I Ludwig

I Ludwig

Royalty, King of Bavaria

I LudwigI Ludwig
Lagna in Gemini 18°38'27"
Gemini in the Ascendant gives you an attractive appearance. Usually tall, with large hands and feet, you may be lean and thin with beautiful eyes and a sharp nose. Your intelligence and pleasant demeanor make your face radiant. You have a special skill in diplomatic negotiations, expertise in trade practices, a talent for dramatic performances, and a great capacity to conceal your emotions. Ambivalence will be your outstanding feature. You are often bashful and very selective in speech. You like to meet people, travel extensively, and acquire knowledge. You have a special ability to influence people and you delight in sporting with the opposite sex. You have an adaptable, dual personality. You can be serious or trivial, depending on your mood and circumstances. Success in life depends on intuitively understanding other people's thoughts and emotions. This capacity to interpret the thoughts and feelings of others, enables you to be a very successful writer or novelist. Among the planets, Venus has a special affinity with a person born under this sign, while Mars, the Sun and Jupiter produce adverse results. The Moon is a killer, but if posited with favorable planets may yield auspicious results. However, the Moon, who is the Lord of the 2nd, does not become a death significator (Maraka) for a person born under Gemini Ascendant. You will have a dear spouse, be fond of ornaments, charitable, respectable, will have two mothers, will be favorable even to your enemies, interested in music, fine arts, amusement and poetry, be gentle, fond of beautification, conceited, truthful, impatient, crafty, will possess limbs of irregular sizes, be of fierce appearance, will destroy even fearful enemies, and be endowed with lands, jewels, gold etc.
Lagna in Lunar Mansion '6 Ardra-4'
Your Ascendant or Moonstar is Ardra.

There may be variations in physical structure, from the slim and short structure to fat and lengthy structure. Character and general events: you will undertake any work entrusted to you in a responsible manner. In the public meetings you will create an atmosphere of humor and keep everybody attracted to you. You will have intuitive perception. You may be a good psychologist. Your dealings with friends and relatives will be very cordial. You may be thankless to the persons who have given you help. You may not have a constant type of behavior.

Education, sources of earning/profession: you have the capacity to acquire and keep knowledge of almost all subjects. However, in spite of these good qualities you cannot attain much fame or reward out of such knowledge. It is advisable that you must meditate regularly. If you do so, you can overcome the above inherent affliction. Since you may be over sincere in work and to other persons, even the slightest problem which may be confronted could land you into mental agony. However, even during the time of extreme hardships both financial and mental, you can keep your head cool, and behave in a most respectable and attractive manner. Because of this quality, you will be very much involved in others hearts. You will not stick to one line of work, you may enjoy working many different jobs at a time. Even when you come to know that the line of action or thought which you have taken is the correct approach, you will not hesitate to respect others if their opinions differ. In the case of research work on any particular line, you will be successful. In the business field you will attain much success. It has been noticed that most of the selfless social workers are born with the Moon under this star. You have the capacity to successfully undertake any number of jobs at a time. Complete perfection in all the fields can also be obtained. In the case of travel for a specific job, you will oversee other connected work which can be carried out simultaneously. Normally, you will earn your livelihood away from your home and family. In other words you may be settled in foreign places. The period between 32 years and 42 years of age will be the golden period for you. You may be employed in transport, shipping, communication departments or industries. You may also earn as a book seller or finance broker.

Family life: your marriage may be delayed. In case marriage takes place early you feel compelled to live separately from the family, either due to difference of opinion between the couple or due to other circumstances beyond your control. You may have to face several inherent problems of life. But you will not reflect your problems outwardly. When the marriage takes place at a late stage, your married life will be good. Your spouse will exercise full control over you.

