Jayne Amazing

Jayne Amazing


Jayne AmazingJayne Amazing
Lagna in Leo 27°30'41"
Leo in the Ascendant bestows a regal appearance, as if the life force is vibrating from every part of your body. You have a broad face with strong bones and beautiful and expressive eyes. You may be a possessive parent, egotistical and selfish in temperament, and a braggart. You are excessively libidinous, but not necessarily promiscuous. You are not satisfied with the material heights you attains and are always aspiring towards greater intellect, greater wealth, greater status, and greater respectability. Often you think you have achieved more than you really have; nevertheless, you are never satisfied, for you think you deserve more than you have received. You always strive to reach the top of the mountain.

You are basically materialistic, but like to assume that you are spiritually highly evolved. Involvement in work is intense and whole-hearted. You may be seen working adroitly on the subtle problems of life, whether related to physical sciences, psychology, or to concrete and technological problems in engineering, industry or economics. It is not the subject matter that is significant: Your complete involvement in whatever you undertake is of supreme importance to you. In that pursuit, your engagement of effort is total.

There is a suddenness in your actions, which gives you an element of surprise and unpredictability. However involved you may seem in a pursuit or relationship, you can suddenly end it. You are loyal friends, but that friendship can end suddenly. To some people, you may seem ungrateful. The world exists only for your convenience and the satisfaction of your desires. In your social relationships, contradiction and self-aggrandizement seem to predominate.

You may find married life difficult. Your spouse is very calculating and self centered, which are some of Leo's traits as well. Compatibility becomes difficult. In such circumstances, you often act in a clandestine manner, concealing certain aspects of your life. You do not trust others; equal partnership is not a common factor in your life. This placement gives rise to wealth in mutual combination.

The Sun is Lord of the Ascendant, Mercury Lord of wealth and Mars is of course Yoga Karaka. Thus all the three planets have acquired some power or other to do good. It will be seen that the Sun, Mercury and Mars play an important role in case of persons born under Leo Ascendant, while other planets will be able to do some good under certain special conditions.

One born in this Ascendant will be fond of eating meat and enjoying worldly enjoyments, will earn wealth and honor through the government, will be bereft of religion, dutiful in family affairs, hold a high rank of office, be majestic, strong, bold, be a miser, will trouble others, will wander in hills and forests and speak sparingly, be irascible, firm in friendship, careless, inaccessible (or inviolable), will destroy his enemies, have famous sons, honor the virtuous, will be rich through agriculture etc., be interested in business and will spend heavily on prostitutes and dancers. Spouse will suffer dental diseases.,
Lagna in Lunar Mansion '12 Uttara Phalguni-1'
Physical features : Normally a tall and fat figure. Large countenance and long nose. A black mole in the right side of the neck.

Character and general events :You enjoy a happy existence. You are lucky in several respects. You have a neat behaviour. You show extreme sincerity in all the work you undertake. Religiously also you are much inclined. Enjoys good reputation for social work.

While you are clean-hearted, you are hot-tempered also. You do not have the requisite patience or tolerance
Once you heat up, it will be very difficult to calm you. But later on you repent over such expressions when it is too late. However, you will not admit your fault at any cost. Even if you are convinced that you have done a wrong thing you will not admit the fact. However, you have good reasoning and are tactful.

Education, sources of earnings / profession : You have an independent nature. However, you undertake all the responsibilities and do the same in a perfect manner. You do not like to deceive others or to be deceived by others. You can shine well in the profession or work where public contact is required. This success is attributable to the inherent quality of behavioural techniques. However, you earn a good amount as commission out of the public dealings. You are not sincere in your own affairs, whereas you are sincere in other's work. Once you take a decision nobody can change the decision. Since you are a born hard-working person you can reach a good position through your hard work. You are suited to the profession as a teacher, writer or research fellow in the scientific field. In some cases it has been noticed that you earn extra money out of tuitions.

Period upto 32 years of age will be a period of complete darkness. Thereafter slight upward trend commence up to 38 years of age. From your 38th age onwards, your progress is much faster and you achieve much of your desires. A smooth sailing in your life goes on up to 62 years of age. You will be lucky to earn fame and wealth during your fifties. You have only self acquired assets. You are good in mathematics or engineering, astronomy and astrology. You can also be successful in advertising business.

