Paul Volcker

Paul Volcker

former Federal Reserve chairman

Paul VolckerPaul Volcker
Lagna in Libra 6°18'57"
A Libra Ascendant usually bestows a long face, an attractive appearance, tender eyes and sparsely set teeth. You are generally above average height, lean and thin. Mentally, you are disorganized, emotionally unstable and socially unbalanced. You are extravagant, generous, helpful and simple at heart. You crave social contact and the assurance that other people need you. You are also subject to contradictory thoughts and actions. You are fond of justice and law, but easily irritated. Your friends and benefactors tend to be well positioned individuals, but you can also associate with dishonest people who, unfortunately, might stick with you for years. Physically you appear strong and healthy, but you may secretly suffer from diseases relating to the loins and kidneys, and should take precaution against urinary tract infections. You may have a strong desire for artistic achievement, but fail to actualize it. Saturn is a very powerful planet for you. Jupiter is not very good. You are fond of helping the lowly, and so much so that you may use base acts to achieve your goals. You respect spiritual leaders, because they respect principle centered persons, but you are often too driven to stick strictly to principles yourself, but would rather see to it that the objective gets carried out.
Lagna in Lunar Mansion '14 Chitra-4'
The Nakshatra ruling your Ascendant or Moon is Chitra. Physical features: you have a lean body. In some cases there is an indication of a stout and tall body.

You can be recognized or identified in a crowd of hundreds of people through your magnificent dealings and expressions. There is a hidden inherent gift of having wonderful ideas that may initially appear silly, but are later viewed as excellent. There is also an inherent gift of intuition. You are the type of person who is very much fit for the astrological profession where intuition is very much needed. In some cases it is also noticed that you may experience dreams that come true. This indirectly indicates that a divine power may be installed in the psyche of those born under Chitra.

You are the type of person who is not bothered about the sentiments of others, nor are you selfish to others. Your dealings with the poor will be very cordial and full of kindness. You may be mistaken by others as rude and stingy. Guard your tendency to speak before you think. You may have to confront your enemies at every step but are capable of escaping any conspiracy. You have a soft spot for those in need and spend your energy in their upliftment.

Education, sources of income/profession: obstacles in life are no problem for you. You can overtake all hurdles with courage and hard work. You may not lead a comfortable life up to the age of 32 years. The period between 33 years and 54 years of age will be your golden period. One of the redeeming features of Chitra born is that you receive help from unexpected places without much effort.

Family life: while you love and respect your siblings and parents, you may experience some doubts concerning them. You may not enjoy the benefit, love and affection of your father. You may even live separated from him, and he may be famous or successful. You are more attached to your mother and enjoy benefit from the maternal side.

There is a saying that the Chitra born cannot stay in the house where she/he is born. This may manifest in many ways, you may travel and live far from your home town, or your childhood home may be destroyed. In any case you will settle far from home. Married life may be considerably strained, and while the marriage will be stable, the relationship between the couples may not be cordial, at times leading to frequent friction on small matters.

Health: there may be some difficulty with internal organs.
Sun in Leo 19°10'33"
Some of the qualities that may describe you: mountaineer, victor, aggressive, enthusiastic, sober, talkative, rich, famous, a landlord, ambitious and can not act in subordinate position. Kind-hearted. You will destroy your adversaries, be given to anger, will perform notable acts, will wander in forests, hills and fortresses, be enthusiastic, valorous, bright in appearance, and will be formidable. You will be restive, strong in a lasting measure, talkative, be a king, be plentiful in wealth and be famous. You will be victorious over your competitors or opposing elements, are given to anger or domination, will perform notable acts and not be mediocre, will wander or go out to engagements, are not a homebody or fearful of the outside world, and are enthusiastic, valorous, bright and formidable, like a Lion, the King of the Jungle. You are talkative and king-like. This Sun may give wealth and may give fame.
Sun in Leo with Libra ascendent
This placement gives good fortune and a full span of life.
Gives daughters.
When the Sun occupies this sign, the missionary spirit is greatly heightened. You can forge strong bonds of friendship with a few persons, but you are generally reserved, with a very exclusive sense of individuality. You become interested in life sciences; your fascination with occultism will also be deep and genuine. As an executive officer, political missionary, or eminent philosopher, you can make an imprint wherever you go. Your personal life, however, is full of deprivations. You are unhappy with your children, and often suffer from serious strain on your nerves.
Sun in 11th House
The Sun in this house is not good for the elder brother. You get wealth, recognition and goodwill from the government or those who are superior and more powerful than you in status. You rise through them and are benefited by them. You are a self-made person of some note. You will be blessed with gains, material welfare and general prosperity and a handsome spouse.