Health: you might suffer from some diseases that could be serious. You may be prone to Asthma, dry cough, ear trouble.
Sun in Leo 10°59'23"
Some of the qualities that may describe you: mountaineer, victor, aggressive, enthusiastic, sober, talkative, rich, famous, a landlord, ambitious and can not act in subordinate position. Kind-hearted. You will destroy your adversaries, be given to anger, will perform notable acts, will wander in forests, hills and fortresses, be enthusiastic, valorous, bright in appearance, and will be formidable. You will be restive, strong in a lasting measure, talkative, be a king, be plentiful in wealth and be famous. You will be victorious over your competitors or opposing elements, are given to anger or domination, will perform notable acts and not be mediocre, will wander or go out to engagements, are not a homebody or fearful of the outside world, and are enthusiastic, valorous, bright and formidable, like a Lion, the King of the Jungle. You are talkative and king-like. This Sun may give wealth and may give fame.
Sun in Leo with Gemini ascendent
You may have only one brother who will be very famous.
This placement enhances your strength and valor and accentuates your individuality. Siblings and friends hover around you, expecting sustenance and succor. You dress lavishly, your demeanor is regal, and you are universally respected.
Sun in 3rd House
Sun in the third house generally destroys harmony with ones siblings. This is because you have universal interests, and can therefore not focus on the things your brothers and sisters focused on while you matured. You have wider vision. In terms of consciousness, this may cause you to leave the nest you grew up with.

This Sun also gives you diligence, perseverance, forbearance, culture, perfection, etc. You like cultured partners, but this Sun gives distaste for sex in general. You are fond of high-minded associations, or the rich. Your Sun makes you strong and glorious. You suffer at the hands of your equals, brothers or associates. You may go on holy pilgrimage. You tend to prevail when confronted. The elder brother or sister, if there is one, may shine in some way.

This Sun is good, making you healthy, wealthy and wise. It adds to being liked by others, kind, modest and a leader. Your Sun causes trouble to the brothers and sisters, or there might not be any, especially elder brothers may be lacking. It adds to being liked and good-looking and a conqueror. It also helps with intelligence, fame, success in litigations and eloquence.
Sun in Lunar Mansion '10 Magha-4'
Moon in Leo 24°31'37"
Moon in Leo brings idealism in love, and you will desire affection from all directions. You will be fond of the opposite sex and enjoyment, calm, magnanimous, persevering, loyal to father and Guru, a good organizer, well-dressed, given to music art and sports, popular and respected. Some of the natural feminine qualities bother you because of how opposite they are to your mental nature. You may not eat well, have stomach disorders, tooth decay, eat meat, are harsh, like to copulate in the forests and hills, yet be charitable, respectful to your mother, valorous, dutiful and majestic looking.
Moon in Leo with Gemini ascendent
You are inclined to spend money on siblings and friends. You become receptive to good counsel from elders and believe more in consolidating your position than in conquering new fields. You are fond of travel and the good life and relish good food.
Moon in 3rd House
The Moon in the third house discourages the influence and importance of siblings and makes you very courageous, whenever someone creates trouble for you. Otherwise, you will be a person of few words, concerned with enjoying the good life, spending time with your family and interested in spiritual matters. You are naturally austere in one sense and therefore not easily attracted to superficial beauty in other's bodies. Your faith brings you success or renown, and you like your siblings very much. Happiness in general is something you get from your Karma. You have a changeable disposition and like intellectual pursuits. You have good times with those you consider your brothers and sisters. You may hurt family ties by your desire to enjoy with those, whom your family considers outside your allowed circle of associates. You like short journeys for pleasure.
Moon in Lunar Mansion '11 Purva Phalguni-4'
The Star ruling your Ascendant or Moon is Purva Phalguni.

Physical features: you have an attractive personality, and a stout body with mixed color. Frequent sweating, and a snubbed nose are indicated. Character and general events: you like full freedom. It is seen that you become famous in one field or another. However, your mind may be full of disturbances over one or the other matter. You have inherent intuitive powers to know the problems of other people. Hence, even before the help is requested for, you extend a helping hand to the needy. You will possess sweet speech and are fond of traveling.

