Fridtjof Nansen

Fridtjof Nansen


Fridtjof NansenFridtjof Nansen
Lagna in Sagittarius 4°50'21"
Sagittarius in the Ascendant brings overall positive habits and lifestyles. You will tend towards high ideals and try to fulfill your many goals. Regularity and exercise are good for you specifically. You can work long, hard hours. You tend to get respect for your learning and your counseling ability. You like organized religion in general. You tend to benefit greatly through your father. Either that, or you are benefited through governmental blessings. In other words, you tend to please and benefit from central authority figures. You have a warrior like tendency about you. Therefore, you are dear to central governments, and are expeditious and martial. You like protecting others and adhering to regularity and functional purposes. You can really lose your temper though. Sagittarian women make very good wives, as they do not try to interfere in their husbands lives but do try to be very helpful to them. The men of this rising sign tend to be somewhat detached, interested in sports and other activities that attract them outside of just family life. You do tend to have high ideals, morals and ethics.
Lagna in Lunar Mansion '19 Mula-2'
The Star ruling your Moon or Ascendant is Mula

Physical features: you have a good physical appearance. You will have beautiful limbs and bright eyes and will be the most attractive person in your family. Character and general events: you possess a very sweet nature and are a peace loving person. You have set principles in your life. You can stand against any adverse tidal wave, you have the capacity to penetrate that wave and reach the destination. You are not bothered about tomorrow nor are you very serious about your own matters. You keep all the happenings in the hands of God and become prey to optimism.

Education, sources of earning/profession: you need to be very cautious of recording your finances or you will find yourself in debt. You may give advice that you may not even use. This peculiar characteristic generally fits you for the profession of financial or religious adviser. Since you are skilled in several fields, there will be frequent changes of profession or trade, but stability in this direction seems to be a very rare phenomenon, which may put you in constant need of money. Watch the tendency to spend too much on your friends. You will possess the utmost sincerity in all you do. You may earn your livelihood in a foreign place, where it is indicated that you will have much more success in business. You are capable of shining in all walks of life, particularly in the field of fine arts, as a writer and in the social work.

Family life: excepting a few cases, it is seen that Mula born cannot have any benefit from parents whereas they are self-made. Your married life will be satisfactory. You will have a spouse with all adequate qualities.

Health: even when you are sick you will look well, but you may not be in the habit of taking care of your own health, resulting in some severe health problems that can be noticed in your 27th, 31st, 44th, 48th, 56th and 60th year of age. You must try not to have any association with intoxication as you may suffer from the grips of addiction.
Sun in Virgo 25°17'07"
Overall feminine physique, scholarly attributes, physical smallness, devoted to the father, expert writing abilities, knowledge, and the desire to serve the elders. It also gives ability in the upkeep of vehicles, skill in ancient wisdom, singing and playing music and a kindly manner of acting and speaking.
Sun in Virgo with Sagittarius ascendent
You may be a great planner, producing something unique in a very appealing manner which will be easily accepted by people.
Sun in 10th House
This placement draws you to the center of power. You acquire a role in the administration of your country. Your mind goes straight to the central point in any argument or discussion and you intuitively understand the motivations of others. You are learned in Vedantic philosophy and are not interested in ritualistic observances. You dislike flattery in social behavior.

You run your business or industry very successfully and profitably. Your mother's ailments cause you constant worry. You might feel remorseful due to separation from partner or friend. You attain success, favor and reputation through hard work. Your parents suffer and your spouse and children cause anxiety; you tend to be friendless, dissipated and bold.

It may be observed that except for professional and vocational success, there is no relieving feature in your life. With this placement you are blessed with wealth and jewels, education, honor, success, valor, love for music and art, talent, kindness and generosity. This placement denotes service to saints, high moral standards, power, authority, trust, frugality and firmness.

You gain fame through great learning and are able to accumulate wealth. When the Sun reaches the height at noon, human activities are at height. Likewise, when you are in the Zenith in the horoscope of birth (i.e. on the 10th cusp), one is likely to reach enviable heights in life. You were born at such a time, and that is somewhat rare.

