Clarence Thomas

Clarence Thomas

(1948- ) U.S. Supreme Court Justice

Clarence ThomasClarence Thomas
Lagna in Capricorn 2°00'46"
Capricorn in the Ascendant indicates you are probably tall and well built. You can, however, have a weaker and leaner lower body. You are very hardworking and persevering, but you have to watch out for melancholic moods. You also have to try to curb the ego at times. You are careful with others and respectful of them, but at the same time anxious to achieve your own ends. Other factors permitting, you can be very religious. You also tend to respect the occult.
Lagna in Lunar Mansion '21 Uttara Ashadha-2'
The Star ruling your Ascendant or Moon is Uttara Ashadha.

You have a well-proportioned, tall body with a broad head, long nose and bright eyes. You are of charming and graceful appearance with fair complexion. You will be refined, soft-spoken, pure-hearted and have an innocent looking countenance. In case you happen to occupy a very high position in society, you will not like to express pomp and show and will dress simply. You give respect to all and are God-fearing. It is not easy for others to find out your underlying merits and demerits. It is only after several acquaintances and dealings one can come to a conclusion about your behavioral aspect. In most of the cases, it has been noticed that there will be a black mole around your waist or on the face. A slight reddish color is noticed in your eyes.

You will be very plain in your dealings and will show utmost sincerity in all the work you undertake. You will not deceive others and would not like to cause any trouble to others. So much so, due to your inherent good behavior quality you often land into uncalled for problems. While you are plain hearted, you will not give in to any pressure and will not bestow full confidence on anybody. But once you take a person into confidence nobody can change you. To a certain extent, you are slave to flattery and expect that others must look after your welfare. You will not make any hasty decision, whereas full consultation with trusted persons will be obtained before coming to a conclusion.

While you are very much involved in all activities you undertake, usually you are lazy. Even in the state of conflict you cannot utter harsh words directly and in spite of a difference of opinion you will not like to express your unhappiness to others. Any discussion you make with others will be without expressing ill-will. You are bound to shoulder many responsibilities at a young age. Due to this you are fully trained to shoulder any responsibility with perfection. Once you are convinced that any action carried out by you or words uttered by you happens to be wrong you will not hesitate to repent and express regret. Your every action requires recognition by others. Otherwise, you are dragged into the state of unhappiness. You are subjected to maximum happiness at one stage and the maximum unhappiness at the next. You have to be very careful in any controversial dealings. Before any collaboration is made, you have to completely screen the persons with whom you are entering into such collaboration. Otherwise, failure is certain. The time after the age of 38 years will mark all-round success and prosperity.

Normally your childhood will be somewhat better. But later on you may have to face a lot of unexpected reversals and problems on the family front. It has been noticed that between the age of 28 and 31 some important change takes place in the family circle. Your married life will be more or less very good. You normally get a responsible and loving spouse. At the same time the health of your spouse will be a cause of concern. Your spouse will have problems of acidity. In spite of the comparative advantages mentioned above, you lack happiness from children and they will be a main cause of concern.

You are prone to stomach problems, paralysis of limbs, and pulmonary diseases. Poor eyesight or some defect in the eyes is indicated as well.
Sun in Gemini 9°19'20"
This brings the following general characteristics, which get modified by specific aspects and other placements in your chart: You will be a scholarly or thoughtful person, will have sweet or careful speaking and be affectionate, especially to your offspring if any. You will tend towards careful conduct and expertise in worldly knowledge, though you may be able to also excel in ultra-mundane or spiritual knowledge as well. This Sun is capable of granting wealth (subject to house placement). You may be liberal and skillful, have a secondary mother figure, and have talent in astrology. You may have a medium level of bodily beauty and may be modest.
Sun in Gemini with Capricorn ascendent
Though there will be litigation during the Sun period, ultimate success will be yours.
You will have fierce confrontations with authorities. Making decisions based on your ideals will actually leave you indigent and send you into exile, but, having undergone the trial and faced the storm, you will come face to face with your true self and be able to establish a rapport with this most secret and cherished part of you.
Sun in 6th House
The Sun produces a very deep-rooted impact. It destroys all impediments to the flowering of your innermost uniqueness. When the solar rays sparkle and strengthen the soul, no other conditioning can obstruct its clear impulses. The inner person must have its way; external conditions must adjust to inner ones, and thus they dissipate and fall asunder. From an ordinary point of view, this may seem to be a destruction of physical and social barriers. But this placement enables you to achieve victory over enemies, a successful termination of litigation and disputes, and effective solutions to financial difficulties.

