Ty Cobb
Athlete, Baseball player
BornDec 18, 1886 6:13 AM GMT-5.53E0
Banks Co., GA USA [34°30'00", -83°31'60"]
Birth time source: Unconfirmed
Ayanamsa: -22°16'33"
Lagna in Scorpio 15°25'16"
Scorpio in the Ascendant bestows physical beauty and attractive legs and thighs. Vindictive by nature and sensitive to criticism, you can be very alert and quarrelsome. You seem to take special delight in verbally abusing your friends. Ordinarily, you are lucky in marriage, but your sex life remains undisciplined. Your children could be famous and your friends are eminent, but you are unable to establish an enduring relationship with them. You are ignorant of your own long term interests. Immediate gratification is more important to you than permanent gain. Your life in general tends to be a bag of mixed achievement and frustration. Your health may suffer from abuse and irregularity of habit. Secrecy in your life is a very significant issue: Secret alliances, secret pangs and sufferings, secret hiding places, secret enemies, secret friends and secret undertakings. Drug addiction, smuggling, litigation and participation in cruel deeds are not uncommon under this sign. In many ways you are your own worst enemy. You may have fleshy and broad limbs, (as though) perfected by exercising, be clever, crooked in innate disposition, valorous, attached to your mother, generous, will have majestic and tawny eyes, a prominent chest, a sunken belly, a depressed nose, are adventurous, firm, fierce, trustworthy, amusing, troubled by bilious complaints, have a big family, betray your elders and friends, serve a great leader, have enemies, be pious, will give money to others, possess an amiable spouse, be religious, affectionate and base.
Lagna in Lunar Mansion '17 Anuradha-4'
The Nakshatra ruling your Moon or Ascendant is Anuradha.
Physical features: you will have a beautiful face with bright eyes. Character and general events: you are liable to face several obstacles in your life. Even then you will possess a special aptitude to handle the most difficult situation in a systematic way. However, a peculiar frustrated face can be noticed, which may be due to numerous obstacles. There may be limited peace of mind in your life. Curb your tendency towards revenge. You will be very hardworking and ever ready to complete the task before you. Your motto of life will be to march on despite obstacles. After several reversals you will ultimately achieve the desired result, and remain optimistic throughout. You are a firm believer in God. Although you wish to spend your life with someone, you may find yourself leading an independent life.
Education, sources of earning/profession: you can be successful in the business field. You will get along well with your superiors, and will begin working at about 17 or 18 years of age. Life between the period of 17 years to 48 years of age may have trials. Occasional benefits and favorable results will be definitely noticed. The life after the age of 48 years will be extremely good. It is in this period you can settle down in your life to the desired way and become free from most of the miseries of the life.
Family life: there may be strained relations with your siblings and parents. Normally, you settle down away from the place of your birth. You will enjoy a good married life and have a good spouse. You may find yourself trying to give your children a better life than you had, this results in proper care of your children and at any cost you like to provide all necessities of life as far as possible with love and affection. As a result your children will be very successful.
Health: your health will generally be good. You will be prone to normal diseases of the human body, coughs, colds etc.
Sun in Sagittarius 4°14'23"
Wealthy, devoted, sharp, a warrior, tactful, calm, charming, strong, helpful and respectful towards religious leaders and clansmen. Inventor or discoverer, intuitive and mystical. You will be endowed with wealth, dear to powerful persons, learned and be skilled with mechanical items used in competitive areas. You will be learned, skillful in rendering training in use of weapons, honorable, always peaceful, rich, will possess a broad and beautiful physique, be helpful to relatives and be energetic.
Sun in Sagittarius with Scorpio ascendent
You will attain an enviable position in life and reach a high age.
You may have an impressive professional status, much accumulated wealth and property, commanding speech and good longevity.
Sun in 2nd House
Placement of Sun in second house suggests that the native will be quite generous and compassionate in nature. Moreover, they are likely to be successful in money matters. Their efforts get a lot of recognition and respect. Such people have great leadership skills thus often enjoy a good position in authority. Their leadership skills also fetch them a good income. Sun in 2nd house also means the native enjoys an enviable social position and commands a lot of respect from others.
