Wilhelm Furtwangler

Wilhelm Furtwangler

Conductor, Musician

Wilhelm FurtwanglerWilhelm Furtwangler
Lagna in Leo 26°10'54"
Leo in the Ascendant bestows a regal appearance, as if the life force is vibrating from every part of your body. You have a broad face with strong bones and beautiful and expressive eyes. You may be a possessive parent, egotistical and selfish in temperament, and a braggart. You are excessively libidinous, but not necessarily promiscuous. You are not satisfied with the material heights you attains and are always aspiring towards greater intellect, greater wealth, greater status, and greater respectability. Often you think you have achieved more than you really have; nevertheless, you are never satisfied, for you think you deserve more than you have received. You always strive to reach the top of the mountain.

You are basically materialistic, but like to assume that you are spiritually highly evolved. Involvement in work is intense and whole-hearted. You may be seen working adroitly on the subtle problems of life, whether related to physical sciences, psychology, or to concrete and technological problems in engineering, industry or economics. It is not the subject matter that is significant: Your complete involvement in whatever you undertake is of supreme importance to you. In that pursuit, your engagement of effort is total.

There is a suddenness in your actions, which gives you an element of surprise and unpredictability. However involved you may seem in a pursuit or relationship, you can suddenly end it. You are loyal friends, but that friendship can end suddenly. To some people, you may seem ungrateful. The world exists only for your convenience and the satisfaction of your desires. In your social relationships, contradiction and self-aggrandizement seem to predominate.

You may find married life difficult. Your spouse is very calculating and self centered, which are some of Leo's traits as well. Compatibility becomes difficult. In such circumstances, you often act in a clandestine manner, concealing certain aspects of your life. You do not trust others; equal partnership is not a common factor in your life. This placement gives rise to wealth in mutual combination.

The Sun is Lord of the Ascendant, Mercury Lord of wealth and Mars is of course Yoga Karaka. Thus all the three planets have acquired some power or other to do good. It will be seen that the Sun, Mercury and Mars play an important role in case of persons born under Leo Ascendant, while other planets will be able to do some good under certain special conditions.

One born in this Ascendant will be fond of eating meat and enjoying worldly enjoyments, will earn wealth and honor through the government, will be bereft of religion, dutiful in family affairs, hold a high rank of office, be majestic, strong, bold, be a miser, will trouble others, will wander in hills and forests and speak sparingly, be irascible, firm in friendship, careless, inaccessible (or inviolable), will destroy his enemies, have famous sons, honor the virtuous, will be rich through agriculture etc., be interested in business and will spend heavily on prostitutes and dancers. Spouse will suffer dental diseases.,
Lagna in Lunar Mansion '11 Purva Phalguni-4'
The Star ruling your Ascendant or Moon is Purva Phalguni.

Physical features: you have an attractive personality, and a stout body with mixed color. Frequent sweating, and a snubbed nose are indicated. Character and general events: you like full freedom. It is seen that you become famous in one field or another. However, your mind may be full of disturbances over one or the other matter. You have inherent intuitive powers to know the problems of other people. Hence, even before the help is requested for, you extend a helping hand to the needy. You will possess sweet speech and are fond of traveling.

Education, sources of earning/profession: you choose not to be a slave to anyone. Because of this quality, it is quite often noticed that you will not take up a job which involves subordination in its true meaning. There is a drawback in you that cannot be a 'yes master' even to your boss in the case of employment. You are not in a position to derive much benefit from your superiors. You want to be sincere in all the work you undertake. Neither can you be a party to any illegal activities nor have the power of tolerance to see such activities. This condition of your mind may drag you into several complications in life, but you are ready to face such problems. You do not like to get any benefit at the cost of others. You may have several hidden enemies. Hence, such enemies stand as a main obstacle in your progress. However, you are able to subdue such enemies and attain much success in all the work you undertake. You enjoy power. You give preference to position and authority rather than money.

