Leon Gambetta

Leon Gambetta


Leon GambettaLeon Gambetta
Lagna in Virgo 29°04'51"
Virgo in the Ascendant allows the primordial feminine power to pour down into the individual's personality. You may not be constitutionally strong, but are pleasing in appearance, feminine by temperament, sharp in intellect, and capable of interpreting the thoughts of others. Given over to sensual pleasures, the spiritual quest will not be your forte. You like to be surrounded by respectable people, who could be famous as authors, tradesmen, lawyers, diplomats and even martyrs. You may attain material prosperity and be honored outside your immediate surroundings and country. You can be easily frustrated, and your passionate nature often leads to serious psychological complications. You may even have a psychopathic personality and often found to be deceitful, critical, manipulative and covetous of other people's wealth. You are full of anxiety for the world at large and usually do not have many children. You will be gentle, skillful in music, poetry and fine arts and in training or teaching others, be a sweet speaker, a liar, be affectionate, interested in charitable works and serving others, be endowed with goodness, enjoy others' wealth, wander, have a female's disposition, be modest, attempt to enlarge your landed properties, be fortunate, sensuous, virtuous, merciful and beautiful, will honor elders, be sinful, inimical to brothers, may have (more) daughters, be phlegmatic and windy in humor and will be away from base and inimical people.
Lagna in Lunar Mansion '14 Chitra-2'
The Nakshatra ruling your Ascendant or Moon is Chitra. Physical features: you have a lean body. In some cases there is an indication of a stout and tall body.

You can be recognized or identified in a crowd of hundreds of people through your magnificent dealings and expressions. There is a hidden inherent gift of having wonderful ideas that may initially appear silly, but are later viewed as excellent. There is also an inherent gift of intuition. You are the type of person who is very much fit for the astrological profession where intuition is very much needed. In some cases it is also noticed that you may experience dreams that come true. This indirectly indicates that a divine power may be installed in the psyche of those born under Chitra.

You are the type of person who is not bothered about the sentiments of others, nor are you selfish to others. Your dealings with the poor will be very cordial and full of kindness. You may be mistaken by others as rude and stingy. Guard your tendency to speak before you think. You may have to confront your enemies at every step but are capable of escaping any conspiracy. You have a soft spot for those in need and spend your energy in their upliftment.

Education, sources of income/profession: obstacles in life are no problem for you. You can overtake all hurdles with courage and hard work. You may not lead a comfortable life up to the age of 32 years. The period between 33 years and 54 years of age will be your golden period. One of the redeeming features of Chitra born is that you receive help from unexpected places without much effort.

Family life: while you love and respect your siblings and parents, you may experience some doubts concerning them. You may not enjoy the benefit, love and affection of your father. You may even live separated from him, and he may be famous or successful. You are more attached to your mother and enjoy benefit from the maternal side.

There is a saying that the Chitra born cannot stay in the house where she/he is born. This may manifest in many ways, you may travel and live far from your home town, or your childhood home may be destroyed. In any case you will settle far from home. Married life may be considerably strained, and while the marriage will be stable, the relationship between the couples may not be cordial, at times leading to frequent friction on small matters.

Health: there may be some difficulty with internal organs.
Sun in Pisces 20°59'60"
Blessed with spouse, sons and friends, victorious, renowned, rich. Gain from shipping over water, photography, pearls, legacy, partnership or marriage. You are friendly, a collector of things, fond of the opposite sex, happy, learned, and overcome enemies and obstacles. Nice family of your own is indicated, eloquence in speaking, but a tendency to lie and may have diseases of the private areas of the body.
Sun in Pisces with Virgo ascendent
You may suffer from many diseases. This placement indicates only one child or very few children.
When the Sun occupies this sign, there is constant tension in your mind. All human partnerships are greatly colored by your marriage, which often stunts the growth of your personality. Your first marriage partner may die or there will be early separation and you may marry several times.
Sun in 7th House
Generally speaking, the Sun in the seventh house shapes your attraction to the opposite sex, but which causes suffer thereby. You experience difficulties in establishing a harmonious married life, and often marry more than once. You are fond of traveling, and of lovers from widely different social backgrounds.

