John Wayne
[Marion Morrison] (1907-1979) American film actor
BornMay 26, 1907 5:00 AM GMT-6
Winterset, Iowa [41°20'00", -94°00'60"]
Rating: CBirth time source: Rectified from approx. time
Ayanamsa: -22°33'42"
Lagna in Taurus 13°13'06"
Taurus in the Ascendant bestows a pleasing face, a small thick neck, plump thighs, broad shoulders and a well-built muscular body. Amiable by temperament, artistic in nature, libidinous in character, you can be categorized as essentially materialistic. Fond of luxury, favoring romance, but tending to cultivate bad company. Self-respecting and happy, mostly in the middle and latter portions of life.
Yogakaraka Saturn, although owning the 9th and 10th house, produces a Yoga which is hard to collect on. It's a Yoga, but a difficult one to fully realize, depending on the placement of Saturn in the chart. Venus ruled periods should be good for money. Mars ruled periods produce financial prosperity, Jupiter periods are mixed. You like to win, will have the tendency of gathering wealth right from youth, will have a broad and strong forehead, nose, cheeks and lips, be industrious, fortunate, liberal, be devoted to your parents, will have many expenses, be very short tempered, phlegmatic and windy in humor, be the parent of (many) daughters, will insult your own people, be not very religious, be interested in affairs for romance, fickle-minded, fond of food and drinks and endowed with various kinds of clothes and ornaments. These are general tendencies, caused by the Ascendant sign, subject to great modification by the entire horoscope.
Lagna in Lunar Mansion '4 Rohini-1'
Rohini is the star ruling your Ascendant or Moon.
You are normally of slim physique. However, based on other planetary positions and aspects, short structured and fatty persons have also been seen. Your eyes are very attractive with a special magnetic touch. Appearance is very beautiful and attractive, big shoulders and well-developed muscles. You are short-tempered. Once you get angry, it will not subside so easily, and nobody can change your decision. You become extremely obstinate, if someone attempts to override your opinions or thwart your plans. You remain oblivious to any advice or ideas counter to your own. You have a special knack to find fault in others. You are ruled by your heart rather than your brain. While you are ready to sacrifice everything for loved ones, you will not hesitate to cause extreme trouble to the hated. You feel impressed with your own work. Acceptance of the truth and discard of the false is your plus point.
Your life is full of ups and downs, as you do not try to pre-plan your objectives. You can attain great success in life, provided a little restraint is kept in the freedom of your mind. There is no tomorrow for you. You spend everything for the sake of today's comfort.
You can shine not only in any independent profession or business but also in social work. As far as possible, you try to be more sincere and honest in all the work you undertake. But you lack patience and forgiveness. You try to be a jack of all trades, and in the process you fail to pass through the path of requisite rhythm and system. Your freedom of mind will quite often lead you to downfall. It is also seen that some Rohini born persons have risen from the lowest rung of life to the highest rung due to other planets in the chart being very well placed. You may earn from milk products, sugarcane or as a chemical engineer. You are best adapted for mechanical and laborious work.
Between the age of 18 and 36 will be the most trialsome periods. You will have to face a lot of problems economically, socially and on health grounds. It is often noticed, that such people enjoy their lives best between the age of 38 and 50, and 65 and 75. One of the primary factors to keep in mind is that you should never take anyone into confidence. You have to be extra careful with business partners and employees. There is an inherent drawback in you, that you blindly believe others. For a happy existence, it is suggested that you should screen people thoroughly before confidence is bestowed on them.
While you cannot enjoy full benefit from your father, you will be more attached to your mother and maternal uncle or anything maternally related. You will not hesitate to throw away any social or religious laws when warranted. Hence your married life will be marred with disturbances.
You are prone to diseases connected with blood, spoiled blood, blood cancer, jaundice, urinary disorders, blood sugar, tuberculosis, respiratory problems, paralysis and throat troubles.
Sun in Taurus 11°28'41"
Eyes and looks defective, tolerant, tactful, wise, jealous, affluent, fond of music, danger from water. Firm, patient and obstinate. This placement indicates that you will have troubles from diseases of the face and eyes, will endure difficulties, will have an emaciated body, will not have many sons, will be beautiful (also means fortunate, nice, handsome etc.), will possess decorum, be wise, will be jealous of those with no children, be endowed with eatables, clothes and scents, will have knowledge of singing, playing musical instruments and dancing and will face risk from water.
