E. M. Forster

E. M. Forster

(1879-1970) English novelist, short story writer, essayist, and librettist

E. M. ForsterE. M. Forster
Lagna in Aries 2°27'22"
Aries in the Ascendant allows you to be fearless, ambitious, courageous, and eager to take initiative. An idealist by nature, you strongly want to contribute to society and you wish to change things. Routine is not for you, you like originality and fresh beginnings, and you want credit for your achievements. You create awe and radiate energy in achieving your goals, which makes others uncomfortable. You will find difficulties when dealing with women, education and expressing yourself. To obtain your highest potential, you need full freedom without restriction. Your idealism may create some contradictions. Outwardly you will be active, but inwardly lonely and frustrated. If you could be freed from mundane entanglements, you could readily attain to divine planes due to your goal-oriented and idealistic nature. Be careful of fire. You will be interested in visiting foreign places, be miserly in disposition, emaciated, not happy, jealous, stammering in speech, troubled by bilious and windy diseases and complaints of heat, be skillful in performance, timid, religious, famous, not very thoughtful and will destroy others' wealth. You will be fickle-minded, enjoy pleasures, have bad nails, be bereft of brothers, be discarded by your father and have inactive (or unlucky) children. You are endowed with various kinds of wealth and are virtuous. Your spouse will belong to a base family, be virtuous and reproached. You will derive happiness and wealth in undesirable manners. (This is a classical reading, somewhat unchanged, and is ridiculously general if taken literally, so don't take it literally. Look to the energies and tendencies indicated herein, not the literal words).
Lagna in Lunar Mansion '1 Ashwini-1'
Those born in Ashvini Nakshatra will have a beautiful countenance. The eyes will be bright and large, the forehead broad and the nose little bigger. You may appear to be very calm and quiet, but capable of getting your work done unnoticed by others.

You are very stubborn in decision. This stubbornness is more predominant in the case of a person born during the period from April 14th to April 28th, when the Sun will be transiting your exaltation place in Ashvini and from October 14th to October 28th, when the Sun will be transiting your debilitation place in Swati.

There is a saying that even Yama, the god of death, cannot change your adamant attitude. Those born in Ashvini of other months will have stubbornness in a lesser degree. You will remain faithful to those who love you and will not hesitate to sacrifice anything for such persons. Ashvini born is the best friend in need, provided others understand them. You keep your patience even at the time of greatest peril. But it will be a hurricane task to console you when you go berserk. You are the best adviser to persons in agony, but you deeply resent and fear criticism, see suggestions from others as a frightening attempt at manipulation.

You take your own time to do any work. Even so, your actions may be slow but well thought. You will not jump on any matter without examining pros and cons of each item of work. You cannot be easily influenced. Once you carry out an action or work, whether it is good or bad, right or wrong, you will stick to what you have done, come what may.

You are a firm believer of God, but there is no room for religious or other sentiments. You are orthodox but in a new style i.e., you believe in modernization of orthodox method and belief. Even though you are quite intelligent, at times you make mountains of even small matters. This leads to a lack of mental peace and a desperate sort of mood.

You are always interested in keeping the entire surroundings neat and clean. If the birth is in between 2 degree to 3 degree of Ashvini, you are very much arrogant for nothing. You may be a deceit and a smuggler. If all other combinations are good, you may have wealth but cannot enjoy it. You will bring bad name to the family.

You are jack of all trades. You are generally fond of music and interested in literary pursuit. Periods up to your 30th years of age will be full of struggle. You have to face obstacles even for small matters. From the 30th year, there will be steady and continuous progress which will continue up to 55 years of age. One of the predominant features noticed is that you are very stingy, but your expenditures will be more than your income, due mainly to your pomp and show. You are inclined to meet your desires and needs at any cost.

You love your family in entire sincerity. However, you are subjected to hatred by your own family members due to your adamant behavior. Affection that was expected and the care that was required, cannot be derived from your father. In other words, you and your siblings will be neglected by your father. Whatever help you may derive is only from the side of your maternal uncle. Maximum possible help will come from those who are outside the family circle. Normally marriage takes place between 26 to 30 years of age. There will be more sons than daughters. Your health will generally be good.

