John Gable

John Gable


John GableJohn Gable
Lagna in Aries 15°52'12"
Aries in the Ascendant allows you to be fearless, ambitious, courageous, and eager to take initiative. An idealist by nature, you strongly want to contribute to society and you wish to change things. Routine is not for you, you like originality and fresh beginnings, and you want credit for your achievements. You create awe and radiate energy in achieving your goals, which makes others uncomfortable. You will find difficulties when dealing with women, education and expressing yourself. To obtain your highest potential, you need full freedom without restriction. Your idealism may create some contradictions. Outwardly you will be active, but inwardly lonely and frustrated. If you could be freed from mundane entanglements, you could readily attain to divine planes due to your goal-oriented and idealistic nature. Be careful of fire. You will be interested in visiting foreign places, be miserly in disposition, emaciated, not happy, jealous, stammering in speech, troubled by bilious and windy diseases and complaints of heat, be skillful in performance, timid, religious, famous, not very thoughtful and will destroy others' wealth. You will be fickle-minded, enjoy pleasures, have bad nails, be bereft of brothers, be discarded by your father and have inactive (or unlucky) children. You are endowed with various kinds of wealth and are virtuous. Your spouse will belong to a base family, be virtuous and reproached. You will derive happiness and wealth in undesirable manners. (This is a classical reading, somewhat unchanged, and is ridiculously general if taken literally, so don't take it literally. Look to the energies and tendencies indicated herein, not the literal words).
Lagna in Lunar Mansion '2 Bharani-1'
Bharani, the star over your Ascendant or Moon brings the following characteristics: You are generally not well-liked, in spite of the fact that you are pure hearted and do not harm anyone. When you want to express your opinion in any matter, you are just not bothered about the sentiment of others. You will not like to get anything for yourself by buttering. Come what may, you are not ready to work against your consciousness whether you are, according to others, right or wrong. Due to this attitude you have to face a lot of resistance and failures. You won't hesitate to spoil the relationship even with near and dear ones on small matters. But when you are convinced of your fault, you will completely forget your enmity and start reciprocating sincerely. Tactful behavior is alien to you. You are far away from a state of obedience. Arrogance quite often leads to miseries. Subordination is equal to death for you. When you have to bow to others, you become pensive. Advice and encouragement have no room in your mind. You will generally be having a good all around education, and you have the capacity to go deep into any matter. You will shine well in public life. You tend to face criticism and loss of wealth. You like to command others and will always be eager to establish supremacy. You cannot march forward without hurdles and will have to face stiff competition, and in the long run will quite often have to face failure. To others, you may appear to be arrogant, but the truth is that you are pure hearted.

Life is full of ups and downs. It is advisable that you do not get involved in unnecessary arguments or competition. You will fight for certain principles, which will ultimately lead to trouble. You are fond of spreading rumors and wasting time by humors. There will not be any good or bad periods for long time. In short you have to face a life of good and bad always. You are quite capable of looking after others but you need someone to look after you. Ultimately friends turn against you. You cannot establish permanent relationships with anyone. There is never a permanent good or bad time.

After 33 years of age, there will be a positive change in your surroundings, in life overall, and in livelihood. You are fit for any type of work, particularly in administrative job, business, agriculture and small scale industries. You may make money through sports, music, art advertisement, automobile, restaurants or you can also be a good surgeon or judge. You can be successful in the business of tobacco items or cultivation of tobacco. You will attain success in all undertakings, provided you establish or start any activity by proceeding to the eastern direction first. The place of activity or business may also be in the eastern side or eastern direction from your house.

Marriage comes around 27 years of age. You are fortunate in conjugal bliss. Your spouse will be expert in household administration and well-behaved. Your spouse must save money for a rainy day, as you may make some impulsive purchases, whether there is money left for other purposes or not. You love your family and dislike being away from family members even for a day.

While you do not take care of your health, there won't be any serious health problem. Main possible diseases are dental problem, diabetes and bodily pain, high fever, apoplexy. Normally, you are a very poor eater. You believe in the principle of 'eating to live', not 'living to eat '. You are afraid of water and you should be careful while traveling through water, bathing in rivers, ocean and ponds. Injury in the forehead and just around the eyes. Since you may be a chain smoker, you have to be careful about your lungs.
Sun in Pisces 6°29'12"
Blessed with spouse, sons and friends, victorious, renowned, rich. Gain from shipping over water, photography, pearls, legacy, partnership or marriage. You are friendly, a collector of things, fond of the opposite sex, happy, learned, and overcome enemies and obstacles. Nice family of your own is indicated, eloquence in speaking, but a tendency to lie and may have diseases of the private areas of the body.
Sun in Pisces with Aries ascendent
You will perform meritorious acts, but may not enjoy paternal wealth. Progeny will be delayed but later on you will acquire children.
You are thoughtful but not well-educated. You will suffer at the hands of your children and your marital relationship will not be cordial. You will be short of finances.
Sun in 12th House
You are interested in the real essence of manifestation. Having withdrawn from the objective plane of existence, the soul dwells in subjective reality. It produces spiritual forces strong enough to counteract or restrict development along purely materialistic lines. Since one's father represents the creative energy in man and thus leads to the furtherance of manifested creation, the Sun (father) in the twelfth is not favorable for your biological father, nor do you spend your vital energy in creative channels.