Sun in Taurus with Taurus ascendent
You will look very beautiful, be endowed with the quality of goodness and may suffer from urinary diseases.
Gives a noble appearance, though you may suffer from eye troubles and marital difficulties. You acquire property and wealth through your own efforts. You may become a skilled instrumental musician.
Sun in 1st House
The Sun in the Rising Sign symbolizes progress and good luck. The Sun in Summer Solstice brings disputes and makes you egocentric and selfish. The Sun in winter solstice promotes divinity. Exalted, well-aspected or associated Sun develops faith and confidence, coupled with natural ambition; bestows position of trust and influence; supports moral growth. The person with the Sun in the rising sign is tall, distressed with the spouse, children and brethren.
You suffer from excess bile and windy diseases and when in foreign land, from the financial ups and downs. You may have a poor appetite, are bold, modest, an actor, studious, have beautiful eyes, are diligent and well-placed. You may be lazy in function, give vent to anger, have a prominent personality, be honorable, courageous, impatient and unkind. You will be happy in money matters (though there may be occasional obstacles) and overall be happy.
You will have less number of children and will suffer from eye ailments. You will be fond of quarrels, dance, literature etc.. and be strong. Your body may be thin or emaciated and you are bald or have thin hair. You will speak only when required.
The Sun in the Ascendant will afflict virility, hence with simultaneous affliction to Jupiter, progeny may be few in numbers. Otherwise, with favorable Jupiter, the Sun in the Ascendant will totally deprive one of progeny.
Sun in Lunar Mansion '4 Rohini-1'
You are tactful and wise and give much importance to dress. You earn good profit out of cattle or horses and do good services to society. Possible diseases are epilepsy, cerebral hemorrhage or headaches.
Moon in Libra 25°36'11"
Much movable property, gain and success through partnership, morose and irritated for nothing, soft-spoken, courteous and warm-hearted, success in love and marriage. Balanced and artistic if Mercury is in good aspect. Much traveling. Elevated nose, humble looking face, thin body, many partners, abundant properties, valorous, skillful, will honor divinity and saintly persons, wealthy in various ways, conquered by the opposite sex, will be easily swayed from decisions and is helpful to relatives.
Moon in Libra with Taurus ascendent
Sexuality is so deeply rooted that you may contract venereal diseases which are difficult to cure. You incur heavy expenditures and run into debt.
Moon in 6th House
With the Moon in the sixth house, you are dogged with persistent difficulties. Often you are endangered and may get mixed up with criminals and anti-social elements; you suffer great financial difficulties and may even be involved in public litigation. Your physical health may not be strong, but there will be great mental expansion, intellectual development and moral stamina. Even during periods of acute physical and financial difficulty you will succeed in securing help from providential sources. You will contribute to social progress and command great respectability, but personally you will have much to complain about. You are intelligent and have an overwhelming influence against the most powerful enemies. However strong they may be, ultimately they surrender to you. Every repeated attack they make happens to be a misfire. You may not be devoted to your mother or indifferent to her. The sixth house denotes enemies, injuries, accidents, diseases, afflictions, maternal uncles, cousins, servants, loss of wealth, calamities through the opposite sex, suits and debts, intimidation and apprehension from enemy. You are delicate, have a poor appetite, your passions are subdued, You tend to be easily excited, lazy and inactive. You may be short-lived, dull, be of uncertain health and suffer loss of appetite or feel slighted. You have a sharp vision, are brave and bold, cruel and unkind, have no progeny, are strong but lean, have strong desires but can not pro-create. Enemy sign cause more enemies; If the Moon is in its depression sign Scorpio, it can cause a melancholic nature, you may remain sick and ailing. You may suffer diseases of the stomach. Note: Whatever be the valor of enemies, you will always conquer them. They will not raise their heads again before you. You may be emaciated, miserly and unfruitful, and will not have much sexual appetite. Your maternal uncle will be separated from children or will have only daughters.
Moon in Lunar Mansion '16 Vishakha-2'
The Star ruling your Moon or Ascendant is Vishakha.
