very careful in any controversial dealings. Before any collaboration is made, you have to completely screen the persons with whom you are entering into such collaboration. Otherwise, failure is certain. The time after the age of 38 years will mark all-round success and prosperity.

Normally your childhood will be somewhat better. But later on you may have to face a lot of unexpected reversals and problems on the family front. It has been noticed that between the age of 28 and 31 some important change takes place in the family circle. Your married life will be more or less very good. You normally get a responsible and loving spouse. At the same time the health of your spouse will be a cause of concern. Your spouse will have problems of acidity. In spite of the comparative advantages mentioned above, you lack happiness from children and they will be a main cause of concern.

You are prone to stomach problems, paralysis of limbs, and pulmonary diseases. Poor eyesight or some defect in the eyes is indicated as well.
Sun in Cancer 3°29'59"
This brings the following general characteristics, which get modified by specific aspects and other placements in your chart: You may experience fluctuating commitment to your activities and undertakings, but your overall attractive personality and qualities will make you well liked, you may find that you totally dislike your birth family or that 'whole scene' or even your country. You will probably be good looking, but you may have troubles from imbalances inside the body, related to digestion and you may experience distress from too much hard work. You will like intoxication, but will be virtuous, honorable and eloquent. You may have talent in the areas of time, space, science, geography, cartography, navigation, etc.
Sun in Cancer with Sagittarius ascendent
You will cut short the relationship with the father.
You receive a legacy, as well as a kind of spiritual illumination and a vision of the universal force pervading all. Such experiences often come in a flash, but linger on for a long time, gradually transforming your attitude and expectations from life. On the external level, this solar influence is not very perceptible, except perhaps as a tendency toward fever.
Sun in 8th House
In general, the Sun in this house makes you lean and thin, mentally unusual, disliked and abandoned by relations. But if the zodiacal sign is supportive, the solar influence here may lead to much interest in spirituality or the process of initiation.

The Sun of the 8th house is mostly malefic, as it is posited in a bad house. This house denotes wills, legacies, chronic diseases, loss of wealth, extravagance, suits and quarrels, death, co-workers and occult matters. Planets occupying this house incline to an interest in occult science; if without a planet, life runs on conventional lines till the ruler receives strong aspects. You are a crafty impostor and lewd. Life is hard and difficult.

You travel widely and associate with low class persons, eat unscrupulously, squander away wealth or loose it by theft. Secret vice brings infectious diseases and poor health. You can neither make others' life happy, nor, your own. Possibility of sudden or early death is indicated.

You are handsome, but indolent, prodigal, spend-thrifty, and suffer from piles, are adulterous, travel wide and are quarrelsome. Absence of offspring, weak sight, wealth, violence, sickness and hard work are indicated. You are neither rich nor happy, and might suffer the loss of some dear one. Generally you are less wise, short-tempered and of poor mental and physical health. These are the disqualifications for a successful and happy life. You are fickle-minded but generous, and ready to serve the wise and learned. You tend to be characterless, prudent, talkative, long-lived and serve the low caste, get little happiness from sons, suffer from eye troubles and get a wound or boil on the head during the 10th year.