You pursue a righteous path of progress and may devote your valuable time for such a cause. Even though you are able and intelligent you cannot necessarily reach the place of your dreams. It does not mean though that you will not rise in life. In the employment field, you will frequently change your job, particularly at the age of 22, 27, 30, 32,37 and 44 years. You will attain the requisite position only after your 45th year of age. While you do not want others' money you may be frequently in trouble in the financial matters because of others. In other words, borrowers may not return the money to you. In spite of all the adverse positions mentioned above you will, after your 45th year of age, reach a good position where power and authority vests in you. In the business field you can shine well.

Family life: your married life will be happy. You will have a good spouse and children and also derive much happiness from them. In some cases it has been noticed that you may not marry the person of your choice. You will lead a life away from your birthplace and other family members.

Health: your health will generally be good. However, you may be prone to dental disease or digestive disorders. Even so, no permanent nature of disease is noticed.
Sun in Capricorn 13°33'58"
This brings the following general characteristics, which get modified by specific aspects and other placements in your chart: This is average or below average of help to the overall life, causing interest in low class persons, greed, working in low jobs, timidity, lacking relatives, being fickle, a wandering mentality and weakness. You are endowed with various deeds, will lose everything due to conflicts with your relatives and will be a voracious eater.
Sun in Capricorn with Leo ascendent
You will be of sickly constitution and inimical disposition.
The Sun may cripple physically, but physical incapacity will not stand in the way of achieving your mission in life. The Sun placed in Capricorn will, as a result of paying off karmic debts, universalize your consciousness and enable you to do much social service. However, in general you will be adversarial in dealings. Your purpose will be very important to you and you will not like government authority very much.
Sun in 6th House
The Sun produces a very deep-rooted impact. It destroys all impediments to the flowering of your innermost uniqueness. When the solar rays sparkle and strengthen the soul, no other conditioning can obstruct its clear impulses. The inner person must have its way; external conditions must adjust to inner ones, and thus they dissipate and fall asunder. From an ordinary point of view, this may seem to be a destruction of physical and social barriers. But this placement enables you to achieve victory over enemies, a successful termination of litigation and disputes, and effective solutions to financial difficulties.

However, there may be kidney troubles or other such ailments, especially of the navel region. Psychological maturity and self-reliance are acquired along with a feeling of personal isolation. At times, even the government is unhelpful and antagonistic. You may decide to live away from your homeland. With this combination, a very enigmatic situation arises: people at large express tremendous goodwill and sympathy for you, but they cannot establish empathy. Thus you may sometimes find yourself on the psychoanalyst's couch unless your natal chart is basically strong.

The sixth house is both for friends and enemies, health and sickness, attachment and hatred, maternal relatives, cousins, servants and inferiors. Its results are full of opposites - sharpness of the opposites is felt according to the influence of the planet, its association, conjunction, or as aspected.

The 6th house protects against enemy, sickness, sorrow and debt. So you are a destroyer of enemies; a friend of friends. But it also indicates troubles for the maternal uncle and his family. Animals like cows and buffaloes cause great loss, sometimes financially also. Danger to life can come from sharp-horned animals. During travel, you may be attacked by tribals or robbed by thieves.

You are strong, happy, rich and are respected in society. You may be a glutton and very passionate. But you are gentle and known by your qualities. You are a leader or either a general or a judge. You are wise and a well wisher of your family. You tend to be thin, lean and healthy. You build property and are helped by your maternal uncles. You will be very libidinous, have powerful digestive fire (i.e. capable of digesting fast), are affluent, famous for virtues and might be an army chief.

Financial success, disease of the eyes in the 20th year, happiness, affectionate disposition etc., will follow. You will spend money to save others from legal punishments or spend for friends in general. There will be troubles for the mother's family (i.e. maternal uncle and other such relatives). You may be subjected to danger from quadrupeds or lose on account of thefts.