You withdraw from the path of going forth, on which you get involved in materiality. You are not interested in money, marriage, social status, and so on. Some may therefore consider you anti-social.

You are free from physical pain, but eye troubles are indicated. You are victorious in competition, self-controlled and successful in everything you lay your hand on including obscure or unpopular occupations.

This placement denotes trouble from uncle who may meet danger in journey. Your eyes and uncle are hard hit. Unexpected loss of wealth or a strange sickness may be on the way.

You possess a mercurial temperament, are convert and heretic, scared of leaders and thieves, anti-social and irreligious. You are blessed with a son and fortitude. You may be physically deformed, are a wanderer, foolish, sexy, debauch, and cruel.

Your spouse may be barren, hostility to your father is indicated, and you tend to be weak and mean.

Sun in the 12th causes damage to the right eye. Much expenditure through the government (by way of taxes, fines etc.) is indicated.
Sun in Lunar Mansion '26 Uttara Bhadrapada-1'
Moon in Aries 26°31'56"
You will be active, dynamic, aggressive and desire control. Your Moon sign indicates that you can be bold, generous, wealthy, grateful, positive, self-reliant, have good imagination, and are changeable, restless, impulsive, enterprising. You may be the director of a company. You may have a fear of water and experience trouble with the opposite sex. You may have multiple intimate partners. You will have a golden colored body and are endowed with lasting wealth, less brothers and sisters, are valorous, self-respected, auspicious, prosperous, libidinous, have weak legs, little hair, are fickle minded, will strive for honor as your wealth, may have sons rather than daughters, are friendly, wounded on the head, and won over by the female energy.
Moon in Aries with Aries ascendent
Causes Raja Yoga.
Amiable and wealthy (though finances may fluctuate). Your eyes will be round and voluptuous, always longing for romantic love.
Moon in 1st House
You will be gregarious and will want everyone to appreciate you. This will be especially true when the Moon is in female signs. You can suffer from somnambulism or sleepwalking. Another way to take this is that you are sleepwalking sometimes during the daydreaming in life. You take your mental life very seriously. Handsome but fickle. Scared of water or sickness. In your 15th year you can travel much. In general context it is stated that the Moon in the Ascendant can make one cunning, short-statured, valorous, happy, liking nice milk-based foods, interested in astrology, famous in the later part of life, subject to perils, and disbelieving of your spouse.
Moon in Lunar Mansion '2 Bharani-4'
Bharani, the star over your Ascendant or Moon brings the following characteristics: You are generally not well-liked, in spite of the fact that you are pure hearted and do not harm anyone. When you want to express your opinion in any matter, you are just not bothered about the sentiment of others. You will not like to get anything for yourself by buttering. Come what may, you are not ready to work against your consciousness whether you are, according to others, right or wrong. Due to this attitude you have to face a lot of resistance and failures. You won't hesitate to spoil the relationship even with near and dear ones on small matters. But when you are convinced of your fault, you will completely forget your enmity and start reciprocating sincerely. Tactful behavior is alien to you. You are far away from a state of obedience. Arrogance quite often leads to miseries. Subordination is equal to death for you. When you have to bow to others, you become pensive. Advice and encouragement have no room in your mind. You will generally be having a good all around education, and you have the capacity to go deep into any matter. You will shine well in public life. You tend to face criticism and loss of wealth. You like to command others and will always be eager to establish supremacy. You cannot march forward without hurdles and will have to face stiff competition, and in the long run will quite often have to face failure. To others, you may appear to be arrogant, but the truth is that you are pure hearted.

Life is full of ups and downs. It is advisable that you do not get involved in unnecessary arguments or competition. You will fight for certain principles, which will ultimately lead to trouble. You are fond of spreading rumors and wasting time by humors. There will not be any good or bad periods for long time. In short you have to face a life of good and bad always. You are quite capable of looking after others but you need someone to look after you. Ultimately friends turn against you. You cannot establish permanent relationships with anyone. There is never a permanent good or bad time.