However, there may be kidney troubles or other such ailments, especially of the navel region. Psychological maturity and self-reliance are acquired along with a feeling of personal isolation. At times, even the government is unhelpful and antagonistic. You may decide to live away from your homeland. With this combination, a very enigmatic situation arises: people at large express tremendous goodwill and sympathy for you, but they cannot establish empathy. Thus you may sometimes find yourself on the psychoanalyst's couch unless your natal chart is basically strong.

The sixth house is both for friends and enemies, health and sickness, attachment and hatred, maternal relatives, cousins, servants and inferiors. Its results are full of opposites - sharpness of the opposites is felt according to the influence of the planet, its association, conjunction, or as aspected.

The 6th house protects against enemy, sickness, sorrow and debt. So you are a destroyer of enemies; a friend of friends. But it also indicates troubles for the maternal uncle and his family. Animals like cows and buffaloes cause great loss, sometimes financially also. Danger to life can come from sharp-horned animals. During travel, you may be attacked by tribals or robbed by thieves.

You are strong, happy, rich and are respected in society. You may be a glutton and very passionate. But you are gentle and known by your qualities. You are a leader or either a general or a judge. You are wise and a well wisher of your family. You tend to be thin, lean and healthy. You build property and are helped by your maternal uncles. You will be very libidinous, have powerful digestive fire (i.e. capable of digesting fast), are affluent, famous for virtues and might be an army chief.

Financial success, disease of the eyes in the 20th year, happiness, affectionate disposition etc., will follow. You will spend money to save others from legal punishments or spend for friends in general. There will be troubles for the mother's family (i.e. maternal uncle and other such relatives). You may be subjected to danger from quadrupeds or lose on account of thefts.

You will be of Yogic disposition, be intelligent, will keep brothers and relatives happy, be emaciated, very beautiful in appearance, will inherit through maternal relatives, will gather lands and other properties, will keep your promise, will gain through sons, be happy by the prosperity of progeny and will help even enemies and thereby derive satisfaction. You may suffer breakage of teeth by wood or by stone or incur pains in legs and your end may come through poison, weapon, thirst, hunger, enemies or vices.
Sun in Lunar Mansion '6 Ardra-1'
You will be highly educated and wealthy. You may be a good astrologer. Employment may be in the field of accounting or mathematics. Your eyesight may become weak at old age.
Moon in Capricorn 8°15'02"
Sexy, jealous, gains and success through others, grants wealth and attendants. You are honest and generous, blessed with children, a scholar. Calculating in money matters. A good singer, susceptible to ill effects from coldness or cold things, fond of truth and charity, distinguished, famous, libidinous, unkind and shameless, may reach for things out of reach, or try to take that which is not rightfully yours, poetic and of low enthusiasm.
Moon in Capricorn with Capricorn ascendent
This placement intensifies materialistic tendencies. You attract a beautiful spouse, but whether you remain contented with marriage is difficult to predict; you could become interested in illicit liaisons. You are lonely so often, that nothing sustains you for long. You need constant psychological support.
Moon in 1st House
You will be gregarious and will want everyone to appreciate you. This will be especially true when the Moon is in female signs. You can suffer from somnambulism or sleepwalking. Another way to take this is that you are sleepwalking sometimes during the daydreaming in life. You take your mental life very seriously. Handsome but fickle. Scared of water or sickness. In your 15th year you can travel much. In general context it is stated that the Moon in the Ascendant can make one cunning, short-statured, valorous, happy, liking nice milk-based foods, interested in astrology, famous in the later part of life, subject to perils, and disbelieving of your spouse.
Moon in Lunar Mansion '21 Uttara Ashadha-4'
The Star ruling your Ascendant or Moon is Uttara Ashadha.