Education, sources of earning/profession: you choose not to be a slave to anyone. Because of this quality, it is quite often noticed that you will not take up a job which involves subordination in its true meaning. There is a drawback in you that cannot be a 'yes master' even to your boss in the case of employment. You are not in a position to derive much benefit from your superiors. You want to be sincere in all the work you undertake. Neither can you be a party to any illegal activities nor have the power of tolerance to see such activities. This condition of your mind may drag you into several complications in life, but you are ready to face such problems. You do not like to get any benefit at the cost of others. You may have several hidden enemies. Hence, such enemies stand as a main obstacle in your progress. However, you are able to subdue such enemies and attain much success in all the work you undertake. You enjoy power. You give preference to position and authority rather than money.

You pursue a righteous path of progress and may devote your valuable time for such a cause. Even though you are able and intelligent you cannot necessarily reach the place of your dreams. It does not mean though that you will not rise in life. In the employment field, you will frequently change your job, particularly at the age of 22, 27, 30, 32,37 and 44 years. You will attain the requisite position only after your 45th year of age. While you do not want others' money you may be frequently in trouble in the financial matters because of others. In other words, borrowers may not return the money to you. In spite of all the adverse positions mentioned above you will, after your 45th year of age, reach a good position where power and authority vests in you. In the business field you can shine well.

Family life: your married life will be happy. You will have a good spouse and children and also derive much happiness from them. In some cases it has been noticed that you may not marry the person of your choice. You will lead a life away from your birthplace and other family members.

Health: your health will generally be good. However, you may be prone to dental disease or digestive disorders. Even so, no permanent nature of disease is noticed.
You will accomplish work by various devices and techniques. You will find fame for your public activities, and will help others become financially stable. However, you may not derive any monetary benefits, other than mental satisfaction.
Mars in Virgo 4°42'39"
This placement is good for being a surgeon, physician, pharmacist or groceries merchant. You are original and inventive. You have to struggle to reach goals, are self willed, and nervous. You like your employees or helpers, and are separated from your friends. When Mars is afflicted, you can be cross at times, hasty, obstinate and inviting hostility from others. You are honorable, worthy, fond of love and music, soft spoken, learned, fear enemies and are skillful in scripture and fine art.
Mars in Virgo with Gemini ascendent
Mars enables you to acquire property and status, but you feel a great hankering for emotional satisfaction. As you were denied maternal affection, the relationship with your spouse is afflicted and you are socially ill-adjusted. You may even be involved in litigation and disputes regarding property matters.
Mars in 4th House
Mars precipitates the impact of past karmic deeds, especially those of an adverse nature. Ordinarily, Mars is a planet of selfishness, greed and rash action, which, in the long run, catches up with you in the form of physical or psychological problems. Mars creates impatience, impulsiveness and self-centeredness, unless it receives auspicious aspects or is in exaltation or in its own sign. As a result, you may be considered cruel, inflexible and covetous by nature. Under such circumstances, Mars may produce affliction for the mother, loss of property, dependence on manual labor to earn a livelihood and constant movement from one place to another. Generally, you are not born into a respectable family, are abandoned by siblings, favor bad company and involve yourself in tawdry sexual affairs. You earn your living by serving bad people. Don't expect much gain through friends and relatives. You are apprehensive of enemies, get government favor, doles of clothes and fabric through the rich. Mars in this house denotes quarrels with parents, disputes in family, unpleasant domestic affairs leading to misunderstandings and strife. NOTE: Understand that this is a negative Mars placement, as Mars by its nature is not very compatible with the nature of the sensitive fourth house, and take the things mentioned in here as areas to look to for these impacts, but not necessarily as 'drastically' as they are described.
Mars in Lunar Mansion '12 Uttara Phalguni-3'
You may lose a spouse, or divorce, and become a widow/er or single around your 40th year of age. You may have to struggle hard before attaining success in your respective field.
Mercury in Virgo 2°49'28"
Your intelligence or deeper thinking capacity is very strong, giving you understanding of finer things, original thinking, retentive memory, and fondness for discussion and literature.
Mercury in Virgo with Gemini ascendent
Mercury occupying this sign and house produces a great Yoga, heralding the birth of a great soul. Your thinking is very evolved and guides you to a high social status. Your understanding of divine wisdom is deep; you are especially an expert in the life sciences. There is no aggressive behavior.
Mercury in 4th House
Physical comforts, a large number of friends and relations, and a very sharp intelligence are indicated by this placement of Mercury in the 4th house. There is the ability to understand the great range of truths in life. This is a very good Mercury for 'understanding'. You are very considerate to others. You could take to astrology, should you desire to. Many great astrologers are found to have Mercury in the 4th house. However, there will probably also be frequent change of residence and worry or anxiety through domestic affairs. Likely career choices are learning in private institutions, dealings with real estate, publishing or home-based businesses. You are composed and learned. Gain comes from parental or authority figures. Basically, it could be said, that at heart, you are like an heir to the kingdom. You serve the established order and understand it like a prince or princess would understand the kingdom. You are an advisor of some sort, may even be an administrator in the court and also make a good diplomat. You are engaged in writing, or others take your dictation. You befriend the best of the people. Your orders are honored even by the family members. You gain income through hard labor, are adept in music, fond of traveling, and may be a scholar or a mathematician.
Mercury in Lunar Mansion '12 Uttara Phalguni-2'
You may be an accounts or finance executive or a teacher in the commerce subjects. You may earn as a writer of religious books, building contractor or civil engineer.
Jupiter in Aries 29°59'48"
You successfully achieve intellectual and material growth as a fixed aim of life through friends and others. Gain through speculation, patrimony, children and partner. Name and fame through religious links and even enemies. Peaceful and much traveling; great authority.
Jupiter in Aries with Gemini ascendent
With Jupiter in this sign, you are respected and are devoted to religion, scriptures and religious services. You earn a fabulous amount of money and your spouse brings you luck, but there is a dissatisfaction in you which cannot be filled by wealth or conventional religion. You are a truly benevolent figure to your family.
Jupiter in 11th House
Jupiter in the eleventh house makes you learned, a follower of traditional social values, and fond of religious discourses. You earn wealth through religious scholarship or by way of your sons. At heart you are some sort of priest and your income may be derived in that manner. In any case, this planetary combination produces a very earnest individual working very conscientiously; you are eminently respectable and seek to attain perfection, though you are willing to compromise with reality when necessary.

