Joe Dimaggio
Athlete, Baseball player
BornNov 25, 1914 7:00 AM GMT0
Martinez, CA USA [38°00'60", -122°08'00"]
Birth time source: Unconfirmed
Ayanamsa: -22°39'59"
Lagna in Leo 1°57'01"
Leo in the Ascendant bestows a regal appearance, as if the life force is vibrating from every part of your body. You have a broad face with strong bones and beautiful and expressive eyes. You may be a possessive parent, egotistical and selfish in temperament, and a braggart. You are excessively libidinous, but not necessarily promiscuous. You are not satisfied with the material heights you attains and are always aspiring towards greater intellect, greater wealth, greater status, and greater respectability. Often you think you have achieved more than you really have; nevertheless, you are never satisfied, for you think you deserve more than you have received. You always strive to reach the top of the mountain.
You are basically materialistic, but like to assume that you are spiritually highly evolved. Involvement in work is intense and whole-hearted. You may be seen working adroitly on the subtle problems of life, whether related to physical sciences, psychology, or to concrete and technological problems in engineering, industry or economics. It is not the subject matter that is significant: Your complete involvement in whatever you undertake is of supreme importance to you. In that pursuit, your engagement of effort is total.
There is a suddenness in your actions, which gives you an element of surprise and unpredictability. However involved you may seem in a pursuit or relationship, you can suddenly end it. You are loyal friends, but that friendship can end suddenly. To some people, you may seem ungrateful. The world exists only for your convenience and the satisfaction of your desires. In your social relationships, contradiction and self-aggrandizement seem to predominate.
You may find married life difficult. Your spouse is very calculating and self centered, which are some of Leo's traits as well. Compatibility becomes difficult. In such circumstances, you often act in a clandestine manner, concealing certain aspects of your life. You do not trust others; equal partnership is not a common factor in your life. This placement gives rise to wealth in mutual combination.
The Sun is Lord of the Ascendant, Mercury Lord of wealth and Mars is of course Yoga Karaka. Thus all the three planets have acquired some power or other to do good. It will be seen that the Sun, Mercury and Mars play an important role in case of persons born under Leo Ascendant, while other planets will be able to do some good under certain special conditions.
One born in this Ascendant will be fond of eating meat and enjoying worldly enjoyments, will earn wealth and honor through the government, will be bereft of religion, dutiful in family affairs, hold a high rank of office, be majestic, strong, bold, be a miser, will trouble others, will wander in hills and forests and speak sparingly, be irascible, firm in friendship, careless, inaccessible (or inviolable), will destroy his enemies, have famous sons, honor the virtuous, will be rich through agriculture etc., be interested in business and will spend heavily on prostitutes and dancers. Spouse will suffer dental diseases.,
Lagna in Lunar Mansion '10 Magha-1'
The Star ruling your Moon or Ascendant is Magha.
You will be very enterprising, will respect elders and be God-fearing. You enjoy leading a quiet life, and will be expert in various sciences and soft spoken. You will receive honor and recognition from learned persons. You will possess good knowledge about various arts, and will devote your time for the expansion of your culture and be actively involved in various cultural activities. Your dealings with others will be thoughtful, you try to avoid hurting others feelings, and immediately rectify the situation if you do. You do not care for any person who makes hindrance or causes trouble to others. As a result you may have several hidden enemies in your life.
You have a short temper when it comes to improprieties, be cautious that this does not affect your success. You will be generous and perform many philanthropic activities without concern for recognition. These activities may make you famous.
You will have great wealth and many people working under you. In the professional field you cannot attain much success materially as you are not business minded, mainly due to your straight-forwardness. However, you will be a fitting example of sincerity and hard work. This inherent quality of sincerity and hard work does sometimes pay you some lift but not to the extent when we see the balance. You are bound to change your field of earning frequently. Once you make a decision, you stick to that decision. Your dealings with your superiors and subordinates are very cordial and most technical. Hence you are able to be a link between your bosses and the subordinates.
This placement indicates you will enjoy a happy and harmonious married life with good children. You will be generous and helpful to your siblings. You may suffer from difficulty with your vision.
Sun in Scorpio 9°30'40"
You will have quite a taste for combat or competition. This placement causes the urge to stray from the Vedic path, to lie, to be dull, to lose the spouse or have an uninspiring spouse and to be cruel. You may be course, a miser, fond of quarreling, troubled by weapons or attacks from others, by fire and poisonous things and may be unfortunate in respect of parents.
Sun in Scorpio with Leo ascendent
You will earn abundant landed property, be learned and possibly famous.
You may feel a sense of loss, despite the fact that your material attainments are substantial.