Your reputation is increased by holding public appointment or positions of responsibility. Loyal mind and honesty of purpose. For all this, you invite jealousy from enemies. Grief, on account of offspring, may be due to several reasons: They may be short-lived, foolish, illiterate, quarrelsome or sickly or you may be separated from them. You are virtuous, righteous, God-fearing, learned, fond of art and music and a leader. You can discriminate right from wrong. You are thin and lean and will be blessed with conveyances at an early age.

You will be interested in gathering money, you are strong, will dislike others, be devoid of servants and affection, be modest and will be successful in undertakings. You will conquer competitors with your valor and be so pleasing in appearance that good looking mates will lose their hearts for you and be after you. You will live long, acquire sudden wealth and be very opulent.
Sun in Lunar Mansion '11 Purva Phalguni-2'
Moon in Sagittarius 2°24'50"
This Moon placement gives a desire to excel through the intellect and the use of knowledge. Moon in Sagittarius indicates valor, wisdom, good nature, affluence, and a charming partner. You are respected, noble, sweet, dangerous to your own family, and cheerful. Both mental and physical restlessness, and an investigating temperament are indicated. You are a great reformer. You are small bodied, a good speaker, like to live near water, have knowledge of arts, occult matters, and secret affairs, are good at investigating, courageous, very strong, attached to relatives, grateful and distinguished.
Moon in Sagittarius with Libra ascendent
You have problems in your job and suffer for your siblings. Your mind is afflicted with too many problems which you are unable to resolve effectively.
Moon in 3rd House
The Moon in the third house discourages the influence and importance of siblings and makes you very courageous, whenever someone creates trouble for you. Otherwise, you will be a person of few words, concerned with enjoying the good life, spending time with your family and interested in spiritual matters. You are naturally austere in one sense and therefore not easily attracted to superficial beauty in other's bodies. Your faith brings you success or renown, and you like your siblings very much. Happiness in general is something you get from your Karma. You have a changeable disposition and like intellectual pursuits. You have good times with those you consider your brothers and sisters. You may hurt family ties by your desire to enjoy with those, whom your family considers outside your allowed circle of associates. You like short journeys for pleasure.
Moon in Lunar Mansion '19 Mula-1'
The Star ruling your Moon or Ascendant is Mula

Physical features: you have a good physical appearance. You will have beautiful limbs and bright eyes and will be the most attractive person in your family. Character and general events: you possess a very sweet nature and are a peace loving person. You have set principles in your life. You can stand against any adverse tidal wave, you have the capacity to penetrate that wave and reach the destination. You are not bothered about tomorrow nor are you very serious about your own matters. You keep all the happenings in the hands of God and become prey to optimism.

Education, sources of earning/profession: you need to be very cautious of recording your finances or you will find yourself in debt. You may give advice that you may not even use. This peculiar characteristic generally fits you for the profession of financial or religious adviser. Since you are skilled in several fields, there will be frequent changes of profession or trade, but stability in this direction seems to be a very rare phenomenon, which may put you in constant need of money. Watch the tendency to spend too much on your friends. You will possess the utmost sincerity in all you do. You may earn your livelihood in a foreign place, where it is indicated that you will have much more success in business. You are capable of shining in all walks of life, particularly in the field of fine arts, as a writer and in the social work.

Family life: excepting a few cases, it is seen that Mula born cannot have any benefit from parents whereas they are self-made. Your married life will be satisfactory. You will have a spouse with all adequate qualities.

