James Taylor

James Taylor


James TaylorJames Taylor
Lagna in Leo 21°57'24"
Leo in the Ascendant bestows a regal appearance, as if the life force is vibrating from every part of your body. You have a broad face with strong bones and beautiful and expressive eyes. You may be a possessive parent, egotistical and selfish in temperament, and a braggart. You are excessively libidinous, but not necessarily promiscuous. You are not satisfied with the material heights you attains and are always aspiring towards greater intellect, greater wealth, greater status, and greater respectability. Often you think you have achieved more than you really have; nevertheless, you are never satisfied, for you think you deserve more than you have received. You always strive to reach the top of the mountain.

You are basically materialistic, but like to assume that you are spiritually highly evolved. Involvement in work is intense and whole-hearted. You may be seen working adroitly on the subtle problems of life, whether related to physical sciences, psychology, or to concrete and technological problems in engineering, industry or economics. It is not the subject matter that is significant: Your complete involvement in whatever you undertake is of supreme importance to you. In that pursuit, your engagement of effort is total.

There is a suddenness in your actions, which gives you an element of surprise and unpredictability. However involved you may seem in a pursuit or relationship, you can suddenly end it. You are loyal friends, but that friendship can end suddenly. To some people, you may seem ungrateful. The world exists only for your convenience and the satisfaction of your desires. In your social relationships, contradiction and self-aggrandizement seem to predominate.

You may find married life difficult. Your spouse is very calculating and self centered, which are some of Leo's traits as well. Compatibility becomes difficult. In such circumstances, you often act in a clandestine manner, concealing certain aspects of your life. You do not trust others; equal partnership is not a common factor in your life. This placement gives rise to wealth in mutual combination.

The Sun is Lord of the Ascendant, Mercury Lord of wealth and Mars is of course Yoga Karaka. Thus all the three planets have acquired some power or other to do good. It will be seen that the Sun, Mercury and Mars play an important role in case of persons born under Leo Ascendant, while other planets will be able to do some good under certain special conditions.

One born in this Ascendant will be fond of eating meat and enjoying worldly enjoyments, will earn wealth and honor through the government, will be bereft of religion, dutiful in family affairs, hold a high rank of office, be majestic, strong, bold, be a miser, will trouble others, will wander in hills and forests and speak sparingly, be irascible, firm in friendship, careless, inaccessible (or inviolable), will destroy his enemies, have famous sons, honor the virtuous, will be rich through agriculture etc., be interested in business and will spend heavily on prostitutes and dancers. Spouse will suffer dental diseases.,
Lagna in Lunar Mansion '11 Purva Phalguni-3'
The Star ruling your Ascendant or Moon is Purva Phalguni.

Physical features: you have an attractive personality, and a stout body with mixed color. Frequent sweating, and a snubbed nose are indicated. Character and general events: you like full freedom. It is seen that you become famous in one field or another. However, your mind may be full of disturbances over one or the other matter. You have inherent intuitive powers to know the problems of other people. Hence, even before the help is requested for, you extend a helping hand to the needy. You will possess sweet speech and are fond of traveling.

Education, sources of earning/profession: you choose not to be a slave to anyone. Because of this quality, it is quite often noticed that you will not take up a job which involves subordination in its true meaning. There is a drawback in you that cannot be a 'yes master' even to your boss in the case of employment. You are not in a position to derive much benefit from your superiors. You want to be sincere in all the work you undertake. Neither can you be a party to any illegal activities nor have the power of tolerance to see such activities. This condition of your mind may drag you into several complications in life, but you are ready to face such problems. You do not like to get any benefit at the cost of others. You may have several hidden enemies. Hence, such enemies stand as a main obstacle in your progress. However, you are able to subdue such enemies and attain much success in all the work you undertake. You enjoy power. You give preference to position and authority rather than money.