You will be of Yogic disposition, be intelligent, will keep brothers and relatives happy, be emaciated, very beautiful in appearance, will inherit through maternal relatives, will gather lands and other properties, will keep your promise, will gain through sons, be happy by the prosperity of progeny and will help even enemies and thereby derive satisfaction. You may suffer breakage of teeth by wood or by stone or incur pains in legs and your end may come through poison, weapon, thirst, hunger, enemies or vices.
Sun in Lunar Mansion '22 Shravana-2'
Moon in Virgo 28°19'48"
Charitable and religious, given to science in general and studies of deep truths, intuitive, quiet, of fertile imagination, loves change, voyaging and any new idea, is fond of the opposite sex, may be able to understand the philosophy of life, is popular, leads an unhappy married life and has many daughters. Indigestion. Attractive, learned, possibly a teacher of religion or some stricture, an eloquent speaker, truthful, pure, valorous, kind to living beings, interested in others affairs (possibly a gossip), forgiving, and fortunate.
Moon in Virgo with Leo ascendent
Cleverly skilled in writing, persuasive in conversation and logic, wise, religious, but prone to suffer on account of unbridled senses and to grow miserly in consequence.
Moon in 2nd House
The Moon in the second house makes you very talkative, prosperous, of sound body and have a very charming personality. You are romantic and find pleasure in other peoples company - ignoring your own spouse and family.

The second house stands for wealth, finance and hereditary position. Full Moon in this house bestows you with promising progeny and wealth. But, if it is dark or feeble, you may stammer, be poor and unwise.

You are sensitive to the changing Moon, have many friends and are soft spoken. You may suffer from poor digestion and loss of appetite. Dark or feeble Moon, despite of benefic aspect, causes loss of acquired or inherited property and obstructs earning and further acquisition of wealth.

You will enjoy incomparable happiness and friends and will be wealthy. You will be plentiful in wealth and grains, be physically sound, famous, and wise and spend your time joyously with the opposite sex,. You may lose money on account of your sisters and daughters.
Moon in Lunar Mansion '14 Chitra-2'
The Nakshatra ruling your Ascendant or Moon is Chitra. Physical features: you have a lean body. In some cases there is an indication of a stout and tall body.

You can be recognized or identified in a crowd of hundreds of people through your magnificent dealings and expressions. There is a hidden inherent gift of having wonderful ideas that may initially appear silly, but are later viewed as excellent. There is also an inherent gift of intuition. You are the type of person who is very much fit for the astrological profession where intuition is very much needed. In some cases it is also noticed that you may experience dreams that come true. This indirectly indicates that a divine power may be installed in the psyche of those born under Chitra.

You are the type of person who is not bothered about the sentiments of others, nor are you selfish to others. Your dealings with the poor will be very cordial and full of kindness. You may be mistaken by others as rude and stingy. Guard your tendency to speak before you think. You may have to confront your enemies at every step but are capable of escaping any conspiracy. You have a soft spot for those in need and spend your energy in their upliftment.

Education, sources of income/profession: obstacles in life are no problem for you. You can overtake all hurdles with courage and hard work. You may not lead a comfortable life up to the age of 32 years. The period between 33 years and 54 years of age will be your golden period. One of the redeeming features of Chitra born is that you receive help from unexpected places without much effort.

Family life: while you love and respect your siblings and parents, you may experience some doubts concerning them. You may not enjoy the benefit, love and affection of your father. You may even live separated from him, and he may be famous or successful. You are more attached to your mother and enjoy benefit from the maternal side.

There is a saying that the Chitra born cannot stay in the house where she/he is born. This may manifest in many ways, you may travel and live far from your home town, or your childhood home may be destroyed. In any case you will settle far from home. Married life may be considerably strained, and while the marriage will be stable, the relationship between the couples may not be cordial, at times leading to frequent friction on small matters.

