Mort Sahl

Mort Sahl


Mort SahlMort Sahl
Lagna in Gemini 27°03'06"
Gemini in the Ascendant gives you an attractive appearance. Usually tall, with large hands and feet, you may be lean and thin with beautiful eyes and a sharp nose. Your intelligence and pleasant demeanor make your face radiant. You have a special skill in diplomatic negotiations, expertise in trade practices, a talent for dramatic performances, and a great capacity to conceal your emotions. Ambivalence will be your outstanding feature. You are often bashful and very selective in speech. You like to meet people, travel extensively, and acquire knowledge. You have a special ability to influence people and you delight in sporting with the opposite sex. You have an adaptable, dual personality. You can be serious or trivial, depending on your mood and circumstances. Success in life depends on intuitively understanding other people's thoughts and emotions. This capacity to interpret the thoughts and feelings of others, enables you to be a very successful writer or novelist. Among the planets, Venus has a special affinity with a person born under this sign, while Mars, the Sun and Jupiter produce adverse results. The Moon is a killer, but if posited with favorable planets may yield auspicious results. However, the Moon, who is the Lord of the 2nd, does not become a death significator (Maraka) for a person born under Gemini Ascendant. You will have a dear spouse, be fond of ornaments, charitable, respectable, will have two mothers, will be favorable even to your enemies, interested in music, fine arts, amusement and poetry, be gentle, fond of beautification, conceited, truthful, impatient, crafty, will possess limbs of irregular sizes, be of fierce appearance, will destroy even fearful enemies, and be endowed with lands, jewels, gold etc.
Lagna in Lunar Mansion '7 Punarvasu-3'
Your Ascendant or Moonstar is Punarvasu.

Physical features: handsome, long thighs and long face. Some identification mark on the face or on the back side of head. Character and general events: you will complete faith in God. You are religiously inclined. Initially you will have good behavior, but later on according to the circumstances you may change your behavior. Therefore, others have to be careful while approaching you. It is very difficult to know your inner thought. You are contented with little but at the same time you are hot tempered. You stick to ancient tradition and belief. You will not stand a party to any illegal activities and will try to resist others from doing so. You do not like to cause trouble to others, on the other hand you try to help the needy. You will lead a simple life.

Education, sources of earning/profession: you can shine and get success in almost all the subjects, except in partnership business. You can attain much name and fame as a teacher or as an actor, writer, physician etc. Period up to 32 years of age may be difficult; as a result try to avoid any major business dealings until after that year. You may not be in a position to accumulate wealth but you can attain public honor. You may have a lack of business trick and inherent straightforwardness. One peculiar expression can be seen in your face i.e. an innocent and frustrated look.

Family life: you are the most obedient child of your parents. You respect your father and mother as your teachers. Married life may be difficult. You may divorce or have another marriage. Your first spouse may have a weak constitution, and will be a good partner. Frequent friction between other family members may take place. The combination of these factors may cause much stress.

Health: there will not be any serious health problems, but tend to all health problems seriously. You will have a strong digestion.
Sun in Aries 27°00'55"
Exalted Sun will grant authority. Willful, rash, religious. Insomnia. This brings the following general characteristics, which get modified by specific aspects and characteristics in other places in your chart: You will comment on the meanings of things such as ancient wisdom, be famous in arts, fond of combat or competition. You will be fierce, attached to your duty or engagement, fond of roaming around, will have strong bones, will do good, be valorous and strong. You may become a significant leadership personality. You may receive from other highly placed personalities, and you will have wisdom. This placement gives the ability to be a doctor, or a politician.
Sun in Aries with Gemini ascendent
This placement makes you wealthy through brothers and bestows status during the Sun period.
Gives few, if any, offspring.
When the Sun occupies this sign, a sibling helps you to secure a good position. You are very efficient in your work and earn a promotion; you acquire social status, are wealthy, and your morals are praiseworthy. You will, however, have few if any children.
Sun in 11th House
The Sun in this house is not good for the elder brother. You get wealth, recognition and goodwill from the government or those who are superior and more powerful than you in status. You rise through them and are benefited by them. You are a self-made person of some note. You will be blessed with gains, material welfare and general prosperity and a handsome spouse.