You pursue a righteous path of progress and may devote your valuable time for such a cause. Even though you are able and intelligent you cannot necessarily reach the place of your dreams. It does not mean though that you will not rise in life. In the employment field, you will frequently change your job, particularly at the age of 22, 27, 30, 32,37 and 44 years. You will attain the requisite position only after your 45th year of age. While you do not want others' money you may be frequently in trouble in the financial matters because of others. In other words, borrowers may not return the money to you. In spite of all the adverse positions mentioned above you will, after your 45th year of age, reach a good position where power and authority vests in you. In the business field you can shine well.

Family life: your married life will be happy. You will have a good spouse and children and also derive much happiness from them. In some cases it has been noticed that you may not marry the person of your choice. You will lead a life away from your birthplace and other family members.

Health: your health will generally be good. However, you may be prone to dental disease or digestive disorders. Even so, no permanent nature of disease is noticed.
Sun in Aquarius 29°07'01"
Your Sun's position pushes you towards illicit romantic liaisons, which you will have to struggle to avoid. Watch for heart trouble. You may find that your past dealings with others leave you in a position, where others see you as unpopular, and to be avoided. The best way to avoid this is to avoid its cause, which is a tendency to dominate and manipulate, caused by having a very strong thinking capacity, which may put you over others who are simpler in mind. Watch for these tendencies during Sun ruled periods. If not major Sun period comes in the current life, then perhaps these things will not ever manifest very. You have great strength and courage, but a short temper. In some way or at one point in life you will gain through other peoples' marriage partners. If this only comes once in life, then it is of little concern. Otherwise, this may indicate the ability to be a divorce attorney, marriage counselor, etc. Due to something you believe or do, you may be not liked by the truly learned, probably due to some connection with 'lowliness'. There is an underlying current of unhappiness or sorrow running through your life. This is not necessarily bad, as it may push you on towards spirituality for answers. However, this Sun indicates some low vibrations in Aquarius, so watch out for being fraudulent, a traitor, dirty or miserly.
Sun in Aquarius with Leo ascendent
You may have a have strained relationship with your spouse and may have many health hazards.
Your spouse is subservient to you, who are very domineering. The death of the spouse often occurs during your lifetime, for the general health of the marriage partner is poor, subject to various constitutional ailments.
Sun in 7th House
Generally speaking, the Sun in the seventh house shapes your attraction to the opposite sex, but which causes suffer thereby. You experience difficulties in establishing a harmonious married life, and often marry more than once. You are fond of traveling, and of lovers from widely different social backgrounds.

Your spouse is not devoted to you, fickle minded, and fidelity is doubtful. You might be diseased, mentally tense and suffer from insomnia. There will be little profit in business and rivalry with the people. You are sickly and your spouse suffers. The wicked worry you and whatever effort you may make in business, you fail to earn enough.

Your spouse means every thing to you, and you lose your individuality. You are afraid of the government, suffer sickness and have many enemies. You are short-tempered and wicked. You might often quarrel with the spouse which makes the family unhappy.

The Sun in the 7th house delays marriage. There is no happiness and pleasure in married life because of discord between husband and wife. You travel abroad in the 25th year and take inedible food and suffer. You are jolly, foolish and destructive.

If the Sun is well aspected the partner will feel independent, be of sound moral integrity, seeking harmony and happiness in the married life. The afflicted Sun will bring trouble through pride, subject to the nature of the aspect.

This house stands for love and marriage, husband or wife, public enemies, law suits, partnership in trade, travel, happiness, children from a second marriage, son-in-law, relatives, ways and means and merchandise. You may be poor, insulted, will suffer bodily diseases, government displeasures and imprisonment, will take to bad ways and will not be well-disposed to your spouse.

Note: Almost every authority declares that the Sun in the 7th is not congenial for a smooth married life. One will incur grief on account of spouse, will incur physical distress and mental worries.

Due to fear of others, you cannot even sleep peacefully. You will gain in a limited way in your undertakings. You will consider the opposite sex to be everything in this world and will remain sexually tormented.