You are intelligent, rich, strong and will be endowed with conveyances, relatives and children. You will succeed in your undertakings, be valorous, unconquerable and great. At times you will be separated from your near and dear ones. Your mother will contract many kinds of illnesses. You will be wealthy, happy with regard to your father, be very learned, famous, strong, pure, liberal and happy. You will be interested in music and dances. You will suffer illness in the later part of your life. You will, however, have mental worries throughout.
Sun in Lunar Mansion '14 Chitra-1'
You will be an expert mechanic. Your spouse may have the upper hand over you. You will be wealthy.
Moon in Sagittarius 20°31'36"
This Moon placement gives a desire to excel through the intellect and the use of knowledge. Moon in Sagittarius indicates valor, wisdom, good nature, affluence, and a charming partner. You are respected, noble, sweet, dangerous to your own family, and cheerful. Both mental and physical restlessness, and an investigating temperament are indicated. You are a great reformer. You are small bodied, a good speaker, like to live near water, have knowledge of arts, occult matters, and secret affairs, are good at investigating, courageous, very strong, attached to relatives, grateful and distinguished.
Moon in Sagittarius with Sagittarius ascendent
You tend to have a long face and high neck. You enjoy social status, inherit property from your father and have an imaginative mind. You are usually powerful and clever in speech. You can be easily won by kind treatment, but not easily subdued by force. However, you are subject to mood swings and to being dissatisfied with your immediate living conditions. You may suffer from phlegm (Kapha-imbalance), high cholesterol and the eruption of boils.
Moon in 1st House
You will be gregarious and will want everyone to appreciate you. This will be especially true when the Moon is in female signs. You can suffer from somnambulism or sleepwalking. Another way to take this is that you are sleepwalking sometimes during the daydreaming in life. You take your mental life very seriously. Handsome but fickle. Scared of water or sickness. In your 15th year you can travel much. In general context it is stated that the Moon in the Ascendant can make one cunning, short-statured, valorous, happy, liking nice milk-based foods, interested in astrology, famous in the later part of life, subject to perils, and disbelieving of your spouse.
Moon in Lunar Mansion '20 Purva Ashadha-3'
The Star ruling your Ascendant or Moon is Purva Ashadha.

You will have a lean and tall body. Your teeth will be very beautiful, ears long, eyes bright, waist narrow and arms long. In other words you have good attractive physical features. Your intelligence is exemplary, but there is a tendency to jump to conclusions. No one can defeat you in arguments. You have extraordinary convincing power. You will not, under any circumstance, submit to others, whether you are right or wrong. On the one side you can give a lot of advice, but you cannot hear advice from others. While you pretend you to be courageous you cannot reach that state unless forced either by circumstances or by persons to show the requisite courage. In decision making you are lacking. You find it difficult to make a decision even on small matters. Once aroused by instigation or argument you make decisions without thinking of the pros and cons of such actions and you stick to that decision till the end. Even if you are completely wrong, nobody can change your decision. Such is your obstinate character. You like to do a lot of things for others for nothing in return, but you will be subjected to a lot of criticism. You derive maximum benefit from unknown persons. You cannot keep any permanent relationship with anybody. If you can work with a particular aim with full sincerity you can reach the top of life. You hate external show. You are God-fearing, honest, humble and far from hypocrisy. You can never think of doing anything which will disturb the progress of others. You will be highly religious and always interested in religious acts. You are a good collector of antiques. You may also take interest in writing poetry.

Even though you can shine in almost all fields, you are particularly fit for a doctor's profession or fine arts. You are advised not to venture for any business unless you have dependable employees or managers. You will be attracted to the studies of occult philosophy and sciences. Up to 32 years of age will be a period of trial and error. Thereafter you slowly start climbing the ladder of success. Between 32 and 50 years of age will be very good. You cannot enjoy any benefit from your parents. However, you will be lucky to have benefits from siblings, particularly from brothers. You will be spending most of your life in a foreign land.

Your married life will be more or less happy, but marriage may be delayed. In some cases, it has been noticed that marriage takes place in a most competitive way. You are more inclined towards your spouse and in-laws. Even then, there will be frequent disharmony between you. At last, you find peace in the company of your spouse. You will be lucky to have talented and respectful children, who will bring name and fame to your family. There may be at most two children.