Sun in 4th House
You view life in a regal way, with a thread of detachment - making the changes of life, or living itself, something you 'view' rather than identify with. It makes you detached from the masses. You require people to offer significant things in exchange for your friendship, or in other words, you want significant people as your friends. Therefore, ordinary people are not usually found to be very important to you in your own personal life. This is also the reason why you are at times faced with vindictiveness from jealous people, even though you deal very nicely with everybody.
You will earn money and power by your own efforts, and those who oppose you will find it difficult to 'win'. Your later career will tend to be better than your earlier attempts, and you will gradually attain a better situation and a strong personal character. The first half of life is made difficult in a number of ways, but gradually things improve. You will suffer deeply due to bad leaders, and may also experience weakness in the heart, or heart troubles. You will acquire a very prosperous career, but will suffer in some attacks or litigation.
Sun in Lunar Mansion '17 Anuradha-2'
You may have difficulty keeping your mind fixed. You will be wealthy and learned, but your excess pride may invite enemies.
Moon in Aquarius 17°45'46"
You are kind to the masses, accepting of low class ways, very grateful, because you feel you don't deserve much, very independent and accepting of hard work, interested in factual science and astrology and often found to be addicted to habits such as smoking or drugs. It is a beautiful combination for artistic expressions with lots of feeling. It is also good for being a worker for the upliftment of the downtrodden of the world. Aquarius is a very moody and depressive sign, often leading to mental depression, but with a twist of philosophy and religion involved. It can lead to very strong religious experiences and eventually a very strict mental composure.
Moon in Aquarius with Leo ascendent
You are irrepressibly lustful. You receive money from your spouse and gain renown in distant lands. Associates and partners are social outcasts or foreigners involved in shady deals.
Moon in 7th House
You are passionate, possessing an attractive spouse from whom you acquire much wealth. There will be gain from voyaging, trade, speculation, water products and partnership; on land, from grocery shop, milk and milk products, chemist shop and hotel industry. You could be a commission agent or insurance agent. Avoid litigation, as Moon in the 7th house causes trouble and loss through it. You marry a devoted spouse who is also very healthy. Such a spouse alone can give full sexual pleasure. Gains from sale and purchase, roving on land or foreign trade abroad are indicated. You enjoy tasty food, are sensual, thin and lean and vanquished by the enemy. The 7th house denotes marriage, partnership and enemies etc. You are handsome, healthy, wealthy and wise, famous, kind, always traveling, itinerant, dominated by spouse and debauch. If exalted or full, this Moon gives a beautiful and charming spouse, and you yourself are wealthy and handsome. If this Moon is in depression, aspected or associated with a malefic, you know no peace or happiness in life. Marriage after age 32 to an unchaste person is indicated. You are sweet and soft-spoken, own a palatial home and might have two marriages, if the Lord is strong. If the Moon is exalted, full, or in its own sign it will give one marriage and you tend to be contented with one spouse only. You will be amiable, happy, will possess a good physique and be sensuously disposed. If the weak Moon be so posited, you will be pitiable and sick. Notes: If the Moon is in the 7th one will be happy in marriage, will earn wealth in business in foreign places, will enjoy food, will sexually enjoy many partners, will be very sensuous and be liberal. There is difference of opinion among the various authors inasmuch as some say there will be wealth with this placement while yet others say this position will cause poverty. It obviously depends on the state and Lordship of the Moon.
Moon in Lunar Mansion '24 Shatabhisha-4'
The Star ruling your Moon or Ascendant is Shatabhisha.
You will have a soft body, excellent memory power, a wide forehead, attractive eyes, bright countenance, a prominent nose and a bulged abdomen. You would appear to belong to an aristocratic family at first sight. You will not hesitate to sacrifice your own life for upholding the truth. As you were born with certain principles, you have to quite often confront with others as you cannot deviate from your principles of life. Selfless service is your motto. You insist on following religious traditions. You are also of the adamant type. Once you make a decision it is not easy for others to change your mind. While you are very intelligent and efficient in most walks of life, your are very soft at heart. You are a mixture of good and bad. When provoked, you will rise like a bulldog, but that anger is soon subsided. As you do not believe in pomp and show, you have a feeling of shyness to exhibit your talents. However, your talents will be unearthed due to your interesting and attractive conversation, which will be highly instructive and educational.