Individuals having such a placement have an insatiable desire for power and a strong sense of self-worth. Their energy is driven towards attaining power in the form of acquiring possessions, a hefty bank balance, and talent. While they tend to earn well, they have a tendency to spend extravagantly.
The royal streak in these natives makes them lord over things and people, which should be avoided to lead a better social life. As per classic Vedic scriptures, these persons tend to be a little too much straightforward. Moreover, they struggle to learn and acquire new skills. Some speech disorder such as stammering is also likely to natives having Sun in 2nd house.
Sun in Lunar Mansion '19 Mula-2'
Moon in Virgo 6°42'59"
Charitable and religious, given to science in general and studies of deep truths, intuitive, quiet, of fertile imagination, loves change, voyaging and any new idea, is fond of the opposite sex, may be able to understand the philosophy of life, is popular, leads an unhappy married life and has many daughters. Indigestion. Attractive, learned, possibly a teacher of religion or some stricture, an eloquent speaker, truthful, pure, valorous, kind to living beings, interested in others affairs (possibly a gossip), forgiving, and fortunate.
Moon in Virgo with Scorpio ascendent
The Moon makes a renowned author, journalist, commercial advisor or some similar professional. Generally, you avoid routine activity and prefer freedom of operation to the mere acquisition of income.
Moon in 11th House
When the Moon occupies this house, you gain easy success. With the Sun in this position you have to work hard and the reward is not commensurate with your exertions. But in the case of the Moon, money flows to you easily, without much effort. You possess 'many ornaments and different kinds of precious stones.' Gifts from overseas come in abundance. Your mind is always free from worries, particularly if the planet is powerful and well aspected. You are blessed with a very efficient spouse and have many well-behaved children. Your social circle is amiable and friends occupy important positions in life. Your mother has a special affection for you, and you receive valuable gifts from her. Gains from government favor in respect of fame, authority and valuables are indicated. All your operations prove fruitless. You are blessed with daughters and gain from trade in a variety of items. Your daughters develop defects in themselves that may be physical or moral. Normally wealth does not stay with any one individual; but with you it brings more wealth. This is the house of friends, hopes and wishes; gains from business, profession, jewelry and elder brothers are indicated. Strong Moon in the 11th house makes you a treasurer or treasury officer. You are wealthy and have a charming spouse. Both the opposite sex and wealth are loyal and stable to you. Your fame will never fade, and you are frank, tactful, handsome, modest, noble, reputed, lucky, surrounded by sincere friends and riches, renowned and talented. There will be varied pleasures and benefit of conveyances. You are contented and cheerful, contemplative, imposing, and bold. You will have children, live a long life, are charitable and have attendants. Innocent acts characterize you. If the Moon in this house is waning, in depression sign or in the sign of a malefic or enemy, you are denied all the aforesaid pleasures and gains. You remain sick, involved in foolish acts and are ignorant. You will have more daughters than sons. Moon in the 11th house gives more acquaintances than friends. You will be wealthy, will have many sons, be long-lived, will have attendants, be intelligent, sharp, valorous, splendorous, happy, wealthy, fortunate, be honored by the government, will face failures in undertakings, will obtain a son at age 50, be famous, endowed with conveyances and palatial buildings, will have more daughters, be intelligent, very learned, long-lived and will keep some hidden wealth.
Moon in Lunar Mansion '12 Uttara Phalguni-4'
Physical features : Normally a tall and fat figure. Large countenance and long nose. A black mole in the right side of the neck.
Character and general events :You enjoy a happy existence. You are lucky in several respects. You have a neat behaviour. You show extreme sincerity in all the work you undertake. Religiously also you are much inclined. Enjoys good reputation for social work.
While you are clean-hearted, you are hot-tempered also. You do not have the requisite patience or tolerance
Once you heat up, it will be very difficult to calm you. But later on you repent over such expressions when it is too late. However, you will not admit your fault at any cost. Even if you are convinced that you have done a wrong thing you will not admit the fact. However, you have good reasoning and are tactful.