Note: With the Sun in the 8th house, you will always undergo miseries, will establish relationships with persons of foreign origin, will lose wealth in thefts, will face severe and secretive dangers, will have a beautiful physique akin to that of (waxing) moon, will incur financial danger from all sides, have a weak sight and physical distress, will contact incurable venereal diseases, will always fight with others, will have few friends and some wealth, will not be steady in the career and only have limited progeny, but be a skillful astrologer.
Sun in Lunar Mansion '8 Pushya-1'
You will have a good personality. You may suffer from upper respiratory ailments. Avoid overuse of intoxicants.
Moon in Taurus 2°55'19"
Loves pleasure, music and all that is beautiful, has friends, is noble, charitable, benevolent, strong, possessive, intuitive and sharp, loves chemistry or life sciences and products of the earth. Your Moon is exalted. You have a big heart, are very giving, libidinous, famous, shining, are more likely to have daughters, and have nice looking eyes. You will be large-hearted, short-haired, libidinous, famous, brilliant, be in a position to differentiate between good and bad, be happy during middle age and concluding parts of your life, will have a strong waist, feet, shoulders, face etc., will walk beautifully and be endowed with forbearance If the Moon is full and in a good house, benefic effects are sure to follow. If she is decreasing, then the results are proportionately less.
Moon in Taurus with Sagittarius ascendent
You may suffer from ill health connected with the cardiac region. Your difficulties are of a physical nature; psychologically, you are very cool and composed. In time you acquire much money and are brought into such fortunate circumstances that you help many other people and attain social status.
Moon in 6th House
With the Moon in the sixth house, you are dogged with persistent difficulties. Often you are endangered and may get mixed up with criminals and anti-social elements; you suffer great financial difficulties and may even be involved in public litigation. Your physical health may not be strong, but there will be great mental expansion, intellectual development and moral stamina. Even during periods of acute physical and financial difficulty you will succeed in securing help from providential sources. You will contribute to social progress and command great respectability, but personally you will have much to complain about. You are intelligent and have an overwhelming influence against the most powerful enemies. However strong they may be, ultimately they surrender to you. Every repeated attack they make happens to be a misfire. You may not be devoted to your mother or indifferent to her. The sixth house denotes enemies, injuries, accidents, diseases, afflictions, maternal uncles, cousins, servants, loss of wealth, calamities through the opposite sex, suits and debts, intimidation and apprehension from enemy. You are delicate, have a poor appetite, your passions are subdued, You tend to be easily excited, lazy and inactive. You may be short-lived, dull, be of uncertain health and suffer loss of appetite or feel slighted. You have a sharp vision, are brave and bold, cruel and unkind, have no progeny, are strong but lean, have strong desires but can not pro-create. Enemy sign cause more enemies; If the Moon is in its depression sign Scorpio, it can cause a melancholic nature, you may remain sick and ailing. You may suffer diseases of the stomach. Note: Whatever be the valor of enemies, you will always conquer them. They will not raise their heads again before you. You may be emaciated, miserly and unfruitful, and will not have much sexual appetite. Your maternal uncle will be separated from children or will have only daughters.
Moon in Lunar Mansion '3 Krittika-2'
Your Ascendant or Moon is under the 3rd Nakshatra or star, which is called Krittika.

Physical features: Normally you are of middle stature. Your nose is prominent and your eyes sympathetic, the neck is thick and stout, you have a solidly built body with big shoulders and well-developed muscles, your countenance is peaceful and your behavior respectful. You have a commanding appearance. While you are on one hand very intelligent, on the other hand you cannot pursue any goal for long. In other words, you easily get bored with any particular thing and jump on another without knowing the pros and cons. You are capable of rendering good advice and telling others the solution for any problem. But in your own life, you spontaneously do what you think at a particular time.

You will discard any friendship, if that friendship questions your ego and freedom. But at the same time, you do not like to achieve name, fame and wealth through unfair means or through the mercy of others. Your needs or wants are not beyond reason, nor your accumulations always spectacular. Although your money making abilities are often phenomenal, your motivation however derives from an emphatic wish to remain free from obligations.

You cannot find fault in your own actions. Optimism followed with self-pride is one of your characteristics. You are determined to go ahead with great energy and show your stubborn and tenacious nature. Orthodoxy and monotheism are combined in you, i.e. while you are orthodox you do not believe in age old blind belief and customs. Persistent effort and hard work are your motto. You are eager to render some positive service to the world, but you cannot shine for long. You involve yourself in public life sincerely, but loss and failures are the ultimate outcome.

This drawback is attributable to a lack of ability to move according to the situation. You try to impose certain restrictions and control through self-assessment and modify them according to your sweet will.

Once a promise is made, it will be carried out at any cost. In public life you can attain name, fame and respect. Excess of sincerity will be the means of your downfall. Frustration starts hunting you even on small matters and leads you to outburst. Once you get heated up, subsequent steps will be dangerous. Hence you have to observe maximum mental balance and keep away the outbursting temperament.