Physical features: your face will be round, bright and physical appearance extremely attractive. There has been noticed two types of physical appearance i.e. one with fatty and long structure and the other with very lean and short structure. Character and general events: you will be full of vigor and vitality and possess intelligence of the highest order. You are a firm believer in God and lead a life of truthful existence. You do not believe in the orthodox principles nor the age old tradition. You are fond of adopting modern ideas. Mainly, you live away from your family. You are overly generous when dealing with others. While you are very much religiously active, you do not follow any superstitious religious fanaticism. You treat all religions, castes and creed as one. You will follow a non-violent approach to life and may become a renunciate in your mid-30s.
Education, sources of earning/profession: you are a very good orator and has the capacity to attract a crowd. You will win several prizes in elocution competition. Hence you will be the fittest person to be in the political circle. There is a peculiar spending tendency. While on the one side you are very careful spending, on the other side you may be extravagant in spending where it is not required. You are fit for doing an independent business, or a job involving high responsibility, banking and religious professions, mathematician or a teacher or a printer.
Family life: you may not enjoy love and affection from your mother, caused mainly by separation. On the other hand, there may be several beneficial points of your father with which you can always be proud of, even though you will lead a very independent life. There may be difference of opinion between your father and you that seem unresolvable. It is due to these reasons from childhood that you become a hardworking and self made person. You love your spouse and children very much, although you may struggle with addiction to intoxication and intimate relationships outside of marriage. In spite of these weaknesses they will not become a hindrance either in the family or in your social life.
Health: your health will normally be very good. However, you may be prone to paralytic attack after the age of 55 years. You may also be prone to asthmatic attack.
Mars in Sagittarius 25°44'50"
Engineering insight, intellectual giant, large-hearted, enthusiastic, both by speech and action. Favorable to lawyers, military tactics. Gains through marriage - more than one union is indicated. (If afflicted trouble through brothers, relatives, friends and over estimation.) Many losses through traveling and wrong employment. Many wounds or scars, sometimes starved, a harsh speaker, crafty, alienated, a warrior, happy with hard work, loses happiness and money due to anger and will not honor elders. Very brave and skillful when in a competitive confrontation. Favorable for the military, police, etc.
Mars in Sagittarius with Taurus ascendent
You are courageous despite setbacks in your personal career. Married life may fail, colleagues may let you down and foreigners may create difficulties. But you will transcend all difficulties and earn fame abroad. Your occupation in life will be spectacular. You will suddenly shoot up in glory and light; and may die suddenly as well.
Mars in 8th House
Externalizes adverse past Karma which has a very detrimental influence on the health. Various diseases connected with the urinary tract or with blood circulation may afflict you; you may undergo surgery, and your sensuality is fiery and passionate. This combination is harmful to the marriage partner. Look for further afflictions to this Mars in the 8th before judging serious harm to the spouse.
Officers with Mars in their eighth house take a lot of bribes but are not caught. You may overeat till the age of 30. Later in life you might develop indigestion, and blood pressure. Long-life is helped with this placement. Weapons, or burns may cause death. Trouble for spouse and degradation are indicated. Friends become enemies, though you are respectably honored.
Efforts made according to industry do not fructify, but are defeated by hindrances. Even brothers and relatives suddenly behave like enemies. Difficult diseases and misfortune in business might come. Denotes unbecoming speech, diseases of the private organs, sorrow, grief and vexation from spouse.
You might feel physically weakened due to disorders of blood and ulcers. You have few sons. You dress simple, but are popular amongst the rich. Negative karmic forces may be experienced in this life for better or worse. Be careful regarding danger from water or swimming.
If Mars is in the eighth house from the Lagna, Jupiter or Venus (benefics) posited in the house of fate and misfortune etc. may even become ineffective, as Mars (malefic) overrides them.
Mars in Lunar Mansion '20 Purva Ashadha-4'
You will be courageous and will attain a high position in the political field. However, there will be several enemies. There may be some danger to your life through weapons at the age of 52 years. You will have very few children.
Mercury in Taurus 14°04'14"
Your intellect is full of happiness and cheer, but you may be too cunning when it comes to love, finding yourself attracted to more than one person. You like to use your intelligence to actually achieve worldly happiness in life. Your motto is that prosperity flows from good thinking.
Mercury in Taurus with Taurus ascendent
Obstinate and neutral.
A clever, skillful negotiator who may find success in the teaching profession. Though weak in physical strength, you have a well-proportioned body and 'the gift of gab.' Amiable by disposition, you will look youthful, even in old age. You will have a good spouse and children.
