Leonardo Caprio

Leonardo Caprio


Leonardo CaprioLeonardo Caprio
Lagna in Virgo 16°16'03"
Virgo in the Ascendant allows the primordial feminine power to pour down into the individual's personality. You may not be constitutionally strong, but are pleasing in appearance, feminine by temperament, sharp in intellect, and capable of interpreting the thoughts of others. Given over to sensual pleasures, the spiritual quest will not be your forte. You like to be surrounded by respectable people, who could be famous as authors, tradesmen, lawyers, diplomats and even martyrs. You may attain material prosperity and be honored outside your immediate surroundings and country. You can be easily frustrated, and your passionate nature often leads to serious psychological complications. You may even have a psychopathic personality and often found to be deceitful, critical, manipulative and covetous of other people's wealth. You are full of anxiety for the world at large and usually do not have many children. You will be gentle, skillful in music, poetry and fine arts and in training or teaching others, be a sweet speaker, a liar, be affectionate, interested in charitable works and serving others, be endowed with goodness, enjoy others' wealth, wander, have a female's disposition, be modest, attempt to enlarge your landed properties, be fortunate, sensuous, virtuous, merciful and beautiful, will honor elders, be sinful, inimical to brothers, may have (more) daughters, be phlegmatic and windy in humor and will be away from base and inimical people.
Lagna in Lunar Mansion '13 Hasta-2'
The Nakshatra ruling your Ascendant or Moon is Hasta. Physical features: you will be tall and of large stature, and may have mixed color with short hands in comparison to your body structure. There may be a scar or mark on the upper right hand or beneath the shoulder.

Character and general events: you will have a calm nature. There will be a peculiarity when you smile, in other words your sweet smile has the magnetic power to attract others. This inherent quality produces a vibration on others, and it becomes difficult to leave you once such acquaintance takes place. You can easily get respect and honor from the public. You are always in readiness to help the needy for nothing in return. You do not like to deceive others even if it may cost you your life. In spite of this good quality, the reward you may get in return is nothing but criticism and opposition.

You do not believe in a posh living. At one moment you may rise to the top and another moment you may fall to the bottom, whether in the professional field or mentally. Hence you cannot be categorized as permanently poor or wealthy. When you enter in a particular field and start gaining the object, reversal is already in store for you. While you try to get out of such reversal through your own effort, help comes from unexpected quarters and you achieve moderate success in the undertaking. It may appear that there is some hidden curse. The sincerity and endeavour which you show in work should give you a wonderful boost. Although you do not desire to cause any trouble to others, once you are hurt, you may be in search of revenge. At the same time you take consolation in the feats of God by thinking 'Let god give me this punishment' and you slowly withdraw from the scene of conflict.

Education, sources of earning/profession: in the work field, you keep strict discipline. Normally employment in a subordinate level is not fit for you. You are most likely to be engaged in business or in a high position in industry. You will possess excellent all around knowledge. You will show to the world that you are not behind anybody on any matter. You are a good adviser as you have the capacity to intervene and settle various disputed matters. Many responsibilities will have to be undertaken by you before you can climb the ladder of success.

Period up to your 30th year of age will bring in unexpected circumstantial changes both in the family front as well as in the academic and professional or business field. Period between 30 to 42 years of age will be your golden period, when you can settle down in your life. There will be remarkable accumulation of wealth and all around success in the business field in your later years.

Family life: you are able to enjoy a peaceful married life, even though occasional friction as is expected in a family will definitely be there. Your spouse will be simple and capable. Health: you may be prone to cough and cold.
Sun in Scorpio 3°13'13"
You will have quite a taste for combat or competition. This placement causes the urge to stray from the Vedic path, to lie, to be dull, to lose the spouse or have an uninspiring spouse and to be cruel. You may be course, a miser, fond of quarreling, troubled by weapons or attacks from others, by fire and poisonous things and may be unfortunate in respect of parents.
Sun in Scorpio with Virgo ascendent
You will not gain much in Sun's period, but will incur heavy expenses on account of your father's health.
The Sun in this position does not improve the situation. You fight for misguided ideals and misconceived social obligations. You usually keep company with cheaters and swindlers, and can actually thrive in such an environment.
Sun in 3rd House
Sun in the third house generally destroys harmony with ones siblings. This is because you have universal interests, and can therefore not focus on the things your brothers and sisters focused on while you matured. You have wider vision. In terms of consciousness, this may cause you to leave the nest you grew up with.