Up to 34 years of age will be a trialsome period for your professional field. After 34 years there will be constant progress. You are highly suited for the practice of astrology, psychology and healing arts. Your literary capacity and greatness will come to limelight even when you are very young. You are capable of acquiring a very fine and high education. This Nakshatra has produced eminent doctors and researchers in medicines. Generally you have to face a lot of problems from dear and near ones. Even then, you always extend a helping hand to your family even without being asked. It has been noticed that you have to undergo maximum mental agony due to your brothers. You cannot enjoy much benefit from your father, whereas full love and affection is derived from your mother. It has also been found that you are not capable of leading a happy married life. While on the one hand you do not enjoy happy marriage life, your spouse will have all the good qualities that are expected of a companion.
Outwardly you may appear to have very good health but it is not so. You cannot tolerate even the slightest affliction to the body. You are prone to urinary diseases, breathing troubles and diabetes. As you are too much inclined for sexual pleasures, you may suffer from sexually transmitted diseases. Even though you may keep an illicit relationship, it will be kept a secret from all. You may have problems with your jaws. You are also liable to suffer from colic troubles and must take precautions to protect yourself from the diseases incidental to exposure to cold weather.
Mars in Scorpio 17°22'43"
Industrious, practical, scientific in approach, firm and positive, indifferent to others. Diplomatic. Successful chemist, result oriented; sudden or violent accidents. Trouble through service. Attached to trade, interested in higher knowledge, a leader of those who buck authority (not necessarily a bad quality), skillful in duties, interested in war, highly self-willed, will do big deviations in the minds of others, unafraid of enemies or authorities, betrays friends, likes to be direct and unafraid, unhelpful, a liar if necessary, endowed with land, children, spouse, and troubled by poison, fire, weapons and wounds. Good for involvement in law enforcement and military or other regimented and goal oriented engagements.
Mars in Scorpio with Leo ascendent
Mars in Scorpio is useful for gaining personal power, property, and leadership in one's community. Even though you are devotional and calculating, you shun social associations and parties, and may have a cold or distant relationship with your marriage partner. You may be involved in a leadership position in the community. Perhaps gains of personal power and property will come your way.
Mars in 4th House
Mars precipitates the impact of past karmic deeds, especially those of an adverse nature. Ordinarily, Mars is a planet of selfishness, greed and rash action, which, in the long run, catches up with you in the form of physical or psychological problems. Mars creates impatience, impulsiveness and self-centeredness, unless it receives auspicious aspects or is in exaltation or in its own sign. As a result, you may be considered cruel, inflexible and covetous by nature. Under such circumstances, Mars may produce affliction for the mother, loss of property, dependence on manual labor to earn a livelihood and constant movement from one place to another. Generally, you are not born into a respectable family, are abandoned by siblings, favor bad company and involve yourself in tawdry sexual affairs. You earn your living by serving bad people. Don't expect much gain through friends and relatives. You are apprehensive of enemies, get government favor, doles of clothes and fabric through the rich. Mars in this house denotes quarrels with parents, disputes in family, unpleasant domestic affairs leading to misunderstandings and strife. NOTE: Understand that this is a negative Mars placement, as Mars by its nature is not very compatible with the nature of the sensitive fourth house, and take the things mentioned in here as areas to look to for these impacts, but not necessarily as 'drastically' as they are described.
Mars in Lunar Mansion '18 Jyeshtha-1'
Danger from fire, poison or weapon.
Mercury in Libra 19°50'24"
Your deeper thinking capacity or intelligence is well suited for various types of business. You are balanced or large-hearted or in other words, caring about the entire society.
Mercury in Libra with Leo ascendent
Fond of traveling and social relationships. You will have helpful siblings and colleagues and will earn well.
Mercury in 3rd House
Mercury in the third house indicates a strong link with family. There may be some provincialism and probably a more selfish approach. You want to enjoy life and will achieve your objectives one way or the other. During the period of Rahu, you become timid and somewhat timid during Mercury's periods. The third house should be strong for good and successful speakers, poets, astrologers and writers etc. You are successful if you can clearly express feelings and ideas. This Mercury makes you a matchless doctor or judge. Writing, printing or publishing is gainful. If this Mercury is strong, you get good luck at age 24; if it is of medium strength, at age 30 and if malefic at age 36. You are fond of learning. You want to know about available approaches to sacred knowledge. You are cheerful, alert, watchful, inquisitive and love to write and speak. You befriend business people, learn their trade, and then going for it on your own, very expertly, you earn by clever thinking. You are courteous. You can be a lustful or renouncing spirit. You have clingy relatives. You are sometimes controlled by others with whom you have money related dealings or entanglements. In old age you become detached from worldly affairs. You gain through brothers.
Mercury in Lunar Mansion '15 Swati-4'
You will be highly educated and take the position of a teacher.