Psychologically, you are so independent that you regard yourself as a leader and maintain a very healthy sense of dignity in your personal deportment. You suffer sorrow from elder brother if Jupiter is in the 11th. Jupiter in the 11th is very good for overall gains in life, and fulfillment of desires. .

You are alert, mindful, and can serve others well. You shoulder the responsibility of your father and are blessed with 5 children (take that lightly). Wealth is for others, and not for you. You surprise your own family. This is a favorable placement for religion, conveyances and attendants. You are of saintly disposition and have little education and few sons. .

Longevity, success and gain is indicated. You are very sharp, Reputed, accredited, affluent, bold, valiant, fond of beautiful attire, handsome, skilled and fickle, healthy, strong, an advisor, learned in scriptures, gentle, brave, wealthy with best of the jewels, dresses and conveyances, get government favors, promote your family interests, are religious and rich, learned, blessed with sons, happy and prosperous, pious, and keep company with virtuous people. .

You own gold, silver and other metals, are revered by the leaders, moneyed, long living, have plenty of vehicles but few children. You gain through the government, sacrifices, transportation, land and learning activities. You get happiness through spouse, sons and friends, are scholarly and pious and get great gain in at age 32 and reputation through many sources. .

You are blessed either with children, wealth or education. Gain through many sincere and fortunate friends, eminent personalities, judges, legislators, bankers, doctors and people of status is indicated. You also gain through social life and your marriage partner and obtain wish-fulfillment through influential friends.
Jupiter in Lunar Mansion '3 Krittika-1'
You have aptitude for acquiring knowledge in all branches of learning and might be a reputed priest. Gains through specialization, patrimony and children. You will travel extensively and attain fame. You have a clear consciousness and will develop interest in the opposite sex, wine, history and literature.
Venus in Virgo 20°15'43"
Sober, tense, sympathetic, helpful, young, polite, artistic, financially tight, the first partner is possibly not so nice. More daughters than sons. Gains through medicine, food products, experimental farming, gardening and speculation.
Venus in Virgo with Gemini ascendent
With Venus in this position, you are happy, talented, artistic and social; your children are very praiseworthy. However, you may neglect your gifts and bum the candle at both ends by giving way to your desire for sensual enjoyment.
Venus in 4th House
An attractive spouse, fine cars, intelligent children, a nice house and respectable society are among the auspicious results of Venus in the fourth house. Young people are attracted to such an individual. You have an artistic temperament, are highly intuitive and can easily pick up on the feelings and thoughts of others. Your company is always joyous, and you are skilled in the erotic arts.

Ability in music is indicated. You lead a very happy domestic life and can also expect a peaceful and comfortable end of life. Gains and happiness through parents, inheritance, house-property and investment are indicated. You get great honor and respect from the people, but remain unaffected by the pleasure or displeasure you get out of others and are content with the company around you. You are most revered, get gains through your mother and are devoted to her since childhood.

This placement denotes economic prosperity including food, home, garments and conveyances. Gains through relatives and friends are also indicated. You are elegant, liberal and indifferent. You depend on your partner for success and make a decent living. You are wealthy, wise, renowned, learned, affluent, talkative, handsome, kind, tolerant and happy, a sincere friend, eccentric and home-bound. You are lustful and like to indulge in a variety of tasteful enjoyments.

