Will Durant

Will Durant

(1885-1981) American psychologist, philosopher

Will DurantWill Durant
Lagna in Capricorn 10°53'46"
Capricorn in the Ascendant indicates you are probably tall and well built. You can, however, have a weaker and leaner lower body. You are very hardworking and persevering, but you have to watch out for melancholic moods. You also have to try to curb the ego at times. You are careful with others and respectful of them, but at the same time anxious to achieve your own ends. Other factors permitting, you can be very religious. You also tend to respect the occult.
Lagna in Lunar Mansion '22 Shravana-1'
The Star ruling your Moon or Ascendant is Shravana. You have a physically very attractive. Normally you will be of short stature, and there will be a peculiar mark on the face, may be in the form of a mole or some other mark which appears to be a kind of disfigurement. In some cases, a black mole beneath the shoulder has been noticed. You are very sweet in speech, and also maintain neatness in every work you undertake. There is a set principle for you in life. You expect your surroundings to be very clean and you dislike persons who do not have the tendency of maintaining neatness. Once you notice a person in untidy conditions you will not hesitate to open your mouth. You take pity on the condition of others and try to help others as far as possible. You like to have very neat and delicious food. It is because of this that you are a very good host. You are God-fearing and have full respect for elders. You are a believer in victory for truth. You cannot expect much benefit or return from those persons whom you have helped, whereas it has been noticed that you are subject to deceit from others. Even if you catch a thief, you will try to find out the truth of the circumstances which led that person to become a thief, and if you are convinced you will let that person go. Your inherent quality of peaceful appearance and the knack of dealings will penetrate to the minds of the public, hence you are the fittest politician for modern times. Your smile is enough to attract and be remembered by others. Whatever may be the ups and downs in life, you will neither reach to the top or bottom. In other words, a mediocre life will be enjoyed by you. Even illiterate persons born in this Nakshatra will show complete maturity and will be eager to gather knowledge whenever they get the opportunity. You are a very good adviser. Others will look to you for solving individual as well as collective problems. You are a versatile genius. You have the ability and capacity to undertake different jobs at a time. If you are installed in a seat of some power and authority, you will shine well. You are always in search of an authoritative job. Since you have to shoulder much responsibilities and spend for fulfilling responsibilities you will always be in need of money. You will not like to take revenge even on your bitterest enemies. On the other hand, you will think to let God give due punishment to them. Up to 30 years of age you will undergo several changes. The time between 30 to 45 years of age will mark stability in all walks of life. In case you go beyond 65 years due to beneficial planetary positions, you can expect remarkable progress both economical and social. You are suitable for taking up mechanical or technical work or engineering. You may also be connected with petroleum or oil products. Married life will be filled with extra-ordinary happiness. You will have a spouse with all good qualities. That does not necessarily cause you to remain faithful however. You may suffer from ear problems, skin disease, eczema, rheumatism, tuberculosis and indigestion.
Sun in Libra 21°14'14"
This brings the following general characteristics, which get modified by specific aspects and other placements in your chart: The Sun is fallen in this sign. This is not good for the things the Sun controls. This placement might bring frustrations, losses, much travel, expenditures, moving out of distress and meanness. You will live by selling gold and other metals. You have no affection, are jealousy, are doing others' jobs, have extra marital affairs, are dirty and lazy, may incur wrath from the government and be shameless. These negative effects may come and go at different times. There are positions of other planets which can counter these bad effects also. Nevertheless, this position gives you some of these challenges to overcome in this life.
Sun in Libra with Capricorn ascendent
This placement in general is unfortunate; you may think of yourself as unlucky and you may not have a very good relationship with your father or siblings.
You may be disturbed, dishonest, and prone to associate with people of bad character.
You often suffer from some unknown affliction which paralyzes your relationship with society. You develop professional difficulties, and a lack of stability in mental composure may become evident.
Sun in 10th House
This placement draws you to the center of power. You acquire a role in the administration of your country. Your mind goes straight to the central point in any argument or discussion and you intuitively understand the motivations of others. You are learned in Vedantic philosophy and are not interested in ritualistic observances. You dislike flattery in social behavior.