Family life : His married life will be more or less good. You are quite contended with your family life. Your wife will be most efficient.

Health : Your health will be generally good. However, you are prone to body ache, dental problems, gastric trouble, liver and intestine problems.
Sun in Sagittarius 3°04'44"
Wealthy, devoted, sharp, a warrior, tactful, calm, charming, strong, helpful and respectful towards religious leaders and clansmen. Inventor or discoverer, intuitive and mystical. You will be endowed with wealth, dear to powerful persons, learned and be skilled with mechanical items used in competitive areas. You will be learned, skillful in rendering training in use of weapons, honorable, always peaceful, rich, will possess a broad and beautiful physique, be helpful to relatives and be energetic.
Sun in Sagittarius with Leo ascendent
You will be highly fortunate and will have few children.
Influential, endowed with leadership abilities, strong heart, bones and mind, provided, Jupiter is well posited in the horoscope.
The Sun in Sagittarius adds both strength and egotism. It is immaterial which subject you take up for study; you go right to the heart of it and always come out with fresh ideas. You travel much and perform many meritorious deeds.
Sun in 5th House
The fifth house is a strong placement for the Sun. It focuses the intelligence more on learning than material gathering. Usually this limits or denies children. This is favorable for becoming a spiritualist and teaching same. Idealistic tendencies may surface. Sharp intellect, even cruelty to opponents may manifest. You may be inclined to study philosophy, alchemy, astrology, etc.

The Sun works on the consciousness aspect of life rather than on matter or form. Thus it ordinarily bestows only one son and does not help to make the individual rich. It will, however, make you intellectually bright. You may suffer on account of your first born son. Your mind is sharp. You are sometimes manipulative of others, and you enjoy amassing money. This is favorable for all matters of enterprising nature. The speculative interests are very keen and the capacity for enjoyment, very great.

Children are harmed by the Sun in the 5th. Either abortions, early loss, or problems from them arise. The exact type is not sure, but that some harm or trouble from or to the children is indicated by this Sun, so beware accordingly. Also, you like to roam in forests and hills, and your mind is very good, though you use it sometimes to cheat others. This Sun is good for learning. Second marriage is partially indicated by this placement also.
Sun in Lunar Mansion '19 Mula-1'
Your parents will feed large number of poor people and do other charitable work.
Moon in Libra 12°56'57"
Much movable property, gain and success through partnership, morose and irritated for nothing, soft-spoken, courteous and warm-hearted, success in love and marriage. Balanced and artistic if Mercury is in good aspect. Much traveling. Elevated nose, humble looking face, thin body, many partners, abundant properties, valorous, skillful, will honor divinity and saintly persons, wealthy in various ways, conquered by the opposite sex, will be easily swayed from decisions and is helpful to relatives.
Moon in Libra with Leo ascendent
You may be extravagant and long for personal contact. Fond of traveling, you will enjoy social life and become involved in romantic escapades.
Moon in 3rd House
The Moon in the third house discourages the influence and importance of siblings and makes you very courageous, whenever someone creates trouble for you. Otherwise, you will be a person of few words, concerned with enjoying the good life, spending time with your family and interested in spiritual matters. You are naturally austere in one sense and therefore not easily attracted to superficial beauty in other's bodies. Your faith brings you success or renown, and you like your siblings very much. Happiness in general is something you get from your Karma. You have a changeable disposition and like intellectual pursuits. You have good times with those you consider your brothers and sisters. You may hurt family ties by your desire to enjoy with those, whom your family considers outside your allowed circle of associates. You like short journeys for pleasure.
Moon in Lunar Mansion '15 Swati-2'
The Star ruling your Moon or Ascendant is Swati.

Physical features: one of the peculiar features of Swati born is that the under part of the feet will appear to be curved and the ankle risen. You will have an attractive appearance. Character and general events: you are a peace loving person, but adamant and independent. You respect others property. You may be uneasy with criticism of your work. You may have trouble controlling your temper once you lose it. A proper balance of mind will result in a more positive life. You are willing to extend a helping hand to others provided your own freedom is not questioned. You give respect unconditionally. You are the best friend in need and worst enemy of the hated. You do not hesitate to take revenge on the persons who are against you. You may experience difficult times in childhood. You initially try to give help and protection to those close to you, but later change your mind because of harsh criticism.

