Rudolf Friml

Rudolf Friml


Rudolf FrimlRudolf Friml
Lagna in Virgo 23°52'07"
Virgo in the Ascendant allows the primordial feminine power to pour down into the individual's personality. You may not be constitutionally strong, but are pleasing in appearance, feminine by temperament, sharp in intellect, and capable of interpreting the thoughts of others. Given over to sensual pleasures, the spiritual quest will not be your forte. You like to be surrounded by respectable people, who could be famous as authors, tradesmen, lawyers, diplomats and even martyrs. You may attain material prosperity and be honored outside your immediate surroundings and country. You can be easily frustrated, and your passionate nature often leads to serious psychological complications. You may even have a psychopathic personality and often found to be deceitful, critical, manipulative and covetous of other people's wealth. You are full of anxiety for the world at large and usually do not have many children. You will be gentle, skillful in music, poetry and fine arts and in training or teaching others, be a sweet speaker, a liar, be affectionate, interested in charitable works and serving others, be endowed with goodness, enjoy others' wealth, wander, have a female's disposition, be modest, attempt to enlarge your landed properties, be fortunate, sensuous, virtuous, merciful and beautiful, will honor elders, be sinful, inimical to brothers, may have (more) daughters, be phlegmatic and windy in humor and will be away from base and inimical people.
Lagna in Lunar Mansion '14 Chitra-1'
The Nakshatra ruling your Ascendant or Moon is Chitra. Physical features: you have a lean body. In some cases there is an indication of a stout and tall body.

You can be recognized or identified in a crowd of hundreds of people through your magnificent dealings and expressions. There is a hidden inherent gift of having wonderful ideas that may initially appear silly, but are later viewed as excellent. There is also an inherent gift of intuition. You are the type of person who is very much fit for the astrological profession where intuition is very much needed. In some cases it is also noticed that you may experience dreams that come true. This indirectly indicates that a divine power may be installed in the psyche of those born under Chitra.

You are the type of person who is not bothered about the sentiments of others, nor are you selfish to others. Your dealings with the poor will be very cordial and full of kindness. You may be mistaken by others as rude and stingy. Guard your tendency to speak before you think. You may have to confront your enemies at every step but are capable of escaping any conspiracy. You have a soft spot for those in need and spend your energy in their upliftment.

Education, sources of income/profession: obstacles in life are no problem for you. You can overtake all hurdles with courage and hard work. You may not lead a comfortable life up to the age of 32 years. The period between 33 years and 54 years of age will be your golden period. One of the redeeming features of Chitra born is that you receive help from unexpected places without much effort.

Family life: while you love and respect your siblings and parents, you may experience some doubts concerning them. You may not enjoy the benefit, love and affection of your father. You may even live separated from him, and he may be famous or successful. You are more attached to your mother and enjoy benefit from the maternal side.

There is a saying that the Chitra born cannot stay in the house where she/he is born. This may manifest in many ways, you may travel and live far from your home town, or your childhood home may be destroyed. In any case you will settle far from home. Married life may be considerably strained, and while the marriage will be stable, the relationship between the couples may not be cordial, at times leading to frequent friction on small matters.

Health: there may be some difficulty with internal organs.
Sun in Scorpio 22°26'15"
You will have quite a taste for combat or competition. This placement causes the urge to stray from the Vedic path, to lie, to be dull, to lose the spouse or have an uninspiring spouse and to be cruel. You may be course, a miser, fond of quarreling, troubled by weapons or attacks from others, by fire and poisonous things and may be unfortunate in respect of parents.
Sun in Scorpio with Virgo ascendent
You will not gain much in Sun's period, but will incur heavy expenses on account of your father's health.
The Sun in this position does not improve the situation. You fight for misguided ideals and misconceived social obligations. You usually keep company with cheaters and swindlers, and can actually thrive in such an environment.
Sun in 3rd House
Sun in the third house generally destroys harmony with ones siblings. This is because you have universal interests, and can therefore not focus on the things your brothers and sisters focused on while you matured. You have wider vision. In terms of consciousness, this may cause you to leave the nest you grew up with.

This Sun also gives you diligence, perseverance, forbearance, culture, perfection, etc. You like cultured partners, but this Sun gives distaste for sex in general. You are fond of high-minded associations, or the rich. Your Sun makes you strong and glorious. You suffer at the hands of your equals, brothers or associates. You may go on holy pilgrimage. You tend to prevail when confronted. The elder brother or sister, if there is one, may shine in some way.