You run your business or industry very successfully and profitably. Your mother's ailments cause you constant worry. You might feel remorseful due to separation from partner or friend. You attain success, favor and reputation through hard work. Your parents suffer and your spouse and children cause anxiety; you tend to be friendless, dissipated and bold.

It may be observed that except for professional and vocational success, there is no relieving feature in your life. With this placement you are blessed with wealth and jewels, education, honor, success, valor, love for music and art, talent, kindness and generosity. This placement denotes service to saints, high moral standards, power, authority, trust, frugality and firmness.

You gain fame through great learning and are able to accumulate wealth. When the Sun reaches the height at noon, human activities are at height. Likewise, when you are in the Zenith in the horoscope of birth (i.e. on the 10th cusp), one is likely to reach enviable heights in life. You were born at such a time, and that is somewhat rare.

You are intelligent, rich, strong and will be endowed with conveyances, relatives and children. You will succeed in your undertakings, be valorous, unconquerable and great. At times you will be separated from your near and dear ones. Your mother will contract many kinds of illnesses. You will be wealthy, happy with regard to your father, be very learned, famous, strong, pure, liberal and happy. You will be interested in music and dances. You will suffer illness in the later part of your life. You will, however, have mental worries throughout.
Sun in Lunar Mansion '16 Vishakha-1'
Moon in Libra 7°20'22"
Much movable property, gain and success through partnership, morose and irritated for nothing, soft-spoken, courteous and warm-hearted, success in love and marriage. Balanced and artistic if Mercury is in good aspect. Much traveling. Elevated nose, humble looking face, thin body, many partners, abundant properties, valorous, skillful, will honor divinity and saintly persons, wealthy in various ways, conquered by the opposite sex, will be easily swayed from decisions and is helpful to relatives.
Moon in Libra with Capricorn ascendent
You receive support from your marriage partner. Your mind is cool and social relationships are balanced. You are very creative and musical and artistic talents are appreciated.
Moon in 10th House
This placement produces variable fame, changes in position, tremendous responsibilities, and relationships in which coolness of mind is essential. You are a source of social inspiration and receive a great deal of praise. You tend to be devoted to your father and family. You are smart, contented and quiet. You get wealth and recognition from the state, are reputed and bold and contented with small gain. Wealth brightens your personality. You are sober and noble. Possible gain from women of high family is indicated. You tend to be pious and receive support from friends and relations. You might gain from the leaders or people of equally high status. This denotes malice with the eldest child. You are ambitious and so acquire prominent positions. Fluctuating and changing business employment from seafaring, traveling, hawking goods and advertising on the largest scale, dealing with rare and novel items are some of the possible occupations. You will suffer little grief, be dutiful, successful in your undertakings, affluent, pure, very strong, valorous and charitable.
Moon in Lunar Mansion '15 Swati-1'
The Star ruling your Moon or Ascendant is Swati.

Physical features: one of the peculiar features of Swati born is that the under part of the feet will appear to be curved and the ankle risen. You will have an attractive appearance. Character and general events: you are a peace loving person, but adamant and independent. You respect others property. You may be uneasy with criticism of your work. You may have trouble controlling your temper once you lose it. A proper balance of mind will result in a more positive life. You are willing to extend a helping hand to others provided your own freedom is not questioned. You give respect unconditionally. You are the best friend in need and worst enemy of the hated. You do not hesitate to take revenge on the persons who are against you. You may experience difficult times in childhood. You initially try to give help and protection to those close to you, but later change your mind because of harsh criticism.