Education, sources of earning/profession: your intelligence and capacity to do the work are excellent. You may suffer, financially and mentally, even if born in a wealthy family, until your 25th year. However, you may not experience much progress, in profession or business up to the age of 30 years. Thereafter you will have a golden period up to your 60th year. You may earn through the profession of gold smith, traveler or pharmacist.

Family life: your married life may not be so congenial. To outsiders it may seem that you are the most adjustable couple, but in reality you are not. Health: you will have very good health. You may suffer from common human diseases.
You are tall, have a long nose, and weak organs. You are grateful to the persons who help you. You enjoy respect from your family members. However, you may be ruined by those same family members.
Mars in Capricorn 2°59'47"
You show courage and a spirit of adventure; interest in heroic actions, high hopes, great efforts, good management, position, authority and success. Slow to learn, but intuitive, interest in commerce and science. Gains through marriage. (If afflicted indicates many difficulties and strife with superiors. Unlucky for parents.) Wealthy, fortunate, endowed with happiness and pleasures, nice demeanor, famous, leadership abilities are good, has a good spouse, successful in combat or competition, lives in his own country, is independent, a protector, virtuous and interested in learning detailed procedures for carrying things out.
Mars in Capricorn with Leo ascendent
You become very excitable, always ready to create turmoil and have very few close friends. You are generally successful in transcending all opposition, but suffer from pain in the stomach. Your face may have some scar or other mark of injury.
Mars in 6th House
Mars in the Sixth house is considered helpful; it has a great destructive force which enables you to transcend all sorts of difficulties (it destroys the difficulties represented by the 6th house such as disease and debts). Even if you somehow, somewhere, get involved in criminal proceedings, you emerge unscathed; afflicted by physical sufferings, you may experience a sudden cure. People in general may find you tight-fisted, but you will not be encumbered by debt. Mars in the Sixth induces a great deal of physical activity; events may happen so fast and from such unexpected quarters that you may find yourself in a whirlwind, both physically and mentally. In the process, you will develop fortitude, adaptability, and leadership. There is often a feeling of martyrdom; you may bleed physically and psychologically. Your life experiences may make you rigid and opinionated. You have powerful enemies; but they, being defeated by your strong arms, robust body and fiery looks, turn their backs on the battlefield. You are brainy and prosperous, but this placement is not favorable for the maternal uncles. You may lose wealth; but accumulate it again. Good imagination and alert; affliction to mother's family members; short-tempered; friendly to noble people; sensuous. Sexy and hungry; handsome and tall. Leadership; protector of family members; understanding with relatives; victor; enemies in plenty, generous, licentious. Strong Mars may lead you to cattle-rearing. Danger from poison, fire and weapons. Religious and keeps company with saintly people. You may suffer at the hands of servants or employees, as they misuse your generosity and liberality-leading to theft, quarrels, disputes and losses. Active, energetic and enthusiastic; liable to overdo yourself. Mars controls the tastes; therefore, by overeating you may impair your health through indiscretion, carelessness, extravagance and accidents. Surgical operations. Afflicted Mars causes inflammations or accidents to the part of the body indicated by the Sign occupied. If this Mars is in Fixed Signs, it causes organic diseases; complaints in bowels, diphtheria, nervous disorders, gravel; heart troubles.
Mars in Lunar Mansion '21 Uttara Ashadha-2'
Mercury in Scorpio 11°47'35"
For some reason, due to the past, your deeper thinking or intelligence, has become rather quick and reactive and you may feel somewhat argumentative and sarcastic towards others. Overall in life, your thinking puts you on an impatient or resentful course. Therefore, it behooves you to find a way of thinking that calms you down and gives you a spiritual course.
Mercury in Scorpio with Leo ascendent
Your intelligence is sharpened and you are able to earn a substantial amount of money which is either converted into fixed assets or spent on family responsibilities. Even though you travel quite a bit, each move is well-calculated, and every decision geared to some advantage to bring personal happiness.
Mercury in 4th House
Physical comforts, a large number of friends and relations, and a very sharp intelligence are indicated by this placement of Mercury in the 4th house. There is the ability to understand the great range of truths in life. This is a very good Mercury for 'understanding'. You are very considerate to others. You could take to astrology, should you desire to. Many great astrologers are found to have Mercury in the 4th house. However, there will probably also be frequent change of residence and worry or anxiety through domestic affairs. Likely career choices are learning in private institutions, dealings with real estate, publishing or home-based businesses. You are composed and learned. Gain comes from parental or authority figures. Basically, it could be said, that at heart, you are like an heir to the kingdom. You serve the established order and understand it like a prince or princess would understand the kingdom. You are an advisor of some sort, may even be an administrator in the court and also make a good diplomat. You are engaged in writing, or others take your dictation. You befriend the best of the people. Your orders are honored even by the family members. You gain income through hard labor, are adept in music, fond of traveling, and may be a scholar or a mathematician.
Mercury in Lunar Mansion '17 Anuradha-3'
Jupiter in Gemini 2°49'43"
Truly kind and reliable, and not too interested in expanding your social circle. You have a liking for literature, occult studies and enlightening things. You may attempt publishing, but due to various miscalculations and relatives you sometimes suffer loss of money.
Jupiter in Gemini with Leo ascendent
Jupiter shapes a very creative person whose literary works, legal expertise, and skill in trade negotiations and business management are much in demand. You become rich, accumulate much money, and associate with religious and philosophical people. You are contented in life.
Jupiter in 11th House
Jupiter in the eleventh house makes you learned, a follower of traditional social values, and fond of religious discourses. You earn wealth through religious scholarship or by way of your sons. At heart you are some sort of priest and your income may be derived in that manner. In any case, this planetary combination produces a very earnest individual working very conscientiously; you are eminently respectable and seek to attain perfection, though you are willing to compromise with reality when necessary.