This Sun is good, making you healthy, wealthy and wise. It adds to being liked by others, kind, modest and a leader. Your Sun causes trouble to the brothers and sisters, or there might not be any, especially elder brothers may be lacking. It adds to being liked and good-looking and a conqueror. It also helps with intelligence, fame, success in litigations and eloquence.
Sun in Lunar Mansion '18 Jyeshtha-2'
Moon in Leo 25°24'53"
Moon in Leo brings idealism in love, and you will desire affection from all directions. You will be fond of the opposite sex and enjoyment, calm, magnanimous, persevering, loyal to father and Guru, a good organizer, well-dressed, given to music art and sports, popular and respected. Some of the natural feminine qualities bother you because of how opposite they are to your mental nature. You may not eat well, have stomach disorders, tooth decay, eat meat, are harsh, like to copulate in the forests and hills, yet be charitable, respectful to your mother, valorous, dutiful and majestic looking.
Moon in Leo with Virgo ascendent
With the Moon in this position you achieve a name in the field of philosophy, and in the understanding of mysterious and abstruse knowledge; you serve your mother, your country, and the cause of true knowledge.
Moon in 12th House
Having Moon in the 12th house encourages some worldly engagements, which lead to worldly reactions. Pleasures of sex, the arts, dabbling in various subjects without a sincere desire to find truth, and so on, lead to the kinds of unwanted displeasures that come to us all to different degrees.

You have the Moon (mind-significator) in the 12th house (liberation from worldly entanglement). Thus, your mind spends time thinking about how to liberate yourself and others from worldly entanglements. Yet, you keenly feel a large set of restrictions or confining forces, which are not necessarily bad. Therefore, this is a suitable position for doctors, lawyers, and people of religious orders. You can keep secrets.

You love occult things, mystery, romance, and deep things. However, you may lack firmness and stability in character. You may have trouble in one eye, be frugal, and distrusted by others. Others may see you as suspect. There may be loss of wealth, and disputes in the family. You turn to addictions for comfort. Look for these indications during Moon-ruled periods.

You suffer anxiety from 'enemies' or 'opposition'. You are a philanthropist. You are not attached to the opposite sex in general, or at some point it becomes important that you give up that attachment. You have unfulfilled desires. You undo yourself at times, i.e. you subvert your own life with your own thinking, which may or may not be a bad thing. You sometimes feel dejected after love-making. You may have problems with addictions of some type, not necessarily bad ones, but some type.

Moon in the 12th causes damage to the left eye, or the eyes on general suffer. You have a hard time maintaining your morals, and your health. There may be some question regarding your birth. The relatives of your parents are annoying to you. You may have to move in order to escape some botheration. The appetite is weakened by this Moon, who also indicates that you are deprived of good food, incur wasteful expenditure, will be of angry nature, unhappy and will not be liked by others.
Moon in Lunar Mansion '11 Purva Phalguni-4'
The Star ruling your Ascendant or Moon is Purva Phalguni.

Physical features: you have an attractive personality, and a stout body with mixed color. Frequent sweating, and a snubbed nose are indicated. Character and general events: you like full freedom. It is seen that you become famous in one field or another. However, your mind may be full of disturbances over one or the other matter. You have inherent intuitive powers to know the problems of other people. Hence, even before the help is requested for, you extend a helping hand to the needy. You will possess sweet speech and are fond of traveling.

Education, sources of earning/profession: you choose not to be a slave to anyone. Because of this quality, it is quite often noticed that you will not take up a job which involves subordination in its true meaning. There is a drawback in you that cannot be a 'yes master' even to your boss in the case of employment. You are not in a position to derive much benefit from your superiors. You want to be sincere in all the work you undertake. Neither can you be a party to any illegal activities nor have the power of tolerance to see such activities. This condition of your mind may drag you into several complications in life, but you are ready to face such problems. You do not like to get any benefit at the cost of others. You may have several hidden enemies. Hence, such enemies stand as a main obstacle in your progress. However, you are able to subdue such enemies and attain much success in all the work you undertake. You enjoy power. You give preference to position and authority rather than money.