You will have limited happiness in regards to progeny, indulge in sinful acts, be sick, will have a damaged body due to excessive sexual enjoyment and will eat anything available. You will not derive much physical pleasures from your spouse and will enter into quarrels within a single moment without cause.
Sun in Lunar Mansion '25 Purva Bhadrapada-3'
Moon in Pisces 22°00'25"
The Moon in this placement may cause you to be wavering, changeable, lacking in concentration and stability, and although you remain positive about others, you are easily disturbed. You are drawn to things which are not concrete, such as spirituality and philosophy. You are reserved and retiring, eloquent, gifted, short-tempered, a miser, learned, and social. You will have to experience many disappointments, are a voracious reader, author, and inconsistent in your love affairs. You are expert in fine arts, capable of winning over even your adversaries, learned in scriptures, beautiful, musical, religious, cohabit with a number of mates, might be a polite speaker, serve the leader, are happy and wealthy, won over by the opposite sex, virtuous, like water, and are liberal.
Moon in Pisces with Leo ascendent
You are interested in the 'hidden pleasures' of life. You may suffer from kidney trouble but receive a legacy.
Moon in 8th House
Moon in the 8th house harms the mental composure. The past is brought to the surface. Defects in character, ailments, and adversaries appear in the forefront and you find you have to deal with these. The Moon in the 8th house indicates death in a public place, by drowning, ship wreck, road accident or public calamity. Separation from family members due to spouse's influence is indicated in some way. You tend to suffer from different acute and chronic ailments and take varied treatment from several doctors, who flock to your house and prescribe strange medicines. You may have constant fear of curable and incurable diseases. The eighth house indicates death, legacies, interest in occult science, and diseases of the secret parts and generative system. Moon in the eighth house causes fear of chronic diseases and strong enemies e.g. government, thieves, etc. You are dependent on doctors and their medicines, are intelligent, learned and splendorous. You may suffer from the severest of diseases and will be attended to by many doctors. The eyes may suffer and epilepsy is possible. You will not have firm livelihood and will be wandering. Poverty may come and conjugal happiness suffers.
Moon in Lunar Mansion '27 Revati-2'
The Star ruling your Moon or Ascendant is Revati.

You will have a very good physique, a moderately tall and symmetrical body with a fair complexion. You are very clean in your heart, sincere in dealings and soft-spoken. You have a knack of dealings with others as per the occasion warrants. You do not give much heed to others unnecessarily. Since you have a completely independent life, you are easily hurt when resistance arises. You cannot keep anything secret for long. You will not blindly believe even your loved ones. But once you take somebody into confidence, it is not easy for you to keep away from them out of attachment. You are very hot-tempered.

Come what may, acting according to your inner calling is your principle. You try to observe the principle which you feel is correct and resist tooth and nail till the end for achieving or following that principle. You draw premature conclusions on any matter. You are God-fearing, superstitious, religious and rigid in the observance of orthodox culture and principles. You are stubborn and ambitious. Even a slightest failure of ideas or plans will give you maximum torture. Out of all the 27 Nakshatra born persons, Revati born persons are the most God-fearing and are religiously much inclined. Hence they also enjoy the maximum blessings.

You will be interested in scientific solutions, historical research and ancient cultures. You will be known publicly for merits in any one of the three fields mentioned above. Ancient cultures include astrology and astronomy also. You can be a good physician, astrologer or poet. If you are employed in a government organization you can be the most successful person. Revati born are mostly settled in foreign countries. When I say foreign countries, it includes quite a reasonable distance from one's own birth place. You will come up in life through your own efforts. Your intelligence and ability are the inherent quality at birth. You cannot stick to any particular field of work or job for long. You cannot expect to gain much compared to the ratio between work and reward till your 50 years old. Between 23 and 26 years will be a good period, whereas between 27 to 42 years of age will mark a lot of problems financially, mentally and socially. It is only after your 50th year that you can think of a worry free and stable life. You are not able to get any help from relatives or your father. In other words, you are unlucky to enjoy the benefits from near and dear ones.