While your outward appearance is extremely good, your internal constitution may not be good, and your health may be weak. It is quite often noticed that you are prone to a particular incurable disease. Still you will not care for your health. You are prone to severe breathing trouble, bronchitis etc. Even in the state of critical illness you will not hesitate to jump into work which you feel should be completed. You may face problems with your thighs. You must take care about your lungs as you are liable to suffer from pneumatic pains.
You may affect the uncle's (mother's brother) health and longevity.
Mars in Virgo 10°21'30"
This placement is good for being a surgeon, physician, pharmacist or groceries merchant. You are original and inventive. You have to struggle to reach goals, are self willed, and nervous. You like your employees or helpers, and are separated from your friends. When Mars is afflicted, you can be cross at times, hasty, obstinate and inviting hostility from others. You are honorable, worthy, fond of love and music, soft spoken, learned, fear enemies and are skillful in scripture and fine art.
Mars in Virgo with Sagittarius ascendent
Mars will provide drive to your social relationships. You will be engaged in technological programs and may go abroad on some of official mission. Contacts from overseas will be very helpful.
Mars in 10th House
Mars produces fiery enthusiasm in the tenth house. Energizing the astro-mental component of the human personality, it will make you an idealist who is ready to sacrifice his life for a cause. Such an individual can wage war ruthlessly if he considers it necessary. you can abandon your dearest kith and kin, provided you do so for a cause; and you can be a passionate lover when the fire is enkindled in your heart. Generally, Mars will make you courageous, devoted, respectful and ambitious. You may be a fine engineer, doctor or organizer, and a fiery speaker. In all social interactions you will play the role of leader, and you will be more interested in action than in debate or negotiation. You are bold, merciless, reside far from the birth place, are wicked, and live with low people. You have unworthy sons. You are impulsive, extravagant and vicious, and your feelings and emotions overrule the rational mind, which is dominated by the passionate or forceful side of nature. You get trouble through ambition, independence, domination and aggressiveness. Defamation, whether deserved or not is indicated, as well as death of parents or discord with them. You are full of courage, energy, enterprise, and force, and will gain from service corresponding to the nature of Mars. If feminine signs rise in the Lagna of this person, this will promote success after hard labor and personal efforts. If masculine signs rise, it will cause wind falls. This Mars in the 10th house is Maraka to maternal uncle. Your jobs without much effort are spontaneously finalized. You have plenty of attendants. Even if you're born in a low family, you attain lion-like success and might reach the status of an uncrowned king and popular leader under the benefic influence of this Mars. With Mars in the 10th house, you get wealth from the royal court, relatives, agriculture and friends. Continued success is indicated. You are valiant, self made, influental, renowned, glorious, wealthy, gallant, and auspicious celebrations are frequently held. Longevity to brother, gain from business at age 18, and royal favors or own efforts are indicated.
Mars in Lunar Mansion '13 Hasta-1'
You may be employed in the government department as clerk, typist or accountant in the initial stages. You may rise to a reasonable middle level position after your 35th year. You may suffer from serious intestinal disorders.
Mercury in Libra 17°31'45"
Your deeper thinking capacity or intelligence is well suited for various types of business. You are balanced or large-hearted or in other words, caring about the entire society.
Mercury in Libra with Sagittarius ascendent
Marriage will bring wealth of various types. In your career, both intellect and socialization are important--like as in selling an 'intelligent product'-- sociability is good for sales for example. Your partners are very useful to you.
Mercury in 11th House
Mercury enables you to earn money from trade and commerce, the legal profession, or any job where literary and mathematical abilities are needed; you may also make a good civil servant. You are quite sociable and your sharp mind may qualify you to become an astrologer.

You prefer the company of enlightened and intelligent people. You receive wealth from a considerate employer, a discerning friend or a maternal uncle. Your elder brother will be very encouraging to you and your special aptitudes for diplomacy, journalism and authorship will be recognized. This Mercury is propitious. Gain through craft, writing or business is indicated.

After age 19 there will be gain of property, progeny and wealth. You get a lot of property, are learned, fortunate, with plenty of enjoyment, have fascinating spouses, are skillful, sharp, and a favorite of your own people. You have poor appetite, are cheerful, scholarly, rich, gentle, sensuous and always gaining. You are free from sickness, happy, cordial, renowned, talented, and studious.

