Coco Chanel

Coco Chanel

Aug 19, 1883  4:00 PM  GMT0  DST/WT 0

Coco ChanelCoco Chanel
Lagna in Sagittarius 7°22'20"
Sagittarius in the Ascendant brings overall positive habits and lifestyles. You will tend towards high ideals and try to fulfill your many goals. Regularity and exercise are good for you specifically. You can work long, hard hours. You tend to get respect for your learning and your counseling ability. You like organized religion in general. You tend to benefit greatly through your father. Either that, or you are benefited through governmental blessings. In other words, you tend to please and benefit from central authority figures. You have a warrior like tendency about you. Therefore, you are dear to central governments, and are expeditious and martial. You like protecting others and adhering to regularity and functional purposes. You can really lose your temper though. Sagittarian women make very good wives, as they do not try to interfere in their husbands lives but do try to be very helpful to them. The men of this rising sign tend to be somewhat detached, interested in sports and other activities that attract them outside of just family life. You do tend to have high ideals, morals and ethics.
Lagna in Lunar Mansion '19 Mula-3'
The Star ruling your Moon or Ascendant is Mula

Physical features: you have a good physical appearance. You will have beautiful limbs and bright eyes and will be the most attractive person in your family. Character and general events: you possess a very sweet nature and are a peace loving person. You have set principles in your life. You can stand against any adverse tidal wave, you have the capacity to penetrate that wave and reach the destination. You are not bothered about tomorrow nor are you very serious about your own matters. You keep all the happenings in the hands of God and become prey to optimism.

Education, sources of earning/profession: you need to be very cautious of recording your finances or you will find yourself in debt. You may give advice that you may not even use. This peculiar characteristic generally fits you for the profession of financial or religious adviser. Since you are skilled in several fields, there will be frequent changes of profession or trade, but stability in this direction seems to be a very rare phenomenon, which may put you in constant need of money. Watch the tendency to spend too much on your friends. You will possess the utmost sincerity in all you do. You may earn your livelihood in a foreign place, where it is indicated that you will have much more success in business. You are capable of shining in all walks of life, particularly in the field of fine arts, as a writer and in the social work.

Family life: excepting a few cases, it is seen that Mula born cannot have any benefit from parents whereas they are self-made. Your married life will be satisfactory. You will have a spouse with all adequate qualities.

Health: even when you are sick you will look well, but you may not be in the habit of taking care of your own health, resulting in some severe health problems that can be noticed in your 27th, 31st, 44th, 48th, 56th and 60th year of age. You must try not to have any association with intoxication as you may suffer from the grips of addiction.
Sun in Leo 4°03'04"
Some of the qualities that may describe you: mountaineer, victor, aggressive, enthusiastic, sober, talkative, rich, famous, a landlord, ambitious and can not act in subordinate position. Kind-hearted. You will destroy your adversaries, be given to anger, will perform notable acts, will wander in forests, hills and fortresses, be enthusiastic, valorous, bright in appearance, and will be formidable. You will be restive, strong in a lasting measure, talkative, be a king, be plentiful in wealth and be famous. You will be victorious over your competitors or opposing elements, are given to anger or domination, will perform notable acts and not be mediocre, will wander or go out to engagements, are not a homebody or fearful of the outside world, and are enthusiastic, valorous, bright and formidable, like a Lion, the King of the Jungle. You are talkative and king-like. This Sun may give wealth and may give fame.
Sun in Leo with Sagittarius ascendent
This placement causes difficulty for siblings, but fortune and long life for you.
You are extremely headstrong, travel widely and live an almost regal life. The relationship with siblings will not be cordial, and you will yearn for love and affection but seldom find it. You will, however, be very ethical and will endeavor to do what you consider right and just.
Sun in House 9
The Sun in the ninth house does not discourage you from religious observances; rather the intensity with which you apply yourself to such observances is quite severe, even fanatical. The mind is sharp and you are clear about your goals in life. The greatest problem is egotism. Depending on other conditions, you may be a heartless self-promoter moved by a strong libido. You are interested in the higher aspects of life, but the interest is only skin-deep.

Sun in the ninth is not very helpful for your father's longevity. Early life may have been difficult, middle life, easy and later life, unhappy. You are wicked, and good deeds are not the outcome of noble thoughts. These are performed out of vanity and to beguile others. However, all this goes to your favor.

You gain popularity and are considered virtuous and religious and therefore, praised. Mentally, you are at war and worry, your deeds are not backed by sincerity. You are not fair and just, even to your brothers and therefore, suffer at their hand. You live a life of constant worries and anxieties.