Education, sources of earnings / profession : You have an independent nature. However, you undertake all the responsibilities and do the same in a perfect manner. You do not like to deceive others or to be deceived by others. You can shine well in the profession or work where public contact is required. This success is attributable to the inherent quality of behavioural techniques. However, you earn a good amount as commission out of the public dealings. You are not sincere in your own affairs, whereas you are sincere in other's work. Once you take a decision nobody can change the decision. Since you are a born hard-working person you can reach a good position through your hard work. You are suited to the profession as a teacher, writer or research fellow in the scientific field. In some cases it has been noticed that you earn extra money out of tuitions.
Period upto 32 years of age will be a period of complete darkness. Thereafter slight upward trend commence up to 38 years of age. From your 38th age onwards, your progress is much faster and you achieve much of your desires. A smooth sailing in your life goes on up to 62 years of age. You will be lucky to earn fame and wealth during your fifties. You have only self acquired assets. You are good in mathematics or engineering, astronomy and astrology. You can also be successful in advertising business.
Family life : His married life will be more or less good. You are quite contended with your family life. Your wife will be most efficient.
Health : Your health will be generally good. However, you are prone to body ache, dental problems, gastric trouble, liver and intestine problems.
You are virtuous, wealthy, but not greedy, and satisfied with small profits.
Mars in Capricorn 3°07'00"
You show courage and a spirit of adventure; interest in heroic actions, high hopes, great efforts, good management, position, authority and success. Slow to learn, but intuitive, interest in commerce and science. Gains through marriage. (If afflicted indicates many difficulties and strife with superiors. Unlucky for parents.) Wealthy, fortunate, endowed with happiness and pleasures, nice demeanor, famous, leadership abilities are good, has a good spouse, successful in combat or competition, lives in his own country, is independent, a protector, virtuous and interested in learning detailed procedures for carrying things out.
Mars in Capricorn with Scorpio ascendent
Most favorable.
Mars in this sign is very powerful and effective. You will be a terror to adversaries and a friend to those who can help you. You may not be well-educated, but will have excellent common sense. You will earn well and gain a respectable place in society.
Mars in 3rd House
Mars in the third house has a special importance. It provides tremendous initiative and courage for undertaking new and arduous enterprises, but it has an adverse effect on sibling relationships. Physically, it makes you lean and thin, but with much vitality and strength. You like hot things. There may be separation from the brothers. You have strength of arms and a capacity to acquire wealth by hard labor. You feel for real brothers, observe religious rites and practice asceticism. You are wise, brave, industrious, productive, crafty, talented and prosperous. There might be some suffering to younger brothers. You are generous, have sound health, own jewelry and are handsome, reputed and gentle. Mars in the third indicates danger from accidents by journey, through travel, from neighbors and relations. You are alert, keen, energetic, forceful, aggressive, impulsive, eloquent, sober and gallant, a capable administrator, bold in confrontation and sober and gallant.
Mars in Lunar Mansion '21 Uttara Ashadha-2'
Mercury in Scorpio 12°58'36"
For some reason, due to the past, your deeper thinking or intelligence, has become rather quick and reactive and you may feel somewhat argumentative and sarcastic towards others. Overall in life, your thinking puts you on an impatient or resentful course. Therefore, it behooves you to find a way of thinking that calms you down and gives you a spiritual course.
Mercury in Scorpio with Scorpio ascendent
Mean, selfish, debauch, ungrateful, sharp and bitter as a critic. Fond of occult and mysticism.
A gambler, cheat, liar and a deceptive character in general. You will be unscrupulous in your quest for personal gain, take to corrupt business practices and probably get caught at it. You may suffer from a speech defect.