Your reputation is increased by holding public appointment or positions of responsibility. Loyal mind and honesty of purpose. For all this, you invite jealousy from enemies. Grief, on account of offspring, may be due to several reasons: They may be short-lived, foolish, illiterate, quarrelsome or sickly or you may be separated from them. You are virtuous, righteous, God-fearing, learned, fond of art and music and a leader. You can discriminate right from wrong. You are thin and lean and will be blessed with conveyances at an early age.

You will be interested in gathering money, you are strong, will dislike others, be devoid of servants and affection, be modest and will be successful in undertakings. You will conquer competitors with your valor and be so pleasing in appearance that good looking mates will lose their hearts for you and be after you. You will live long, acquire sudden wealth and be very opulent.
Sun in Lunar Mansion '3 Krittika-1'
You take keen interest in learning astrology and allied subjects. You may have defective eyes and be a voracious eater. Possibility of fire accident and employment in military or police department.
Moon in Leo 29°16'23"
Moon in Leo brings idealism in love, and you will desire affection from all directions. You will be fond of the opposite sex and enjoyment, calm, magnanimous, persevering, loyal to father and Guru, a good organizer, well-dressed, given to music art and sports, popular and respected. Some of the natural feminine qualities bother you because of how opposite they are to your mental nature. You may not eat well, have stomach disorders, tooth decay, eat meat, are harsh, like to copulate in the forests and hills, yet be charitable, respectful to your mother, valorous, dutiful and majestic looking.
Moon in Leo with Gemini ascendent
You are inclined to spend money on siblings and friends. You become receptive to good counsel from elders and believe more in consolidating your position than in conquering new fields. You are fond of travel and the good life and relish good food.
Moon in 3rd House
The Moon in the third house discourages the influence and importance of siblings and makes you very courageous, whenever someone creates trouble for you. Otherwise, you will be a person of few words, concerned with enjoying the good life, spending time with your family and interested in spiritual matters. You are naturally austere in one sense and therefore not easily attracted to superficial beauty in other's bodies. Your faith brings you success or renown, and you like your siblings very much. Happiness in general is something you get from your Karma. You have a changeable disposition and like intellectual pursuits. You have good times with those you consider your brothers and sisters. You may hurt family ties by your desire to enjoy with those, whom your family considers outside your allowed circle of associates. You like short journeys for pleasure.
Moon in Lunar Mansion '12 Uttara Phalguni-1'
Physical features : Normally a tall and fat figure. Large countenance and long nose. A black mole in the right side of the neck.

Character and general events :You enjoy a happy existence. You are lucky in several respects. You have a neat behaviour. You show extreme sincerity in all the work you undertake. Religiously also you are much inclined. Enjoys good reputation for social work.

While you are clean-hearted, you are hot-tempered also. You do not have the requisite patience or tolerance
Once you heat up, it will be very difficult to calm you. But later on you repent over such expressions when it is too late. However, you will not admit your fault at any cost. Even if you are convinced that you have done a wrong thing you will not admit the fact. However, you have good reasoning and are tactful.

Education, sources of earnings / profession : You have an independent nature. However, you undertake all the responsibilities and do the same in a perfect manner. You do not like to deceive others or to be deceived by others. You can shine well in the profession or work where public contact is required. This success is attributable to the inherent quality of behavioural techniques. However, you earn a good amount as commission out of the public dealings. You are not sincere in your own affairs, whereas you are sincere in other's work. Once you take a decision nobody can change the decision. Since you are a born hard-working person you can reach a good position through your hard work. You are suited to the profession as a teacher, writer or research fellow in the scientific field. In some cases it has been noticed that you earn extra money out of tuitions.

Period upto 32 years of age will be a period of complete darkness. Thereafter slight upward trend commence up to 38 years of age. From your 38th age onwards, your progress is much faster and you achieve much of your desires. A smooth sailing in your life goes on up to 62 years of age. You will be lucky to earn fame and wealth during your fifties. You have only self acquired assets. You are good in mathematics or engineering, astronomy and astrology. You can also be successful in advertising business.

Family life : His married life will be more or less good. You are quite contended with your family life. Your wife will be most efficient.