Mercury in 1st House
You are a person of profound learning and knowledgeable in several sciences. You are interested in the higher branches of learning and in hearing other great scholars. You travel far and wide. You are polite, kind and conciliatory. Pilgrimage in 27th year and great gain. Comely, a student of astrology, disabled, fraudulent. Possible eye diseases. Dispute with brother in the teen years. An impostor and sagacious. You live by speech and writing. You shine brilliantly like scintillated gold and are practicing the Indian medical science. If you fall sick, it takes a long time to recover. However, evil influence generated by other planets in the chart are reduced. You sparkle gloriously and are recognized by all. You hate evil. You are handsome, learned in fine arts, poetry and arithmetic, skilled, courteous, calm, blessed with spouse and children, adept in music, are generous, patient, wealthy, austere, scrupulous, pious, have a noble reputation, like simple and pure foods and are truthful. If Mercury is not associated with any malefic, you are handsome, skilled, calm, sharp-witted, soft-spoken, and generous. Longevity is indicated. There might be discoloration of the body, excess bile, pain, boils, warts and moles, fibroid and other stomach troubles. Marriage in middle age and possible loss of progeny. You might be a sculptor and are strong and well-built. Even in old age, you appear youthful. It is difficult to find Mercury alone in the Zodiac. Therefore, this planet can not give good or bad results alone. It is pliant and supple and ready to absorb the characteristics of the sign posited in and the planets aspecting or associated with it. Mercury is known as being neutral, sexless and convertible. If Mercury is in masculine signs, you may take to journalism or feature writing.
Mercury in Lunar Mansion '4 Rohini-2'
You will be famous, will have profound knowledge of the higher branches of knowledge. Moderate wealth. You must take care of fire or fire arms. You will enjoy premarital sexual relationship with many partners.
Jupiter in Gemini 19°03'22"
Truly kind and reliable, and not too interested in expanding your social circle. You have a liking for literature, occult studies and enlightening things. You may attempt publishing, but due to various miscalculations and relatives you sometimes suffer loss of money.
Jupiter in Gemini with Taurus ascendent
You will have respectability, a grave voice and an impressive tone, but you will be far from happy. You will be surrounded by hostile influences, suffer from ill health and from disturbances in your career. However, this placement can bestow over average ability in learning languages or expressing yourself. It can make a person a good preacher or teacher and often gives some purity in regards to the mouth, i.e. 'brahminical' or healthy eating habits. Usually, the person is quite focused on issues around food, health and also is fond of instructing others in these matters, provided, there are no major planetary afflictions otherwise. The expansive Jupiter is the eighth Lord for Taurus rising and is placed in the second house here, so your mouth can bring you in serious troubles at times. Make sure you think before you enthusiastically speak your mind and utter your opinions. Try to control this tendency in you, it will be of great help in life...
Jupiter in 2nd House
You may have a second marriage late in life. Jupiter in the 2nd gives many good qualities along all general lines such as education, looks, wealth, family, etc. It is an overall positive placement. Some of the favorable attributes are: handsome, scholarly, skilled, poetic, reputed, friendly, social, perfect, benevolent, modest, rich and getting royal favor at age 27. You might be fickle at times, a little too heavy of a leader to your own people, rich, and happy with a beautiful partner. This placement can make adversaries, especially through speaking out.
You are generous, considerate, enlightened, get appreciated merit, are adept, contented, dispassionate, polite, fond of noble company, bold, scholar, discreet, and have business wealth and conveyances. Accumulation of wealth, royal authority and power are indicated. You are healthy, sociable, love delicacies, are cheerful, wise and logical. Wealth is indicated in the 16th year. Late marriage is possible, as well as early separation or death of the father, leaving no patrimony. If it is there, there will be hostility between you and your father.
Your education might be incomplete, and your family or society may criticize and oppose you. Your heart and mind are in poetry - both composition and recitation. Because of your religious inclination and your sense for justice, you would make a fair judge or director giving rewards or punishments. This placement might not promote a sexually active life, as you tend to not like the period following the act of sex. To others you may not appear to have status or wealth. You speak sweet and short. Relationship with family and relatives is good. Your honor matters to you very much.
Jupiter in Lunar Mansion '6 Ardra-4'
You will stand out in your community. You may experience some lung disorders.