Essentially, you are vain, showy and therefore an opportunist. That's why you change directions like a weather-cock. You are unlucky, uneducated, irrational, characterless and a debauch. You get wealth, friends and sons, but are denied love and affection from the father and partner. You have strained relations with your maternal uncle, are head strong and will not listen to the advice given by your father or preceptor.

You readily change faith. You love truth, have beautiful long hair, are the well wisher of your family and revere the learned and saints. You experience sickness in childhood, are well settled by the middle age, handsome, and blessed with longevity and wealth.

You are sharp and thoughtful, take the virtuous path of life, and get happiness through family and friends. You are opposed to the maternal uncle, are religious, but not lucky, and get happiness from spouse and children.

Denotes longevity to father if the Sun is in its own sign or in exaltation. You are rich, like to meditate and are devoutly austere. You have trust in and respect for preceptors and learned people. You will be endowed with wealth, children and friends, will be very interested in religion, will not be well-disposed towards wife and father, and be not calm. You will be wicked, showy, will not be interested in doing any auspicious acts, will not relate well with siblings, be not learned, devoid of good conduct and be separated from your father early.

You will be endowed with wealth and progeny. Children will be quite virtuous. You will be inimical to maternal relatives, change religion and enter a new religion and be long-lived. You will face many obstacles in your undertakings and will enjoy others' wealth. You will seek carnal pleasures during the day time. One of your children will become famous through musical accomplishments.
Sun in Lunar Mansion '10 Magha-2'
Moon in Aquarius 19°16'09"
You are kind to the masses, accepting of low class ways, very grateful, because you feel you don't deserve much, very independent and accepting of hard work, interested in factual science and astrology and often found to be addicted to habits such as smoking or drugs. It is a beautiful combination for artistic expressions with lots of feeling. It is also good for being a worker for the upliftment of the downtrodden of the world. Aquarius is a very moody and depressive sign, often leading to mental depression, but with a twist of philosophy and religion involved. It can lead to very strong religious experiences and eventually a very strict mental composure.
Moon in Aquarius with Sagittarius ascendent
You can expect openness to what is normally considered relationships outside the norms of social morality. You are able to establish rapport with administrators easily, but will also befriend those who are not considered really together or law abiding citizens. Your health will not be really strong.
Moon in House 3
The Moon in the third house discourages the influence and importance of siblings and makes you very courageous, whenever someone creates trouble for you. Otherwise, you will be a person of few words, concerned with enjoying the good life, spending time with your family and interested in spiritual matters. You are naturally austere in one sense and therefore not easily attracted to superficial beauty in other's bodies. Your faith brings you success or renown, and you like your siblings very much. Happiness in general is something you get from your Karma. You have a changeable disposition and like intellectual pursuits. You have good times with those you consider your brothers and sisters. You may hurt family ties by your desire to enjoy with those, whom your family considers outside your allowed circle of associates. You like short journeys for pleasure.
Moon in Lunar Mansion '24 Shatabhisha-4'
The Star ruling your Moon or Ascendant is Shatabhisha.

You will have a soft body, excellent memory power, a wide forehead, attractive eyes, bright countenance, a prominent nose and a bulged abdomen. You would appear to belong to an aristocratic family at first sight. You will not hesitate to sacrifice your own life for upholding the truth. As you were born with certain principles, you have to quite often confront with others as you cannot deviate from your principles of life. Selfless service is your motto. You insist on following religious traditions. You are also of the adamant type. Once you make a decision it is not easy for others to change your mind. While you are very intelligent and efficient in most walks of life, your are very soft at heart. You are a mixture of good and bad. When provoked, you will rise like a bulldog, but that anger is soon subsided. As you do not believe in pomp and show, you have a feeling of shyness to exhibit your talents. However, your talents will be unearthed due to your interesting and attractive conversation, which will be highly instructive and educational.

Up to 34 years of age will be a trialsome period for your professional field. After 34 years there will be constant progress. You are highly suited for the practice of astrology, psychology and healing arts. Your literary capacity and greatness will come to limelight even when you are very young. You are capable of acquiring a very fine and high education. This Nakshatra has produced eminent doctors and researchers in medicines. Generally you have to face a lot of problems from dear and near ones. Even then, you always extend a helping hand to your family even without being asked. It has been noticed that you have to undergo maximum mental agony due to your brothers. You cannot enjoy much benefit from your father, whereas full love and affection is derived from your mother. It has also been found that you are not capable of leading a happy married life. While on the one hand you do not enjoy happy marriage life, your spouse will have all the good qualities that are expected of a companion.