After 33 years of age, there will be a positive change in your surroundings, in life overall, and in livelihood. You are fit for any type of work, particularly in administrative job, business, agriculture and small scale industries. You may make money through sports, music, art advertisement, automobile, restaurants or you can also be a good surgeon or judge. You can be successful in the business of tobacco items or cultivation of tobacco. You will attain success in all undertakings, provided you establish or start any activity by proceeding to the eastern direction first. The place of activity or business may also be in the eastern side or eastern direction from your house.

Marriage comes around 27 years of age. You are fortunate in conjugal bliss. Your spouse will be expert in household administration and well-behaved. Your spouse must save money for a rainy day, as you may make some impulsive purchases, whether there is money left for other purposes or not. You love your family and dislike being away from family members even for a day.

While you do not take care of your health, there won't be any serious health problem. Main possible diseases are dental problem, diabetes and bodily pain, high fever, apoplexy. Normally, you are a very poor eater. You believe in the principle of 'eating to live', not 'living to eat '. You are afraid of water and you should be careful while traveling through water, bathing in rivers, ocean and ponds. Injury in the forehead and just around the eyes. Since you may be a chain smoker, you have to be careful about your lungs.
A questionable character. Wicked. You may have to undergo some operation. You may be employed in a shipyard or in a profession, where frequent sea transport is handled. You could also be a chemist.
Mars in Gemini 15°39'06"
You have sharp mental ability, critical thinking and good energy for lots of education. Some trouble may appear in the body parts connected to Gemini, such as the lungs or arms. Brothers and sisters pose somewhat of a problem.
Mars in Gemini with Aries ascendent
You have purpose and direction in life. Your personality is powerful, and very few people are able to confront you on equal terms. Some inner power sways you to such an extent that in spite of your desire for company and correct manners, siblings, friends and relations feel so restless around you, that you are often left to carry on in life alone. You attain great professional eminence quite suddenly and by virtue of your own effort.
Mars in 3rd House
Mars in the third house has a special importance. It provides tremendous initiative and courage for undertaking new and arduous enterprises, but it has an adverse effect on sibling relationships. Physically, it makes you lean and thin, but with much vitality and strength. You like hot things. There may be separation from the brothers. You have strength of arms and a capacity to acquire wealth by hard labor. You feel for real brothers, observe religious rites and practice asceticism. You are wise, brave, industrious, productive, crafty, talented and prosperous. There might be some suffering to younger brothers. You are generous, have sound health, own jewelry and are handsome, reputed and gentle. Mars in the third indicates danger from accidents by journey, through travel, from neighbors and relations. You are alert, keen, energetic, forceful, aggressive, impulsive, eloquent, sober and gallant, a capable administrator, bold in confrontation and sober and gallant.
Mars in Lunar Mansion '6 Ardra-3'
Expert in mathematics and poetry. You may be given several assignments in foreign countries by the government. This placement indicates a less fortunate old age. You may suffer from intestinal problems or inflammation of the lungs.
Mercury in Aquarius 8°46'54"
Overall you are rather intelligent and have an attraction to electronic gadgetry like computers and stereos. You tend to believe in higher spiritual forces and you are an independent thinker. You draw intelligence from the space where one knows that everything vanishes in time and that the greater, larger, picture is what is important.
Mercury in Aquarius with Aries ascendent
Under the influence of Mercury you will be engaged in intellectual pursuits, working as a journalist, literary agent, or civil servant. A truly independent profession will not be agreeable. People have reservations in socializing with you, and in spite of your involvement in so many fruitful creative activities you will be isolated and have very few friends.
Mercury in 11th House
Mercury enables you to earn money from trade and commerce, the legal profession, or any job where literary and mathematical abilities are needed; you may also make a good civil servant. You are quite sociable and your sharp mind may qualify you to become an astrologer.

You prefer the company of enlightened and intelligent people. You receive wealth from a considerate employer, a discerning friend or a maternal uncle. Your elder brother will be very encouraging to you and your special aptitudes for diplomacy, journalism and authorship will be recognized. This Mercury is propitious. Gain through craft, writing or business is indicated.

After age 19 there will be gain of property, progeny and wealth. You get a lot of property, are learned, fortunate, with plenty of enjoyment, have fascinating spouses, are skillful, sharp, and a favorite of your own people. You have poor appetite, are cheerful, scholarly, rich, gentle, sensuous and always gaining. You are free from sickness, happy, cordial, renowned, talented, and studious.