If Mercury is in the 11th house, you get longevity, wealth, happiness, faithful attendants and are committed. You lead a life of real luxury and pleasure, and are courteous, strong and eager to acquire all knowledge. Gain of wealth at age 45 is indicated. You have more daughters, are a well-wisher of your own people, infirm, rich, dear to the opposite sex, handsome, dark-complexioned with beautiful eyes, sensual, affluent, modest, pleasure loving, gentle, strong, and have knowledge of several disciplines. (Not to be taken too literally for sure.)
Mercury in Lunar Mansion '15 Swati-4'
You will be highly educated and take the position of a teacher.
Jupiter in Leo 24°18'31"
Fortunate for personal health and progeny. Secret service, judiciary, embassy and uncommon occurrences. Promotes prudence, intuition, much traveling, name and fame.
Jupiter in Leo with Sagittarius ascendent
You have patience, wisdom, morality, and self-control. You may be the very ideal of courtesy, balanced and objective.
Jupiter in 9th House
Jupiter in the ninth house is very good for religion. It makes you attracted to rituals, observances, study of scripture and good association with others into these things. However, it also gives attraction to material achievement, recognition and status. You must learn that this later quality distracts from the earlier mentioned good qualities. Then only can religion be purified. Jupiter in the 9th is good for fame and prosperity, and means that you will visit sacred places, be charming, happy, skilled, perform sacrifice, and receive divine knowledge. It is one of the best possible Karmas because it represents being near to the end of cycles of birth and death. It will take care of you in many ways. It is not such a good indicator for the material father however. It makes you interested in devotion, and able to perform austerity, and be saintly and noble. You will probably at some point receive honor and servants. Jupiter in the 9th house will cause you to one day own a nice house and enjoy the respect of the higher class. You revere the saintly persons and say your prayers. You paint your house red, yellow and green. You receive support from authorities. You can be deeply arrogant however, and sometimes a real lush, performing little penance. You may end up an ascetic, virtuous, learned, observing fasts. This is a good for theologists and religious advisors. You can be ideal if balanced in all things. You prefer to deal straight, and should be able to gain opulence unless other forces prevent it.
Jupiter in Lunar Mansion '11 Purva Phalguni-4'
You will enjoy fame, wealth and health. There may be some black spot near the abdomen. If it is noticed, you will be spiritually well placed, attain world fame, and may even be the founder of your own religion. You receive respect from all and honors from the world.
Venus in Scorpio 4°02'31"
Unfortunate, poor, mean, debtor, violent, hostile to relatives, a cheat, unsociable and unfriendly; link with suffering persons, but sorrow and trouble through them; very sexy occultism, patrimony or legacy.
Venus in Scorpio with Sagittarius ascendent
With Venus in this sign, you spend extravagantly and do not care to preserve your vital force. Your extramarital relationships will become a drain on your financial resources, and at worst you may die of venereal disease.
Venus in 12th House
Venus produces a material impulse. It leads you towards sensual gratification and involvement in unethical relationships which bind the soul strongly in chains of materialization. One may remember that Venus is the advisor to the demons who command the anti-devic (godly) forces. The advice given by Venus can lead you to adopt bad actions which will require scores of lives to release the soul from bondage.

These activities are produced by passion, lustful intentions, psychologically acquisitive tendencies, and ritualistic or overly formal religious observances. These tendencies are greatly accentuated when Venus occupies the twelfth house, which can finally fix you in your pleasant sleep (of illusion) and in the enjoyment of a comfortable couch (karmic bondage).

You are successful in service but interested in independent business. This placement denotes mental restlessness and little financial gain. You are ethical and value affection, but are incapable of giving pleasure. You can be a successful poet, writer, painter, singer, dancer etc. You sometimes earn money. Have your excess bile checked. You find pleasure on the play field or in noble deeds, and spend your wealth on religious, charitable and public welfare activities. Loss of virtue and reputation is indicated. Your friends turn enemies and there is strife with friends and people in general.

You are phlegmatic and sensual, and may gain wealth, but spend it every day. Expenditure is heavy and receipt is low. You can be ruinous to relatives, and may be lewd-minded and poor. You are extravagant, and there is discord with friends and seniors. You have the reputation of a liar and are unpopular amongst relatives. Sicknesses and ailments may come. You may be infidel, unkind, debauch and might have a gross body. You get pleasure through own spouse, and are prosperous and impressive. You tend to be inert, happy, ugly, characterless, vile, eat a purified diet, and are skilled in amorous sport.