You pursue a righteous path of progress and may devote your valuable time for such a cause. Even though you are able and intelligent you cannot necessarily reach the place of your dreams. It does not mean though that you will not rise in life. In the employment field, you will frequently change your job, particularly at the age of 22, 27, 30, 32,37 and 44 years. You will attain the requisite position only after your 45th year of age. While you do not want others' money you may be frequently in trouble in the financial matters because of others. In other words, borrowers may not return the money to you. In spite of all the adverse positions mentioned above you will, after your 45th year of age, reach a good position where power and authority vests in you. In the business field you can shine well.

Family life: your married life will be happy. You will have a good spouse and children and also derive much happiness from them. In some cases it has been noticed that you may not marry the person of your choice. You will lead a life away from your birthplace and other family members.

Health: your health will generally be good. However, you may be prone to dental disease or digestive disorders. Even so, no permanent nature of disease is noticed.
You will accomplish work by various devices and techniques. You will find fame for your public activities, and will help others become financially stable. However, you may not derive any monetary benefits, other than mental satisfaction.
Mars in Aries 21°26'05"
You are very active, idealistic, independent, original, hasty, impulsive, adventurous, a dashing personality, combative, fearful of fire, and prone to accidents and fevers. Mark on head. Splendorous, truthful, valorous, a leader, fond of war, competitive, adventurous and bold, an army chief, head of a group, delighted, charitable, endowed with necessary supplies for endeavors and having many mates.
Mars in Aries with Virgo ascendent
Sometimes serious losses will come suddenly, and plans will have to be suddenly changed. Family relations with siblings is disturbed.
Mars in 8th House
Externalizes adverse past Karma which has a very detrimental influence on the health. Various diseases connected with the urinary tract or with blood circulation may afflict you; you may undergo surgery, and your sensuality is fiery and passionate. This combination is harmful to the marriage partner. Look for further afflictions to this Mars in the 8th before judging serious harm to the spouse.

Officers with Mars in their eighth house take a lot of bribes but are not caught. You may overeat till the age of 30. Later in life you might develop indigestion, and blood pressure. Long-life is helped with this placement. Weapons, or burns may cause death. Trouble for spouse and degradation are indicated. Friends become enemies, though you are respectably honored.

Efforts made according to industry do not fructify, but are defeated by hindrances. Even brothers and relatives suddenly behave like enemies. Difficult diseases and misfortune in business might come. Denotes unbecoming speech, diseases of the private organs, sorrow, grief and vexation from spouse.

You might feel physically weakened due to disorders of blood and ulcers. You have few sons. You dress simple, but are popular amongst the rich. Negative karmic forces may be experienced in this life for better or worse. Be careful regarding danger from water or swimming.