If Mercury is in the 11th house, you get longevity, wealth, happiness, faithful attendants and are committed. You lead a life of real luxury and pleasure, and are courteous, strong and eager to acquire all knowledge. Gain of wealth at age 45 is indicated. You have more daughters, are a well-wisher of your own people, infirm, rich, dear to the opposite sex, handsome, dark-complexioned with beautiful eyes, sensual, affluent, modest, pleasure loving, gentle, strong, and have knowledge of several disciplines. (Not to be taken too literally for sure.)
Mercury in Lunar Mansion '24 Shatabhisha-1'
You may a start business with the help of your brother. Stability in business will come after your 33rd year.
Jupiter in Capricorn 7°37'34"
You have high aspirations, good organizational abilities and intuition. There will be gain and success through high positions in life, business and foreign business. You are thrifty and positive.
Jupiter in Capricorn with Aries ascendent
You earn your livelihood by teaching and counseling others. Though you will dabble in the occult sciences and cultural history, you may have a weak mind. Morals may be questionable.
Jupiter in 10th House
Jupiter in the 10th gives you an inner ideal and wants to make you free to pursue what you believe in. You can be a good counselor, an ethical professor, an occultist who studies the future, or an affectionate parent and friend. You have much affection that shows. You may lack the pure quality of humility somewhat at times due to your good qualities. You may be more traditionally religious rather than esoteric.

Socially you try to be protective and sincere rather than a fiery leader with a cause. You are versatile, flourishing, successful from the beginning, reputed, happy, rich, famous, and blessed with friends and conveyances. From your Jupiter, there is chance of danger at age 34. Jupiter in the 10th house gives land and wealth, makes you interested in scholarly pursuits, and you become averse to adultery.

You are religious and try to perform good deeds. You get success, recognition and high friends, and gain through the spouse, social life, and business. You had a noble birth perhaps, and you gained through family. At times in your life you will get good positions. Jupiter in the 10th house makes you the kind of person who surrounds yourself with religion and a nice house. You are noble at heart and wish to work in high, learned and sincere pursuits. This Jupiter helps with wealth of various good varieties.
Jupiter in Lunar Mansion '21 Uttara Ashadha-4'
Venus in Aries 5°46'48"
You are inclined to art, adventure and romance: More to the form than to the spirit. Warm-hearted and amorous to the extent of evil acts. Night blindness; cruel. Marital ties might lead to discord and differences. Pliable. Suspicious and harsh. Impulsive-hasty attachments. Status in army or community.
Venus in Aries with Aries ascendent
You are good-looking and artistic. On the one hand you want to be great, but on the other hand you are addicted to luxury. You may be involved in sexual intrigues which bring disgrace. On the one hand noble, on the other an adulterer or lush. These contradictions you will have to face and work out.
Venus in 1st House
You are comely, live with saints, are an enemy nihilist, perform noble religious rites, enjoy affluence and get benefits. Efficient in amorous sport and satisfied. Long living, timid, and alluring. You are wealthy, sexy, handsome, blessed with a noble, happy spouse and children, are learned and impressive.

Venus in the Ascendant is said to ward off 300 evil Yogas of other planets. You are very talkative, skilled in handicrafts, gentle, polite, interested in poetics and devout. You are fair-complexed, bilious and have a wound, mole or ulcer on the waist, back, stomach or on the private parts. Possible danger from dogs or animals with horns.

You are steady, always involve yourself in good deeds, have pleasant speech and are skilled in all trades. You are an adviser, preceptor, are home bound and a fatalist. You are ungrateful, potent, manly (or womanly), powerful and fond of sour and salty food. You might be a mathematician, are fond of beautiful garments, ornaments, are virtuous, meritorious, cordial, dependable, jolly, sympathetic and affectionate.