However if the birth is between 2 degree and 3 degree of Ashvini, your health will be poor. You are prone to migraine headache, heart trouble, etc. You must follow remedial measures.
Sun in Sagittarius 18°35'53"
Wealthy, devoted, sharp, a warrior, tactful, calm, charming, strong, helpful and respectful towards religious leaders and clansmen. Inventor or discoverer, intuitive and mystical. You will be endowed with wealth, dear to powerful persons, learned and be skilled with mechanical items used in competitive areas. You will be learned, skillful in rendering training in use of weapons, honorable, always peaceful, rich, will possess a broad and beautiful physique, be helpful to relatives and be energetic.
Sun in Sagittarius with Aries ascendent
You will earn abundant wealth and be honored with important governmental assignments. You will acquire issues who will be fortunate and tend to be highly educated.
You have an increase of fire and are moved by the urge for humanitarian upliftment. No sacrifice is too great to achieve this end. Your personality will be made of steel. You will succeed in transforming your life radically, acquiring all the attributes needed for the spiritual journey - though you will need to wait for another incarnation to embark on such an expedition.
Sun in 9th House
The Sun in the ninth house does not discourage you from religious observances; rather the intensity with which you apply yourself to such observances is quite severe, even fanatical. The mind is sharp and you are clear about your goals in life. The greatest problem is egotism. Depending on other conditions, you may be a heartless self-promoter moved by a strong libido. You are interested in the higher aspects of life, but the interest is only skin-deep.

Sun in the ninth is not very helpful for your father's longevity. Early life may have been difficult, middle life, easy and later life, unhappy. You are wicked, and good deeds are not the outcome of noble thoughts. These are performed out of vanity and to beguile others. However, all this goes to your favor.

You gain popularity and are considered virtuous and religious and therefore, praised. Mentally, you are at war and worry, your deeds are not backed by sincerity. You are not fair and just, even to your brothers and therefore, suffer at their hand. You live a life of constant worries and anxieties.

Essentially, you are vain, showy and therefore an opportunist. That's why you change directions like a weather-cock. You are unlucky, uneducated, irrational, characterless and a debauch. You get wealth, friends and sons, but are denied love and affection from the father and partner. You have strained relations with your maternal uncle, are head strong and will not listen to the advice given by your father or preceptor.

You readily change faith. You love truth, have beautiful long hair, are the well wisher of your family and revere the learned and saints. You experience sickness in childhood, are well settled by the middle age, handsome, and blessed with longevity and wealth.

You are sharp and thoughtful, take the virtuous path of life, and get happiness through family and friends. You are opposed to the maternal uncle, are religious, but not lucky, and get happiness from spouse and children.

Denotes longevity to father if the Sun is in its own sign or in exaltation. You are rich, like to meditate and are devoutly austere. You have trust in and respect for preceptors and learned people. You will be endowed with wealth, children and friends, will be very interested in religion, will not be well-disposed towards wife and father, and be not calm. You will be wicked, showy, will not be interested in doing any auspicious acts, will not relate well with siblings, be not learned, devoid of good conduct and be separated from your father early.

You will be endowed with wealth and progeny. Children will be quite virtuous. You will be inimical to maternal relatives, change religion and enter a new religion and be long-lived. You will face many obstacles in your undertakings and will enjoy others' wealth. You will seek carnal pleasures during the day time. One of your children will become famous through musical accomplishments.
Sun in Lunar Mansion '20 Purva Ashadha-2'
You will be respected and rich. Your adamant attitude will bring enmity. You should be careful while dealing with outsiders, as there is a possibility of injury being inflicted by them.
Moon in Pisces 28°33'14"
The Moon in this placement may cause you to be wavering, changeable, lacking in concentration and stability, and although you remain positive about others, you are easily disturbed. You are drawn to things which are not concrete, such as spirituality and philosophy. You are reserved and retiring, eloquent, gifted, short-tempered, a miser, learned, and social. You will have to experience many disappointments, are a voracious reader, author, and inconsistent in your love affairs. You are expert in fine arts, capable of winning over even your adversaries, learned in scriptures, beautiful, musical, religious, cohabit with a number of mates, might be a polite speaker, serve the leader, are happy and wealthy, won over by the opposite sex, virtuous, like water, and are liberal.
Moon in Pisces with Aries ascendent
The tranquillity of your mind will be extraordinary. You will succeed in understanding the hidden implications of various situations, but will not be able to control occurrences in your life. You will not be very happy, and you may live abroad and die after a long illness.
Moon in 12th House
Having Moon in the 12th house encourages some worldly engagements, which lead to worldly reactions. Pleasures of sex, the arts, dabbling in various subjects without a sincere desire to find truth, and so on, lead to the kinds of unwanted displeasures that come to us all to different degrees.