Health : Your health will be generally good. However, you are prone to body ache, dental problems, gastric trouble, liver and intestine problems.
You are courageous, have a proud mind, and are most obedient to your mother. You will have high or broad cheeks. You may earn and lose enormously.
Mars in Gemini 21°36'00"
You have sharp mental ability, critical thinking and good energy for lots of education. Some trouble may appear in the body parts connected to Gemini, such as the lungs or arms. Brothers and sisters pose somewhat of a problem.
Mars in Gemini with Gemini ascendent
If you make much money, you may become involved in litigation over it. You are intolerant, stingy and friendless and may suffer from blood diseases and nervousness.
Mars in 1st House
Mental unrest, wounds and injuries on head and private parts. Burns, scalds, falls and other accidents. Mars rules the muscular system and urino-genital organs, so this can cause feverish and inflammatory troubles, smallpox and boils in childhood. These are being encouraged by Mars, but subject to modification by other placements. Having Mars in the Ascendant can cause wounds and danger to the spouse. There may be ailments in the eyes or head. Mars in the Ascendant makes one good at passion and precision. Thus, it gives the ability to be exact, precise, energetic, competitive, etc. Strongly built. You try to change things your way and are not afraid of changes. You are impressive, brave, angry, wealthy, playful, might suffer from strange ailments and have a tendency to be cruel at times. Because of having Mars, the fiery, warlike planet in the rising house, you can be impatient, despotic, daring, stubborn, aspiring, greedy, argumentative, generous, short tempered, merciless and invincible. How you are going to use these qualities depends on you.
Mars in Lunar Mansion '7 Punarvasu-1'
Mercury in Aries 17°04'44"
You are a quick thinker and like to speak your mind without delay. You love learning but you don't like to tarry on any one subject. If something doesn't come quickly to the mind you don't pursue it. This may lead to an attachment to entertainment, rather than deep study.
Mercury in Aries with Gemini ascendent
You are connected with activities such as transportation, accounting, or commercial transactions in general. Your income steadily increases.
Mercury in 11th House
Mercury enables you to earn money from trade and commerce, the legal profession, or any job where literary and mathematical abilities are needed; you may also make a good civil servant. You are quite sociable and your sharp mind may qualify you to become an astrologer.

You prefer the company of enlightened and intelligent people. You receive wealth from a considerate employer, a discerning friend or a maternal uncle. Your elder brother will be very encouraging to you and your special aptitudes for diplomacy, journalism and authorship will be recognized. This Mercury is propitious. Gain through craft, writing or business is indicated.

After age 19 there will be gain of property, progeny and wealth. You get a lot of property, are learned, fortunate, with plenty of enjoyment, have fascinating spouses, are skillful, sharp, and a favorite of your own people. You have poor appetite, are cheerful, scholarly, rich, gentle, sensuous and always gaining. You are free from sickness, happy, cordial, renowned, talented, and studious.

If Mercury is in the 11th house, you get longevity, wealth, happiness, faithful attendants and are committed. You lead a life of real luxury and pleasure, and are courteous, strong and eager to acquire all knowledge. Gain of wealth at age 45 is indicated. You have more daughters, are a well-wisher of your own people, infirm, rich, dear to the opposite sex, handsome, dark-complexioned with beautiful eyes, sensual, affluent, modest, pleasure loving, gentle, strong, and have knowledge of several disciplines. (Not to be taken too literally for sure.)
Mercury in Lunar Mansion '2 Bharani-2'
A medium span of life is indicated. You become involved in too many activities at a time, but do not get the requisite fruit. You do not have a good relationship with your father. You are kind to others and help them in need.
Jupiter in Pisces 2°55'22"
You have the good qualities of a strong Jupiter. These are the noble qualities of the religious seeker, such as being intuitive, investigative, philosophical, prophetic, affectionate, generous, and humane. Also, you like to be charitable to others, and you may start or work for some charitable institution.
Jupiter in Pisces with Gemini ascendent
You will learn the lesson of tolerance. You will like to inspire society towards a better way of life. In carrying out this task you may not achieve many physical comforts, but will serve as an example of how one should live ideally in a family situation while retaining the highest efficiency in your official and social relationships.
Jupiter in 10th House
Jupiter in the 10th gives you an inner ideal and wants to make you free to pursue what you believe in. You can be a good counselor, an ethical professor, an occultist who studies the future, or an affectionate parent and friend. You have much affection that shows. You may lack the pure quality of humility somewhat at times due to your good qualities. You may be more traditionally religious rather than esoteric.