Your spouse is not devoted to you, fickle minded, and fidelity is doubtful. You might be diseased, mentally tense and suffer from insomnia. There will be little profit in business and rivalry with the people. You are sickly and your spouse suffers. The wicked worry you and whatever effort you may make in business, you fail to earn enough.

Your spouse means every thing to you, and you lose your individuality. You are afraid of the government, suffer sickness and have many enemies. You are short-tempered and wicked. You might often quarrel with the spouse which makes the family unhappy.

The Sun in the 7th house delays marriage. There is no happiness and pleasure in married life because of discord between husband and wife. You travel abroad in the 25th year and take inedible food and suffer. You are jolly, foolish and destructive.

If the Sun is well aspected the partner will feel independent, be of sound moral integrity, seeking harmony and happiness in the married life. The afflicted Sun will bring trouble through pride, subject to the nature of the aspect.

This house stands for love and marriage, husband or wife, public enemies, law suits, partnership in trade, travel, happiness, children from a second marriage, son-in-law, relatives, ways and means and merchandise. You may be poor, insulted, will suffer bodily diseases, government displeasures and imprisonment, will take to bad ways and will not be well-disposed to your spouse.

Note: Almost every authority declares that the Sun in the 7th is not congenial for a smooth married life. One will incur grief on account of spouse, will incur physical distress and mental worries.

Due to fear of others, you cannot even sleep peacefully. You will gain in a limited way in your undertakings. You will consider the opposite sex to be everything in this world and will remain sexually tormented.

You will have limited happiness in regards to progeny, indulge in sinful acts, be sick, will have a damaged body due to excessive sexual enjoyment and will eat anything available. You will not derive much physical pleasures from your spouse and will enter into quarrels within a single moment without cause.
Sun in Lunar Mansion '27 Revati-2'
Moon in Cancer 1°09'19"
You are industrious, but sensitive to surroundings, affluent, brave, short but set, devoted to preceptor and mother and fond of traveling. Your life is full of struggles and obstacles, you are sociable, have strong feelings and emotions terminating into poetry or music, deal in liquids, chemicals and stay near water. You are short-tempered and might suffer from headaches. You are fortunate, valorous, endowed with nice residences, have friends, go on journeys, have astrological knowledge, are sensuous, grateful, an advisor, truthful, live abroad, are passionate, have a hairy body, are fond of water and flowers, interested in construction of houses and other necessities of nice living.
Moon in Cancer with Virgo ascendent
You are very affluent; trade management is your special field of expertise. You become a civic leader and your renown is extensive. You change your vocation several times and are always attracted to philanthropy.
Moon in 11th House
When the Moon occupies this house, you gain easy success. With the Sun in this position you have to work hard and the reward is not commensurate with your exertions. But in the case of the Moon, money flows to you easily, without much effort. You possess 'many ornaments and different kinds of precious stones.' Gifts from overseas come in abundance. Your mind is always free from worries, particularly if the planet is powerful and well aspected. You are blessed with a very efficient spouse and have many well-behaved children. Your social circle is amiable and friends occupy important positions in life. Your mother has a special affection for you, and you receive valuable gifts from her. Gains from government favor in respect of fame, authority and valuables are indicated. All your operations prove fruitless. You are blessed with daughters and gain from trade in a variety of items. Your daughters develop defects in themselves that may be physical or moral. Normally wealth does not stay with any one individual; but with you it brings more wealth. This is the house of friends, hopes and wishes; gains from business, profession, jewelry and elder brothers are indicated. Strong Moon in the 11th house makes you a treasurer or treasury officer. You are wealthy and have a charming spouse. Both the opposite sex and wealth are loyal and stable to you. Your fame will never fade, and you are frank, tactful, handsome, modest, noble, reputed, lucky, surrounded by sincere friends and riches, renowned and talented. There will be varied pleasures and benefit of conveyances. You are contented and cheerful, contemplative, imposing, and bold. You will have children, live a long life, are charitable and have attendants. Innocent acts characterize you. If the Moon in this house is waning, in depression sign or in the sign of a malefic or enemy, you are denied all the aforesaid pleasures and gains. You remain sick, involved in foolish acts and are ignorant. You will have more daughters than sons. Moon in the 11th house gives more acquaintances than friends. You will be wealthy, will have many sons, be long-lived, will have attendants, be intelligent, sharp, valorous, splendorous, happy, wealthy, fortunate, be honored by the government, will face failures in undertakings, will obtain a son at age 50, be famous, endowed with conveyances and palatial buildings, will have more daughters, be intelligent, very learned, long-lived and will keep some hidden wealth.
Moon in Lunar Mansion '7 Punarvasu-4'
Your Ascendant or Moonstar is Punarvasu.