This Sun also gives you diligence, perseverance, forbearance, culture, perfection, etc. You like cultured partners, but this Sun gives distaste for sex in general. You are fond of high-minded associations, or the rich. Your Sun makes you strong and glorious. You suffer at the hands of your equals, brothers or associates. You may go on holy pilgrimage. You tend to prevail when confronted. The elder brother or sister, if there is one, may shine in some way.

This Sun is good, making you healthy, wealthy and wise. It adds to being liked by others, kind, modest and a leader. Your Sun causes trouble to the brothers and sisters, or there might not be any, especially elder brothers may be lacking. It adds to being liked and good-looking and a conqueror. It also helps with intelligence, fame, success in litigations and eloquence.
Sun in Lunar Mansion '16 Vishakha-4'
Moon in Capricorn 6°03'51"
Sexy, jealous, gains and success through others, grants wealth and attendants. You are honest and generous, blessed with children, a scholar. Calculating in money matters. A good singer, susceptible to ill effects from coldness or cold things, fond of truth and charity, distinguished, famous, libidinous, unkind and shameless, may reach for things out of reach, or try to take that which is not rightfully yours, poetic and of low enthusiasm.
Moon in Capricorn with Virgo ascendent
Your psychology acquires a rather coarse grain. You take delight in associating with unethical, anti-social, cruel, or selfish persons. Professionally, you may be well-placed, even important, but you indulge in self-centered activities which lead toward deeper layers of materialism and do not provide you with inner satisfaction. Your mind is confused and unhappy.
Moon in 5th House
This placement is basically very good. It makes you a tranquil and balanced person at your basis. You will be content, and blessed with general happiness from having received all the necessities of life. This Moon gives you interest in getting your life together more so than making a novel contribution to the society at large. It gives you interest in things like poetry, chemistry, medicine and social work.

It says that the children's health will not be robust and it leans towards having girls rather than boys. Moon in the 5th stands for promising children and it makes your mind fundamentally good.

Possible avenues of gain indicated are Moon-related such as diamonds, land, trade, money lending, and many other sources. The 5th house stands for children, enterprise, speculations, gains, love affairs, and other things, and so you will find that your mind gravitates to these things. This also gives you patience, gentleness, good looks, health and noble parents.

Your Moon makes you the timid learned type. You will most likely earn through your learning, be involved in research, though clothes and food are good too. This Moon bodes well for the attainments of your children. It is a good indication that at some point in life you will get blessings. It indicates that you will gain from your spouse. It bodes well for being a money lender by trade. It indicates a good spouse, but also multiple spouses in some way, and a generous streak, especially in regards to feeding the needy.
Moon in Lunar Mansion '21 Uttara Ashadha-3'
The Star ruling your Ascendant or Moon is Uttara Ashadha.

You have a well-proportioned, tall body with a broad head, long nose and bright eyes. You are of charming and graceful appearance with fair complexion. You will be refined, soft-spoken, pure-hearted and have an innocent looking countenance. In case you happen to occupy a very high position in society, you will not like to express pomp and show and will dress simply. You give respect to all and are God-fearing. It is not easy for others to find out your underlying merits and demerits. It is only after several acquaintances and dealings one can come to a conclusion about your behavioral aspect. In most of the cases, it has been noticed that there will be a black mole around your waist or on the face. A slight reddish color is noticed in your eyes.

You will be very plain in your dealings and will show utmost sincerity in all the work you undertake. You will not deceive others and would not like to cause any trouble to others. So much so, due to your inherent good behavior quality you often land into uncalled for problems. While you are plain hearted, you will not give in to any pressure and will not bestow full confidence on anybody. But once you take a person into confidence nobody can change you. To a certain extent, you are slave to flattery and expect that others must look after your welfare. You will not make any hasty decision, whereas full consultation with trusted persons will be obtained before coming to a conclusion.

While you are very much involved in all activities you undertake, usually you are lazy. Even in the state of conflict you cannot utter harsh words directly and in spite of a difference of opinion you will not like to express your unhappiness to others. Any discussion you make with others will be without expressing ill-will. You are bound to shoulder many responsibilities at a young age. Due to this you are fully trained to shoulder any responsibility with perfection. Once you are convinced that any action carried out by you or words uttered by you happens to be wrong you will not hesitate to repent and express regret. Your every action requires recognition by others. Otherwise, you are dragged into the state of unhappiness. You are subjected to maximum happiness at one stage and the maximum unhappiness at the next. You have to be very careful in any controversial dealings. Before any collaboration is made, you have to completely screen the persons with whom you are entering into such collaboration. Otherwise, failure is certain. The time after the age of 38 years will mark all-round success and prosperity.