Education, sources of earning/profession: your intelligence and capacity to do the work are excellent. You may suffer, financially and mentally, even if born in a wealthy family, until your 25th year. However, you may not experience much progress, in profession or business up to the age of 30 years. Thereafter you will have a golden period up to your 60th year. You may earn through the profession of gold smith, traveler or pharmacist.

Family life: your married life may not be so congenial. To outsiders it may seem that you are the most adjustable couple, but in reality you are not. Health: you will have very good health. You may suffer from common human diseases.
You are intelligent and fond of religious worship. Phlegmatic constitution is indicated, and there may be some trouble with organs. You serve your parents and teachers with utmost care.
Mars in Leo 6°16'17"
You are frank, active, conscientious, a good leader, gain through speculation, insurance and companies, are friendly, over enthusiastic, firm and adventurous. Love for new ideas, music. Mars in Leo is intense. You are impatient, valorous, grabbing others money and children, like forests, lose your first spouse, are bereft of children, devoid of charitable acts and always active in your occupation.
Mars in Leo with Capricorn ascendent
Mars in Leo is eminently in its own fiery element. It destroys everything unwanted in life and actively seeks spiritual experiences. You have elected to sacrifice material pleasure for spiritual realization. This may happen through denial of marital happiness, absence of social associations, loss of family inheritance, or abandonment from one's siblings. You must stand completely on your own. Accidents, surgery, problems with the blood or diseases connected with the genito-urinary tract are the worldly trials which impel you toward a higher understanding.
Mars in 8th House
Externalizes adverse past Karma which has a very detrimental influence on the health. Various diseases connected with the urinary tract or with blood circulation may afflict you; you may undergo surgery, and your sensuality is fiery and passionate. This combination is harmful to the marriage partner. Look for further afflictions to this Mars in the 8th before judging serious harm to the spouse.

Officers with Mars in their eighth house take a lot of bribes but are not caught. You may overeat till the age of 30. Later in life you might develop indigestion, and blood pressure. Long-life is helped with this placement. Weapons, or burns may cause death. Trouble for spouse and degradation are indicated. Friends become enemies, though you are respectably honored.

Efforts made according to industry do not fructify, but are defeated by hindrances. Even brothers and relatives suddenly behave like enemies. Difficult diseases and misfortune in business might come. Denotes unbecoming speech, diseases of the private organs, sorrow, grief and vexation from spouse.

You might feel physically weakened due to disorders of blood and ulcers. You have few sons. You dress simple, but are popular amongst the rich. Negative karmic forces may be experienced in this life for better or worse. Be careful regarding danger from water or swimming.

If Mars is in the eighth house from the Lagna, Jupiter or Venus (benefics) posited in the house of fate and misfortune etc. may even become ineffective, as Mars (malefic) overrides them.
Mars in Lunar Mansion '10 Magha-2'
Mercury in Scorpio 3°20'51"
For some reason, due to the past, your deeper thinking or intelligence, has become rather quick and reactive and you may feel somewhat argumentative and sarcastic towards others. Overall in life, your thinking puts you on an impatient or resentful course. Therefore, it behooves you to find a way of thinking that calms you down and gives you a spiritual course.
Mercury in Scorpio with Capricorn ascendent
With Mercury in this position ethical considerations begin to dawn on you and you engage in activities which are socially approved, though generally you hold a subordinate position and are always in need of money. The possibility of prosecution for some irregularities cannot be ruled out unless other planetary combinations counteract this influence.
Mercury in 11th House
Mercury enables you to earn money from trade and commerce, the legal profession, or any job where literary and mathematical abilities are needed; you may also make a good civil servant. You are quite sociable and your sharp mind may qualify you to become an astrologer.

You prefer the company of enlightened and intelligent people. You receive wealth from a considerate employer, a discerning friend or a maternal uncle. Your elder brother will be very encouraging to you and your special aptitudes for diplomacy, journalism and authorship will be recognized. This Mercury is propitious. Gain through craft, writing or business is indicated.