Health: even when you are sick you will look well, but you may not be in the habit of taking care of your own health, resulting in some severe health problems that can be noticed in your 27th, 31st, 44th, 48th, 56th and 60th year of age. You must try not to have any association with intoxication as you may suffer from the grips of addiction.
You may cause injury or danger to the father.
Mars in Virgo 3°56'29"
This placement is good for being a surgeon, physician, pharmacist or groceries merchant. You are original and inventive. You have to struggle to reach goals, are self willed, and nervous. You like your employees or helpers, and are separated from your friends. When Mars is afflicted, you can be cross at times, hasty, obstinate and inviting hostility from others. You are honorable, worthy, fond of love and music, soft spoken, learned, fear enemies and are skillful in scripture and fine art.
Mars in Virgo with Libra ascendent
Mars will produce frustration through covetous desires. You will desire amenities of life which do not rightly belong to you. You will suffer on account of your siblings and will spend sleepless nights due to financial troubles. Your marriage partner will undergo major surgery, and you will suffer from many physical ailments. You will perform rituals to secure your heart's desire. You may use the stones and metals of subtle sciences to get powers or favors from super natural forces.
Mars in 12th House
Mars externalizes inherent tendencies. The twelfth house being the repository of all one's past karmic forces and future possibilities, the presence of Mars here brings these forces to the surface. This is done in order to neutralize them so that you may be liberated from their binding effect. During this process you may often be unprepared to bear the pressure; your reaction creates further binding.

Under the influence of Mars, you have the freedom either to liberate yourself from bondage and begin a new life or become more deeply immersed in layers of materiality. But if you have already cleared your past debts and no further undesirable forces are pending, your spiritual tendencies surface. In that case, you show genuine tendencies toward spirituality.

Under negative conditions, you may be possessed by anger, lustful behavior, animosity against friends, depravity and criminality. When these tendencies are bravely faced, you may possibly free yourself to enter the heavenly gates of divine pleasure. If your past is already full of spiritual merit, the Martian effect will externalize it, and you may be an inspiring spirit who helps others progress courageously. It is possible that some physical illness may afflict you if you have the seed of such an illness in your karmic past, even while you are engaged in your spiritual mission.

Whoever has Mars in the 12th will be fortunate in respect of brother. You may be a glutton and sexy, but get little pleasure from your spouse. A second marriage comes. You are truthful, generous, and excited and may be the founder of some organization.

You might be without progeny or have few children, and no sons. Traveling abroad is indicated, and you get success at age 26. You are frank, but somewhat crude. Danger of falls, poison, accidents, headaches, blood impurities, secret vice, and dyspepsia in old age are indicated.

There will be no accumulation of wealth. You may lose through theft, advances or misplacement. Mars in the 12th house brings about financial ruin. It attacks with such weapons, so severely and powerfully that even the strongest body shows the wound marks.

This placement may indicate rumors to defame, scandals, disputes, strife or jealousy, trouble through servants, fear and sorrow due to dependence, and a life of misfortunes. You may suffer immediate loss of wealth. Beware of danger from thieves, burglars, weapons, and enemies.

You are base, and depraved by own actions, and have a desire to extort others' wealth. Your eyes are transient, your mind restless, and you are mobile, cheerful, strong, prosperous, debauch, despondent and successful in gaining your end.

You are hostile, and may be without wealth and spouse, are rude with own family members, aggressive, inconsiderate, and always tense. You may divulge secret information to the enemies and get contempt and imprisonment. You might die in seclusion or prison. You have the reputation of being a trouble creator amongst your friends by giving them wrong advice.

You are extravagant, atheist, cruel, wicked and crafty, a boaster, and travel far. This placement denotes possible injury to left eye, ear, hand or foot of the spouse. If this Mars is well posited, the wound marks are short lived, if ill aspected or associated, they remain for a long time. Death of paternal uncles is indicated.