Physical features: handsome, long thighs and long face. Some identification mark on the face or on the back side of head. Character and general events: you will complete faith in God. You are religiously inclined. Initially you will have good behavior, but later on according to the circumstances you may change your behavior. Therefore, others have to be careful while approaching you. It is very difficult to know your inner thought. You are contented with little but at the same time you are hot tempered. You stick to ancient tradition and belief. You will not stand a party to any illegal activities and will try to resist others from doing so. You do not like to cause trouble to others, on the other hand you try to help the needy. You will lead a simple life.

Education, sources of earning/profession: you can shine and get success in almost all the subjects, except in partnership business. You can attain much name and fame as a teacher or as an actor, writer, physician etc. Period up to 32 years of age may be difficult; as a result try to avoid any major business dealings until after that year. You may not be in a position to accumulate wealth but you can attain public honor. You may have a lack of business trick and inherent straightforwardness. One peculiar expression can be seen in your face i.e. an innocent and frustrated look.

Family life: you are the most obedient child of your parents. You respect your father and mother as your teachers. Married life may be difficult. You may divorce or have another marriage. Your first spouse may have a weak constitution, and will be a good partner. Frequent friction between other family members may take place. The combination of these factors may cause much stress.

Health: there will not be any serious health problems, but tend to all health problems seriously. You will have a strong digestion.
You are skilled in sexuality, and are somewhat stressed, leading for example to often having bloodshot eyes.
Mars in Pisces 13°01'48"
You distribute generously as you accumulate. A mixture of opposites-timid and bold, indolent and active. Anxious, successful as jailer, inspector, hotel keeper etc. Success through friends. Fear of drowning, fire, poisoning, disappointment in love affairs. (If afflicted, trouble through every source, especially due to own carelessness in speech and action.) Troubled by disease and indifferent children, lives in foreign lands, insulted by own relatives, loses wealth by cunning and cheating disposition, will be depressed in spirits, miserable, will disrespect elders and saintly persons, is unkind, desirous, fond of praises and sometimes will receive fame.
Mars in Pisces with Virgo ascendent
Marriage will bring secret disturbances into the life and will not be long-lasting.
Mars in 7th House
Whatever the status of Mars in this house, it spoils marital pleasure; sometimes you experiences physical abuse from the marriage partner. You are liable to undergo serious surgical operations. You do not return soon from abroad - though marriage is fixed or there is being definite gain in business.

You are vanquished repeatedly, have troublesome opponents and experience loss of partner, mortification through injustice, worries and enemies, and are dwelling in foreign land. You might give up your business. Your impetuous and excessive love is responsible for suffering. Pain through separation from spouse and children is indicated. You may want to be in every industry or business and fail everywhere.

From age18 to 36 some stability is shown. Your spouse tends to be good, quarrelsome and dominating. There might be ailments of the hands and stomach. You are intelligent and have many brothers, uncles and aunts. An afflicted Mars in this house denotes quarrels and discord with spouse. You might be separated from your partner, because he/she is of unrestrained and passionate nature.

Even if Mars is well-aspected this is not a desirable placement for harmony in marriage life. You tend to extremes and excesses in affections and emotions. Mars in a female chart shows a masculine and forceful character; in a male chart it shows force as energy and enterprise. The sign occupied by Mars in this house is very important.