After age 19 there will be gain of property, progeny and wealth. You get a lot of property, are learned, fortunate, with plenty of enjoyment, have fascinating spouses, are skillful, sharp, and a favorite of your own people. You have poor appetite, are cheerful, scholarly, rich, gentle, sensuous and always gaining. You are free from sickness, happy, cordial, renowned, talented, and studious.

If Mercury is in the 11th house, you get longevity, wealth, happiness, faithful attendants and are committed. You lead a life of real luxury and pleasure, and are courteous, strong and eager to acquire all knowledge. Gain of wealth at age 45 is indicated. You have more daughters, are a well-wisher of your own people, infirm, rich, dear to the opposite sex, handsome, dark-complexioned with beautiful eyes, sensual, affluent, modest, pleasure loving, gentle, strong, and have knowledge of several disciplines. (Not to be taken too literally for sure.)
Mercury in Lunar Mansion '17 Anuradha-1'
You will be witty and jovial, and sail through obstacles and hindrances. You will care little for wealth, but be careful of those trying to cheat you, even relations. Late in life you may try to reclaim your losses, but in vain. However, if a favorable placement is indicated some compensation may be received.
Jupiter in Virgo 5°57'21"
Choosy about friends, analytical mind, observant, promising, much traveling. Unorthodox about marriage partner. Gains through literary pursuits and speculation in commercial investments. Ailments of bowels and lack of concentration.
Jupiter in Virgo with Capricorn ascendent
You are immersed in material affluence and personal pleasure. You go on pilgrimage, undertake overseas travel, perform religious ceremonies, and contribute generously to charity. You are well-versed in conventional religion.
Jupiter in 9th House
Jupiter in the ninth house is very good for religion. It makes you attracted to rituals, observances, study of scripture and good association with others into these things. However, it also gives attraction to material achievement, recognition and status. You must learn that this later quality distracts from the earlier mentioned good qualities. Then only can religion be purified. Jupiter in the 9th is good for fame and prosperity, and means that you will visit sacred places, be charming, happy, skilled, perform sacrifice, and receive divine knowledge. It is one of the best possible Karmas because it represents being near to the end of cycles of birth and death. It will take care of you in many ways. It is not such a good indicator for the material father however. It makes you interested in devotion, and able to perform austerity, and be saintly and noble. You will probably at some point receive honor and servants. Jupiter in the 9th house will cause you to one day own a nice house and enjoy the respect of the higher class. You revere the saintly persons and say your prayers. You paint your house red, yellow and green. You receive support from authorities. You can be deeply arrogant however, and sometimes a real lush, performing little penance. You may end up an ascetic, virtuous, learned, observing fasts. This is a good for theologists and religious advisors. You can be ideal if balanced in all things. You prefer to deal straight, and should be able to gain opulence unless other forces prevent it.
Jupiter in Lunar Mansion '12 Uttara Phalguni-3'
Venus in Sagittarius 5°46'10"
You are very enlightened. Blessed with comforts of most types. Spiritual, philanthropic, attractive, noble, affluent. You gain best through high status engagements and education or educated people. You will probably have more than one spousal connection. You like travel, fine arts, sports and amusements. You are honest.
Venus in Sagittarius with Capricorn ascendent
With Venus, you lose many valuable opportunities in life. You have a clever mind and your sensitivity is extraordinary. Many people are willing to help you, but your personal sloth, sensual inclinations, clandestine affairs and rebellious temperament destroy your chances of phenomenal progress.
Venus in 12th House
Venus produces a material impulse. It leads you towards sensual gratification and involvement in unethical relationships which bind the soul strongly in chains of materialization. One may remember that Venus is the advisor to the demons who command the anti-devic (godly) forces. The advice given by Venus can lead you to adopt bad actions which will require scores of lives to release the soul from bondage.

These activities are produced by passion, lustful intentions, psychologically acquisitive tendencies, and ritualistic or overly formal religious observances. These tendencies are greatly accentuated when Venus occupies the twelfth house, which can finally fix you in your pleasant sleep (of illusion) and in the enjoyment of a comfortable couch (karmic bondage).