You have a well-proportioned, tall body with a broad head, long nose and bright eyes. You are of charming and graceful appearance with fair complexion. You will be refined, soft-spoken, pure-hearted and have an innocent looking countenance. In case you happen to occupy a very high position in society, you will not like to express pomp and show and will dress simply. You give respect to all and are God-fearing. It is not easy for others to find out your underlying merits and demerits. It is only after several acquaintances and dealings one can come to a conclusion about your behavioral aspect. In most of the cases, it has been noticed that there will be a black mole around your waist or on the face. A slight reddish color is noticed in your eyes.

You will be very plain in your dealings and will show utmost sincerity in all the work you undertake. You will not deceive others and would not like to cause any trouble to others. So much so, due to your inherent good behavior quality you often land into uncalled for problems. While you are plain hearted, you will not give in to any pressure and will not bestow full confidence on anybody. But once you take a person into confidence nobody can change you. To a certain extent, you are slave to flattery and expect that others must look after your welfare. You will not make any hasty decision, whereas full consultation with trusted persons will be obtained before coming to a conclusion.

While you are very much involved in all activities you undertake, usually you are lazy. Even in the state of conflict you cannot utter harsh words directly and in spite of a difference of opinion you will not like to express your unhappiness to others. Any discussion you make with others will be without expressing ill-will. You are bound to shoulder many responsibilities at a young age. Due to this you are fully trained to shoulder any responsibility with perfection. Once you are convinced that any action carried out by you or words uttered by you happens to be wrong you will not hesitate to repent and express regret. Your every action requires recognition by others. Otherwise, you are dragged into the state of unhappiness. You are subjected to maximum happiness at one stage and the maximum unhappiness at the next. You have to be very careful in any controversial dealings. Before any collaboration is made, you have to completely screen the persons with whom you are entering into such collaboration. Otherwise, failure is certain. The time after the age of 38 years will mark all-round success and prosperity.

Normally your childhood will be somewhat better. But later on you may have to face a lot of unexpected reversals and problems on the family front. It has been noticed that between the age of 28 and 31 some important change takes place in the family circle. Your married life will be more or less very good. You normally get a responsible and loving spouse. At the same time the health of your spouse will be a cause of concern. Your spouse will have problems of acidity. In spite of the comparative advantages mentioned above, you lack happiness from children and they will be a main cause of concern.

You are prone to stomach problems, paralysis of limbs, and pulmonary diseases. Poor eyesight or some defect in the eyes is indicated as well.
Mars in Leo 24°01'12"
You are frank, active, conscientious, a good leader, gain through speculation, insurance and companies, are friendly, over enthusiastic, firm and adventurous. Love for new ideas, music. Mars in Leo is intense. You are impatient, valorous, grabbing others money and children, like forests, lose your first spouse, are bereft of children, devoid of charitable acts and always active in your occupation.
Mars in Leo with Capricorn ascendent
Mars in Leo is eminently in its own fiery element. It destroys everything unwanted in life and actively seeks spiritual experiences. You have elected to sacrifice material pleasure for spiritual realization. This may happen through denial of marital happiness, absence of social associations, loss of family inheritance, or abandonment from one's siblings. You must stand completely on your own. Accidents, surgery, problems with the blood or diseases connected with the genito-urinary tract are the worldly trials which impel you toward a higher understanding.
Mars in 8th House
Externalizes adverse past Karma which has a very detrimental influence on the health. Various diseases connected with the urinary tract or with blood circulation may afflict you; you may undergo surgery, and your sensuality is fiery and passionate. This combination is harmful to the marriage partner. Look for further afflictions to this Mars in the 8th before judging serious harm to the spouse.

Officers with Mars in their eighth house take a lot of bribes but are not caught. You may overeat till the age of 30. Later in life you might develop indigestion, and blood pressure. Long-life is helped with this placement. Weapons, or burns may cause death. Trouble for spouse and degradation are indicated. Friends become enemies, though you are respectably honored.