You are wrathful, sexy, crippled, infidel, jealous of friends and relatives, unfriendly, agitated, disabled and suffer loss of reputation and wealth at age 45. You may suffer from troubles in throat, ears and eyes, blood infection, feverish complaints, cataract or heat stroke on eyes. Beware of secret or treacherous enemies, misadventures, accidents, slander, or scandal. Mars here indicates expenditure through enemies, crimes etc.
Mars in Lunar Mansion '12 Uttara Phalguni-3'
You may lose a spouse, or divorce, and become a widow/er or single around your 40th year of age. You may have to struggle hard before attaining success in your respective field.
Mercury in Leo 21°57'60"
You are cunning in your independence. For some reason or other, you find that you have to use your brains to keep your independence. Also your intelligence may wonder, and you have a difficult time focusing your mind on intellectual pursuits. You don't like to be held down to thinking one way. You like to have mental freedom.
Mercury in Leo with Libra ascendent
Mercury in this sign arouses you to great social activity. It makes you intellectual, learned in both religious and classical literature, and extensively renowned. You function more on the mental plane rather than on the physical. As a result you may establish your superiority in the realm of intellectual achievements, but your personal and domestic life is likely to be unhappy.
Mercury in 11th House
Mercury enables you to earn money from trade and commerce, the legal profession, or any job where literary and mathematical abilities are needed; you may also make a good civil servant. You are quite sociable and your sharp mind may qualify you to become an astrologer.

You prefer the company of enlightened and intelligent people. You receive wealth from a considerate employer, a discerning friend or a maternal uncle. Your elder brother will be very encouraging to you and your special aptitudes for diplomacy, journalism and authorship will be recognized. This Mercury is propitious. Gain through craft, writing or business is indicated.

After age 19 there will be gain of property, progeny and wealth. You get a lot of property, are learned, fortunate, with plenty of enjoyment, have fascinating spouses, are skillful, sharp, and a favorite of your own people. You have poor appetite, are cheerful, scholarly, rich, gentle, sensuous and always gaining. You are free from sickness, happy, cordial, renowned, talented, and studious.

If Mercury is in the 11th house, you get longevity, wealth, happiness, faithful attendants and are committed. You lead a life of real luxury and pleasure, and are courteous, strong and eager to acquire all knowledge. Gain of wealth at age 45 is indicated. You have more daughters, are a well-wisher of your own people, infirm, rich, dear to the opposite sex, handsome, dark-complexioned with beautiful eyes, sensual, affluent, modest, pleasure loving, gentle, strong, and have knowledge of several disciplines. (Not to be taken too literally for sure.)
Mercury in Lunar Mansion '11 Purva Phalguni-3'
You may be rejected because of a misunderstanding. You may not be helpful to siblings in the area of advice. You find it difficult to find happiness in family life. There is a chance of not having progeny at all. Your weak memory may cause misunderstandings, so try to work on this tendency.
Jupiter in Pisces 7°50'13"
You have the good qualities of a strong Jupiter. These are the noble qualities of the religious seeker, such as being intuitive, investigative, philosophical, prophetic, affectionate, generous, and humane. Also, you like to be charitable to others, and you may start or work for some charitable institution.
Jupiter in Pisces with Libra ascendent
You have to deal with debts, especially during Jupiter ruled periods.
While this placement protects you from harm, it also makes you suffer strongly the effects of debts, enemies, and struggles. You will achieve renown but suffer also. You look to supreme authority for the remedies to problems, and whatever past Karma you have will surface in this life for you to deal with.
Jupiter in 6th House
Although you will probably receive renown and good finances, your personal life has some turmoil and married life may be difficult. You may spend more than you make. You attend social functions that expands prestige and circle of friends. While you gain popularity and status, a sense of inferiority may bother you. You like music and dancing. At times you feel defeated and some considerable disease has to be tolerated. You get support from brothers and sons. When ill you are well taken care of and have a knack of showing others comfort in their time of need. In other words, you thrive when things are bad. You can be a good healer or helper of others and you do better by serving others than through independence. Goodness comes to you through religion and philanthropy. You like pets. You should watch out for irregular food habits as that might be the cause of health degradation. You promote community spirit and reduce crime. You are a good fighter who is proud of your competitive abilities. It's very hard to win in most competitions against you. You should not expect others to live up to your abilities to serve and work hard.
Jupiter in Lunar Mansion '26 Uttara Bhadrapada-2'
Venus in Leo 27°15'05"
You are philanthropic, devoted to the preceptor, infirm, amorous, generous, honest, given to pleasure and amusement, talented at art and music. Speculative and manipulative tendencies.
Venus in Leo with Libra ascendent
When Venus is in this sign you become vitalized with inner strength but feel shy in expressing your basic sexual urges. Consequently there is some morbidity in your social relationships. You wish to be included in social congregations, but will be a bad mixer. You will, however, be a good speaker: your approach may not be very intellectual, but will be interesting and often inspiring.
Venus in 11th House
There is a golden touch in everything you do and your association has a luxurious influence on everyone who comes within your sphere. Your friendship is consequently much sought after. Your social circle includes well-placed people who are always eager to promote your interests. You have special gifts for music, drama, and dance which endear you to all kinds of people. You obtain riches through the opposite sex, fine arts, and the perfume business.