You are successful in service but interested in independent business. This placement denotes mental restlessness and little financial gain. You are ethical and value affection, but are incapable of giving pleasure. You can be a successful poet, writer, painter, singer, dancer etc. You sometimes earn money. Have your excess bile checked. You find pleasure on the play field or in noble deeds, and spend your wealth on religious, charitable and public welfare activities. Loss of virtue and reputation is indicated. Your friends turn enemies and there is strife with friends and people in general.

You are phlegmatic and sensual, and may gain wealth, but spend it every day. Expenditure is heavy and receipt is low. You can be ruinous to relatives, and may be lewd-minded and poor. You are extravagant, and there is discord with friends and seniors. You have the reputation of a liar and are unpopular amongst relatives. Sicknesses and ailments may come. You may be infidel, unkind, debauch and might have a gross body. You get pleasure through own spouse, and are prosperous and impressive. You tend to be inert, happy, ugly, characterless, vile, eat a purified diet, and are skilled in amorous sport.

You were sick in childhood, and healthy now, but cruel in youth, weak, gloomy and miserly. You have perverse tendencies. This Venus indicates a love for romance and adventure, and a desire to unravel the mysteries of nature, secret arts, medicine, and chemistry. You get pleasure and gain through animals, ignoble jobs, and charitable institutions. You love loneliness. This Venus indicates that you will be saving money always.
Venus in Lunar Mansion '19 Mula-2'
You will be a leader. You may be associated with institutions responsible for the upliftment of women or the care of female orphans.
Saturn in Gemini 15°53'31"
Scientific, perfect, methodical and systematic in action, if overcomes passion. Trouble and ill-reputation through relatives, financial problems, wrong association with the opposite sex. Tendency to delay matters.
Saturn in Gemini with Capricorn ascendent
Loss of health and money are predicted. Some kind of criminal proceedings may be instituted against you.
Saturn in 6th House
Saturn in the sixth house produces sexual problems. Sex will be a very unorthodox kind of experience for you, but out of it there may arise a realization of your spiritual nature. Deprivation of a normal sex life and a tendency towards bizarre or unusual relationships enable you to secure special gifts from unexpected and unknown quarters which remove many personal difficulties. You may not always succeed in relating these two events, but both are impelled by Saturn. You are not necessarily attracted towards an unusual expression of sexuality, but the problem of sex affects your mental body vitally, and in some peculiar manner reveals the mysterious aspects of human motivation. For better or worse, your personal life is vitally affected by these experiences. You may suffer from some physical ailment without expressing your pain to others and doctors may not succeed in treating you easily. In spite of such personal anguish and sorrow, you enjoy great renown and social esteem. You may have trouble and hindrances in early life. There will be no help or support from any quarter and much criticism and little gain after much labor and effort are indicated, as well as trouble for maternal uncles and aunts. This placement denotes gain through some income or employment, premature retirement due to sickness and economic hardships in old age. Wealth, authority and fame do not come all together. You have to pass through many ailments beyond your control due to privation and want or neglect leading to sorrows and disappointments. Loss or trouble through attendants, menials and animals, accidents and operations, indigestion, circulatory problems, debility, diabetes or venereal diseases are some of the possible hardships. You are brave and intelligent, powerful, fortunate, with plenty of pleasures, jewelry and conveyances, learned, rich and happy, free from enemies, a favorite of the government, loving to your spouse and have lucky sons. You have few relatives and brethren and annihilate your enemies. Growing wealth is indicated. You are blessed with some income or employment, and might get some trouble through maternal uncles. You are not scared of thieves, a strong controversialist and combatant. You might gain through quadrupeds. You are known all over, are most generous, prosperous but not without some trouble, fond of merit, noble, protective, with good appetite, strong and healthy and recognized by the enemies. You are blessed with sons, have respect for the learned, are sensual and can face heavy odds. You will have plenty of attendants and followers.
Saturn in Lunar Mansion '6 Ardra-3'
You may fall in bad company. This placement indicates some misery or sadness. Relations with spouse may be strained. Watch out for positions involved with unscrupulous organizations. You may suffer from bronchitis or rheumatism in shoulders.
Rahu in Virgo 2°23'14"
Rahu in Virgo with Capricorn ascendent
You may engage in alternative forms of sexual expression and financial chicanery.
Rahu in 9th House
The nodes of the Moon have supreme importance in spiritual evolution. Rahu, the material polarity of the shadowy Nodes, takes you to sacred places, associates you with spiritual aspirants, and makes you a partner in spiritual celebrations and observances.