Your love of nature is sublimated. You are social, live and keep yourself happy. Your artistic faculties are fully developed. You love art, music, drama, poetry, singing - everything related to beauty. You are fair, generous, refined, admired by the opposite sex, fruitful and fortunate.
Venus in Lunar Mansion '1 Ashwini-2'
You are strong, stout and sociable. You love your family. You acquire wealth by sheer luck. But all this is subject to life after 16 years of age. You are an artist or a novelist or a mechanical engineer.
Saturn in Capricorn 4°34'59"
Interested in the higher branches of learning such as philosophy. Is, learned, talented, seasoned, efficient, travels, and is fond of ornaments and other items of decoration. Progressive, ambitious, rational and convincing, gloomy, serious and discontented, trouble through love affairs, link with the low-bred, nervous disturbances, tactful, diplomatic and persevering. Ultimately, success will be yours.
Saturn in Capricorn with Aries ascendent
Saturn in this sign is characteristic of a highly evolved soul born with a special mission to undertake. You may have no regard for established tradition, your voice may be harsh and clothing unkempt, but the quality of leadership, born of a complete absence of selfishness, will be exemplary.
Saturn in 10th House
Saturn, with its tremendous power to annihilate old worlds and create new ones, provides a detachment in worldly matters which nevertheless has constructive and creative capabilities. You may be drawn more towards the abstract sense of justice, the underlying or hidden order beneath external manifestation, and even towards the complete destruction of the existing world order. You would make a good surgeon, engineer, social reformer, scientist or butcher. Moving from one place to another or from one job to another, you do so without knowing why but act from an unseen motivation. You are often a leader or a great thinker, but sometimes may be considered a little crazy in your ideas. Saturn indicates power, pride, ambition and lust for material and worldly gain. You have a hard life, gaining your livelihood slowly, by your own means. You win in war. You may misuse the judicial and administrative power when granted under the influence of this Saturn or you may take up the profession as a judge or treasurer. Separation of parents in childhood is indicated or you may grow and learn without the help of your parents. You are denied patrimony. You might become a senior district officer, are interested in agriculture, an advisor, gallant, and reputed. You have good discrimination and are an intelligent commander. Your attendants are affectionate and loyal. You maintain status in foreign land, and are fearless and proud. If Saturn is in the 10th house you may be vile, poor, cruel, fickle, greedy, bilious, a liar and unskilled.
Saturn in Lunar Mansion '21 Uttara Ashadha-3'
You derive much benefit from the government, and may be the head of some institution. You are highly learned, and are more interested in others' financial improvement than your own.
Rahu in Leo 12°42'07"
Rahu in Leo with Aries ascendent
You may be inclined to thieving, smuggling, and bad habits. You will not be much interested in studies, and will be unlucky in regards to children.
Rahu in 5th House
Your creativity has a strange or foreign aura; not bad, but deep and unusual. Your writing for example, is so deep that others get somewhat absorbed in it. You have a very easy time understanding the lower levels of society, the seedy, the underworld, the poor, the distressed - this is an area where you move easily. You are deeply interested in liberation from material entanglement and expert in understanding the inner meaning of things, in other words, you have insight.

During the periods ruled by Rahu, you will experience gains and success. Your spouse will sometimes exhibit a short temper and have stomach problems. Watch out for your own difficulties with the heart and lungs. You will probably have at least one son. You worry much, and have few friends. Your first child may pose some difficulty.

During Rahu ruled periods, watch for indigestion and excess bile. Also, this Rahu brings you into association with the downtrodden of society and it makes you mentally sharp. Your son(s), if any, should watch out for snakes and danger while in the country.
Rahu in Lunar Mansion '10 Magha-4'
You will be endowed with wealth, spouse and children, and will become the head of a teaching institution or research foundation. You may suffer from insomnia or asthma. You are an eccentric of highest intensity. You may experience poor memory due to handling several jobs at a time.
Ketu in Aquarius 12°42'07"
Ketu in Aquarius with Aries ascendent
You can be impulsive, generous, and philosophical. You will be interested in occultism and may achieve much success in its practice.
Ketu in 11th House
Ketu gives you the strengths of being learned, well dressed, and attractive. However, you have something in your nature that is not straight, perhaps some unbecoming private attachment that you have yet to overcome. You are considered powerful in society, but you have an unknown fear nagging at your mind. Success and gain come from all sources.

You are very fortunate, learned, handsome, strongly built, well-dressed and very glorious. Your off-spring is unfortunate and suffers from fear and danger. You are reputed, charming, of a happy-go-lucky nature, own house and property, are affluent, generous, and skilled in aesthetics and archery. You are sweet, pleasant, humorous, learned, prosperous, imposing, and fortunate with jewelry, dress and ornaments. Ailments of rectum, and tension are indicated.

You are generous, kind, popular, fond of literature, contended, and respected by leader types. At times you will have undesirable associates, miss good opportunities, suffer unfulfilled hopes, and bad friends giving bad advice. Look to Ketu ruled periods for some of these negative effects.
Ketu in Lunar Mansion '24 Shatabhisha-2'
You will suffer from stomach ulcer, severe cough and cold.
Uranus in Cancer 29°00'18"
Uranus in Cancer with Aries ascendent
Uranus in 4th House
Uranus in Lunar Mansion '9 Ashlesha-4'
Neptune in Libra 17°37'44"
Neptune in Libra with Aries ascendent
Neptune in 7th House
Neptune in Lunar Mansion '15 Swati-4'
Pluto in Leo 12°57'59"
Pluto in Leo with Aries ascendent
Pluto in 5th House
Pluto in Lunar Mansion '10 Magha-4'

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