Health: there may be some difficulty with internal organs.
You are truthful and charitable. You may live in foreign places, and have two daughters. You may suffer from upper respiratory disorders.
Mars in Virgo 2°57'60"
This placement is good for being a surgeon, physician, pharmacist or groceries merchant. You are original and inventive. You have to struggle to reach goals, are self willed, and nervous. You like your employees or helpers, and are separated from your friends. When Mars is afflicted, you can be cross at times, hasty, obstinate and inviting hostility from others. You are honorable, worthy, fond of love and music, soft spoken, learned, fear enemies and are skillful in scripture and fine art.
Mars in Virgo with Leo ascendent
Mars imparts a sense of direction, an urge to extend one's empire, a desire to live righteously and skill in cooperative activities. You may be impulsive and impatient in speech and action, but never dishonest or insincere.
Mars in 2nd House
Mars in the second house indicates that you may at times be cruel, indigent, devoid of intelligence and extravagant. You might use harsh words, indulge in sex and gambling and always quarrels with your relations. You gain money through agriculture and trade, are learned in logic and eat meager and unsavory food. You take pleasure in journeys and vexation. Your speech is fumbled, you are unlettered and have disrespect for the dead. You are voracious, blessed with sons have debts, are tolerant, industrious, fortunate and feel contention and disrespect for your spouse and other relations. You are lean, sensuous and of reddish complexion. If Mars is well placed and aspected, you gain in eloquent discussions. You can not realize the utility of the wealth you inherit from your relatives. You squander it away or hoard it. Hostility and stinginess stand in the way of your relations with everybody, including your own family members. You would rather die than leave their 'wealth'. You have a hard time with 'give and take'. You tend to be proud of your bank balance which has neither any social good nor personal use, except that it is drained away as fines, on litigation or lost to thieves. Mars of Dhana Bhava brings success through enterprise, legacies and inheritance, but there will be losses too. Desire for sudden gain from lottery, game of chance and speculation.
Mars in Lunar Mansion '12 Uttara Phalguni-2'
You will show good qualities for becoming a physician, pharmacist or surgeon. You will also possess excellent administrative qualities.
Mercury in Sagittarius 24°36'43"
In your own deep thinking or intelligence, you try to be philosophical and wise. You tend towards the expansive and progressive stance, considering the generosity, good literature, good arts, which protect one and all, to be worthy of your thought. Therefore you are fond of science and medicine, because they aim at taking care of one and all.
Mercury in Sagittarius with Leo ascendent
Your writings and speeches are very articulate: you will attain a very high position in your academic career. The number of your children will be restricted, but your intellectual reputation will be extensive.
Mercury in 5th House
There will be happiness on account of children.
Mercury in Lunar Mansion '20 Purva Ashadha-4'
Jupiter in Virgo 13°41'19"
Choosy about friends, analytical mind, observant, promising, much traveling. Unorthodox about marriage partner. Gains through literary pursuits and speculation in commercial investments. Ailments of bowels and lack of concentration.
Jupiter in Virgo with Leo ascendent
Learned and wise, but you will not be able to amass much wealth. You will gain through honest activities, but there are be persons who will slander you. You might suffer at the hands of relations and friends.
Jupiter in 2nd House
You may have a second marriage late in life. Jupiter in the 2nd gives many good qualities along all general lines such as education, looks, wealth, family, etc. It is an overall positive placement. Some of the favorable attributes are: handsome, scholarly, skilled, poetic, reputed, friendly, social, perfect, benevolent, modest, rich and getting royal favor at age 27. You might be fickle at times, a little too heavy of a leader to your own people, rich, and happy with a beautiful partner. This placement can make adversaries, especially through speaking out.

You are generous, considerate, enlightened, get appreciated merit, are adept, contented, dispassionate, polite, fond of noble company, bold, scholar, discreet, and have business wealth and conveyances. Accumulation of wealth, royal authority and power are indicated. You are healthy, sociable, love delicacies, are cheerful, wise and logical. Wealth is indicated in the 16th year. Late marriage is possible, as well as early separation or death of the father, leaving no patrimony. If it is there, there will be hostility between you and your father.