Socially you try to be protective and sincere rather than a fiery leader with a cause. You are versatile, flourishing, successful from the beginning, reputed, happy, rich, famous, and blessed with friends and conveyances. From your Jupiter, there is chance of danger at age 34. Jupiter in the 10th house gives land and wealth, makes you interested in scholarly pursuits, and you become averse to adultery.

You are religious and try to perform good deeds. You get success, recognition and high friends, and gain through the spouse, social life, and business. You had a noble birth perhaps, and you gained through family. At times in your life you will get good positions. Jupiter in the 10th house makes you the kind of person who surrounds yourself with religion and a nice house. You are noble at heart and wish to work in high, learned and sincere pursuits. This Jupiter helps with wealth of various good varieties.
Jupiter in Lunar Mansion '25 Purva Bhadrapada-4'
You may be a scientist or chief administrator of a large industrial unit or in a government department. You might be a metaphysician or finance executive.
Venus in Gemini 6°14'57"
Your Venus, being in Gemini, gives name and fame through science, art, literature, composition of poetry and drama. You are intuitive, ingenious, humorous, get income through varied sources. This placement is conducive to mental growth. You are amicable and friendly, but unfaithful in love affairs.
Venus in Gemini with Gemini ascendent
You draw attention from the government and perform important interpretative, diplomatic or negotiating acts for the state. You earn money overseas. You are very fond of your mother and derive much inspiration from her. You may nevertheless be prone to vice, fond of romance, but unsteady in relationships and are often in trouble from your unbridled sensual urges.
Venus in 1st House
You are comely, live with saints, are an enemy nihilist, perform noble religious rites, enjoy affluence and get benefits. Efficient in amorous sport and satisfied. Long living, timid, and alluring. You are wealthy, sexy, handsome, blessed with a noble, happy spouse and children, are learned and impressive.

Venus in the Ascendant is said to ward off 300 evil Yogas of other planets. You are very talkative, skilled in handicrafts, gentle, polite, interested in poetics and devout. You are fair-complexed, bilious and have a wound, mole or ulcer on the waist, back, stomach or on the private parts. Possible danger from dogs or animals with horns.

You are steady, always involve yourself in good deeds, have pleasant speech and are skilled in all trades. You are an adviser, preceptor, are home bound and a fatalist. You are ungrateful, potent, manly (or womanly), powerful and fond of sour and salty food. You might be a mathematician, are fond of beautiful garments, ornaments, are virtuous, meritorious, cordial, dependable, jolly, sympathetic and affectionate.