Normally your childhood will be somewhat better. But later on you may have to face a lot of unexpected reversals and problems on the family front. It has been noticed that between the age of 28 and 31 some important change takes place in the family circle. Your married life will be more or less very good. You normally get a responsible and loving spouse. At the same time the health of your spouse will be a cause of concern. Your spouse will have problems of acidity. In spite of the comparative advantages mentioned above, you lack happiness from children and they will be a main cause of concern.

You are prone to stomach problems, paralysis of limbs, and pulmonary diseases. Poor eyesight or some defect in the eyes is indicated as well.
Lower half of the body is lean and upper part proportionately bigger and thick. You are afraid of cold weather or your health will not permit you to stay in cold regions. You will have a high fever continuing for a longer period when you are 20 years old. The left parts of your body will be subjected to burns at 35 years old, but you will live for 90 years.
Mars in Libra 21°34'45"
You are very exacting, like a scientist. You get much opposition and rivalry. Gains through the opposite sex. Reverses through business and love affairs. Blessed with noble offspring. You may indulge in a negative business or deals in something against the common current of 'goodness'. An able speaker, fortunate, some problem in a limb, few relatives, fond of wars, loses first spouse. Mars in Libra makes you a bit of a wanderer. Sometimes you lose in business attempts, probably due to pushing too hard where it just won't work. You are aggressive about justice. You like battles or competition, and you may have more than one marriage. You may have a business that others look down on.
Mars in Libra with Virgo ascendent
You will be poor and will suffer many adversities in life. Your marriage will not be happy. You may suffer separation from your spouse.
Mars is not favorable here. It destroys the harmony of family life and makes speech impolite, greedy and confused. You will have to work very hard in order to acquire a satisfactory financial position. Your actions, especially regarding money matters, will often be misconstrued.
Mars in 2nd House
Mars in the second house indicates that you may at times be cruel, indigent, devoid of intelligence and extravagant. You might use harsh words, indulge in sex and gambling and always quarrels with your relations. You gain money through agriculture and trade, are learned in logic and eat meager and unsavory food. You take pleasure in journeys and vexation. Your speech is fumbled, you are unlettered and have disrespect for the dead. You are voracious, blessed with sons have debts, are tolerant, industrious, fortunate and feel contention and disrespect for your spouse and other relations. You are lean, sensuous and of reddish complexion. If Mars is well placed and aspected, you gain in eloquent discussions. You can not realize the utility of the wealth you inherit from your relatives. You squander it away or hoard it. Hostility and stinginess stand in the way of your relations with everybody, including your own family members. You would rather die than leave their 'wealth'. You have a hard time with 'give and take'. You tend to be proud of your bank balance which has neither any social good nor personal use, except that it is drained away as fines, on litigation or lost to thieves. Mars of Dhana Bhava brings success through enterprise, legacies and inheritance, but there will be losses too. Desire for sudden gain from lottery, game of chance and speculation.
Mars in Lunar Mansion '16 Vishakha-1'
Your expenditures will be more than your income. There may be some defect in your body and limbs. Your disregard for others' feelings may cause you suffering.
Mercury in Libra 16°49'49"
Your deeper thinking capacity or intelligence is well suited for various types of business. You are balanced or large-hearted or in other words, caring about the entire society.
Mercury in Libra with Virgo ascendent
Learned and renowned for your intelligence, diplomacy and authorship. You are very calculating in financial affairs; an excellent investor who leans toward blue chips. You are able to acquire considerable wealth. Any association of Venus with Mercury results in much affluence, but Venus might also influence death.
Mercury in 2nd House
Mercury in the second house bestows learning, command of language, sweetness of tongue and honorable surroundings and relations. It often happens, that lost wealth is gained again under the impact of Mercury; the wealth is regained by your own efforts and often as a result of your learning and educational abilities. You speak cleverly and skillfully and may take up the profession as a writer, businessman, principal, professor, or director of a company. Good for gaining wealth in general, this placement promotes conjugal pleasure, eloquent, critic of books, smartness and good learning in the early part of life. Gains through letters (college degrees), writings, lecturing, traveling, clerical jobs, commission agents, small commercial transactions, advertising, stationery orders and supply, books etc. and through jobs corresponding to the nature of the planet in good aspect or according to the sign it occupies.
Mercury in Lunar Mansion '15 Swati-4'
You will be highly educated and take the position of a teacher.
Jupiter in Aquarius 14°54'45"
You are interested in philosophy, medicine, social service and spiritual pursuits. You want to grow in mind, body and soul and unite with truth. You are fond of discourses about how to make life better and more noble. You like art and music and the classical books. You are known for your interest in occult or deep spiritual matters.
Jupiter in Aquarius with Virgo ascendent
Jupiter creates problems with the teeth and stomach or the appetite may be poor. You will lose property and marital life will be unhappy. But you will be respected, wealthy, renowned for learning, and will command great authority on spiritual matters. You will have trouble from associates, but will be forgiving.
Jupiter in 6th House
Although you will probably receive renown and good finances, your personal life has some turmoil and married life may be difficult. You may spend more than you make. You attend social functions that expands prestige and circle of friends. While you gain popularity and status, a sense of inferiority may bother you. You like music and dancing. At times you feel defeated and some considerable disease has to be tolerated. You get support from brothers and sons. When ill you are well taken care of and have a knack of showing others comfort in their time of need. In other words, you thrive when things are bad. You can be a good healer or helper of others and you do better by serving others than through independence. Goodness comes to you through religion and philanthropy. You like pets. You should watch out for irregular food habits as that might be the cause of health degradation. You promote community spirit and reduce crime. You are a good fighter who is proud of your competitive abilities. It's very hard to win in most competitions against you. You should not expect others to live up to your abilities to serve and work hard.
Jupiter in Lunar Mansion '24 Shatabhisha-3'
Venus in Scorpio 6°26'44"
Unfortunate, poor, mean, debtor, violent, hostile to relatives, a cheat, unsociable and unfriendly; link with suffering persons, but sorrow and trouble through them; very sexy occultism, patrimony or legacy.
Venus in Scorpio with Virgo ascendent
You lean towards superficiality. You like to dress in rich and gaudy clothes and indulge excessively in food. You are fond of illicit sexual relationships.
Venus in 3rd House
Venus in the third house causes you to be overly materialistic and makes you very attracted to the finer material enjoyments in life. You will have the ability to express things eloquently, though your inner feelings may not be able to come out through your speech. Watch for throat troubles, especially in Venus ruled periods.