You have few friends and experience little happiness through your spouse. Your spouse might have few brothers or none. Mars in the 7th house is good for doctors, as it favors surgery. Lawyers gain from criminal cases. It is also a favorable placement for mechanics, engineers, turners, fitters, drivers, police and other administrative officers, especially, if the colleague is of the opposite sex. There will be opposition between the officers and subordinates.
Mars in Lunar Mansion '26 Uttara Bhadrapada-3'
You do not enjoy good health, and will wander in foreign land. You have few children. You will lose money by theft or deceit, and are fond of flattery.
Mercury in Pisces 24°56'58"
You live by intuition, and are humanitarian, good humored, versatile, and devoted to your partner, but progeny denied. You possess a pliable temperament, strong memory and are talented. You may travel the oceans by boat.
Mercury in Pisces with Virgo ascendent
You are renowned for intellect, business skill, diplomatic efficiency, and literary gifts. Your spouse will be the dominant partner, and you will feel greatly relieved of day-to-day problems because of the partner's efficiency.
Mercury in 7th House
Mercury makes you very diplomatic, able to relate well with every type of person. Your relationship with the spouse is as harmonious as with other business partners; the influence of the marriage partner on the attainment of social status is considerable. Mercury in the 7th makes you attached to playing around sexually, or rather, you have a hard time making the marriage commitment for some reason. You may be impotent. Your spouse is a living beauty. If Mercury does not conjoin the Sun, the spouse is most attractive. Your level of sex desire or performance is in some way not compatible with the spouse. You feel defeated and shy, are saintly and your spouse is comely and modest. You are blessed with many children, and there might be some physical suffering. You are vanquished in war and debate. The family of the in-laws might be large and aristocratic. You are sharp, handsome and dignified and the spouse comes from an affluent or middle- class and simple family. You are good-natured, luxury loving, honest, faithful, good looking, learned, gentle, respected, generous, courteous, noble and prosperous. You are well established and might gain from sale and purchase. Your spouse is intelligent, wise, quick, eloquent, critical, young, beautiful and nervous. Worries and anxieties after marriage are indicated. This Mercury is favorable to mother. You enjoy riding and are philanthropic and saintly. Over-thinking in relationship.
Mercury in Lunar Mansion '27 Revati-3'
You may be an expert in law, but tend to be cunning and cruel.
Jupiter in Leo 18°49'58"
Fortunate for personal health and progeny. Secret service, judiciary, embassy and uncommon occurrences. Promotes prudence, intuition, much traveling, name and fame.
Jupiter in Leo with Virgo ascendent
Jupiter will make you religiously inclined, performing ritual observances. Your house may be a sanctuary for itinerant saints and powerful personalities. Your spouse will be of great assistance in your spiritual and philanthropic work.
Jupiter in 12th House
Jupiter protects you in whatever circumstances you may be placed, slowly and steadily guiding you on your pilgrimage. In the twelfth house this influence enables you to indulge yourself in material desires so that you may finally realize the futility of such a practice. This process, however, takes a long time to release you from material bondage. Meanwhile, it will seem as if you are following a path of unrighteousness.

You may become lazy, neglectful of meritorious acts, mentally unbalanced, coveting diverse objects which cannot all be attained simultaneously, and indulging in activities which may bring you into disrepute. However, you will spend extravagantly on religious and philanthropic programs as well as on your own luxurious lifestyle. .

You experience difficulties in life which are primarily intended to make you aware of the futility of your efforts to satisfy your senses. You go to a higher place after death if Jupiter is in the 12th. You gain through medicine, or occult studies, through generous and charitable acts and are fond of ancient learning. .

Your abode is in places away from birth. You are helpful and seek help. You gain through enemies by prevailing on them, and through affections, religions, collegiate, political or foreign affairs. You receive quiet and secret help from friends and others and get success after age 30. .

People are averse to you. You may use bad language, are childless, immoral, arrogant, miserly, greedy, and help the wicked. This is a good placement for uncles. You gain abundant wealth, but disputes with own people, strife, tuberculosis, large expenses, travel, migration, government disfavors and poverty are indicated. .

You are learned, good at mathematics, have few sons, suffer from glandular sores, and are incompetent. You spend on religious activities. You are egoistic, wasteful in expenditure, have your eyes on the wealth of others, and are slow in doing good to teachers, preceptors or relatives. You tend to be selfish, lazy, jealous, and carefree in speech. You are performing service and are unfortunate. .