Remarkable ability will be shown in arguments and counter arguments with reasoning. It is quite often seen that you will be bereft of truth and money, and undertake unnecessary travel. You are thankless and will utter cruel words. You will not stay in your home town. That means, your livelihood will be in foreign land. When I say foreign, it is not necessary that it should be a foreign country. Foreign land can mean a little away from the place where you were born.

Partnership business is not suitable. You derive benefits from the government. You could be an engineer, doctor, treasury department, draftsman. In case you are interested in business, you can derive maximum benefits from yarn export, medicines and decorative industries. A large legacy at any part of your life is awaiting you.

You are very slow in any work. Hence for success in life, you are advised to increase the speed while doing any work, as otherwise you may be dragged behind others.

You are generally lucky in married life. Your spouse will be expert in household administration, dedicated and devoted, faithful and virtuous. With all these plus points, health of the spouse will be a concern for you and/or circumstances may so be created that you have to quite often live separately. When I say separation, it may be due to work or ill health to either of the family members i.e., parents of the spouse etc. and not due to disharmony between the two of you.

While you have to confront many obstacles in various walks of life, you will be contended and lucky in the family field, where you enjoy the utmost satisfaction and peace. You are more attached to your mother than to your father. Among your siblings, you will enjoy more favor and love from the mother. While your father will be a pious and well-known person, you cannot enjoy comforts and benefits from him.

Your life up to 50 years of age will be full of trial and you have to face frequent changes in surroundings. However, period between 25 years and 35 years and between 50 years and 56 years will be very good. Love marriage is indicated to you. You have a good appetite but you cannot have a systematic food habit. Diseases to which you are prone to are dental problems, weak eye sight, tuberculosis, wind and piles, brain fever, accidents, wounds, malaria or cerebral meningitis. Whatever may be the condition of your health, whether good or bad, you are not afraid of any disease, nor are you are ready to observe the daily care of your health.
You enjoy power and your personality is very attractive. You move around learned people. You are affected with excess bile complaints.
Mars in Virgo 17°11'38"
This placement is good for being a surgeon, physician, pharmacist or groceries merchant. You are original and inventive. You have to struggle to reach goals, are self willed, and nervous. You like your employees or helpers, and are separated from your friends. When Mars is afflicted, you can be cross at times, hasty, obstinate and inviting hostility from others. You are honorable, worthy, fond of love and music, soft spoken, learned, fear enemies and are skillful in scripture and fine art.
Mars in Virgo with Sagittarius ascendent
Mars will provide drive to your social relationships. You will be engaged in technological programs and may go abroad on some of official mission. Contacts from overseas will be very helpful.
Mars in 10th House
Mars produces fiery enthusiasm in the tenth house. Energizing the astro-mental component of the human personality, it will make you an idealist who is ready to sacrifice his life for a cause. Such an individual can wage war ruthlessly if he considers it necessary. you can abandon your dearest kith and kin, provided you do so for a cause; and you can be a passionate lover when the fire is enkindled in your heart. Generally, Mars will make you courageous, devoted, respectful and ambitious. You may be a fine engineer, doctor or organizer, and a fiery speaker. In all social interactions you will play the role of leader, and you will be more interested in action than in debate or negotiation. You are bold, merciless, reside far from the birth place, are wicked, and live with low people. You have unworthy sons. You are impulsive, extravagant and vicious, and your feelings and emotions overrule the rational mind, which is dominated by the passionate or forceful side of nature. You get trouble through ambition, independence, domination and aggressiveness. Defamation, whether deserved or not is indicated, as well as death of parents or discord with them. You are full of courage, energy, enterprise, and force, and will gain from service corresponding to the nature of Mars. If feminine signs rise in the Lagna of this person, this will promote success after hard labor and personal efforts. If masculine signs rise, it will cause wind falls. This Mars in the 10th house is Maraka to maternal uncle. Your jobs without much effort are spontaneously finalized. You have plenty of attendants. Even if you're born in a low family, you attain lion-like success and might reach the status of an uncrowned king and popular leader under the benefic influence of this Mars. With Mars in the 10th house, you get wealth from the royal court, relatives, agriculture and friends. Continued success is indicated. You are valiant, self made, influental, renowned, glorious, wealthy, gallant, and auspicious celebrations are frequently held. Longevity to brother, gain from business at age 18, and royal favors or own efforts are indicated.
Mars in Lunar Mansion '13 Hasta-3'
You may be connected with a printing or typing job.
Mercury in Cancer 20°35'17"
You are talkative and your mind is changeable. This is good for storytelling, but it can also lead to exaggeration. Your intellect is governed by emotion.
Mercury in Cancer with Sagittarius ascendent
Your craftiness may lead you to elope with someone else's spouse, thereby gaining pleasure, wealth, and social status. However, you are not free from illness and may not live to a great age.
Mercury in 8th House
Mercury has the special characteristic of retrieving from past influences things which strengthen the mind, as a result of which you are able to cultivate relationships which are conducive to material prosperity, eminent status, and considerable wealth. Under this impulse, you are able to explore mystical, virgin areas of nature which open up exceptional opportunities in life.