Efforts made according to industry do not fructify, but are defeated by hindrances. Even brothers and relatives suddenly behave like enemies. Difficult diseases and misfortune in business might come. Denotes unbecoming speech, diseases of the private organs, sorrow, grief and vexation from spouse.

You might feel physically weakened due to disorders of blood and ulcers. You have few sons. You dress simple, but are popular amongst the rich. Negative karmic forces may be experienced in this life for better or worse. Be careful regarding danger from water or swimming.

If Mars is in the eighth house from the Lagna, Jupiter or Venus (benefics) posited in the house of fate and misfortune etc. may even become ineffective, as Mars (malefic) overrides them.
Mars in Lunar Mansion '11 Purva Phalguni-4'
Mercury in Gemini 9°22'53"
You are very inventive and smart. It is very difficult to find an executive or diplomat more talented than you. You like to study and therefore, you have a liking for science and technology. You like to be well-informed and you are very sociable and friendly.
Mercury in Gemini with Capricorn ascendent
You will have financial difficulties. Though eminently respectable, you may be involved in litigation. Your stamina will be low.
Mercury in 6th House
Mercury in the sixth completely upsets you physically and socially. You experience so many inner subjective changes that your physical relationships are subject to severe turbulence. Your mind is so stirred up that there is little social or psychological stability. You may be catapulted from abject poverty to regal splendor, but you cannot hold onto anything. There may be physical difficulties, sexual experimentation, and marital incompatibility leading to separation, divorce, or sexual abuse. But through all these vicissitudes, significant psychological transformation and a widening of awareness and great insight into life can be experienced. You may suffer from nervous breakdown and from ailments due to tension connected with work. You are oppressed by inferiors, and tend to be over-excited and rash. Afflictions to Mercury tend to ruin the health through anxiety. You are an energetic mental worker missing the best mental outlet for your energies. Gains from chemistry, writings, books or clerical work are indicated. You might suffer from dyspepsia and may exhibit many fads and fancies regarding diet. You may be inactive, ruthless, shattering the enemy and lose temper during discourse.
Mercury in Lunar Mansion '6 Ardra-1'
You will be proficient in all fields of work. You may be an expert astrologer, learned in Vedic scriptures. You might be attracted to sexual activity not condoned by others, and may suffer from deafness, ear, hip and thigh pain.
Jupiter in Scorpio 29°48'46"
Strong-willed, ambitious and persevering, overbearing, enjoying status and reputation with government or a social organization. Gains through investment, partner, litigation and minerals. Trouble through children, ill-health and water.
Jupiter in Scorpio with Capricorn ascendent
Jupiter will make your life respectable but hard. You will be troubled by your colleagues and siblings. Your marriage partner will be demanding. You will be engaged in a teaching job or become a functionary in some religious institution.
Jupiter in 11th House
Jupiter in the eleventh house makes you learned, a follower of traditional social values, and fond of religious discourses. You earn wealth through religious scholarship or by way of your sons. At heart you are some sort of priest and your income may be derived in that manner. In any case, this planetary combination produces a very earnest individual working very conscientiously; you are eminently respectable and seek to attain perfection, though you are willing to compromise with reality when necessary.

Psychologically, you are so independent that you regard yourself as a leader and maintain a very healthy sense of dignity in your personal deportment. You suffer sorrow from elder brother if Jupiter is in the 11th. Jupiter in the 11th is very good for overall gains in life, and fulfillment of desires. .

You are alert, mindful, and can serve others well. You shoulder the responsibility of your father and are blessed with 5 children (take that lightly). Wealth is for others, and not for you. You surprise your own family. This is a favorable placement for religion, conveyances and attendants. You are of saintly disposition and have little education and few sons. .

Longevity, success and gain is indicated. You are very sharp, Reputed, accredited, affluent, bold, valiant, fond of beautiful attire, handsome, skilled and fickle, healthy, strong, an advisor, learned in scriptures, gentle, brave, wealthy with best of the jewels, dresses and conveyances, get government favors, promote your family interests, are religious and rich, learned, blessed with sons, happy and prosperous, pious, and keep company with virtuous people. .