Your education might be incomplete, and your family or society may criticize and oppose you. Your heart and mind are in poetry - both composition and recitation. Because of your religious inclination and your sense for justice, you would make a fair judge or director giving rewards or punishments. This placement might not promote a sexually active life, as you tend to not like the period following the act of sex. To others you may not appear to have status or wealth. You speak sweet and short. Relationship with family and relatives is good. Your honor matters to you very much.
Jupiter in Lunar Mansion '13 Hasta-2'
You may join the navy or shipping industry. If in business you may deal with textile.
Venus in Aquarius 15°41'22"
Venus has much to do with our sense of beauty and pleasures and Aquarius is a sign ruled by the 'low class' yet 'truly philosophical' Saturn. The combination of these two in your chart means that your sense of beauty will not be the 'norm' but rather, shaped by an appreciation for the earthy, the basic, the third world, the deep, the working class. For example, in America, although Mexico is considered a much 'poorer' country, still, some Americans find it in Vogue to dress in colorful and festive Mexican clothing, and they like the connection between 'the real people' of the poor countries and themselves, feeling that it brings them closer to 'real beauty'. They prefer to dress like the peasants of the third world, as opposed to wearing the stream lined fashions of their own society. This kind of connection is indicated by this combination. It further indicates that you can be very thoughtful about romance and love, philosophizing on these matters at length. Aquarius is a very philosophical and high-minded sign, indicating the descent of divine truth on one and all. Venus rules over romance and love in general. So, this combination is a natural one found amongst those who think much about the truth regarding love and pleasure.
Venus in Aquarius with Leo ascendent
Venus in this sign and house destroys the basis of the institution of marriage. Neither partner is entirely ethical in regards to the relationship. Each one wishes to take advantage of the other's position.
Venus in 7th House
Venus makes you skilled in the erotic arts. Partners in love, as well as in business, are very cooperative and harmoniously related to you. Unless Venus is badly aspected or afflicted, the marriage partner is honest, attractive, and well-mannered. You are very sensual, have many sons and plenty of wealth. Your partner might be from an aristocratic family. You are prosperous and cheerful, artistic, lustful, inactive, suspicious and into aquatic sports.

You are wealthy, fond of lewd and unchaste partners, broad-minded, have a radiant body, are from a high family, are popular, pleased, proficient, healthy, amorous, attached to others' spouses, get conveyances and various other enjoyments, are skilled, averse to your own spouse, happy, social and receive financial gain through marriage. Early marriage is indicated.

Your spouse is an attractive, sincere, pleasing and fortunate companion giving all marital comforts, pleasures, and noble off-springs. This placement denotes amicable settlements, success in public relations and successful partnerships. You may suffer from backaches, might live abroad and are easy going. You derive love and satisfaction from off-springs and have intimate dealings with attractive mates. You might be an eminent artist with plenty of fans.