You are recognized by the authority, long-living, brave, blessed with a wise and beautiful partner and family. You might own silver and land and possess plenty of food and milk, friends and home. You are pious, discreet and reputed, support poets and religious teachers and have leadership abilities. Your appearance is that of a pauper, since birth and might suffer from cough, colds and eye diseases. You might at times get help from your mother and brothers.
Venus in Lunar Mansion '13 Hasta-4'
Be careful of your tendency to drink intoxicants as it may lead to serious stomach disorders. Also, your tendency to engage in excess sexual activity may lead to diseases associated with such activity
Saturn in Capricorn 21°25'36"
Interested in the higher branches of learning such as philosophy. Is, learned, talented, seasoned, efficient, travels, and is fond of ornaments and other items of decoration. Progressive, ambitious, rational and convincing, gloomy, serious and discontented, trouble through love affairs, link with the low-bred, nervous disturbances, tactful, diplomatic and persevering. Ultimately, success will be yours.
Saturn in Capricorn with Gemini ascendent
You may suffer from horse fall or foot injury.
Marriage may be frustrating, with the spouse suffering from some physical incapacity. Everyday life may be so complex that you have no time of your own. With all avenues of creativity blocked, you feel extremely stifled.
Saturn in 8th House
Saturn in the eighth house puts a powerful lid on past auspicious influences, forcing you to meet the everyday trials of life with no help from past Karma. Under such rigorous conditions you become bewildered, having been abandoned by relations, abused and tormented through no apparent fault of your own, and put to physical hardships which require great stamina to bear. In some cases, finding your helplessness acute, you begin to seek pleasure through dissipation, though under favorable circumstances you may begin pursuing an arduous spiritual path which, though it may not eliminate sorrow from your life, may reveal the deeper meaning that life and destiny awaits you after your period of trial. Long life is indicated and you may live in a foreign land where being caught as a thief is punished. Much sorrow, piles, poverty, cruel, friends avoid you. You are quarrelsome and bilious and death might occur in a foreign place due to heart trouble, cough, cholera etc. You are sober but bold and fearless. Your children are cunning. You live till up to 75 years of age. You tend to be poor, in service and have contact with low class persons. There will be financial difficulties due to several restrictions. You have unhappy dreams and are at times interested in occultism. This position of Saturn is not good but keeps you alert till the last breath: you get premonitions, esp. if 4th or 5th house is occupied by malefics. A benefic in these houses will keep you unconscious in your last moments. Fortune comes after age 36. You are denied the company of virtuous people, will be separated from your own people and live with the lower persons. You are far from being generous, very narrow-minded, and nobody can cheat you. You might suffer great loss of wealth, be ailing and often find fault with others. You are very clever, scared of diseases, ill-reputed, lazy, gluttonous, miserly, tend to be perverse at times, and are kind and timid. You have few children and a weak eyesight.
Saturn in Lunar Mansion '22 Shravana-4'
You have a dark complexion, a lean body, and in some cases the bones become visible. You occupy a very high position. You do not talk much, and this behavior makes others think that you are either not listening or are not interested in hearing.
Rahu in Capricorn 2°12'26"
Rahu in Capricorn with Gemini ascendent
You are detached from anything personal, making your life an open book to the world. You will receive unexpected and unearned money and wealth, but will also have to accept painful psychological experiences.
Rahu in 8th House
With Rahu in this position you are always trying to attain your goal, but unfortunately your goal is not often clear to you. Under such conditions you always worry about unimportant things or strive after something which seems important momentarily but gives no ultimate satisfaction, and to attain your assumed objective you may associate with undesirable characters who bring a bad name.