Mercury in 1st House
You are a person of profound learning and knowledgeable in several sciences. You are interested in the higher branches of learning and in hearing other great scholars. You travel far and wide. You are polite, kind and conciliatory. Pilgrimage in 27th year and great gain. Comely, a student of astrology, disabled, fraudulent. Possible eye diseases. Dispute with brother in the teen years. An impostor and sagacious. You live by speech and writing. You shine brilliantly like scintillated gold and are practicing the Indian medical science. If you fall sick, it takes a long time to recover. However, evil influence generated by other planets in the chart are reduced. You sparkle gloriously and are recognized by all. You hate evil. You are handsome, learned in fine arts, poetry and arithmetic, skilled, courteous, calm, blessed with spouse and children, adept in music, are generous, patient, wealthy, austere, scrupulous, pious, have a noble reputation, like simple and pure foods and are truthful. If Mercury is not associated with any malefic, you are handsome, skilled, calm, sharp-witted, soft-spoken, and generous. Longevity is indicated. There might be discoloration of the body, excess bile, pain, boils, warts and moles, fibroid and other stomach troubles. Marriage in middle age and possible loss of progeny. You might be a sculptor and are strong and well-built. Even in old age, you appear youthful. It is difficult to find Mercury alone in the Zodiac. Therefore, this planet can not give good or bad results alone. It is pliant and supple and ready to absorb the characteristics of the sign posited in and the planets aspecting or associated with it. Mercury is known as being neutral, sexless and convertible. If Mercury is in masculine signs, you may take to journalism or feature writing.
Mercury in Lunar Mansion '17 Anuradha-3'
Jupiter in Libra 7°58'04"
Your Jupiter gives you a cultured and polished taste, and makes you generous and helpful. You might gain through the opposite sex, those in authority positions, and the highly enlightened. You get trouble through unfaithful friends.
Jupiter in Libra with Scorpio ascendent
Jupiter can bring ruin to your family property and your children's future prospects. Your education will be impeded. Your name, however, will be famous in many countries and your sociability will bring you into contact with many secret esoteric organizations.
Jupiter in 12th House
Jupiter protects you in whatever circumstances you may be placed, slowly and steadily guiding you on your pilgrimage. In the twelfth house this influence enables you to indulge yourself in material desires so that you may finally realize the futility of such a practice. This process, however, takes a long time to release you from material bondage. Meanwhile, it will seem as if you are following a path of unrighteousness.
You may become lazy, neglectful of meritorious acts, mentally unbalanced, coveting diverse objects which cannot all be attained simultaneously, and indulging in activities which may bring you into disrepute. However, you will spend extravagantly on religious and philanthropic programs as well as on your own luxurious lifestyle. .
You experience difficulties in life which are primarily intended to make you aware of the futility of your efforts to satisfy your senses. You go to a higher place after death if Jupiter is in the 12th. You gain through medicine, or occult studies, through generous and charitable acts and are fond of ancient learning. .
Your abode is in places away from birth. You are helpful and seek help. You gain through enemies by prevailing on them, and through affections, religions, collegiate, political or foreign affairs. You receive quiet and secret help from friends and others and get success after age 30. .
People are averse to you. You may use bad language, are childless, immoral, arrogant, miserly, greedy, and help the wicked. This is a good placement for uncles. You gain abundant wealth, but disputes with own people, strife, tuberculosis, large expenses, travel, migration, government disfavors and poverty are indicated. .
You are learned, good at mathematics, have few sons, suffer from glandular sores, and are incompetent. You spend on religious activities. You are egoistic, wasteful in expenditure, have your eyes on the wealth of others, and are slow in doing good to teachers, preceptors or relatives. You tend to be selfish, lazy, jealous, and carefree in speech. You are performing service and are unfortunate. .
This placement denotes loss through theft. You are thin and lean, might be ailing, have a sore eye or genital complaints and serve the low. You suffer from much mental uneasiness, are vicious, slow, immodest, foolish, and disrespected. You enjoy an easy life, but are unsteady and malevolent, and travel alot. You get worries through conveyances, ornaments, garments, cattle etc. You are extravagant, good at service, short-tempered, lazy, quarrelsome, and affluent. You may have heart trouble in childhood, are uncharitable, and gain through patrimony. You will be saving money always.
Jupiter in Lunar Mansion '15 Swati-1'
You will be healthy, acquire considerable wealth, and become popular. You will have good children, but there is an indication of frequent family friction.
Venus in Sagittarius 7°55'48"
You are very enlightened. Blessed with comforts of most types. Spiritual, philanthropic, attractive, noble, affluent. You gain best through high status engagements and education or educated people. You will probably have more than one spousal connection. You like travel, fine arts, sports and amusements. You are honest.