On the physical plane, however, you beget very few children and suffer from stomach and thigh ailments. This position of Mercury is gainful, as it gives longevity, prosperity, land and property. You may have several children and get high status at age 25. Government favors and annihilation of the enemy are indicated.

You are glorious, enjoy a long life and are renowned in own and foreign land. You are cheerful, gain through business and enjoy the pleasure and confidence of the opposite sex. You are blessed with longevity, reputation and wealth, may be debauch but famous for your qualities, are hostile but philanthropic, ungrateful, vicious, sexy, a liar and ailing.

You might get wealth from the government. You are proud, antagonist of the people, disrupting and devastating. You are a magistrate, support your family and are considered a distinguished personality, who is truth loving and honors the guests. The end is peaceful.
Mercury in Lunar Mansion '9 Ashlesha-2'
You may be a correspondent, travel agent or may deal in silk, yarn or cloth. You may suffer from digestive disorders and possibly be of weak mental state.
Jupiter in Virgo 25°45'56"
Choosy about friends, analytical mind, observant, promising, much traveling. Unorthodox about marriage partner. Gains through literary pursuits and speculation in commercial investments. Ailments of bowels and lack of concentration.
Jupiter in Virgo with Sagittarius ascendent
A happy, respectable, well-satisfied person, you will tend to achieve your heart's desire. A sense of contentment will pervade your entire life.
Jupiter in 10th House
Jupiter in the 10th gives you an inner ideal and wants to make you free to pursue what you believe in. You can be a good counselor, an ethical professor, an occultist who studies the future, or an affectionate parent and friend. You have much affection that shows. You may lack the pure quality of humility somewhat at times due to your good qualities. You may be more traditionally religious rather than esoteric.

Socially you try to be protective and sincere rather than a fiery leader with a cause. You are versatile, flourishing, successful from the beginning, reputed, happy, rich, famous, and blessed with friends and conveyances. From your Jupiter, there is chance of danger at age 34. Jupiter in the 10th house gives land and wealth, makes you interested in scholarly pursuits, and you become averse to adultery.

You are religious and try to perform good deeds. You get success, recognition and high friends, and gain through the spouse, social life, and business. You had a noble birth perhaps, and you gained through family. At times in your life you will get good positions. Jupiter in the 10th house makes you the kind of person who surrounds yourself with religion and a nice house. You are noble at heart and wish to work in high, learned and sincere pursuits. This Jupiter helps with wealth of various good varieties.
Jupiter in Lunar Mansion '14 Chitra-1'
Venus in Cancer 20°16'03"
You are wise, scholarly, strong, calm, talented, affluent, charming, diplomatic and given to woman and wine. You may gain through voyaging and water products. Unfavorable placement for marriage. Indicates trouble through parents, money matters and intimacy with the low-bred. Close to mother and home. Prone to occultism.
Venus in Cancer with Sagittarius ascendent
Your health will suffer due to imbalances between the different 'Doshas' in your body.
You may be engaged in secret affairs and an intensely lustful life, but your respectability is somehow saved. You acquire much money, legacies, and a good social position.
Venus in 8th House
Under the influence of Venus, the libido is very strong, but it does not necessarily lead to promiscuity. Becoming deeply sensitive to the enduring impulses of your life-essence, you often achieve exceptional status in society; your forthright utterances may provoke others, but you become a civic leader and your religious proclivities are both intense and intrinsically honest. However, your spouse is not supportive or may look down on you and cause some kind of worry.