This placement denotes loss through theft. You are thin and lean, might be ailing, have a sore eye or genital complaints and serve the low. You suffer from much mental uneasiness, are vicious, slow, immodest, foolish, and disrespected. You enjoy an easy life, but are unsteady and malevolent, and travel alot. You get worries through conveyances, ornaments, garments, cattle etc. You are extravagant, good at service, short-tempered, lazy, quarrelsome, and affluent. You may have heart trouble in childhood, are uncharitable, and gain through patrimony. You will be saving money always.
Jupiter in Lunar Mansion '11 Purva Phalguni-2'
You will take responsibility for others, and are soft spoken and liked by all.
Venus in Aquarius 15°52'40"
Venus has much to do with our sense of beauty and pleasures and Aquarius is a sign ruled by the 'low class' yet 'truly philosophical' Saturn. The combination of these two in your chart means that your sense of beauty will not be the 'norm' but rather, shaped by an appreciation for the earthy, the basic, the third world, the deep, the working class. For example, in America, although Mexico is considered a much 'poorer' country, still, some Americans find it in Vogue to dress in colorful and festive Mexican clothing, and they like the connection between 'the real people' of the poor countries and themselves, feeling that it brings them closer to 'real beauty'. They prefer to dress like the peasants of the third world, as opposed to wearing the stream lined fashions of their own society. This kind of connection is indicated by this combination. It further indicates that you can be very thoughtful about romance and love, philosophizing on these matters at length. Aquarius is a very philosophical and high-minded sign, indicating the descent of divine truth on one and all. Venus rules over romance and love in general. So, this combination is a natural one found amongst those who think much about the truth regarding love and pleasure.
Venus in Aquarius with Virgo ascendent
Venus produces extreme sensuality. Under its influence, you often flaunt all religious injunctions and moral tradition with promiscuity, drunkenness and gambling.
Venus in 6th House
Venus creates problems when placed in the sixth. Although under its influence you learn to unfold your capacities by associating with different types of people, these associations create social and personal difficulties for you. Often marital life may be in jeopardy, you become involved in bad business and debt, and at times suffer from genital related diseases.

You have little control over expenditures. You learn spiritual lessons with great difficulty but develop a sense of detachment after much physical, financial and moral suffering. You belong to a superior race. Progeny, fall of enemies, sons and grandsons, wasteful expenditure, bad decisions and a sick, noble son are indicated. Your mother has two or three sisters and they are well-off. Spouses do not desire you and you have no desire for them. You may be impotent. You have many strong and powerful enemies and tend to have excessive expenditures, leading to poverty and debt. Much mental torture is possible with this placement. There will be no gain or success in business in spite of your great efforts and industry - rather you may make a mess of it.

You can expect troubles and little gain or comfort through preceptor or parents. You have to face endless invincible enemies and constant liquidation of wealth and are unsuccessful in the best organized trade. Many occasions of grief and condemnation are indicated. You are poor, and may have unlawful relations with young spouses. You suffer through ailments, are vain, dull, penniless, timid, keep bad company, are quarrelsome, have disrespect for the father and get trouble through all sources.

You are fond of dance-music, are victorious and destructive. Although you might be unpopular, you may come from a high family, are learned, discreet and well-educated.
Venus in Lunar Mansion '24 Shatabhisha-3'
You have a very attractive personality, and are well-behaved and tactful. You will also sexually indulge excessively. However, your marriage does not take place before age 26 in the case of a male and age19 in the case of a female.
Saturn in Scorpio 6°41'47"
Hasty, stubborn, jealous, acquisitive, influential, vain, greedy, success in cheating others, danger from poison or arms. Many losses and ill health, interest in geology and chemistry. Gains through hard work.
Saturn in Scorpio with Virgo ascendent
Saturn in this sign shatters family ties and disrupts education. You keep bad company and might even engage in smuggling. You may also be somewhat mean-spirited.
Saturn in 3rd House
Native and things of the 3rd house may be brave and courageous. Saturn may also indicate loss of siblings. Depending upon other things on the 3rd house, native or things of the 3rd house may be eccentric and demonstrate cruelty to each other. Native may experience sorrow through things of the 3rd house. Native may be honored by govt agencies. He may also be able to become head or president of local boards, municipalities, etc. One peculiarity of this combination is that success attends the native only after he has suffered disappointments and reverses. The tendency of the mind is towards gloom, anxiety and misgivings. The mental condition improves with age. If Saturn is afflicted (by aspect, conjunction etc) or influenced by Sun, Moon, Mercury or Mars or other planet (it depends of various factors) etc, the despondency is likely to run into mental affliction that may cause the native admit in a mental institution.
Saturn in Lunar Mansion '17 Anuradha-2'
You may have a simple profile. You will have broad shoulders and may be bald headed. Your quarrelsome nature may affect your place in business. Curb any desire to misappropriate others' property as it may attract legal recourse.
Rahu in Pisces 21°34'22"
Rahu in Pisces with Virgo ascendent
Rahu will produce a disenchantment which averts you from anything sorrowful, unethical, or out of harmony with the true self. An unusual approach to life will be developed.
Rahu in 7th House
Rahu, being a karmic planet, creates much unhappiness in the seventh house. Whether alone or in association with any other planet, its impact is sorrowful. You fall into relationships with partners who are very often undesirable, quarrelsome, extravagant, and inflexible; you either suffer from genito-urinary troubles or are dishonorable. Very often you have to face separation, divorce, or death of the marriage partner.