Psychologically, you are so independent that you regard yourself as a leader and maintain a very healthy sense of dignity in your personal deportment. You suffer sorrow from elder brother if Jupiter is in the 11th. Jupiter in the 11th is very good for overall gains in life, and fulfillment of desires. .

You are alert, mindful, and can serve others well. You shoulder the responsibility of your father and are blessed with 5 children (take that lightly). Wealth is for others, and not for you. You surprise your own family. This is a favorable placement for religion, conveyances and attendants. You are of saintly disposition and have little education and few sons. .

Longevity, success and gain is indicated. You are very sharp, Reputed, accredited, affluent, bold, valiant, fond of beautiful attire, handsome, skilled and fickle, healthy, strong, an advisor, learned in scriptures, gentle, brave, wealthy with best of the jewels, dresses and conveyances, get government favors, promote your family interests, are religious and rich, learned, blessed with sons, happy and prosperous, pious, and keep company with virtuous people. .

You own gold, silver and other metals, are revered by the leaders, moneyed, long living, have plenty of vehicles but few children. You gain through the government, sacrifices, transportation, land and learning activities. You get happiness through spouse, sons and friends, are scholarly and pious and get great gain in at age 32 and reputation through many sources. .

You are blessed either with children, wealth or education. Gain through many sincere and fortunate friends, eminent personalities, judges, legislators, bankers, doctors and people of status is indicated. You also gain through social life and your marriage partner and obtain wish-fulfillment through influential friends.
Jupiter in Lunar Mansion '5 Mrigashira-3'
You are particularly selfish, to the point of not even wanting to share with your spouse and children. Prone to blood diseases and heart problems.
Venus in Capricorn 14°36'38"
Impotent, foolish, attached to partners older in age; weak, fear, heart-trouble; serving attitude, trusted, gain through the employer. Often gives beauty in females, if placed in a good house and not afflicted by bad aspects. Gain and success through banking, stock-exchange, commerce etc. Trouble through marriage and high ambition. Your sense of beauty will not be the 'norm' but rather, shaped by an appreciation for the earthy, the basic, the third world, the deep, the working class.
Venus in Capricorn with Leo ascendent
Venus has a restrictive effect on sociability, and you will not be successful in establishing a happy conjugal relationship. You will incur hostile feelings from the opposite sex, some of whom will scandalize you and damage your career. Diseases related to the genito-urinary tract are possible.
Venus in 6th House
Venus creates problems when placed in the sixth. Although under its influence you learn to unfold your capacities by associating with different types of people, these associations create social and personal difficulties for you. Often marital life may be in jeopardy, you become involved in bad business and debt, and at times suffer from genital related diseases.