You have the Moon (mind-significator) in the 12th house (liberation from worldly entanglement). Thus, your mind spends time thinking about how to liberate yourself and others from worldly entanglements. Yet, you keenly feel a large set of restrictions or confining forces, which are not necessarily bad. Therefore, this is a suitable position for doctors, lawyers, and people of religious orders. You can keep secrets.

You love occult things, mystery, romance, and deep things. However, you may lack firmness and stability in character. You may have trouble in one eye, be frugal, and distrusted by others. Others may see you as suspect. There may be loss of wealth, and disputes in the family. You turn to addictions for comfort. Look for these indications during Moon-ruled periods.

You suffer anxiety from 'enemies' or 'opposition'. You are a philanthropist. You are not attached to the opposite sex in general, or at some point it becomes important that you give up that attachment. You have unfulfilled desires. You undo yourself at times, i.e. you subvert your own life with your own thinking, which may or may not be a bad thing. You sometimes feel dejected after love-making. You may have problems with addictions of some type, not necessarily bad ones, but some type.

Moon in the 12th causes damage to the left eye, or the eyes on general suffer. You have a hard time maintaining your morals, and your health. There may be some question regarding your birth. The relatives of your parents are annoying to you. You may have to move in order to escape some botheration. The appetite is weakened by this Moon, who also indicates that you are deprived of good food, incur wasteful expenditure, will be of angry nature, unhappy and will not be liked by others.
Moon in Lunar Mansion '27 Revati-4'
The Star ruling your Moon or Ascendant is Revati.

You will have a very good physique, a moderately tall and symmetrical body with a fair complexion. You are very clean in your heart, sincere in dealings and soft-spoken. You have a knack of dealings with others as per the occasion warrants. You do not give much heed to others unnecessarily. Since you have a completely independent life, you are easily hurt when resistance arises. You cannot keep anything secret for long. You will not blindly believe even your loved ones. But once you take somebody into confidence, it is not easy for you to keep away from them out of attachment. You are very hot-tempered.

Come what may, acting according to your inner calling is your principle. You try to observe the principle which you feel is correct and resist tooth and nail till the end for achieving or following that principle. You draw premature conclusions on any matter. You are God-fearing, superstitious, religious and rigid in the observance of orthodox culture and principles. You are stubborn and ambitious. Even a slightest failure of ideas or plans will give you maximum torture. Out of all the 27 Nakshatra born persons, Revati born persons are the most God-fearing and are religiously much inclined. Hence they also enjoy the maximum blessings.

You will be interested in scientific solutions, historical research and ancient cultures. You will be known publicly for merits in any one of the three fields mentioned above. Ancient cultures include astrology and astronomy also. You can be a good physician, astrologer or poet. If you are employed in a government organization you can be the most successful person. Revati born are mostly settled in foreign countries. When I say foreign countries, it includes quite a reasonable distance from one's own birth place. You will come up in life through your own efforts. Your intelligence and ability are the inherent quality at birth. You cannot stick to any particular field of work or job for long. You cannot expect to gain much compared to the ratio between work and reward till your 50 years old. Between 23 and 26 years will be a good period, whereas between 27 to 42 years of age will mark a lot of problems financially, mentally and socially. It is only after your 50th year that you can think of a worry free and stable life. You are not able to get any help from relatives or your father. In other words, you are unlucky to enjoy the benefits from near and dear ones.

However, your married life will be moderately good. Your spouse will be quite an adjusting type.

You are prone to fever, dysentery or dental diseases, intestinal ulcers and ear problems.
Mars in Scorpio 13°27'32"
Industrious, practical, scientific in approach, firm and positive, indifferent to others. Diplomatic. Successful chemist, result oriented; sudden or violent accidents. Trouble through service. Attached to trade, interested in higher knowledge, a leader of those who buck authority (not necessarily a bad quality), skillful in duties, interested in war, highly self-willed, will do big deviations in the minds of others, unafraid of enemies or authorities, betrays friends, likes to be direct and unafraid, unhelpful, a liar if necessary, endowed with land, children, spouse, and troubled by poison, fire, weapons and wounds. Good for involvement in law enforcement and military or other regimented and goal oriented engagements.
Mars in Scorpio with Aries ascendent
Mars in 8th House
Externalizes adverse past Karma which has a very detrimental influence on the health. Various diseases connected with the urinary tract or with blood circulation may afflict you; you may undergo surgery, and your sensuality is fiery and passionate. This combination is harmful to the marriage partner. Look for further afflictions to this Mars in the 8th before judging serious harm to the spouse.