Venus in Aries 12°01'52"
You are inclined to art, adventure and romance: More to the form than to the spirit. Warm-hearted and amorous to the extent of evil acts. Night blindness; cruel. Marital ties might lead to discord and differences. Pliable. Suspicious and harsh. Impulsive-hasty attachments. Status in army or community.
Venus in Aries with Taurus ascendent
Venus does not help the immediate development of spirituality: it leaves you deeply asleep, enjoying the pleasures of a luxurious bed, incurring debts and enjoying vehicles, your home and paternal wealth.
Venus in 12th House
Venus produces a material impulse. It leads you towards sensual gratification and involvement in unethical relationships which bind the soul strongly in chains of materialization. One may remember that Venus is the advisor to the demons who command the anti-devic (godly) forces. The advice given by Venus can lead you to adopt bad actions which will require scores of lives to release the soul from bondage.
These activities are produced by passion, lustful intentions, psychologically acquisitive tendencies, and ritualistic or overly formal religious observances. These tendencies are greatly accentuated when Venus occupies the twelfth house, which can finally fix you in your pleasant sleep (of illusion) and in the enjoyment of a comfortable couch (karmic bondage).
You are successful in service but interested in independent business. This placement denotes mental restlessness and little financial gain. You are ethical and value affection, but are incapable of giving pleasure. You can be a successful poet, writer, painter, singer, dancer etc. You sometimes earn money. Have your excess bile checked. You find pleasure on the play field or in noble deeds, and spend your wealth on religious, charitable and public welfare activities. Loss of virtue and reputation is indicated. Your friends turn enemies and there is strife with friends and people in general.
You are phlegmatic and sensual, and may gain wealth, but spend it every day. Expenditure is heavy and receipt is low. You can be ruinous to relatives, and may be lewd-minded and poor. You are extravagant, and there is discord with friends and seniors. You have the reputation of a liar and are unpopular amongst relatives. Sicknesses and ailments may come. You may be infidel, unkind, debauch and might have a gross body. You get pleasure through own spouse, and are prosperous and impressive. You tend to be inert, happy, ugly, characterless, vile, eat a purified diet, and are skilled in amorous sport.
You were sick in childhood, and healthy now, but cruel in youth, weak, gloomy and miserly. You have perverse tendencies. This Venus indicates a love for romance and adventure, and a desire to unravel the mysteries of nature, secret arts, medicine, and chemistry. You get pleasure and gain through animals, ignoble jobs, and charitable institutions. You love loneliness. This Venus indicates that you will be saving money always.
Venus in Lunar Mansion '1 Ashwini-4'
A fine actor, musician or a musical instrumentalist. You will have good writing ability.
Saturn in Pisces 3°17'41"
Interest in handicrafts, recognized by relatives and friends, calm and quiet, reserved and secretive, diplomatic, rich, religious, courteous, sane, fortitude, overcomes difficulties, hindrance and disreputation. Unfortunate links; efforts unproductive, mental suffering at times. All these make you practical, intuitive and optimistic.
Saturn in Pisces with Taurus ascendent
Saturn is a most effective planet in this position and will bestow on you everything that can be desired. A great upholder of traditional morality, very respectful toward learned persons, enjoying the felicity of a large and happy family and held in great esteem by others. However, you must accept the self-imposed restrictions of social responsibility, observances, and public respectability. There will thus be much curtailment of your personal liberty.
Saturn in 11th House
Saturn in the eleventh makes you rich. You are thoughtful and serious in everything you do, and keep excessive control over your actions and reactions. You are very persistent, and your desire to attain a high material position is also very intense. You can become a seasoned bureaucrat, but whatever your vocation, you will be almost one-pointed in achieving the goal you set for yourself. Callous behavior during the pursuit of that goal may also be expected; you acquire fixed assets and landed property as well. Your education is usually incomplete, but your innate intelligence and practical wisdom are remarkable. Trouble through sons is indicated. Most of the life is full of struggle - it may be due to friends, family or any body. With Saturn in the 11th house you are rich, long-living, brave and firm. You suffer from acute ailments only. You are a thousand times more cunning and a better manipulator than anybody, and constant and firm in respect of wealth, health and mind. You enjoys longevity, very cunning and you show your bravery in the competition arena. You may be childless. You are reputed, have noble friends, are merciful, benevolent, soft and sweet, thin, lean, contented, affluent and pleasure seeking. You get wealth through the government, and have plenty of attendants. Some income through agriculture or employment is indicated. You are contemplative and fortunate. You have to endure much ailment since childhood and there is danger from fire. You are learned in all the sciences, get state honor but are immodest. Education through learned people is indicated. You are a family person and live through handicraft. This Saturn denotes wealth, obstacles, land and recognition through the government.