You have little control over expenditures. You learn spiritual lessons with great difficulty but develop a sense of detachment after much physical, financial and moral suffering. You belong to a superior race. Progeny, fall of enemies, sons and grandsons, wasteful expenditure, bad decisions and a sick, noble son are indicated. Your mother has two or three sisters and they are well-off. Spouses do not desire you and you have no desire for them. You may be impotent. You have many strong and powerful enemies and tend to have excessive expenditures, leading to poverty and debt. Much mental torture is possible with this placement. There will be no gain or success in business in spite of your great efforts and industry - rather you may make a mess of it.

You can expect troubles and little gain or comfort through preceptor or parents. You have to face endless invincible enemies and constant liquidation of wealth and are unsuccessful in the best organized trade. Many occasions of grief and condemnation are indicated. You are poor, and may have unlawful relations with young spouses. You suffer through ailments, are vain, dull, penniless, timid, keep bad company, are quarrelsome, have disrespect for the father and get trouble through all sources.

You are fond of dance-music, are victorious and destructive. Although you might be unpopular, you may come from a high family, are learned, discreet and well-educated.
Venus in Lunar Mansion '22 Shravana-2'
You are modest and liberal, God-fearing and of humble disposition. You will have a sudden flow of money from age 32 on. There will be heavy loss at your 44th year i.e. when Venus will be transiting the exact degree occupied in the natal chart ( which will fall in a degree within this quarter).
Saturn in Aquarius 18°08'14"
Woman and wine is the language of life, obstinate, cheat, dishonest, aggressive, irreligious, debauch, will take up many jobs and finish none. Heightened intellect, convincing, rational, serious, scientific in your approach. Sociable, accumulative and affable. If well placed, this Saturn indicates a very disciplined and realistic person, who can work hard and gradually and steadily achieve their goals. In the charts of spiritually inclined people this placement furthermore shows, that the native has most likely performed Yogic disciplines in previous lives.
Saturn in Aquarius with Leo ascendent
You may have a feeling of disenchantment with physical relationships. You lose faith in moral codes, personal ties, and society: you become disillusioned in many ways. Despite this psychological tendency toward renunciation, you will be important and have status in society.
Saturn in 7th House
Saturn in this position is not very conducive to happy married life. You marry late, the partner comes from a financially troubled background, is very much controlled by some authority or stricture, and you do not follow an ethical code of conduct.

There is much animosity between you, your spouse, and associates. You are denied a charming partner. You will have faithful and helpful friends and wealth for a long time. You are susceptible to sickness and diseases and both you and your spouse tend to fall ill often or your spouse is ailing. You are unhappy, in want of enthusiasm, and feel small and nervous. You may be debauch, surrounded by wicked friends, and get wealth through fraud and dishonest means. You are greedy, strong, craving, agitated, deceitful, apathetic, lean, of restless mind and few words, dependent, unemployed, unsociable, unfortunate in respect to spouse, home and wealth. You are slighted by the opposite sex.

This Saturn indicates late marriage with a steady, faithful, industrious, careful, thrifty and practical partner, or one older, sober and wealthy. Loss of wealth through contracts, partnership, opponents, litigation, business enmities and treachery is indicated. Marriage takes place about or after age 28. You and your partner may not be like-minded and both of you are unsound of body and mind.
Saturn in Lunar Mansion '24 Shatabhisha-4'
Generally you live at a place other than your homeland but return during your old age. You acquire an enormous amount of wealth, a good spouse and pleasing children. However, at the age of 55 years, your spouse may develop a mental disorder and you have to spend much wealth.
Rahu in Taurus 11°13'57"
Rahu in Taurus with Leo ascendent
Rahu attains its exaltation, thereby bestowing all that is good and auspicious in this shadowy planet. The greatest contribution it makes is to enlighten you spiritually. You could be a very just arbitrator, an efficient healer, and a great traveler. Your external life is very simple, but your inner life is rich and full.
Rahu in 10th House
Your mission in life is for furthering some special cause in the world. Depending on your status in society and the planetary combinations, this special mission may be predicted, but the real impulse of this shadowy planet will be to make you dedicated to a cause which you will want to carry forward even at the risk of life, status, or health.