You are fond of traveling, of changing your job, and of cultivating new associations-all with the objective of securing something for personal satisfaction. You are skillful and will confer fame and prosperity. Trouble through spouse, body aches, much enmity and loss through trade are indicated. There might be two marriages and your spouse should be careful of infections in generative organs.

This placement denotes separation from the relatives and public slander, danger of separation from kinsfolk and disgrace. You may be mentally suffering, deranged, idle, a wanderer, short-tempered, vicious, quarrelsome, hostile to your partner, furious, sick, restless, malicious and strife opposition and hindrance in every work. You are deprived of sensual pleasure. There might be menstrual problems in women. You may be driven to extramarital affairs or divorce and get a new partner. You are conceited, sensual, experience trouble and difficulty in travel and might suffer from rheumatism. You are frightened, irreligious and cruel. You may be a diabetic, argue with relatives, are touchy, spiteful, vain and discontented.

You get luck through sinful acts and success through speculation, lottery and game of chance or races. You might contract infections through impure mates. Generally you have more friends than enemies, gain through dealing with others and get pleasure and benefit through mates. Your partner might be wise and wealthy. This Rahu is not a killer, but can cause danger to the people indicated by the house.
Rahu in Lunar Mansion '27 Revati-2'
This placement may cause cancer.
Ketu in Virgo 21°34'22"
Ketu in Virgo with Virgo ascendent
You can become haggard and unpleasant in disposition, critically ill psychologically and suffer from a breakup of your marriage.
Ketu in 1st House
Fear and anxiety from the wicked. Trouble through spouse, children, etc. Confusion, excess bile and rheumatism. Anguish and constant distress through relatives and dread of the vicious. Perturbed. Spouse might be suffering from restlessness, stomach ache etc. Possible separation from spouse is indicated.

This person has a tendency to be sad, inert, selfish, unfavorable looking, foolish, a liar, ungrateful, wicked and spiritless. Afraid of sex. Trouble for maternal uncle. Loss, scandals, Dismission from service, danger to face and eyes, some impediments regarding the arm and a short life. However, all this will be greatly modified through other placements in the chart.

On the positive side, the person might also be detached and have a tendency to be spiritual. A prominent Ketu can give yogic aspects to the personality, as it is the planet of the ascetic. Generally, Ketu in the Ascendant denotes some life long issue in finding the personal identity and an overall tendency to be somewhat ungrounded or feeling held back in issues of material progress in life. Don't expect a fast career, but then again, you are probably not an ambitious personality anyways...
Ketu in Lunar Mansion '13 Hasta-4'
Uranus in Aquarius 18°44'41"
Uranus in Aquarius with Virgo ascendent
Uranus in 6th House
Uranus in Lunar Mansion '24 Shatabhisha-4'
Neptune in Capricorn 18°22'47"
Neptune in Capricorn with Virgo ascendent
Neptune in 5th House
Neptune in Lunar Mansion '22 Shravana-3'
Pluto in Pisces 24°41'30"
Pluto in Pisces with Virgo ascendent
Pluto in 7th House
Pluto in Lunar Mansion '27 Revati-3'

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