Death is generally at a noble place. You may be a shepherd; your language is that of rustics. This Venus denotes happiness, ailments, longevity, discontentment, and trouble for mother in the 4th year. Your partner is your well-wisher. You get financial gain through marriage or partnership or through legacy or patrimony. A natural, peaceful and easy end is indicated. If Venus is afflicted, there will be kidney problems, diabetes, obesity or urinary troubles towards the end of life. Separation from marriage partner, loss, grief and many more disappointments are indicated.

You are learned and a person of character. You gain through cattle wealth, are of harsh speech and get success and gains after long and hard struggle. You tend to be always in debt. Victory is delayed. You might be prosperous, strong and rich and be a landlord. You are popular, jovial, vain, religious, bold and worried about the family. You have large eyes. You pay off your father's debt, promote family interest and might die of bile-cough in a holy place after age 75.
Venus in Lunar Mansion '9 Ashlesha-2'
This placement indicates a number of spouses and that you are full of sexual passion, and ultimately feel sorrow because of it. Old age will be spent in a more lonely fashion however.
Saturn in Libra 27°08'53"
Gains through travel and foreign countries. Gentle, soft, learned, philanthropic, recognized by the community, much intellectual exercises, broken home, attachment to prostitutes. Good for doctors and lawyers and any other profession also.
Saturn in Libra with Sagittarius ascendent
With Saturn in this sign you will take savage delight in many of your activities. Your wealth will destroy your sense of culture, making you almost an autocrat. You will be a little too much interested in music and other forms of fine art.
Saturn in 11th House
Saturn in the eleventh makes you rich. You are thoughtful and serious in everything you do, and keep excessive control over your actions and reactions. You are very persistent, and your desire to attain a high material position is also very intense. You can become a seasoned bureaucrat, but whatever your vocation, you will be almost one-pointed in achieving the goal you set for yourself. Callous behavior during the pursuit of that goal may also be expected; you acquire fixed assets and landed property as well. Your education is usually incomplete, but your innate intelligence and practical wisdom are remarkable. Trouble through sons is indicated. Most of the life is full of struggle - it may be due to friends, family or any body. With Saturn in the 11th house you are rich, long-living, brave and firm. You suffer from acute ailments only. You are a thousand times more cunning and a better manipulator than anybody, and constant and firm in respect of wealth, health and mind. You enjoys longevity, very cunning and you show your bravery in the competition arena. You may be childless. You are reputed, have noble friends, are merciful, benevolent, soft and sweet, thin, lean, contented, affluent and pleasure seeking. You get wealth through the government, and have plenty of attendants. Some income through agriculture or employment is indicated. You are contemplative and fortunate. You have to endure much ailment since childhood and there is danger from fire. You are learned in all the sciences, get state honor but are immodest. Education through learned people is indicated. You are a family person and live through handicraft. This Saturn denotes wealth, obstacles, land and recognition through the government.
Saturn in Lunar Mansion '16 Vishakha-3'
You will be a minister's peer, amiable for your special virtues and endowed with long life.
Rahu in Scorpio 25°40'11"
Rahu in Scorpio with Sagittarius ascendent
Rahu arouses conditions in which you have to stand alone in the world. There is no one to share your pleasures and sorrows. You fight incessantly to retrieve divine nectar from the fleeting world of the senses: you struggle to bring some order into this mad world. If the supporting planets are adverse, the chances are that you may become mentally disturbed, commit heinous crimes, and finally land in prison.
Rahu in 12th House
Rahu in the twelfth house of redemption makes the physical life difficult and upsets all established order. The expected course of life is not followed and you are forced to adopt a way of life in which there is much suffering, physical debility and psychological helplessness. Your movement is restricted, and mental anguish often becomes acute. But the ordeals of life caused by Rahu provide you with the celestial nectar.