Jupiter in Capricorn 23°13'58"
You have high aspirations, good organizational abilities and intuition. There will be gain and success through high positions in life, business and foreign business. You are thrifty and positive.
Jupiter in Capricorn with Leo ascendent
You may not have a good relationship with your children. An academic degree and interest in spiritual studies will not be of any use in your profession - in which, however, you will attain great success. You may be a bit smug, and though adversaries will never attack you outright they will secretly seek your downfall or obstruct your path. Jupiter will make you wealthy, though you would prefer to feel spiritually evolved. Personal character, affluence, and the desire to be socially helpful will greatly counteract any hostility against you.
Jupiter in 6th House
Although you will probably receive renown and good finances, your personal life has some turmoil and married life may be difficult. You may spend more than you make. You attend social functions that expands prestige and circle of friends. While you gain popularity and status, a sense of inferiority may bother you. You like music and dancing. At times you feel defeated and some considerable disease has to be tolerated. You get support from brothers and sons. When ill you are well taken care of and have a knack of showing others comfort in their time of need. In other words, you thrive when things are bad. You can be a good healer or helper of others and you do better by serving others than through independence. Goodness comes to you through religion and philanthropy. You like pets. You should watch out for irregular food habits as that might be the cause of health degradation. You promote community spirit and reduce crime. You are a good fighter who is proud of your competitive abilities. It's very hard to win in most competitions against you. You should not expect others to live up to your abilities to serve and work hard.
Jupiter in Lunar Mansion '22 Shravana-4'
Your behavior may be considered disgraceful and irritable, but you have a generous mentality. You may have to face many difficulties up to your 32nd year, but you can expect some sort of stability after 37 years of age.
Venus in Scorpio 13°27'06"
Unfortunate, poor, mean, debtor, violent, hostile to relatives, a cheat, unsociable and unfriendly; link with suffering persons, but sorrow and trouble through them; very sexy occultism, patrimony or legacy.
Venus in Scorpio with Leo ascendent
Venus in this situation is helpful for acquiring material riches, sensual pleasure and social status. However, your moral stature is low, and you are often involved in illicit affairs.
Venus in 4th House
An attractive spouse, fine cars, intelligent children, a nice house and respectable society are among the auspicious results of Venus in the fourth house. Young people are attracted to such an individual. You have an artistic temperament, are highly intuitive and can easily pick up on the feelings and thoughts of others. Your company is always joyous, and you are skilled in the erotic arts.
Ability in music is indicated. You lead a very happy domestic life and can also expect a peaceful and comfortable end of life. Gains and happiness through parents, inheritance, house-property and investment are indicated. You get great honor and respect from the people, but remain unaffected by the pleasure or displeasure you get out of others and are content with the company around you. You are most revered, get gains through your mother and are devoted to her since childhood.
This placement denotes economic prosperity including food, home, garments and conveyances. Gains through relatives and friends are also indicated. You are elegant, liberal and indifferent. You depend on your partner for success and make a decent living. You are wealthy, wise, renowned, learned, affluent, talkative, handsome, kind, tolerant and happy, a sincere friend, eccentric and home-bound. You are lustful and like to indulge in a variety of tasteful enjoyments.
You are recognized by the authority, long-living, brave, blessed with a wise and beautiful partner and family. You might own silver and land and possess plenty of food and milk, friends and home. You are pious, discreet and reputed, support poets and religious teachers and have leadership abilities. Your appearance is that of a pauper, since birth and might suffer from cough, colds and eye diseases. You might at times get help from your mother and brothers.
Venus in Lunar Mansion '17 Anuradha-4'
You may have employment in a chemistry connected field, and may possess some expertise in the preparation of limestone. You may suffer from insomnia.
Saturn in Gemini 8°12'06"
Scientific, perfect, methodical and systematic in action, if overcomes passion. Trouble and ill-reputation through relatives, financial problems, wrong association with the opposite sex. Tendency to delay matters.
Saturn in Gemini with Leo ascendent
Saturn makes you rich and skillful in technological and managerial matters. You are not interested in ethical questions or religious observances. You are very practical and hard working, but unhappy.