Your success in life depends on your effective handling of people. Venus in the 11th house mostly gives favorable results. This denotes good luck after age 21 if born of lower class; after age 31, if born of higher class. You are a very modest, imposing personality, an eloquent speaker, wealthy, of spotless reputation, a warning to your enemies, and a governor. This indicates gain. You might have unnatural sex desires, are rich and live abroad.

You are skilled, blessed with an adorable spouse and children, strong and healthy, know no sorrow, have wealth and attendants, and are wise and expert in dance and music. You are a super-person, sensuous. righteous, charming and jovial, of lovely physic and attractive. Servants and attendants obey you.

You might gain through women in service positions who please the senses of their customers, or through traveling, and trade in silver and pearls, or through villages, city connections or construction work.

You are inclined to noble deeds and permissible conduct. You are mentally tense, religious, learned and God fearing. Abundant happiness, conveyances, family and fortune, gems and jewels are indicated. You gain through the government or agriculture, are a scholar, affluent, and generous. You get wealth and possess qualities like a good nature, are brilliant, renowned, truth loving, luxurious living, prosperous, predominating, a supreme authority, almost a leader, and of captivating looks and noble conduct. If Venus is weak, none of these blessings are experienced.

This Venus indicates gain and success through friends who would forward your interest by advise, their own goodwill and physical support. You may give music concerts at home.
Venus in Lunar Mansion '12 Uttara Phalguni-1'
You may acquire wealth through the opposite sex, and will have an attractive spouse and a few children. You are sober, sympathetic and helpful to others.
Saturn in Scorpio 8°56'15"
Hasty, stubborn, jealous, acquisitive, influential, vain, greedy, success in cheating others, danger from poison or arms. Many losses and ill health, interest in geology and chemistry. Gains through hard work.
Saturn in Scorpio with Libra ascendent
A high social status and an extraordinary intellectual capacity, but these will fail to bestow a peaceful heart or pleasant associations. You will always be short of money and thus miserly.
Saturn in 2nd House
You may at times eat food that has not been properly prepared. This is of course common in the West. You can take it to mean that you will get polluted food. This is not good. Watch out what and where you eat. Saturn may at times make you speak rudely, untruthfully or indistinctly. Gains come through labor, land, building, farming, trading, minerals, transport, public appointments to office, investments, speculation and responsibilities. You must leave your family behind in order to go and get your way. You travel and get success. You are not always sweet to friends, but instead speak a little harshly - intensity and oppression either in sound or concepts are expressed. Gain and success through the metals, and good luxury in life are indicated, as well as pleasure and happiness in a foreign land. You may employ unexpected methods to achieve your ends. The highest authority may exact a punishment on you and you may be an impostor at times. Loss of wealth might be accompanied by suffering. As life goes by, you get wealthier and usually move away from the city, state or country of birth. Gains come through Saturnian things like wood, coal, iron, oil, ink, hard work or heavy machinery. You like magic and charm. This is not a good placement in regards to younger brothers or your sisters' children. Loss of family or serious problems regarding the first family, like fighting, troubles, heavy and oppressive realities concerning the parents or siblings are indicated. Your early life is troublesome, and you are perhaps not so well taken care of materially, but later things get better, especially after moving. You acquire wealth eventually, as well as all other trappings of a pleasurable life. You are soft spoken, mischievous, independent and surrounded by troubles. After migrating in mid-life, you enjoy good success away from your relatives. Generally a second marriage is indicated. Eye troubles are common with this Saturn. Agriculture may be a losing proposition for you, but this is a good placement for those who wish to take to monastic life. Saturn in the 2nd will have the power to protect your wealth and family, but will oppress and try to harm your 4th, 8th and 11th houses, which stand for issues regarding heart, emotions and mother, longevity, gains and aspirations. So, sometimes, when Saturn is activated in a period that is running, you may face some loss or trouble in these areas.
Saturn in Lunar Mansion '17 Anuradha-2'
You may have a simple profile. You will have broad shoulders and may be bald headed. Your quarrelsome nature may affect your place in business. Curb any desire to misappropriate others' property as it may attract legal recourse.
Rahu in Gemini 1°42'43"
Rahu in Gemini with Libra ascendent
You will be fatalistic, frustrated, and sorrowful. The glamour of life will be absent. You will be psychologically attuned towards renunciation, caution, and deep reflection - a profound thinker.
Rahu in 9th House
The nodes of the Moon have supreme importance in spiritual evolution. Rahu, the material polarity of the shadowy Nodes, takes you to sacred places, associates you with spiritual aspirants, and makes you a partner in spiritual celebrations and observances.