Regarding your marriage(s), there is a tendency to have various problems, such as delays, struggles, more than one marriage, marrying a previously married person, separation, economic troubles after separation etc. You like older spouses. You may have a marriage later in life, after the first marriage ends somehow. Members of the opposite gender are apprehensive towards you. You gain even while traveling for pleasure, and you have favorable relatives from whom you also gain. You like correspondence and dignified social affairs.

You may not have so much intimacy with the opposite sex, but may rather see them as friends instead of intimates. You like your relatives and friends much, and you support some dependents. You don't so much like to donate to religious circles, and sometimes in battles you shrink away from the challenge.

Your Venus makes you somewhat fascinated and overpowered by the spouse. You are surrounded by relatives, friends and sisters or female friends or associates. You are enthusiastic and successful at business, though sometimes too sharp and cunning. A careful speaker, well-groomed, recognized by government and dignified. You have developed tastes regarding fine arts and aesthetic matters, are bright, optimistic, peaceful, balanced and productive and have a mature mind
Venus in Lunar Mansion '17 Anuradha-1'
You may not be able to commit seriously to your marriage due to your overindulgence in sexual activity.
Saturn in Gemini 25°04'16"
Scientific, perfect, methodical and systematic in action, if overcomes passion. Trouble and ill-reputation through relatives, financial problems, wrong association with the opposite sex. Tendency to delay matters.
Saturn in Gemini with Virgo ascendent
Saturn causes your children to attain eminence in a foreign land; and you will be considered an expert in international law. Psychologically you may feel greatly fettered; you seldom receive opportunities to express your special expertise. Occasionally you suffer serious setbacks in your career.
Saturn in 10th House
Saturn, with its tremendous power to annihilate old worlds and create new ones, provides a detachment in worldly matters which nevertheless has constructive and creative capabilities. You may be drawn more towards the abstract sense of justice, the underlying or hidden order beneath external manifestation, and even towards the complete destruction of the existing world order. You would make a good surgeon, engineer, social reformer, scientist or butcher. Moving from one place to another or from one job to another, you do so without knowing why but act from an unseen motivation. You are often a leader or a great thinker, but sometimes may be considered a little crazy in your ideas. Saturn indicates power, pride, ambition and lust for material and worldly gain. You have a hard life, gaining your livelihood slowly, by your own means. You win in war. You may misuse the judicial and administrative power when granted under the influence of this Saturn or you may take up the profession as a judge or treasurer. Separation of parents in childhood is indicated or you may grow and learn without the help of your parents. You are denied patrimony. You might become a senior district officer, are interested in agriculture, an advisor, gallant, and reputed. You have good discrimination and are an intelligent commander. Your attendants are affectionate and loyal. You maintain status in foreign land, and are fearless and proud. If Saturn is in the 10th house you may be vile, poor, cruel, fickle, greedy, bilious, a liar and unskilled.
Saturn in Lunar Mansion '7 Punarvasu-2'
You will enjoy a reasonably good position. You may be engaged in money lending business. Industries connected with iron and steel or construction of buildings are possible ways of income.
Rahu in Scorpio 16°48'16"
Rahu in Scorpio with Virgo ascendent
You can gain your objectives surreptitiously. You will be manipulative and accustomed to underhanded deals. Friendships may be directed primarily to the object of securing illicit sexual pleasures.
Rahu in 3rd House
Rahu in the third house causes trouble to siblings, but is otherwise helpful in enabling you to acquire material conveniences. You secure physical comforts, wealth, children, a good spouse, have many friends and may acquire expensive cars. This Rahu does not bode well for the birth of children.