Officers with Mars in their eighth house take a lot of bribes but are not caught. You may overeat till the age of 30. Later in life you might develop indigestion, and blood pressure. Long-life is helped with this placement. Weapons, or burns may cause death. Trouble for spouse and degradation are indicated. Friends become enemies, though you are respectably honored.

Efforts made according to industry do not fructify, but are defeated by hindrances. Even brothers and relatives suddenly behave like enemies. Difficult diseases and misfortune in business might come. Denotes unbecoming speech, diseases of the private organs, sorrow, grief and vexation from spouse.

You might feel physically weakened due to disorders of blood and ulcers. You have few sons. You dress simple, but are popular amongst the rich. Negative karmic forces may be experienced in this life for better or worse. Be careful regarding danger from water or swimming.

If Mars is in the eighth house from the Lagna, Jupiter or Venus (benefics) posited in the house of fate and misfortune etc. may even become ineffective, as Mars (malefic) overrides them.
Mars in Lunar Mansion '17 Anuradha-4'
There is an indication of vast agricultural property and good income will be derived out of such property.
Mercury in Sagittarius 5°00'22"
In your own deep thinking or intelligence, you try to be philosophical and wise. You tend towards the expansive and progressive stance, considering the generosity, good literature, good arts, which protect one and all, to be worthy of your thought. Therefore you are fond of science and medicine, because they aim at taking care of one and all.
Mercury in Sagittarius with Aries ascendent
Your intellect will prevent spirituality from dominating your consciousness. Impediments will be experienced through family and social conditions.
Mercury in 9th House
Mercury in this position renders you intellectually capable of discussing spiritual topics with ease, but your personal life is entirely divorced from true spirituality. You consider worldly position, money, and intellectual discourse as the true measure of life's success; you may observe all the rules of public morality, but your private life needs a great deal of preparation before you can take the direct path towards final release from material bondage. You are pious, prosperous, glorious and sharp, interested in Yoga and visiting holy places. You exercise overwhelming influence, destroying the wicked and are blessed with children and property. With Mercury is in the 9th house you observe religious ceremonies, construct wells and gardens, truth loving, ascetic, devoted to father, charitable, an eloquent speaker and noted for benevolence and learning. You are generous, anxious and sometimes, perverted. If Mercury is a malefic, you are vain and less fortunate; if a benefic, you are fortunate and devout. You are wise, live according to religious principles, are rich, a good speaker and a holy pilgrim. You have a very active mind, exploring the hidden mysteries of life and are interested in metaphysics. Well aspected Mercury will give power to concentrate. You are seeking after higher knowledge from heaven to earth and even under water life. You have an ingenious and studious mind, and love for art, science and literature. You may gain through journey, law suits and publication work, even if this Mercury is not under any planetary influence. Your bent of mind is subjected to the influence of the sign, this Mercury is posited in. In movable signs, it indicates love of journey in airy signs, well developed interest in aerial affairs.
Mercury in Lunar Mansion '19 Mula-2'
You may be an engineer initially, but may switch over to an industrial production. Life will be generally happy.
Jupiter in Capricorn 18°26'52"
You have high aspirations, good organizational abilities and intuition. There will be gain and success through high positions in life, business and foreign business. You are thrifty and positive.
Jupiter in Capricorn with Aries ascendent
You earn your livelihood by teaching and counseling others. Though you will dabble in the occult sciences and cultural history, you may have a weak mind. Morals may be questionable.
Jupiter in 10th House
Jupiter in the 10th gives you an inner ideal and wants to make you free to pursue what you believe in. You can be a good counselor, an ethical professor, an occultist who studies the future, or an affectionate parent and friend. You have much affection that shows. You may lack the pure quality of humility somewhat at times due to your good qualities. You may be more traditionally religious rather than esoteric.

Socially you try to be protective and sincere rather than a fiery leader with a cause. You are versatile, flourishing, successful from the beginning, reputed, happy, rich, famous, and blessed with friends and conveyances. From your Jupiter, there is chance of danger at age 34. Jupiter in the 10th house gives land and wealth, makes you interested in scholarly pursuits, and you become averse to adultery.