However, your married life will be moderately good. Your spouse will be quite an adjusting type.

You are prone to fever, dysentery or dental diseases, intestinal ulcers and ear problems.
Mars in Cancer 26°43'40"
Inventive, ambitious, enterprising, sensuous. Inclined to medicine or surgery; gains through traveling; occultism. If afflicted, there may be troubles for your mother or troubles through land, property or partners danger from fire and theft. Stomach and vision problems. This is the sign of fall for Mars. Likes to live off others, may be deformed or sick, own riches through agriculture, has good food and clothes during childhood, but is raised by others than the parents very often, gains wealth through water, and is repeatedly anguished and always distressed.
Mars in Cancer with Leo ascendent
Mars in this sign may lead to your persecution: trouble with the eyes, discontent in your family circle, and unhappiness in marital relationships. On occasion you may be violent, injure your limbs, and suffer acute mental pain.
Mars in 12th House
Mars externalizes inherent tendencies. The twelfth house being the repository of all one's past karmic forces and future possibilities, the presence of Mars here brings these forces to the surface. This is done in order to neutralize them so that you may be liberated from their binding effect. During this process you may often be unprepared to bear the pressure; your reaction creates further binding.

Under the influence of Mars, you have the freedom either to liberate yourself from bondage and begin a new life or become more deeply immersed in layers of materiality. But if you have already cleared your past debts and no further undesirable forces are pending, your spiritual tendencies surface. In that case, you show genuine tendencies toward spirituality.

Under negative conditions, you may be possessed by anger, lustful behavior, animosity against friends, depravity and criminality. When these tendencies are bravely faced, you may possibly free yourself to enter the heavenly gates of divine pleasure. If your past is already full of spiritual merit, the Martian effect will externalize it, and you may be an inspiring spirit who helps others progress courageously. It is possible that some physical illness may afflict you if you have the seed of such an illness in your karmic past, even while you are engaged in your spiritual mission.

Whoever has Mars in the 12th will be fortunate in respect of brother. You may be a glutton and sexy, but get little pleasure from your spouse. A second marriage comes. You are truthful, generous, and excited and may be the founder of some organization.

You might be without progeny or have few children, and no sons. Traveling abroad is indicated, and you get success at age 26. You are frank, but somewhat crude. Danger of falls, poison, accidents, headaches, blood impurities, secret vice, and dyspepsia in old age are indicated.

There will be no accumulation of wealth. You may lose through theft, advances or misplacement. Mars in the 12th house brings about financial ruin. It attacks with such weapons, so severely and powerfully that even the strongest body shows the wound marks.

This placement may indicate rumors to defame, scandals, disputes, strife or jealousy, trouble through servants, fear and sorrow due to dependence, and a life of misfortunes. You may suffer immediate loss of wealth. Beware of danger from thieves, burglars, weapons, and enemies.

You are base, and depraved by own actions, and have a desire to extort others' wealth. Your eyes are transient, your mind restless, and you are mobile, cheerful, strong, prosperous, debauch, despondent and successful in gaining your end.

You are hostile, and may be without wealth and spouse, are rude with own family members, aggressive, inconsiderate, and always tense. You may divulge secret information to the enemies and get contempt and imprisonment. You might die in seclusion or prison. You have the reputation of being a trouble creator amongst your friends by giving them wrong advice.

You are extravagant, atheist, cruel, wicked and crafty, a boaster, and travel far. This placement denotes possible injury to left eye, ear, hand or foot of the spouse. If this Mars is well posited, the wound marks are short lived, if ill aspected or associated, they remain for a long time. Death of paternal uncles is indicated.