Preparing you in this way to receive the influence of the divine, Rahu equips you for this. You are a scholar, accredited for virtues, impressive in speech in an assembly, cultured and humane. You have veneration, belief and devotion in gods and sacred places. You are grateful and help upbringing your own family. You are revered for your merit, learned and generous. You give away useful things in charity, never leave a job in the middle, are persevering and virtuous, keep the family tradition and have spotless reputation. You help and support your relatives and are contented with the partner. You may be an affluent landlord and agriculturist.

You show faith in religions other than your own. Loss of wealth. You feel want of truth, conduct, luck and wisdom, travel alot, are a pauper, unfriendly to relatives and suffer from some physical ailment. You tend to be low, mean, shabby, afraid of enemies, wicked, hostile and vicious. You might be a town leader. You serve others and have intimate relationships with low-class persons.

You have many attendants, are prosperous, fortunate, have little faith in false religion, have poor health, are an eloquent speaker, are agreeable and cordial with the partner, affectionate, childless, proud of your community, a liar, speak ill of false religion and are unmindful of your duty. This Rahu denotes mental sharpness and gain through educational, legal and religious affairs, and through voyages and foreign affairs. You tend to be highly intuitive. Beware bad advisors/advice.
Rahu in Lunar Mansion '5 Mrigashira-3'
You tend to always fear danger from your enemies and will lose money due to your own folly. You might become an atheist and suffer from spinal disorders.
Ketu in Sagittarius 1°42'43"
Ketu in Sagittarius with Libra ascendent
Ketu leads to loss of thinking capacity and rocky personal relationships.
Ketu in 3rd House
Ketu in the third house enables you to conquer your enemies and gain wealth. You have few friends, suffer constant pain in your hands and will be fearful, anxious, worried and instable. Ketu can give much affluence, but it will not lend peace of mind. You win over oppositions. Useless and fruitless altercations and discussions are indicated. You get prosperity and show smartness. Affluent, sensual and sharp, patient, brave and generous. Disputes with enemies, loss of friends and separation from brothers are possible. You are indifferent, quarrelsome, skilled, long living and well known. You have a fortunate partner, eat tasty foods and suffer fear of loss through friends. You experience uneasiness and fear from the community and family and might be adulterous with partners who are not really your friends.
Ketu in Lunar Mansion '19 Mula-1'
Uranus in Pisces 9°21'22"
Uranus in Pisces with Libra ascendent
Uranus in 6th House
Uranus in Lunar Mansion '26 Uttara Bhadrapada-2'
Neptune in Leo 4°27'28"
Neptune in Leo with Libra ascendent
Neptune in 11th House
Neptune in Lunar Mansion '10 Magha-2'
Pluto in Gemini 23°56'52"
Pluto in Gemini with Libra ascendent
Pluto in 9th House
Pluto in Lunar Mansion '7 Punarvasu-2'

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