You suffer from complex ailments which are difficult to diagnose. Rahu promotes health, promises longevity, grants gifts, legacies and inheritance from the dead. You are extravagant, sick, and ther will be strife with brothers, life away from birthplace and tend to have an unhappy family life. You are denied happiness through spouse, children, honor and education and might suffer from diseases of rectum or diabetes. Hindrances or enemies and complains of gastralgia or hystericus etc. are indicated. You are denied patrimony, but are respected and recognized by the rulers and pundits.

Fortune smiles once, but losses mock you again and again. You are forsaken by the noble for no reason and gain of sufficient wealth from the government, that sometimes is lost. You are well-built, short-tempered, free from danger, suffer from diseases of the generative organs, like hydrocele etc. You gain through defeated enemies, are troubled, ill-spoken, ailing and vicious.

You are praised by the state and condemned by some. There will be many ups and downs, troubles and sufferings at times in life and you might have a stomach problem caused by hard labor. You receive honor and fame from the government, are noble by deed and thought, healthy, and get some income or employment. You are happy in old age.
Rahu in Lunar Mansion '21 Uttara Ashadha-2'
You have a dark complexion and a stout body. You are unorthodox and clever, and like solitude. You will be expert in mechanical sciences, and earn money through the opposite sex. This may be due to your spouse not being employed. You are a spendthrift but not for the family welfare.
Ketu in Cancer 2°12'26"
Ketu in Cancer with Gemini ascendent
May produce some kind of mental imbalance and incoherence in speech.
Ketu in 2nd House
Ketu in the second house may make you conceited, or feel depraved. There is something in your feelings which makes you careful to watch out for yourself. There are conditions which cause you to worry about finances in general. The threat of government fines looms at times. You'll have a hard time speaking before many people, or they won't accept or understand what you're trying to say. Those who support you, may feel that they've gotten themselves on the wrong side of the fence. You may therefore adopt a sweet tone of voice, and by and by, having learned that it provokes less trouble from others, this carefulness and control over your speech could lead to success.
Ketu in Lunar Mansion '7 Punarvasu-4'
You will work hard, but have difficulty saving money. Your children will be wealthy, learned and care for you in your old age.
Uranus in Cancer 2°49'16"
Uranus in Cancer with Gemini ascendent
Uranus in 2nd House
Uranus in Lunar Mansion '7 Punarvasu-4'
Neptune in Virgo 24°03'40"
Neptune in Virgo with Gemini ascendent
Neptune in 4th House
Neptune in Lunar Mansion '14 Chitra-1'
Pluto in Capricorn 22°12'36"
Pluto in Capricorn with Gemini ascendent
Pluto in 8th House
Pluto in Lunar Mansion '22 Shravana-4'

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