Venus in Sagittarius with Scorpio ascendent
God-fearing, ethical, and an able speaker, but finances will be limited, and whatever exists will be squandered by your spouse.
Venus in 2nd House
Venus in the second house bestows deep wisdom and a fondness of good food and dairy products. You may acquire wealth through the opposite sex and experience a loosening of the morals, perhaps due to your attachment to eating indulgences. Venus in the 2nd tends to make poets and causes you to use amiable and cheering speech.
You have a sharp and religious mind. You like to have the best at home, and your family life is full of culture and traditions. You like to have a number of nice clothes to choose from. Soft-spoken, learned, amorous, artistic and lustful. Wealth comes through various sources. You are well-informed, impressive in assembly, respected by relatives or truly good leaders, celebrated, skilled, protective, devoted to religious preceptors and grateful.
You get rich foods and drinks, and have knowledge of various sciences. Your overall Karma vehicle should be good. You get wealth by appropriation of others wealth. Gain through silver or glass trade.
Venus in Lunar Mansion '19 Mula-3'
Saturn in Gemini 28°30'55"
Scientific, perfect, methodical and systematic in action, if overcomes passion. Trouble and ill-reputation through relatives, financial problems, wrong association with the opposite sex. Tendency to delay matters.
Saturn in Gemini with Scorpio ascendent
You may suffer from overeating.
Saturn will destroy your material sustenance and support. It may bestow a long life, but a life which is often full of intense sorrow and serious diseases. You may be abandoned by almost all your relations and have serious difficulties in your career.
Saturn in 8th House
Saturn in the eighth house puts a powerful lid on past auspicious influences, forcing you to meet the everyday trials of life with no help from past Karma. Under such rigorous conditions you become bewildered, having been abandoned by relations, abused and tormented through no apparent fault of your own, and put to physical hardships which require great stamina to bear. In some cases, finding your helplessness acute, you begin to seek pleasure through dissipation, though under favorable circumstances you may begin pursuing an arduous spiritual path which, though it may not eliminate sorrow from your life, may reveal the deeper meaning that life and destiny awaits you after your period of trial. Long life is indicated and you may live in a foreign land where being caught as a thief is punished. Much sorrow, piles, poverty, cruel, friends avoid you. You are quarrelsome and bilious and death might occur in a foreign place due to heart trouble, cough, cholera etc. You are sober but bold and fearless. Your children are cunning. You live till up to 75 years of age. You tend to be poor, in service and have contact with low class persons. There will be financial difficulties due to several restrictions. You have unhappy dreams and are at times interested in occultism. This position of Saturn is not good but keeps you alert till the last breath: you get premonitions, esp. if 4th or 5th house is occupied by malefics. A benefic in these houses will keep you unconscious in your last moments. Fortune comes after age 36. You are denied the company of virtuous people, will be separated from your own people and live with the lower persons. You are far from being generous, very narrow-minded, and nobody can cheat you. You might suffer great loss of wealth, be ailing and often find fault with others. You are very clever, scared of diseases, ill-reputed, lazy, gluttonous, miserly, tend to be perverse at times, and are kind and timid. You have few children and a weak eyesight.
Saturn in Lunar Mansion '7 Punarvasu-3'
You may be a chemical or mechanical engineer. You will be industrious and very active. You will occupy a very high position and several people will work under you.
Rahu in Leo 8°02'05"
Rahu in Leo with Scorpio ascendent
You may be a leader of the working class who champions the cause of the downtrodden and the oppressed.
Rahu in 10th House
Your mission in life is for furthering some special cause in the world. Depending on your status in society and the planetary combinations, this special mission may be predicted, but the real impulse of this shadowy planet will be to make you dedicated to a cause which you will want to carry forward even at the risk of life, status, or health.
Undaunted by any difficulty, undeterred by any impediment, you will persist with a sense of dedication, whether you are waging a war of complete annihilation, reconstructing a social order, or composing verses of celestial beauty and harmony. Rahu achieves its objective despite whatever hardships it has to undergo. Its impulse produces persons of great merit, devotion, and religious susceptibilities. With inauspicious associations and influences Rahu can, however, make you disturbed and instill evil ideas in your head.