You were sick in childhood, and healthy now, but cruel in youth, weak, gloomy and miserly. You have perverse tendencies. This Venus indicates a love for romance and adventure, and a desire to unravel the mysteries of nature, secret arts, medicine, and chemistry. You get pleasure and gain through animals, ignoble jobs, and charitable institutions. You love loneliness. This Venus indicates that you will be saving money always.
Venus in Lunar Mansion '17 Anuradha-1'
You may not be able to commit seriously to your marriage due to your overindulgence in sexual activity.
Saturn in Leo 25°14'06"
Trouble and sorrow through accidents, partner and children. You are often prone to worry. Although you may have studious and good looking qualities, you are often unhappy, criticized by others and short tempered.
Saturn in Leo with Sagittarius ascendent
You will be able to consciously choose renunciation, the simple or spiritual life. You will have no desire for power, status, and glamour and will always be willing to do what is right and will not hesitate to make great sacrifices for your principles.
Saturn in 9th House
Saturn stifles every avenue of material enjoyment and sensual gratification and leaves you disenchanted with the pleasure-providing potential of the physical world. It may also render you indigent, humiliated, diseased, or morally 'fallen,' but through these experiences Saturn guides you to that realm of consciousness where only the truth, the basic reality, exists. The experiences through which this final glory is perceived are very disorienting, but the bridge, once crossed, leads to enduring peace and harmony. You are mentally seasoned and averse to lust and sensuality. By disposition and practice, you are not unpleasant to others; rather, you are gentle, attractive and lovely. You are fond of Yogic philosophy and follow it. You get grief and sorrow through friends and relatives in misery and feel the duty to pull them out of their lot; or you renounce this world in the quest for supreme spirit. You suffer pain and sorrow through friends and relatives. You feel ready for pilgrimage to control sensuousness and distributes alms. You are pure of mind and straight forward. In old age you detach yourself from the worldly affairs and turn to Yogic practices to attain salvation. You are pious and virtuous. Although you may have some physical deformity you are handsome. You are prosperous, soft, happy and generous, blessed with sons, weak and perverse, vicious, unfortunate, poor, irreligious and reflective. Absence of children and parents is indicated. You subjugate the enemy, are cruel and debauch and a trouble creator. This placement denotes imprisonment to friends. You are conceited, sensual, noble, passionate, sick, and might cheat, not even sparing your own father. Loss of power will leave you sick and infirm. You distrust both the father and God, and are unfortunate but religious. Chances of poverty, loss of respect, strife with father, brothers and sisters are indicated. Separation is favorable. Love marriage with persons or foreigners is possible. This placement promotes good education and is favorable for teachers and lawyers. Sometimes it also proves good for independent business and stepmother.
Saturn in Lunar Mansion '11 Purva Phalguni-4'
Your spouse may be older than you. You are sincerely devoted to labor and hard work. You will get success after a long delay.
Rahu in Sagittarius 16°13'42"
Rahu in Sagittarius with Sagittarius ascendent
A detached, uninvolved person.
This placement can inspire you to believe in or propound unethical ideas. You may indulge in less than high class social conduct and at worst may become a drug addict.
Rahu in 1st House
You make a great stride in life and might get honor, wealth and favor through religious, educational and scientific achievements. You have a dominating personality and are of promising self-expression. You receive gain and happiness through own initiative, but are slow to pick up new ideas and averse to formal education.

A conqueror of enemies. You make the glory and influence of other people an instrument of your own success. You can effectively utilize your own powers and wealth for yourself and others. You might not be satisfied with your own spouse and may wander. You gain competence with the help of friends with effective grace. You are always ready for work and may have two marriages, and a charming spouse. Quick to hold discussion. Lots of troubles and suffering are indicated as well. Bad qualities may surround you on many sides.
Rahu in Lunar Mansion '20 Purva Ashadha-1'
Ketu in Gemini 16°13'42"
Ketu in Gemini with Sagittarius ascendent
Ketu, a spiritual and renouncing influence, being in your house of relations and marriage, makes you pretty pessimistic about these things. You may not regard anyone as worth marrying, or you may just think marriage is somewhat useless.
Ketu in 7th House
Ketu in the 7th adds openness to sexuality outside of the norm. Also however, it makes you able to understand spiritual possibilities as well. Ketu is a planet greatly involved in the spiritualization process, and the 7th house primarily stands for relationships.

Ketu in the 7th house usually indicates that the spouse, if any, will be shrewd in dealings. The marriage partner may be a difficult person with some problems perhaps. You can be immodest, needing lots of sleep or being lazy, feeling humiliated and thus speaking humbly. Watch for intestinal and sex organ diseases during Ketu periods.

Be careful of trouble from government agencies at these times as well. Ketu in the 7th indicates danger from journeys and water, so be careful with these during Ketu periods. Ketu in the 7th means some trouble while traveling but you generally come back fine. Watch for losing money during Ketu periods. Watch for trouble through spouse/partners and sons. Don't give in to extravagant temptations and curb a tendency to be too nervous.
Ketu in Lunar Mansion '6 Ardra-3'
You may make your living in the agricultural field. A loss of land is indicated through some dispute. There is disharmony in married life and your children may be of weak constitution. Be cautious of preventable serious diseases, i.e. cancer, etc. .
Uranus in Taurus 24°16'12"
Uranus in Taurus with Sagittarius ascendent
Uranus in 6th House
Uranus in Lunar Mansion '5 Mrigashira-1'
Neptune in Pisces 7°49'07"
Neptune in Pisces with Sagittarius ascendent
Neptune in 4th House
Neptune in Lunar Mansion '26 Uttara Bhadrapada-2'
Pluto in Aries 17°55'38"
Pluto in Aries with Sagittarius ascendent
Pluto in 5th House
Pluto in Lunar Mansion '2 Bharani-2'

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