You are wrathful, sexy, crippled, infidel, jealous of friends and relatives, unfriendly, agitated, disabled and suffer loss of reputation and wealth at age 45. You may suffer from troubles in throat, ears and eyes, blood infection, feverish complaints, cataract or heat stroke on eyes. Beware of secret or treacherous enemies, misadventures, accidents, slander, or scandal. Mars here indicates expenditure through enemies, crimes etc.
Mars in Lunar Mansion '9 Ashlesha-4'
Your spouse may be of weak constitution.
Mercury in Aquarius 2°02'29"
Overall you are rather intelligent and have an attraction to electronic gadgetry like computers and stereos. You tend to believe in higher spiritual forces and you are an independent thinker. You draw intelligence from the space where one knows that everything vanishes in time and that the greater, larger, picture is what is important.
Mercury in Aquarius with Leo ascendent
Mercury makes you suffer due to the marriage partner's illness, but the spouse is so efficient at managing domestic affairs and human relations that many of your shortcomings are covered thereby.
Mercury in 7th House
Mercury makes you very diplomatic, able to relate well with every type of person. Your relationship with the spouse is as harmonious as with other business partners; the influence of the marriage partner on the attainment of social status is considerable. Mercury in the 7th makes you attached to playing around sexually, or rather, you have a hard time making the marriage commitment for some reason. You may be impotent. Your spouse is a living beauty. If Mercury does not conjoin the Sun, the spouse is most attractive. Your level of sex desire or performance is in some way not compatible with the spouse. You feel defeated and shy, are saintly and your spouse is comely and modest. You are blessed with many children, and there might be some physical suffering. You are vanquished in war and debate. The family of the in-laws might be large and aristocratic. You are sharp, handsome and dignified and the spouse comes from an affluent or middle- class and simple family. You are good-natured, luxury loving, honest, faithful, good looking, learned, gentle, respected, generous, courteous, noble and prosperous. You are well established and might gain from sale and purchase. Your spouse is intelligent, wise, quick, eloquent, critical, young, beautiful and nervous. Worries and anxieties after marriage are indicated. This Mercury is favorable to mother. You enjoy riding and are philanthropic and saintly. Over-thinking in relationship.
Mercury in Lunar Mansion '23 Dhanishtha-3'
You may not be so rich and therefore you are prone to mental stress at the age of 35 years.
Jupiter in Sagittarius 4°06'52"
Serious, sincere and simple, lovable, helping, fortunate, successful, much independent thinking and leadership, dominating, enterprising. Gains after marriage, through legacy. Loss through speculation and game of chance. One marriage, but many affairs.
Jupiter in Sagittarius with Leo ascendent
Children after great difficulty. Incomplete education.
You will be directing the expression of the life essence to higher levels of existence. You will have children only after experiencing considerable difficulties. Your education will be sound, and your interests will be primarily directed towards those subjects which improve the spiritual quality of life.
Jupiter in 5th House
Jupiter inspires and urges the individual to be religious, respectable, friendly and helpful. The planet has a special affinity with this house, though its placement here is not favorable for children.

Its influence is on the higher levels of human existence: Jupiter will make you spiritually oriented, a follower of religious observances, inspired to study sacred writings, engaged in imparting wisdom to others, and interested in life after death.

You are well-educated and have good understanding of classical literature and the sacred sciences. Your children will be well-protected and will earn renown. Jupiter is a death significator of the maternal grandfather when it is in the 5th house.

You get wealth and conveyances through many sources and are of sweet and polite nature. It indicates some trouble for the maternal in-laws in the 7th year. You are scholarly, glorious and influential, but receive little help or support from your sons in old age. There will be trouble at the time of gain. You are rich and a leader of your own community. You have obedient children, get gain and success through the opposite sex, through places of amusement, centers of cultural activities, schools, speculation and investment.