If Mars is in the eighth house from the Lagna, Jupiter or Venus (benefics) posited in the house of fate and misfortune etc. may even become ineffective, as Mars (malefic) overrides them.
Mars in Lunar Mansion '2 Bharani-3'
Strong negative results may be felt up to the age of 50 years, including living on charity given by others. After the age of 50 years you enjoy extremely positive results i.e. will live happily up to 84 years of age. You may be the owner of an entertainment place like a theater or studio.
Mercury in Sagittarius 0°19'36"
In your own deep thinking or intelligence, you try to be philosophical and wise. You tend towards the expansive and progressive stance, considering the generosity, good literature, good arts, which protect one and all, to be worthy of your thought. Therefore you are fond of science and medicine, because they aim at taking care of one and all.
Mercury in Sagittarius with Virgo ascendent
Mercury will lend a seductive grace. Relationships with everyone will be very happy, but your mother will suffer on your account. Some difficulties in married life may also arise. Your understanding of the secrets of life is acute, but you can only express this knowledge in allegories and parables or others will not be able to understand you.
Mercury in 4th House
Physical comforts, a large number of friends and relations, and a very sharp intelligence are indicated by this placement of Mercury in the 4th house. There is the ability to understand the great range of truths in life. This is a very good Mercury for 'understanding'. You are very considerate to others. You could take to astrology, should you desire to. Many great astrologers are found to have Mercury in the 4th house. However, there will probably also be frequent change of residence and worry or anxiety through domestic affairs. Likely career choices are learning in private institutions, dealings with real estate, publishing or home-based businesses. You are composed and learned. Gain comes from parental or authority figures. Basically, it could be said, that at heart, you are like an heir to the kingdom. You serve the established order and understand it like a prince or princess would understand the kingdom. You are an advisor of some sort, may even be an administrator in the court and also make a good diplomat. You are engaged in writing, or others take your dictation. You befriend the best of the people. Your orders are honored even by the family members. You gain income through hard labor, are adept in music, fond of traveling, and may be a scholar or a mathematician.
Mercury in Lunar Mansion '19 Mula-1'
You will be a favorite of a person in high position, and may be even an advisor.
Jupiter in Aquarius 13°06'41"
You are interested in philosophy, medicine, social service and spiritual pursuits. You want to grow in mind, body and soul and unite with truth. You are fond of discourses about how to make life better and more noble. You like art and music and the classical books. You are known for your interest in occult or deep spiritual matters.
Jupiter in Aquarius with Virgo ascendent
Jupiter creates problems with the teeth and stomach or the appetite may be poor. You will lose property and marital life will be unhappy. But you will be respected, wealthy, renowned for learning, and will command great authority on spiritual matters. You will have trouble from associates, but will be forgiving.
Jupiter in 6th House
Although you will probably receive renown and good finances, your personal life has some turmoil and married life may be difficult. You may spend more than you make. You attend social functions that expands prestige and circle of friends. While you gain popularity and status, a sense of inferiority may bother you. You like music and dancing. At times you feel defeated and some considerable disease has to be tolerated. You get support from brothers and sons. When ill you are well taken care of and have a knack of showing others comfort in their time of need. In other words, you thrive when things are bad. You can be a good healer or helper of others and you do better by serving others than through independence. Goodness comes to you through religion and philanthropy. You like pets. You should watch out for irregular food habits as that might be the cause of health degradation. You promote community spirit and reduce crime. You are a good fighter who is proud of your competitive abilities. It's very hard to win in most competitions against you. You should not expect others to live up to your abilities to serve and work hard.
Jupiter in Lunar Mansion '24 Shatabhisha-2'
Venus in Libra 5°40'25"
Pleasure through marriage and progeny; fond of good attire, strong, no job is difficult, much traveling, protective, devoted to learned and spiritual persons, cultured taste, popular, charming and of good nature.
Venus in Libra with Virgo ascendent
Venus in 2nd House
Venus in the second house bestows deep wisdom and a fondness of good food and dairy products. You may acquire wealth through the opposite sex and experience a loosening of the morals, perhaps due to your attachment to eating indulgences. Venus in the 2nd tends to make poets and causes you to use amiable and cheering speech.

You have a sharp and religious mind. You like to have the best at home, and your family life is full of culture and traditions. You like to have a number of nice clothes to choose from. Soft-spoken, learned, amorous, artistic and lustful. Wealth comes through various sources. You are well-informed, impressive in assembly, respected by relatives or truly good leaders, celebrated, skilled, protective, devoted to religious preceptors and grateful.

You get rich foods and drinks, and have knowledge of various sciences. Your overall Karma vehicle should be good. You get wealth by appropriation of others wealth. Gain through silver or glass trade.
Venus in Lunar Mansion '14 Chitra-4'
You will have self acquired property. You will be renowned and courageous, and will be a favorite of important personalities. Due to such association, most of your desires can be fulfilled.
Saturn in Pisces 16°48'38"
Interest in handicrafts, recognized by relatives and friends, calm and quiet, reserved and secretive, diplomatic, rich, religious, courteous, sane, fortitude, overcomes difficulties, hindrance and disreputation. Unfortunate links; efforts unproductive, mental suffering at times. All these make you practical, intuitive and optimistic.
Saturn in Pisces with Virgo ascendent
Saturn in this sign will bring marriage to an early end. You will marry several times, but each time there will be a setback. You will face several litigations, your family will disintegrate, and you will experience sorrow on account of children. You may die alone, abandoned by spouse, children, and relatives.
Saturn in 7th House
Saturn in this position is not very conducive to happy married life. You marry late, the partner comes from a financially troubled background, is very much controlled by some authority or stricture, and you do not follow an ethical code of conduct.

There is much animosity between you, your spouse, and associates. You are denied a charming partner. You will have faithful and helpful friends and wealth for a long time. You are susceptible to sickness and diseases and both you and your spouse tend to fall ill often or your spouse is ailing. You are unhappy, in want of enthusiasm, and feel small and nervous. You may be debauch, surrounded by wicked friends, and get wealth through fraud and dishonest means. You are greedy, strong, craving, agitated, deceitful, apathetic, lean, of restless mind and few words, dependent, unemployed, unsociable, unfortunate in respect to spouse, home and wealth. You are slighted by the opposite sex.