Saturn in 11th House
Saturn in the eleventh makes you rich. You are thoughtful and serious in everything you do, and keep excessive control over your actions and reactions. You are very persistent, and your desire to attain a high material position is also very intense. You can become a seasoned bureaucrat, but whatever your vocation, you will be almost one-pointed in achieving the goal you set for yourself. Callous behavior during the pursuit of that goal may also be expected; you acquire fixed assets and landed property as well. Your education is usually incomplete, but your innate intelligence and practical wisdom are remarkable. Trouble through sons is indicated. Most of the life is full of struggle - it may be due to friends, family or any body. With Saturn in the 11th house you are rich, long-living, brave and firm. You suffer from acute ailments only. You are a thousand times more cunning and a better manipulator than anybody, and constant and firm in respect of wealth, health and mind. You enjoys longevity, very cunning and you show your bravery in the competition arena. You may be childless. You are reputed, have noble friends, are merciful, benevolent, soft and sweet, thin, lean, contented, affluent and pleasure seeking. You get wealth through the government, and have plenty of attendants. Some income through agriculture or employment is indicated. You are contemplative and fortunate. You have to endure much ailment since childhood and there is danger from fire. You are learned in all the sciences, get state honor but are immodest. Education through learned people is indicated. You are a family person and live through handicraft. This Saturn denotes wealth, obstacles, land and recognition through the government.
Saturn in Lunar Mansion '6 Ardra-1'
You may be engaged in blue collar labor. There is some indication of illegal activity, and difficulty controlling debts. Watch out for bad association.
Rahu in Aquarius 8°35'12"
Rahu in Aquarius with Leo ascendent
Rahu will intensify material proclivities. You may engage in illicit sexual affairs and thereby get into difficulties.
Rahu in 7th House
Rahu, being a karmic planet, creates much unhappiness in the seventh house. Whether alone or in association with any other planet, its impact is sorrowful. You fall into relationships with partners who are very often undesirable, quarrelsome, extravagant, and inflexible; you either suffer from genito-urinary troubles or are dishonorable. Very often you have to face separation, divorce, or death of the marriage partner.
You are fond of traveling, of changing your job, and of cultivating new associations-all with the objective of securing something for personal satisfaction. You are skillful and will confer fame and prosperity. Trouble through spouse, body aches, much enmity and loss through trade are indicated. There might be two marriages and your spouse should be careful of infections in generative organs.
This placement denotes separation from the relatives and public slander, danger of separation from kinsfolk and disgrace. You may be mentally suffering, deranged, idle, a wanderer, short-tempered, vicious, quarrelsome, hostile to your partner, furious, sick, restless, malicious and strife opposition and hindrance in every work. You are deprived of sensual pleasure. There might be menstrual problems in women. You may be driven to extramarital affairs or divorce and get a new partner. You are conceited, sensual, experience trouble and difficulty in travel and might suffer from rheumatism. You are frightened, irreligious and cruel. You may be a diabetic, argue with relatives, are touchy, spiteful, vain and discontented.
You get luck through sinful acts and success through speculation, lottery and game of chance or races. You might contract infections through impure mates. Generally you have more friends than enemies, gain through dealing with others and get pleasure and benefit through mates. Your partner might be wise and wealthy. This Rahu is not a killer, but can cause danger to the people indicated by the house.
Rahu in Lunar Mansion '24 Shatabhisha-1'
Ketu in Leo 8°35'12"
Ketu in Leo with Leo ascendent
A haggard appearance, mental suffering, and marital problems.
Ketu in 1st House
Fear and anxiety from the wicked. Trouble through spouse, children, etc. Confusion, excess bile and rheumatism. Anguish and constant distress through relatives and dread of the vicious. Perturbed. Spouse might be suffering from restlessness, stomach ache etc. Possible separation from spouse is indicated.
This person has a tendency to be sad, inert, selfish, unfavorable looking, foolish, a liar, ungrateful, wicked and spiritless. Afraid of sex. Trouble for maternal uncle. Loss, scandals, Dismission from service, danger to face and eyes, some impediments regarding the arm and a short life. However, all this will be greatly modified through other placements in the chart.
On the positive side, the person might also be detached and have a tendency to be spiritual. A prominent Ketu can give yogic aspects to the personality, as it is the planet of the ascetic. Generally, Ketu in the Ascendant denotes some life long issue in finding the personal identity and an overall tendency to be somewhat ungrounded or feeling held back in issues of material progress in life. Don't expect a fast career, but then again, you are probably not an ambitious personality anyways...
Ketu in Lunar Mansion '10 Magha-3'
You may worry unnecessarily in the work field.
Uranus in Capricorn 15°37'30"
Uranus in Capricorn with Leo ascendent
Uranus in 6th House
Uranus in Lunar Mansion '22 Shravana-2'
Neptune in Cancer 7°39'17"
Neptune in Cancer with Leo ascendent
Neptune in 12th House
Neptune in Lunar Mansion '8 Pushya-2'
Pluto in Gemini 9°03'46"
Pluto in Gemini with Leo ascendent
Pluto in 11th House
Pluto in Lunar Mansion '6 Ardra-1'