Rahu in the 10th gives rise to Raja Yoga during his own periods. Danger to mother at age 32, to father, at age 7 and to patrimony at age 8 is indicated. You get public honor and respect at age 42. Name, fame, and status through hard work and skill are indicated. You are connected with spouses who are disrespected due to their service, and might experience loss of land, wealth, and health. You feel inclined towards some type of disrespected poetry. You might residence in a backward village.
Your Rahu denotes that you may be so fortunate as to visit the sacred holy places in this lifetime. You might be clever, a thief, malicious, characterless, quarrelsome, sensual, dishonest, brave, wise, wealthy, chattering, miserable, fearful, inert, indifferent, unfortunate, helpful, live abroad, and are unsteady, and vicious. You have few sons. Danger from conveyances and danger and trouble for parents and brothers is indicated.
You are a manager, advisor or chief of a group. (Note: Rahu is in charge of a number of not so good qualities. The 10th is an important house. These things may only appear in thoughts, and they might not necessarily manifest, but this depends on the overall strength of the chart.)
You are sensual, extravagant, affluent, a winner, fickle, fond of poetry and drama, competition or confrontation, migratory, and successful in business. Rahu makes you a bit of an intoxicator, or wrong doer at times, and causes sleeplessness, living or working with foreigners, and sex with choice partners.
You find comfort and pleasure in the company of irreligious people, are discontented with own relatives or father, fall in love with divorced or separated persons, or persons from disturbed love affairs. You get support from strong persons, and are clever but tense. These things may be connected to career as the 10th rules career.
Rahu in Lunar Mansion '10 Magha-3'
Ketu in Aquarius 8°02'05"
Ketu in Aquarius with Scorpio ascendent
There is considerable mental power to develop many original social ideas, but they are never carried out, often because they are not well-planned. You are also likely to suffer from some sort of mental aberration. You are personally disenchanted and emotionally dried up.
Ketu in 4th House
This Ketu can have a strong influence on life in the following way: It sometimes renders the mind unbalanced, disturbs social relationships and makes personal life difficult. Ketu manifests itself in the psychology of an individual rather than on the material conditions of life. Placed in the 4th house indicates that full support and help from the mother may have not been present. Often you are away from home, and when you are home, there is some strife. Ketu holds things back and upsets things.
The fourth house stands for mother, the heart, home life, real estate and emotional comfort. These particular issues in your life may have some troublesome aspects. You may find that you are not quite able to surrender your heart to something you feel pretty good about. Reservations for no reason may appear, for example. This will be Ketu acting, just to test your resolve to make you feel convinced and sure of what you do.
Ketu in the 4th may indicate that the mother holds back from giving to you for some reason, or that inheritance from her side is withheld. You leave the 'mother's home' early, and you are of the nervous type. In an assembly of persons, you may sometimes be looked down on, or not seen as equal to the others. Some kind of stigma is there. But you are valiant, truth loving, soft and sweet. Watch for an overly critical nature and unpleasantness with the parents.
Ketu in the 4th indicates that you may have a hard time getting or keeping real estate. Land and property may become a confusing issue at times - you may not know what to do about a piece of property in a Ketu ruled period for example. People may consider you in contempt. Ketu makes you thin and fiery. There will be some jeopardy of the honor of yourself or family. There might also be much strife or discord in the family background, especially coming from the mother's side.
Ketu in Lunar Mansion '24 Shatabhisha-1'
Uranus in Virgo 19°48'37"
Uranus in Virgo with Scorpio ascendent
Uranus in 11th House
Uranus in Lunar Mansion '13 Hasta-3'
Neptune in Taurus 3°20'58"
Neptune in Taurus with Scorpio ascendent
Neptune in 7th House
Neptune in Lunar Mansion '3 Krittika-3'
Pluto in Taurus 10°22'11"
Pluto in Taurus with Scorpio ascendent
Pluto in 7th House
Pluto in Lunar Mansion '4 Rohini-1'