Undaunted by any difficulty, undeterred by any impediment, you will persist with a sense of dedication, whether you are waging a war of complete annihilation, reconstructing a social order, or composing verses of celestial beauty and harmony. Rahu achieves its objective despite whatever hardships it has to undergo. Its impulse produces persons of great merit, devotion, and religious susceptibilities. With inauspicious associations and influences Rahu can, however, make you disturbed and instill evil ideas in your head.

Rahu in the 10th gives rise to Raja Yoga during his own periods. Danger to mother at age 32, to father, at age 7 and to patrimony at age 8 is indicated. You get public honor and respect at age 42. Name, fame, and status through hard work and skill are indicated. You are connected with spouses who are disrespected due to their service, and might experience loss of land, wealth, and health. You feel inclined towards some type of disrespected poetry. You might residence in a backward village.

Your Rahu denotes that you may be so fortunate as to visit the sacred holy places in this lifetime. You might be clever, a thief, malicious, characterless, quarrelsome, sensual, dishonest, brave, wise, wealthy, chattering, miserable, fearful, inert, indifferent, unfortunate, helpful, live abroad, and are unsteady, and vicious. You have few sons. Danger from conveyances and danger and trouble for parents and brothers is indicated.

You are a manager, advisor or chief of a group. (Note: Rahu is in charge of a number of not so good qualities. The 10th is an important house. These things may only appear in thoughts, and they might not necessarily manifest, but this depends on the overall strength of the chart.)

You are sensual, extravagant, affluent, a winner, fickle, fond of poetry and drama, competition or confrontation, migratory, and successful in business. Rahu makes you a bit of an intoxicator, or wrong doer at times, and causes sleeplessness, living or working with foreigners, and sex with choice partners.

You find comfort and pleasure in the company of irreligious people, are discontented with own relatives or father, fall in love with divorced or separated persons, or persons from disturbed love affairs. You get support from strong persons, and are clever but tense. These things may be connected to career as the 10th rules career.
Rahu in Lunar Mansion '4 Rohini-1'
You have a slim structure, are bold and a voracious eater. Windy complaints and indigestion. Eye diseases.
Ketu in Scorpio 11°13'57"
Ketu in Scorpio with Leo ascendent
You may become unbalanced, detached from social relationships, and at worst may even harbor criminal tendencies.
Ketu in 4th House
This Ketu can have a strong influence on life in the following way: It sometimes renders the mind unbalanced, disturbs social relationships and makes personal life difficult. Ketu manifests itself in the psychology of an individual rather than on the material conditions of life. Placed in the 4th house indicates that full support and help from the mother may have not been present. Often you are away from home, and when you are home, there is some strife. Ketu holds things back and upsets things.

The fourth house stands for mother, the heart, home life, real estate and emotional comfort. These particular issues in your life may have some troublesome aspects. You may find that you are not quite able to surrender your heart to something you feel pretty good about. Reservations for no reason may appear, for example. This will be Ketu acting, just to test your resolve to make you feel convinced and sure of what you do.

Ketu in the 4th may indicate that the mother holds back from giving to you for some reason, or that inheritance from her side is withheld. You leave the 'mother's home' early, and you are of the nervous type. In an assembly of persons, you may sometimes be looked down on, or not seen as equal to the others. Some kind of stigma is there. But you are valiant, truth loving, soft and sweet. Watch for an overly critical nature and unpleasantness with the parents.

Ketu in the 4th indicates that you may have a hard time getting or keeping real estate. Land and property may become a confusing issue at times - you may not know what to do about a piece of property in a Ketu ruled period for example. People may consider you in contempt. Ketu makes you thin and fiery. There will be some jeopardy of the honor of yourself or family. There might also be much strife or discord in the family background, especially coming from the mother's side.
Ketu in Lunar Mansion '17 Anuradha-3'
You may be an engineer. You may not get a permanent position until your 24th year, but will attain a good position after your 30th year and will enjoy your life with reasonable comfort.
Uranus in Leo 26°13'55"
Uranus in Leo with Leo ascendent
Uranus in 1st House
Uranus in Lunar Mansion '11 Purva Phalguni-4'
Neptune in Libra 27°39'08"
Neptune in Libra with Leo ascendent
Neptune in 3rd House
Neptune in Lunar Mansion '16 Vishakha-3'
Pluto in Leo 25°05'15"
Pluto in Leo with Leo ascendent
Pluto in 1st House
Pluto in Lunar Mansion '11 Purva Phalguni-4'

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