Preparing you in this way to receive the influence of the divine, Rahu equips you for this. You are a scholar, accredited for virtues, impressive in speech in an assembly, cultured and humane. You have veneration, belief and devotion in gods and sacred places. You are grateful and help upbringing your own family. You are revered for your merit, learned and generous. You give away useful things in charity, never leave a job in the middle, are persevering and virtuous, keep the family tradition and have spotless reputation. You help and support your relatives and are contented with the partner. You may be an affluent landlord and agriculturist.

You show faith in religions other than your own. Loss of wealth. You feel want of truth, conduct, luck and wisdom, travel alot, are a pauper, unfriendly to relatives and suffer from some physical ailment. You tend to be low, mean, shabby, afraid of enemies, wicked, hostile and vicious. You might be a town leader. You serve others and have intimate relationships with low-class persons.

You have many attendants, are prosperous, fortunate, have little faith in false religion, have poor health, are an eloquent speaker, are agreeable and cordial with the partner, affectionate, childless, proud of your community, a liar, speak ill of false religion and are unmindful of your duty. This Rahu denotes mental sharpness and gain through educational, legal and religious affairs, and through voyages and foreign affairs. You tend to be highly intuitive. Beware bad advisors/advice.
Rahu in Lunar Mansion '12 Uttara Phalguni-2'
You will be highly ambitious, stable and systematic, and may gain lots of money through speculation and other unlawful activities. You may not lead a good married life.
Ketu in Pisces 2°23'14"
Ketu in Pisces with Capricorn ascendent
Good for spirituality or esoteric studies.
You have an original way of looking at and approaching the problems of life. You may be inclined towards an alter personality or unusual sexual relationships and are generally very lonely.
Ketu in 3rd House
Ketu in the third house enables you to conquer your enemies and gain wealth. You have few friends, suffer constant pain in your hands and will be fearful, anxious, worried and instable. Ketu can give much affluence, but it will not lend peace of mind. You win over oppositions. Useless and fruitless altercations and discussions are indicated. You get prosperity and show smartness. Affluent, sensual and sharp, patient, brave and generous. Disputes with enemies, loss of friends and separation from brothers are possible. You are indifferent, quarrelsome, skilled, long living and well known. You have a fortunate partner, eat tasty foods and suffer fear of loss through friends. You experience uneasiness and fear from the community and family and might be adulterous with partners who are not really your friends.
Ketu in Lunar Mansion '25 Purva Bhadrapada-4'
You will be heavily involved in speculation, and may suffer from cardiac problems or diabetes. Moderate wealth is indicated.
Uranus in Virgo 13°29'49"
Uranus in Virgo with Capricorn ascendent
Uranus in 9th House
Uranus in Lunar Mansion '13 Hasta-2'
Neptune in Taurus 2°12'20"
Neptune in Taurus with Capricorn ascendent
Neptune in 5th House
Neptune in Lunar Mansion '3 Krittika-2'
Pluto in Taurus 10°11'57"
Pluto in Taurus with Capricorn ascendent
Pluto in 5th House
Pluto in Lunar Mansion '4 Rohini-1'

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