You are sharp, inclined to spiritualism or higher educational disciplines. There is good fortune and success through affectionate dealings, neighbors, journeys, writing or publishing. This Rahu denotes bravery, courage, industry, fortune, wealth, state honor and health. You have many friends, travel alot and are the annihilator of the enemy. There will be agricultural wealth. You are matchless in prowess, strong, treat all as brethren and are fortunate.

You are most lucky and extend friendship to all. You are the least actively benevolent type, but toughest in most difficult work. You suffer sleepless nights due to enemies, are renowned, live in luxury. Troubles for brothers is indicated. You are wretched, affluent, valiant, charitable, proud, firm minded, long living and artless. You might be a state authority. Rahu in the third house might make your siblings prosperous.
Rahu in Lunar Mansion '18 Jyeshtha-1'
Ketu in Taurus 16°48'16"
Ketu in Taurus with Virgo ascendent
You are denied physical gratification and conveniences which affects your body. As a result of such restrictions on the physical level, you are aroused to higher state of consciousness.
Ketu in 9th House
The presence of Ketu in the ninth house leads to a blossoming of liberated consciousness regardless of the sign involved. This planet, though shadowy, has a most potent effect in dissolving all material attachments. It disengages you from the physical conditions of life and links you with the universe at large. It produces a different vision, a new approach to the problems of life, and consequently a sublime ethic of its own. Under its influence you become 'a person of the other world.' You get fortune and favor through foreigners and receive trouble and loss through brothers and pain in arms. People laugh at your penance and donations. You feel the absence of sons. Your generosity is considered a boast. You are short-tempered, eloquent, convert, critical, brave, jealous of your father, vain, spiritless, arrogant and unfortunate. You are blessed with wealth and a son. You gain through foreigners and get success over troubles. Your brothers are in difficulty. You feel much pain and suffering in both the arms at times. You are mocked at for your religious fervor and activities. Trouble for father since childhood. Luck is not favoring you. You have no desire for pilgrimage. You overcome anguish, are valiant, well-armed, and feel the absence of friends. You are worried about relatives and sons. This Ketu keeps you free from many troubles and calamities, but you might be poor. Satisfaction through asceticism and benevolence is indicated. You may be a leader or advisor, and possess fame, glory, wisdom, generosity, kindness and devotion. Voyages bring misery and misfortune and you might receive punishment in foreign land. You dream strange dreams.
Ketu in Lunar Mansion '4 Rohini-3'
You are a teacher and have a large family. You enjoy a good period up to your 30th year out of inheritance and thereafter waste your wealth on your spouse. You may have throat or mouth disease or stammering.
Uranus in Libra 6°23'18"
Uranus in Libra with Virgo ascendent
Uranus in 2nd House
Uranus in Lunar Mansion '14 Chitra-4'
Neptune in Scorpio 15°22'17"
Neptune in Scorpio with Virgo ascendent
Neptune in 3rd House
Neptune in Lunar Mansion '17 Anuradha-4'
Pluto in Virgo 14°57'28"
Pluto in Virgo with Virgo ascendent
Pluto in 1st House
Pluto in Lunar Mansion '13 Hasta-2'

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