You own gold, silver and other metals, are revered by the leaders, moneyed, long living, have plenty of vehicles but few children. You gain through the government, sacrifices, transportation, land and learning activities. You get happiness through spouse, sons and friends, are scholarly and pious and get great gain in at age 32 and reputation through many sources. .

You are blessed either with children, wealth or education. Gain through many sincere and fortunate friends, eminent personalities, judges, legislators, bankers, doctors and people of status is indicated. You also gain through social life and your marriage partner and obtain wish-fulfillment through influential friends.
Jupiter in Lunar Mansion '18 Jyeshtha-4'
Venus in Gemini 10°04'59"
Your Venus, being in Gemini, gives name and fame through science, art, literature, composition of poetry and drama. You are intuitive, ingenious, humorous, get income through varied sources. This placement is conducive to mental growth. You are amicable and friendly, but unfaithful in love affairs.
Venus in Gemini with Capricorn ascendent
Venus increases sexuality to the point where it interferes with the rest of your life. You tell lies, meet people surreptitiously, and get involved in scandals. The possibility of divorce, litigation, or loss of job is high.
Venus in 6th House
Venus creates problems when placed in the sixth. Although under its influence you learn to unfold your capacities by associating with different types of people, these associations create social and personal difficulties for you. Often marital life may be in jeopardy, you become involved in bad business and debt, and at times suffer from genital related diseases.

You have little control over expenditures. You learn spiritual lessons with great difficulty but develop a sense of detachment after much physical, financial and moral suffering. You belong to a superior race. Progeny, fall of enemies, sons and grandsons, wasteful expenditure, bad decisions and a sick, noble son are indicated. Your mother has two or three sisters and they are well-off. Spouses do not desire you and you have no desire for them. You may be impotent. You have many strong and powerful enemies and tend to have excessive expenditures, leading to poverty and debt. Much mental torture is possible with this placement. There will be no gain or success in business in spite of your great efforts and industry - rather you may make a mess of it.

You can expect troubles and little gain or comfort through preceptor or parents. You have to face endless invincible enemies and constant liquidation of wealth and are unsuccessful in the best organized trade. Many occasions of grief and condemnation are indicated. You are poor, and may have unlawful relations with young spouses. You suffer through ailments, are vain, dull, penniless, timid, keep bad company, are quarrelsome, have disrespect for the father and get trouble through all sources.

You are fond of dance-music, are victorious and destructive. Although you might be unpopular, you may come from a high family, are learned, discreet and well-educated.
Venus in Lunar Mansion '6 Ardra-2'
You may be medium in height, attractive, intelligent and have good longevity. You may be a chemical engineer. Your family life could be full of friction. There is an indication of a blood disorder.
Saturn in Cancer 26°21'57"
Hardships and difficulties in early life, motherless, noble partner, reputed, absence of enemies, opposition from relatives, gentle, affluence in later life, a rolling stone.
Saturn in Cancer with Capricorn ascendent
You choose relationships from the working class and use them as stepping stones to better your career. Your influence is generally depressing.
Saturn in 7th House
Saturn in this position is not very conducive to happy married life. You marry late, the partner comes from a financially troubled background, is very much controlled by some authority or stricture, and you do not follow an ethical code of conduct.

There is much animosity between you, your spouse, and associates. You are denied a charming partner. You will have faithful and helpful friends and wealth for a long time. You are susceptible to sickness and diseases and both you and your spouse tend to fall ill often or your spouse is ailing. You are unhappy, in want of enthusiasm, and feel small and nervous. You may be debauch, surrounded by wicked friends, and get wealth through fraud and dishonest means. You are greedy, strong, craving, agitated, deceitful, apathetic, lean, of restless mind and few words, dependent, unemployed, unsociable, unfortunate in respect to spouse, home and wealth. You are slighted by the opposite sex.