After a big psychological purging, you receive a spiritual bath and are anointed into the secret mysteries of life. From the material standpoint, Rahu in the twelfth house is considered inauspicious, suggesting that the purging operation manifests through immoral acts and unfortunate events. In the ordeal of the spiritual path, such difficulties are necessary. Rahu functions as a karmic agent, producing trials so that the latent spirituality which is the true influence of the twelfth house may emerge. You are miserable, and however hard you may work, you do not get any success or gain, rather suffer losses, but ultimately you succeed in your desires and ambitions. You are the friend of the wicked and knave and enemy of the good and noble. You are very humble.

You have sharp pain in ribs and suffer from acute bilious pain in the chest and heart. With best effort you can not modify your early life, but the latter part is most fruitful. You are quarrelsome, idle, a debtor, cunning, immodest, rich, benevolent, and may suffer from ailment of the eyes, a wound in the feet, and a slur on the family. You waste away your time and energy, but you can meet your demand if you stay in one place. Much traveling and separation from spouse and family are indicated. You may be ugly and shabby. Beware of being robbed by lowly tribals.

You might be separated from your maternal uncle. You feel repentant after losing temper. You are inert, weak, hostile to relatives, and tend to cheat and ill-spend money. You are very handsome, and prosperous but suffer from opthalmia or iritis. You have few sons and troubles and punishment are indicated . This Rahu denotes gain through social affairs, and is good for spiritualism. Your birth may have been unnatural.
Rahu in Lunar Mansion '18 Jyeshtha-3'
You possess the ability to express your ideas and make others understand them. You will care little for material benefit.
Ketu in Taurus 25°40'11"
Ketu in Taurus with Sagittarius ascendent
Ketu will transform basic sensitivity into philosophical perception. Under its influence, you will absorb and transmute all the misfortunes of the path. You may be burdened by blackmail and criticism, and at times may have to undergo physical hardships, but you will hold your head high despite worries.
Ketu in 6th House
Ketu in this position affects the mental principle and enables you to develop the powers of abstract thinking. Deeper levels of contemplation, often leading to the higher realms where one solves the abstruse problems of one's inner life, may result from such a combination. Under this planetary influence you may achieve a remarkable conceptualization of abstract principles and a formulation of universal laws, but the problems of life are likely to mar your thinking. The final days are often sorrowful, full of physical suffering and a realization of the futility of human endeavor.

You experience enormous difficulties in life, and considerable humiliation during major periods of your earthly existence. It denotes discomfiture and disillusionment through maternal uncle and destruction of enemies. You might get some land-related wealth, but stay a pauper anyway. You have sound health and recover soon, if there is any ailment.

You get little gain, success and pleasure from the maternal in-laws. You possess animals or the means of business, or conveyances. You tend to be free from sickness, worry and wealth. You are successful in most heated debates and discussions. You are dear to relatives, large-hearted, skilled, reputed, and receive honor and fame through knowledge.

Some financial gain is indicated. You are firm, a high officer, and enjoy expediency. Trouble in teeth and lips are indicated and you may suffer from physical affliction. You might have unfaithful servants and at time experience losses through small animals; beware of danger from insects, reptiles or animals.
Ketu in Lunar Mansion '5 Mrigashira-1'
Your life may be full of anxieties. You cannot accumulate wealth by your own effort. However, you will spend a peaceful and happy life, mainly due to the financial stability of your children and the benefits you derive from this. You may have difficulties with your eyes during middle age.
Uranus in Aries 24°42'26"
Uranus in Aries with Sagittarius ascendent
Uranus in 5th House
Uranus in Lunar Mansion '2 Bharani-4'
Neptune in Leo 12°22'15"
Neptune in Leo with Sagittarius ascendent
Neptune in 9th House
Neptune in Lunar Mansion '10 Magha-4'
Pluto in Aries 7°52'48"
Pluto in Aries with Sagittarius ascendent
Pluto in 5th House
Pluto in Lunar Mansion '1 Ashwini-3'

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