You are sensual, love pleasure and ease, are an eloquent speaker and most imaginative, a logician or an impressive writer-author. Your son is helpful, your possessions ordinary, and there will be trouble in accomplishment. You are sensuous, rational in speech, skilled, thriving, charming, wise, prosperous, affluent, accomplished, steady, adored by veterans, prudent, blessed with sons and adored amongst your many friends.

You are wise, pure of mind, religious, kind, generous, thriving, charming, polite, well-dressed, have large eyes, are vocal, influential, charitable, affectionate and excel in linguistics, economics and philosophy. You have knowledge of several sciences and could be successful as a teacher, lecturer, director or minister.
Jupiter in Lunar Mansion '19 Mula-2'
You will hold a high position with power and wealth.
Venus in Aries 12°09'28"
You are inclined to art, adventure and romance: More to the form than to the spirit. Warm-hearted and amorous to the extent of evil acts. Night blindness; cruel. Marital ties might lead to discord and differences. Pliable. Suspicious and harsh. Impulsive-hasty attachments. Status in army or community.
Venus in Aries with Leo ascendent
Though provided with all the comforts of life and the availability of sensual enjoyment, you will nevertheless choose to immerse yourself in activities which will dissolve material entanglements and free you for spiritual development. Sensitivity and dedication to religion will be a great asset.
Venus in 9th House
Venus provides a sensitivity which enables you to vibrate to a higher frequency and learn how to dissolve your self-consciousness by merging it with something else. The object of assimilation may be an ideal for which you fight, a goal you want to achieve, or even the beloved with whom you desire to be with, but the central theme in all of these is self-forgetfulness, aroused by sensitivity and the desire for union with something sublime, higher than oneself.

You are a money-lender; all are indebted to you. There isn't a man in town who does not take a loan from you. They pay interest and make you richer. You are religious, charitable, into daily distribution of free food and known for piety. Gain through brothers, servants, attendants and relatives is indicated. You are of robust nature, stout, large hearted, blessed with spouse and friends, render service to preceptors, are a kind host, prosperous, learned, fortunate, pious, generous, and self-made.

Your residence is outstanding. You live for a spiritual existence and holiness. This placement denotes patrimony for the good of respectable people, festivities and pilgrimages. You are contented, simple living, thin, respected by your own community and get physical comforts. Wealth gain at age15 and luck at age 25 is indicated. You are calm and balanced, and own conveyances and garments. You are devout, austere, offer adoration, have oceanic sign on the feet, are fond of enjoyments and sexual pleasure and are blessed with a long living father.

You have a very refined and artistic temperament and are considered a giant regarding all kinds of intellectual exercises. You are kind and sympathetic, fond of art and music and pure literature, and enjoy social intercourse with intellectual persons. You get success abroad, gain through travel and sea voyage and through relatives by marriage. Marriage to a foreigner, or to one like-minded is indicated.
Venus in Lunar Mansion '1 Ashwini-4'
A fine actor, musician or a musical instrumentalist. You will have good writing ability.
Saturn in Cancer 23°41'40"
Hardships and difficulties in early life, motherless, noble partner, reputed, absence of enemies, opposition from relatives, gentle, affluence in later life, a rolling stone.
Saturn in Cancer with Leo ascendent
Saturn often makes you indigent, shabbily dressed, penurious in your habits, and unhealthy in your general attitude. You may also suffer many physical ailments.
Saturn in 12th House
You are persistent in getting what you want. Spirituality may be attractive, but you will probably see such thoughts as your own and pursue them not out of devotion to another person, but rather out of devotion to your own path. The voice of the mortal body is loud, urging you to pleasures. You are an intense person in a number of ways - both positive and negative. You associate with the average, the hurt and unhappy. You have a hard time with standard morality. Watch out for lung ailments and save money during Jupiter major period for harder times in Saturn major. You may be able to be a popular leader in some way. At times you are rather dry, shameless and merciless, in the perceptions of others. This is good if you are in such lines of work (such as law enforcement etc.). It can make for a lack of beauty and charm in relationships however. You may find gains and success in a land or state other than that of your birth. You are reserved, like peace and seclusion, and do laborious jobs. The right eye is in some danger due to Saturn being in the 12th house.
Saturn in Lunar Mansion '9 Ashlesha-3'
You attend to be pessimistic and maybe too opinionated in others' minds.
Rahu in Aries 22°02'14"
Rahu in Aries with Leo ascendent
You will associate with many learned men who will teach you the higher values of life. Nevertheless you will remain firmly entrenched in family life with strong materialistic attachments.
Rahu in 9th House
The nodes of the Moon have supreme importance in spiritual evolution. Rahu, the material polarity of the shadowy Nodes, takes you to sacred places, associates you with spiritual aspirants, and makes you a partner in spiritual celebrations and observances.