This Saturn indicates late marriage with a steady, faithful, industrious, careful, thrifty and practical partner, or one older, sober and wealthy. Loss of wealth through contracts, partnership, opponents, litigation, business enmities and treachery is indicated. Marriage takes place about or after age 28. You and your partner may not be like-minded and both of you are unsound of body and mind.
Saturn in Lunar Mansion '27 Revati-1'
Rahu in Sagittarius 23°47'40"
Rahu in Sagittarius with Virgo ascendent
You may be an agnostic, keep bad company, indulge in secret pleasures, and may become a bad influence on others.
Rahu in 4th House
When Rahu is in this house, you are not quite so unlucky. Almost everything in your immediate environment is the result of past karmic forces which nothing can stave off, and such forces may bring conditions that test your mettle. You suffer separation from your mother, siblings may turn against you even when you are helpful to them, and you may not receive your due in your profession. Nevertheless, your affluence, penchant for spiritual study and general persistence, along with insight into the workings of nature, may in time produce wealth, and you may win an enviable status in life and a reputation which outlasts you. In the end, you will certainly achieve your desires.

Rahu in the 4th gives rise to Raja Yoga during Rahu ruled periods, sub periods, etc. This means there will be a tendency towards things going well. Rahu in the 4th makes the mother long-lived. You will find little happiness and may feel foolish at times. You may find yourself living in a foreign land without a well-wisher, separated from the community, living a lonely life in a solitary place. There may be few, if any, children, and you may have trouble with the opposite sex or association with the low and wicked people. You may be a back-biter, an only child, and have a thin and lean spouse. There may be trouble and loss to the parents and relatives. Your mother suffers from excess bile or may be ailing or have mental agony. You are haughty and insolent, the enemy of your own people, sexy, inert and bold, may be prosperous and have two spouses and employees. You might suffer from psychic problems.

You can expect good luck between age 36 to 56. Sudden and unexpected gain through property is indicated. You are gentle, trustworthy and long-living. You could become a geologist. There is a possibility of illegitimate offspring.
Rahu in Lunar Mansion '20 Purva Ashadha-4'
You are very influential, handsome, noble, trustworthy, and charitable with artistic qualities. However, your constitution is outwardly good but internally very weak.
Ketu in Gemini 23°47'40"
Ketu in Gemini with Virgo ascendent
Ketu implies a challenging situation with regard to your peace of mind and personal ethics. Other people may find it difficult to make friends with you.
Ketu in 10th House
Ketu is our critical faculty, seeking self-knowledge and self-importance, in exchange for which it receives humiliation in the short run, followed by enduring recognition and respectability. In the tenth house, its impulse often causes you to be maladjusted to society. However, your respect for others depends on the real worth of a person, based on inherent qualities.

Since society in general favors the external forms of behavior and the recognition of traditional values, you may find most social interactions to be based on hypocrisy despite any spiritual contradictions between the hidden and the visible. Much animosity and resentment will be leveled against you, even though you will be considered quite intelligent, with a very fertile brain, having original ideas on almost all subjects.

You will be religious in the true spiritual sense of the term. Your knowledge of scriptures will be profound and authentic, and your understanding of their esoteric implications and meanings will be extraordinary. You may feel unfortunate and miserable. Danger of falling from horse back or other conveyances and trouble through thieves is indicated. You are fond of playing musical instruments and black objects. You oppose all good activities, are vicious, impressive, reputed and gallant.

This denotes loss of reputation through fraud, treachery and unfavorable public and market conditions, failures, changes or depressions. It indicates trouble for the father or you yourself are unattractive. There is danger from horse, cow or bull etc. You may suffer from diseases of the rectum, be of lowly habits and deeds, and adulterous. You will get no gain or support through parents.
Ketu in Lunar Mansion '7 Punarvasu-2'
Uranus in Leo 16°48'11"
Uranus in Leo with Virgo ascendent
Uranus in 12th House
Uranus in Lunar Mansion '11 Purva Phalguni-2'
Neptune in Aries 17°35'37"
Neptune in Aries with Virgo ascendent
Neptune in 8th House
Neptune in Lunar Mansion '2 Bharani-2'
Pluto in Taurus 3°54'48"
Pluto in Taurus with Virgo ascendent
Pluto in 9th House
Pluto in Lunar Mansion '3 Krittika-3'

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