You are religious and try to perform good deeds. You get success, recognition and high friends, and gain through the spouse, social life, and business. You had a noble birth perhaps, and you gained through family. At times in your life you will get good positions. Jupiter in the 10th house makes you the kind of person who surrounds yourself with religion and a nice house. You are noble at heart and wish to work in high, learned and sincere pursuits. This Jupiter helps with wealth of various good varieties.
Jupiter in Lunar Mansion '22 Shravana-3'
Venus in Sagittarius 25°01'07"
You are very enlightened. Blessed with comforts of most types. Spiritual, philanthropic, attractive, noble, affluent. You gain best through high status engagements and education or educated people. You will probably have more than one spousal connection. You like travel, fine arts, sports and amusements. You are honest.
Venus in Sagittarius with Aries ascendent
Venus will activate the urge towards sensual enjoyment. Lust will be difficult to quench. You will have material affluence and an amiable spouse.
Venus in 9th House
Venus provides a sensitivity which enables you to vibrate to a higher frequency and learn how to dissolve your self-consciousness by merging it with something else. The object of assimilation may be an ideal for which you fight, a goal you want to achieve, or even the beloved with whom you desire to be with, but the central theme in all of these is self-forgetfulness, aroused by sensitivity and the desire for union with something sublime, higher than oneself.

You are a money-lender; all are indebted to you. There isn't a man in town who does not take a loan from you. They pay interest and make you richer. You are religious, charitable, into daily distribution of free food and known for piety. Gain through brothers, servants, attendants and relatives is indicated. You are of robust nature, stout, large hearted, blessed with spouse and friends, render service to preceptors, are a kind host, prosperous, learned, fortunate, pious, generous, and self-made.

Your residence is outstanding. You live for a spiritual existence and holiness. This placement denotes patrimony for the good of respectable people, festivities and pilgrimages. You are contented, simple living, thin, respected by your own community and get physical comforts. Wealth gain at age15 and luck at age 25 is indicated. You are calm and balanced, and own conveyances and garments. You are devout, austere, offer adoration, have oceanic sign on the feet, are fond of enjoyments and sexual pleasure and are blessed with a long living father.

You have a very refined and artistic temperament and are considered a giant regarding all kinds of intellectual exercises. You are kind and sympathetic, fond of art and music and pure literature, and enjoy social intercourse with intellectual persons. You get success abroad, gain through travel and sea voyage and through relatives by marriage. Marriage to a foreigner, or to one like-minded is indicated.
Venus in Lunar Mansion '20 Purva Ashadha-4'
Of generous and frank disposition, wealthy and kind. Will look after several needy persons, and has a philosophical mind which is usually not expressed for monetary purpose.
Saturn in Pisces 4°56'11"
Interest in handicrafts, recognized by relatives and friends, calm and quiet, reserved and secretive, diplomatic, rich, religious, courteous, sane, fortitude, overcomes difficulties, hindrance and disreputation. Unfortunate links; efforts unproductive, mental suffering at times. All these make you practical, intuitive and optimistic.
Saturn in Pisces with Aries ascendent
Saturn will restrict your life expression. You may suffer from disease, deaths, and separations from near and dear ones. Real dependence on God, poverty and isolation may be awaiting you at some point. This is not necessarily bad, as it is the way of the most serious Yogis who attain the highest possible goals of life.
Saturn in 12th House
You are persistent in getting what you want. Spirituality may be attractive, but you will probably see such thoughts as your own and pursue them not out of devotion to another person, but rather out of devotion to your own path. The voice of the mortal body is loud, urging you to pleasures. You are an intense person in a number of ways - both positive and negative. You associate with the average, the hurt and unhappy. You have a hard time with standard morality. Watch out for lung ailments and save money during Jupiter major period for harder times in Saturn major. You may be able to be a popular leader in some way. At times you are rather dry, shameless and merciless, in the perceptions of others. This is good if you are in such lines of work (such as law enforcement etc.). It can make for a lack of beauty and charm in relationships however. You may find gains and success in a land or state other than that of your birth. You are reserved, like peace and seclusion, and do laborious jobs. The right eye is in some danger due to Saturn being in the 12th house.
Saturn in Lunar Mansion '26 Uttara Bhadrapada-1'
Rahu in Capricorn 12°08'18"
Rahu in Capricorn with Aries ascendent
You may be materialistic, often craving that which does not belong to you. You may associate with unscrupulous persons and engage in surreptitious deals.
Rahu in 10th House
Your mission in life is for furthering some special cause in the world. Depending on your status in society and the planetary combinations, this special mission may be predicted, but the real impulse of this shadowy planet will be to make you dedicated to a cause which you will want to carry forward even at the risk of life, status, or health.