This Saturn indicates late marriage with a steady, faithful, industrious, careful, thrifty and practical partner, or one older, sober and wealthy. Loss of wealth through contracts, partnership, opponents, litigation, business enmities and treachery is indicated. Marriage takes place about or after age 28. You and your partner may not be like-minded and both of you are unsound of body and mind.
Saturn in Lunar Mansion '9 Ashlesha-3'
You attend to be pessimistic and maybe too opinionated in others' minds.
Rahu in Aries 19°44'38"
Rahu in Aries with Capricorn ascendent
The effect of Rahu is adverse here. Under its influence, you will be deserted by relatives, depressed by disposition, and will live in a sub-standard house.
Rahu in 4th House
When Rahu is in this house, you are not quite so unlucky. Almost everything in your immediate environment is the result of past karmic forces which nothing can stave off, and such forces may bring conditions that test your mettle. You suffer separation from your mother, siblings may turn against you even when you are helpful to them, and you may not receive your due in your profession. Nevertheless, your affluence, penchant for spiritual study and general persistence, along with insight into the workings of nature, may in time produce wealth, and you may win an enviable status in life and a reputation which outlasts you. In the end, you will certainly achieve your desires.

Rahu in the 4th gives rise to Raja Yoga during Rahu ruled periods, sub periods, etc. This means there will be a tendency towards things going well. Rahu in the 4th makes the mother long-lived. You will find little happiness and may feel foolish at times. You may find yourself living in a foreign land without a well-wisher, separated from the community, living a lonely life in a solitary place. There may be few, if any, children, and you may have trouble with the opposite sex or association with the low and wicked people. You may be a back-biter, an only child, and have a thin and lean spouse. There may be trouble and loss to the parents and relatives. Your mother suffers from excess bile or may be ailing or have mental agony. You are haughty and insolent, the enemy of your own people, sexy, inert and bold, may be prosperous and have two spouses and employees. You might suffer from psychic problems.

You can expect good luck between age 36 to 56. Sudden and unexpected gain through property is indicated. You are gentle, trustworthy and long-living. You could become a geologist. There is a possibility of illegitimate offspring.
Rahu in Lunar Mansion '2 Bharani-2'
Rahu in this position also confers high honor and recognition. The only difference is that your accumulated wealth is not lost. You earn from automobiles.
Ketu in Libra 19°44'38"
Ketu in Libra with Capricorn ascendent
Ketu often opens up alternative sexual preferences or produces awkward social behavior.
Ketu in 10th House
Ketu is our critical faculty, seeking self-knowledge and self-importance, in exchange for which it receives humiliation in the short run, followed by enduring recognition and respectability. In the tenth house, its impulse often causes you to be maladjusted to society. However, your respect for others depends on the real worth of a person, based on inherent qualities.

Since society in general favors the external forms of behavior and the recognition of traditional values, you may find most social interactions to be based on hypocrisy despite any spiritual contradictions between the hidden and the visible. Much animosity and resentment will be leveled against you, even though you will be considered quite intelligent, with a very fertile brain, having original ideas on almost all subjects.

You will be religious in the true spiritual sense of the term. Your knowledge of scriptures will be profound and authentic, and your understanding of their esoteric implications and meanings will be extraordinary. You may feel unfortunate and miserable. Danger of falling from horse back or other conveyances and trouble through thieves is indicated. You are fond of playing musical instruments and black objects. You oppose all good activities, are vicious, impressive, reputed and gallant.

This denotes loss of reputation through fraud, treachery and unfavorable public and market conditions, failures, changes or depressions. It indicates trouble for the father or you yourself are unattractive. There is danger from horse, cow or bull etc. You may suffer from diseases of the rectum, be of lowly habits and deeds, and adulterous. You will get no gain or support through parents.
Ketu in Lunar Mansion '15 Swati-4'
You will enjoy good power and authority and earn just what you need. You will have a happy family life.
Uranus in Gemini 3°33'57"
Uranus in Gemini with Capricorn ascendent
Uranus in 6th House
Uranus in Lunar Mansion '5 Mrigashira-4'
Neptune in Virgo 17°04'38"
Neptune in Virgo with Capricorn ascendent
Neptune in 9th House
Neptune in Lunar Mansion '13 Hasta-3'
Pluto in Cancer 20°11'50"
Pluto in Cancer with Capricorn ascendent
Pluto in 7th House
Pluto in Lunar Mansion '9 Ashlesha-2'

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