Preparing you in this way to receive the influence of the divine, Rahu equips you for this. You are a scholar, accredited for virtues, impressive in speech in an assembly, cultured and humane. You have veneration, belief and devotion in gods and sacred places. You are grateful and help upbringing your own family. You are revered for your merit, learned and generous. You give away useful things in charity, never leave a job in the middle, are persevering and virtuous, keep the family tradition and have spotless reputation. You help and support your relatives and are contented with the partner. You may be an affluent landlord and agriculturist.

You show faith in religions other than your own. Loss of wealth. You feel want of truth, conduct, luck and wisdom, travel alot, are a pauper, unfriendly to relatives and suffer from some physical ailment. You tend to be low, mean, shabby, afraid of enemies, wicked, hostile and vicious. You might be a town leader. You serve others and have intimate relationships with low-class persons.

You have many attendants, are prosperous, fortunate, have little faith in false religion, have poor health, are an eloquent speaker, are agreeable and cordial with the partner, affectionate, childless, proud of your community, a liar, speak ill of false religion and are unmindful of your duty. This Rahu denotes mental sharpness and gain through educational, legal and religious affairs, and through voyages and foreign affairs. You tend to be highly intuitive. Beware bad advisors/advice.
Rahu in Lunar Mansion '2 Bharani-3'
You become a famous poet. However, you cannot have good education. Inspite of this drawback, you move in the company of learned persons mainly due to your inherent gift of poetry. Good police or military officers also have Rahu in this segment.
Ketu in Libra 22°02'14"
Ketu in Libra with Leo ascendent
You may become lonely, forlorn and cranky. Your emotions will be uncontrolled, you may suffer from throat trouble and will be attracted to sensual pleasures.
Ketu in 3rd House
Ketu in the third house enables you to conquer your enemies and gain wealth. You have few friends, suffer constant pain in your hands and will be fearful, anxious, worried and instable. Ketu can give much affluence, but it will not lend peace of mind. You win over oppositions. Useless and fruitless altercations and discussions are indicated. You get prosperity and show smartness. Affluent, sensual and sharp, patient, brave and generous. Disputes with enemies, loss of friends and separation from brothers are possible. You are indifferent, quarrelsome, skilled, long living and well known. You have a fortunate partner, eat tasty foods and suffer fear of loss through friends. You experience uneasiness and fear from the community and family and might be adulterous with partners who are not really your friends.
Ketu in Lunar Mansion '16 Vishakha-1'
You may lack confidence and may suffer from occasional mental depression. There may be difficulty with stomach disorders. You may have a have job connected with machines. Good period between 35 to 40 years.
Uranus in Taurus 29°02'46"
Uranus in Taurus with Leo ascendent
Uranus in 10th House
Uranus in Lunar Mansion '5 Mrigashira-2'
Neptune in Virgo 19°00'51"
Neptune in Virgo with Leo ascendent
Neptune in 2nd House
Neptune in Lunar Mansion '13 Hasta-3'
Pluto in Cancer 19°48'36"
Pluto in Cancer with Leo ascendent
Pluto in 12th House
Pluto in Lunar Mansion '9 Ashlesha-1'

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