Your love of nature is sublimated. You are social, live and keep yourself happy. Your artistic faculties are fully developed. You love art, music, drama, poetry, singing - everything related to beauty. You are fair, generous, refined, admired by the opposite sex, fruitful and fortunate.
Venus in Lunar Mansion '5 Mrigashira-4'
You will be noble at heart. This placement is beneficial for being a poet or writer. Watch out for sexually contracted diseases, goiter and tonsillitis.
Saturn in Scorpio 12°37'45"
Hasty, stubborn, jealous, acquisitive, influential, vain, greedy, success in cheating others, danger from poison or arms. Many losses and ill health, interest in geology and chemistry. Gains through hard work.
Saturn in Scorpio with Gemini ascendent
Saturn will increase the possibility of hypertension, violent temper, and indecision or wrong decisions which get you into problematical situations. You may suffer from some ailment of the pelvic region as well as infections of the urinary tract.
Saturn in 6th House
Saturn in the sixth house produces sexual problems. Sex will be a very unorthodox kind of experience for you, but out of it there may arise a realization of your spiritual nature. Deprivation of a normal sex life and a tendency towards bizarre or unusual relationships enable you to secure special gifts from unexpected and unknown quarters which remove many personal difficulties. You may not always succeed in relating these two events, but both are impelled by Saturn. You are not necessarily attracted towards an unusual expression of sexuality, but the problem of sex affects your mental body vitally, and in some peculiar manner reveals the mysterious aspects of human motivation. For better or worse, your personal life is vitally affected by these experiences. You may suffer from some physical ailment without expressing your pain to others and doctors may not succeed in treating you easily. In spite of such personal anguish and sorrow, you enjoy great renown and social esteem. You may have trouble and hindrances in early life. There will be no help or support from any quarter and much criticism and little gain after much labor and effort are indicated, as well as trouble for maternal uncles and aunts. This placement denotes gain through some income or employment, premature retirement due to sickness and economic hardships in old age. Wealth, authority and fame do not come all together. You have to pass through many ailments beyond your control due to privation and want or neglect leading to sorrows and disappointments. Loss or trouble through attendants, menials and animals, accidents and operations, indigestion, circulatory problems, debility, diabetes or venereal diseases are some of the possible hardships. You are brave and intelligent, powerful, fortunate, with plenty of pleasures, jewelry and conveyances, learned, rich and happy, free from enemies, a favorite of the government, loving to your spouse and have lucky sons. You have few relatives and brethren and annihilate your enemies. Growing wealth is indicated. You are blessed with some income or employment, and might get some trouble through maternal uncles. You are not scared of thieves, a strong controversialist and combatant. You might gain through quadrupeds. You are known all over, are most generous, prosperous but not without some trouble, fond of merit, noble, protective, with good appetite, strong and healthy and recognized by the enemies. You are blessed with sons, have respect for the learned, are sensual and can face heavy odds. You will have plenty of attendants and followers.
Saturn in Lunar Mansion '17 Anuradha-3'
You will have difficulty showing others compassion. You will enjoy a good period after your 52nd year, and will gain from your employer. You may suffer from internal, unexplainable sorrows but show external expressions of joy.
Rahu in Gemini 5°49'20"
Rahu in Gemini with Gemini ascendent
You may have a leaning toward crime and perversity or exaggerated libidinous desires.
Rahu in 1st House
You make a great stride in life and might get honor, wealth and favor through religious, educational and scientific achievements. You have a dominating personality and are of promising self-expression. You receive gain and happiness through own initiative, but are slow to pick up new ideas and averse to formal education.

A conqueror of enemies. You make the glory and influence of other people an instrument of your own success. You can effectively utilize your own powers and wealth for yourself and others. You might not be satisfied with your own spouse and may wander. You gain competence with the help of friends with effective grace. You are always ready for work and may have two marriages, and a charming spouse. Quick to hold discussion. Lots of troubles and suffering are indicated as well. Bad qualities may surround you on many sides.
Rahu in Lunar Mansion '5 Mrigashira-4'
You will be a great scholar and your superiors will respect and value your opinion. You will have good, dutiful children and may be attracted to other's wives.
Ketu in Sagittarius 5°49'20"
Ketu in Sagittarius with Gemini ascendent
You are burdened with family responsibilities and the strain of marital incompatibility often drives you crazy. You either become a philosopher or are psychologically disturbed.
Ketu in 7th House
Ketu in the 7th adds openness to sexuality outside of the norm. Also however, it makes you able to understand spiritual possibilities as well. Ketu is a planet greatly involved in the spiritualization process, and the 7th house primarily stands for relationships.

Ketu in the 7th house usually indicates that the spouse, if any, will be shrewd in dealings. The marriage partner may be a difficult person with some problems perhaps. You can be immodest, needing lots of sleep or being lazy, feeling humiliated and thus speaking humbly. Watch for intestinal and sex organ diseases during Ketu periods.

Be careful of trouble from government agencies at these times as well. Ketu in the 7th indicates danger from journeys and water, so be careful with these during Ketu periods. Ketu in the 7th means some trouble while traveling but you generally come back fine. Watch for losing money during Ketu periods. Watch for trouble through spouse/partners and sons. Don't give in to extravagant temptations and curb a tendency to be too nervous.
Ketu in Lunar Mansion '19 Mula-2'
Uranus in Pisces 9°14'35"
Uranus in Pisces with Gemini ascendent
Uranus in 10th House
Uranus in Lunar Mansion '26 Uttara Bhadrapada-2'
Neptune in Leo 1°21'27"
Neptune in Leo with Gemini ascendent
Neptune in 3rd House
Neptune in Lunar Mansion '10 Magha-1'
Pluto in Gemini 21°18'37"
Pluto in Gemini with Gemini ascendent
Pluto in 1st House
Pluto in Lunar Mansion '7 Punarvasu-1'

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