You are quarrelsome, addicted and very sexy, sensuous, amorous, most handsome, amiable and fortunate. A strong Venus in a chart denotes more than one spouse. In a female chart, it indicates a fortunate and wealthy husband. This Venus indicates sons, wealth, and an attractive, cheerful, happy and noble partner.
Venus in Lunar Mansion '24 Shatabhisha-3'
You have a very attractive personality, and are well-behaved and tactful. You will also sexually indulge excessively. However, your marriage does not take place before age 26 in the case of a male and age19 in the case of a female.
Saturn in Gemini 10°21'24"
Scientific, perfect, methodical and systematic in action, if overcomes passion. Trouble and ill-reputation through relatives, financial problems, wrong association with the opposite sex. Tendency to delay matters.
Saturn in Gemini with Leo ascendent
Saturn makes you rich and skillful in technological and managerial matters. You are not interested in ethical questions or religious observances. You are very practical and hard working, but unhappy.
Saturn in 11th House
Saturn in the eleventh makes you rich. You are thoughtful and serious in everything you do, and keep excessive control over your actions and reactions. You are very persistent, and your desire to attain a high material position is also very intense. You can become a seasoned bureaucrat, but whatever your vocation, you will be almost one-pointed in achieving the goal you set for yourself. Callous behavior during the pursuit of that goal may also be expected; you acquire fixed assets and landed property as well. Your education is usually incomplete, but your innate intelligence and practical wisdom are remarkable. Trouble through sons is indicated. Most of the life is full of struggle - it may be due to friends, family or any body. With Saturn in the 11th house you are rich, long-living, brave and firm. You suffer from acute ailments only. You are a thousand times more cunning and a better manipulator than anybody, and constant and firm in respect of wealth, health and mind. You enjoys longevity, very cunning and you show your bravery in the competition arena. You may be childless. You are reputed, have noble friends, are merciful, benevolent, soft and sweet, thin, lean, contented, affluent and pleasure seeking. You get wealth through the government, and have plenty of attendants. Some income through agriculture or employment is indicated. You are contemplative and fortunate. You have to endure much ailment since childhood and there is danger from fire. You are learned in all the sciences, get state honor but are immodest. Education through learned people is indicated. You are a family person and live through handicraft. This Saturn denotes wealth, obstacles, land and recognition through the government.
Saturn in Lunar Mansion '6 Ardra-2'
There is some indication of illegal activity. Your relations with your father may be strained. This placement shows a tendency towards spiritual life.
Rahu in Leo 24°46'37"
Rahu in Leo with Leo ascendent
Anti-social behavior, surreptitious habits, and the appropriation of the wealth and property of others.
Rahu in 1st House
You make a great stride in life and might get honor, wealth and favor through religious, educational and scientific achievements. You have a dominating personality and are of promising self-expression. You receive gain and happiness through own initiative, but are slow to pick up new ideas and averse to formal education.

A conqueror of enemies. You make the glory and influence of other people an instrument of your own success. You can effectively utilize your own powers and wealth for yourself and others. You might not be satisfied with your own spouse and may wander. You gain competence with the help of friends with effective grace. You are always ready for work and may have two marriages, and a charming spouse. Quick to hold discussion. Lots of troubles and suffering are indicated as well. Bad qualities may surround you on many sides.
Rahu in Lunar Mansion '11 Purva Phalguni-4'
You are intelligent, efficient and get honor from your superiors. Your children will probably be born late in life. You should not indulge in extra-marital relations as there is possibility of being blackmailed.
Ketu in Aquarius 24°46'37"
Ketu in Aquarius with Leo ascendent
Ketu in 7th House
Ketu in the 7th adds openness to sexuality outside of the norm. Also however, it makes you able to understand spiritual possibilities as well. Ketu is a planet greatly involved in the spiritualization process, and the 7th house primarily stands for relationships.

Ketu in the 7th house usually indicates that the spouse, if any, will be shrewd in dealings. The marriage partner may be a difficult person with some problems perhaps. You can be immodest, needing lots of sleep or being lazy, feeling humiliated and thus speaking humbly. Watch for intestinal and sex organ diseases during Ketu periods.

Be careful of trouble from government agencies at these times as well. Ketu in the 7th indicates danger from journeys and water, so be careful with these during Ketu periods. Ketu in the 7th means some trouble while traveling but you generally come back fine. Watch for losing money during Ketu periods. Watch for trouble through spouse/partners and sons. Don't give in to extravagant temptations and curb a tendency to be too nervous.
Ketu in Lunar Mansion '25 Purva Bhadrapada-2'
You will earn a good amount of wealth, but your spouse's health will be a permanent problem.
Uranus in Virgo 15°21'36"
Uranus in Virgo with Leo ascendent
Uranus in 2nd House
Uranus in Lunar Mansion '13 Hasta-2'
Neptune in Taurus 0°31'32"
Neptune in Taurus with Leo ascendent
Neptune in 10th House
Neptune in Lunar Mansion '3 Krittika-2'
Pluto in Taurus 8°56'24"
Pluto in Taurus with Leo ascendent
Pluto in 10th House
Pluto in Lunar Mansion '3 Krittika-4'

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