Saturn in Lunar Mansion '25 Purva Bhadrapada-4'
You occupy an eminent position.
Rahu in Cancer 1°58'31"
Rahu in Cancer with Taurus ascendent
There is no family support, but you attain a powerful status in society nevertheless. You are more feared than respected.
Rahu in 3rd House
Rahu in the third house causes trouble to siblings, but is otherwise helpful in enabling you to acquire material conveniences. You secure physical comforts, wealth, children, a good spouse, have many friends and may acquire expensive cars. This Rahu does not bode well for the birth of children.
You are sharp, inclined to spiritualism or higher educational disciplines. There is good fortune and success through affectionate dealings, neighbors, journeys, writing or publishing. This Rahu denotes bravery, courage, industry, fortune, wealth, state honor and health. You have many friends, travel alot and are the annihilator of the enemy. There will be agricultural wealth. You are matchless in prowess, strong, treat all as brethren and are fortunate.
You are most lucky and extend friendship to all. You are the least actively benevolent type, but toughest in most difficult work. You suffer sleepless nights due to enemies, are renowned, live in luxury. Troubles for brothers is indicated. You are wretched, affluent, valiant, charitable, proud, firm minded, long living and artless. You might be a state authority. Rahu in the third house might make your siblings prosperous.
Rahu in Lunar Mansion '7 Punarvasu-4'
There is an indication of success in journalism, publishing or writing books. This placement shows numerous intimate relations. You may have some education in the field of mathematics.
Ketu in Capricorn 1°58'31"
Ketu in Capricorn with Taurus ascendent
Under this influence you have no attachment whatsoever to material conveniences and social prestige. Your consciousness has merged with the universal consciousness. It is possible that the availability of sensual pleasures impels you to experiment with them, but that does not mean you are immersed in materiality. To you, physical actions and psychological involvement are two different things. This placement often produces spiritually mature souls.
Ketu in 9th House
The presence of Ketu in the ninth house leads to a blossoming of liberated consciousness regardless of the sign involved. This planet, though shadowy, has a most potent effect in dissolving all material attachments. It disengages you from the physical conditions of life and links you with the universe at large. It produces a different vision, a new approach to the problems of life, and consequently a sublime ethic of its own. Under its influence you become 'a person of the other world.' You get fortune and favor through foreigners and receive trouble and loss through brothers and pain in arms. People laugh at your penance and donations. You feel the absence of sons. Your generosity is considered a boast. You are short-tempered, eloquent, convert, critical, brave, jealous of your father, vain, spiritless, arrogant and unfortunate. You are blessed with wealth and a son. You gain through foreigners and get success over troubles. Your brothers are in difficulty. You feel much pain and suffering in both the arms at times. You are mocked at for your religious fervor and activities. Trouble for father since childhood. Luck is not favoring you. You have no desire for pilgrimage. You overcome anguish, are valiant, well-armed, and feel the absence of friends. You are worried about relatives and sons. This Ketu keeps you free from many troubles and calamities, but you might be poor. Satisfaction through asceticism and benevolence is indicated. You may be a leader or advisor, and possess fame, glory, wisdom, generosity, kindness and devotion. Voyages bring misery and misfortune and you might receive punishment in foreign land. You dream strange dreams.
Ketu in Lunar Mansion '21 Uttara Ashadha-2'
Uranus in Sagittarius 19°33'34"
Uranus in Sagittarius with Taurus ascendent
Uranus in 8th House
Uranus in Lunar Mansion '20 Purva Ashadha-2'
Neptune in Gemini 18°23'27"
Neptune in Gemini with Taurus ascendent
Neptune in 2nd House
Neptune in Lunar Mansion '6 Ardra-4'
Pluto in Gemini 0°13'50"
Pluto in Gemini with Taurus ascendent
Pluto in 2nd House
Pluto in Lunar Mansion '5 Mrigashira-3'