Undaunted by any difficulty, undeterred by any impediment, you will persist with a sense of dedication, whether you are waging a war of complete annihilation, reconstructing a social order, or composing verses of celestial beauty and harmony. Rahu achieves its objective despite whatever hardships it has to undergo. Its impulse produces persons of great merit, devotion, and religious susceptibilities. With inauspicious associations and influences Rahu can, however, make you disturbed and instill evil ideas in your head.

Rahu in the 10th gives rise to Raja Yoga during his own periods. Danger to mother at age 32, to father, at age 7 and to patrimony at age 8 is indicated. You get public honor and respect at age 42. Name, fame, and status through hard work and skill are indicated. You are connected with spouses who are disrespected due to their service, and might experience loss of land, wealth, and health. You feel inclined towards some type of disrespected poetry. You might residence in a backward village.

Your Rahu denotes that you may be so fortunate as to visit the sacred holy places in this lifetime. You might be clever, a thief, malicious, characterless, quarrelsome, sensual, dishonest, brave, wise, wealthy, chattering, miserable, fearful, inert, indifferent, unfortunate, helpful, live abroad, and are unsteady, and vicious. You have few sons. Danger from conveyances and danger and trouble for parents and brothers is indicated.

You are a manager, advisor or chief of a group. (Note: Rahu is in charge of a number of not so good qualities. The 10th is an important house. These things may only appear in thoughts, and they might not necessarily manifest, but this depends on the overall strength of the chart.)

You are sensual, extravagant, affluent, a winner, fickle, fond of poetry and drama, competition or confrontation, migratory, and successful in business. Rahu makes you a bit of an intoxicator, or wrong doer at times, and causes sleeplessness, living or working with foreigners, and sex with choice partners.

You find comfort and pleasure in the company of irreligious people, are discontented with own relatives or father, fall in love with divorced or separated persons, or persons from disturbed love affairs. You get support from strong persons, and are clever but tense. These things may be connected to career as the 10th rules career.
Rahu in Lunar Mansion '22 Shravana-1'
Ketu in Cancer 12°08'18"
Ketu in Cancer with Aries ascendent
You may lack loving relationships. Your life is full of troubles and your behavior is unpredictable. These troubles, however, render you very thoughtful and ultimately philosophical.
Ketu in 4th House
This Ketu can have a strong influence on life in the following way: It sometimes renders the mind unbalanced, disturbs social relationships and makes personal life difficult. Ketu manifests itself in the psychology of an individual rather than on the material conditions of life. Placed in the 4th house indicates that full support and help from the mother may have not been present. Often you are away from home, and when you are home, there is some strife. Ketu holds things back and upsets things.

The fourth house stands for mother, the heart, home life, real estate and emotional comfort. These particular issues in your life may have some troublesome aspects. You may find that you are not quite able to surrender your heart to something you feel pretty good about. Reservations for no reason may appear, for example. This will be Ketu acting, just to test your resolve to make you feel convinced and sure of what you do.

Ketu in the 4th may indicate that the mother holds back from giving to you for some reason, or that inheritance from her side is withheld. You leave the 'mother's home' early, and you are of the nervous type. In an assembly of persons, you may sometimes be looked down on, or not seen as equal to the others. Some kind of stigma is there. But you are valiant, truth loving, soft and sweet. Watch for an overly critical nature and unpleasantness with the parents.

Ketu in the 4th indicates that you may have a hard time getting or keeping real estate. Land and property may become a confusing issue at times - you may not know what to do about a piece of property in a Ketu ruled period for example. People may consider you in contempt. Ketu makes you thin and fiery. There will be some jeopardy of the honor of yourself or family. There might also be much strife or discord in the family background, especially coming from the mother's side.
Ketu in Lunar Mansion '8 Pushya-3'
You may initially have difficulty accumulating money. You will travel and earn some wealth abroad. You will enjoy this wealth for about ten years, after which you may lose it due to bad association. You may suffer from a serious illness.
Uranus in Leo 11°50'00"
Uranus in Leo with Aries ascendent
Uranus in 5th House
Uranus in Lunar Mansion '10 Magha-4'
Neptune in Aries 14°54'39"
Neptune in Aries with Aries ascendent
Neptune in 1st House
Neptune in Lunar Mansion '2 Bharani-1'
Pluto in Taurus 2°34'27"
Pluto in Taurus with Aries ascendent
Pluto in 2nd House
Pluto in Lunar Mansion '3 Krittika-2'

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