Outwardly you may appear to have very good health but it is not so. You cannot tolerate even the slightest affliction to the body. You are prone to urinary diseases, breathing troubles and diabetes. As you are too much inclined for sexual pleasures, you may suffer from sexually transmitted diseases. Even though you may keep an illicit relationship, it will be kept a secret from all. You may have problems with your jaws. You are also liable to suffer from colic troubles and must take precautions to protect yourself from the diseases incidental to exposure to cold weather.
Mars in Gemini 4°53'42"
You have sharp mental ability, critical thinking and good energy for lots of education. Some trouble may appear in the body parts connected to Gemini, such as the lungs or arms. Brothers and sisters pose somewhat of a problem.
Mars in Gemini with Sagittarius ascendent
You will be very creative, interested in studying erotic matters and matters of love and affection, engaged in business or political activities, and eager for quick promotions in the career.
Mars in House 7
Whatever the status of Mars in this house, it spoils marital pleasure; sometimes you experiences physical abuse from the marriage partner. You are liable to undergo serious surgical operations. You do not return soon from abroad - though marriage is fixed or there is being definite gain in business.

You are vanquished repeatedly, have troublesome opponents and experience loss of partner, mortification through injustice, worries and enemies, and are dwelling in foreign land. You might give up your business. Your impetuous and excessive love is responsible for suffering. Pain through separation from spouse and children is indicated. You may want to be in every industry or business and fail everywhere.

From age18 to 36 some stability is shown. Your spouse tends to be good, quarrelsome and dominating. There might be ailments of the hands and stomach. You are intelligent and have many brothers, uncles and aunts. An afflicted Mars in this house denotes quarrels and discord with spouse. You might be separated from your partner, because he/she is of unrestrained and passionate nature.

Even if Mars is well-aspected this is not a desirable placement for harmony in marriage life. You tend to extremes and excesses in affections and emotions. Mars in a female chart shows a masculine and forceful character; in a male chart it shows force as energy and enterprise. The sign occupied by Mars in this house is very important.

You have few friends and experience little happiness through your spouse. Your spouse might have few brothers or none. Mars in the 7th house is good for doctors, as it favors surgery. Lawyers gain from criminal cases. It is also a favorable placement for mechanics, engineers, turners, fitters, drivers, police and other administrative officers, especially, if the colleague is of the opposite sex. There will be opposition between the officers and subordinates.
Mars in Lunar Mansion '5 Mrigashira-4'
Suffers from paternal grief. Marital life will be happy, but spouse will suffer from frequent illness. Indicates diphtheria, adenoids or throat trouble.
Mercury in Leo 22°41'37"
You are cunning in your independence. For some reason or other, you find that you have to use your brains to keep your independence. Also your intelligence may wonder, and you have a difficult time focusing your mind on intellectual pursuits. You don't like to be held down to thinking one way. You like to have mental freedom.
Mercury in Leo with Sagittarius ascendent
You will be indulgent in sensual pleasures which will often bring disrepute and cause problems in your career. A sharp intellect will be a genuine impediment to spiritual growth.
Mercury in House 9
Mercury in this position renders you intellectually capable of discussing spiritual topics with ease, but your personal life is entirely divorced from true spirituality. You consider worldly position, money, and intellectual discourse as the true measure of life's success; you may observe all the rules of public morality, but your private life needs a great deal of preparation before you can take the direct path towards final release from material bondage. You are pious, prosperous, glorious and sharp, interested in Yoga and visiting holy places. You exercise overwhelming influence, destroying the wicked and are blessed with children and property. With Mercury is in the 9th house you observe religious ceremonies, construct wells and gardens, truth loving, ascetic, devoted to father, charitable, an eloquent speaker and noted for benevolence and learning. You are generous, anxious and sometimes, perverted. If Mercury is a malefic, you are vain and less fortunate; if a benefic, you are fortunate and devout. You are wise, live according to religious principles, are rich, a good speaker and a holy pilgrim. You have a very active mind, exploring the hidden mysteries of life and are interested in metaphysics. Well aspected Mercury will give power to concentrate. You are seeking after higher knowledge from heaven to earth and even under water life. You have an ingenious and studious mind, and love for art, science and literature. You may gain through journey, law suits and publication work, even if this Mercury is not under any planetary influence. Your bent of mind is subjected to the influence of the sign, this Mercury is posited in. In movable signs, it indicates love of journey in airy signs, well developed interest in aerial affairs.
Mercury in Lunar Mansion '11 Purva Phalguni-3'
You may be rejected because of a misunderstanding. You may not be helpful to siblings in the area of advice. You find it difficult to find happiness in family life. There is a chance of not having progeny at all. Your weak memory may cause misunderstandings, so try to work on this tendency.
Jupiter in Cancer 0°49'29"
You are sociable and well liked by all. Culturally embellished in dress and manor etc. Benevolent at heart, but dominant also. Devoted to the mother and your own heartfelt feelings. This placement comes once every 12 years and lasts for a year, so everyone born during that year has this Jupiter in Cancer. It marks a particular generation as a little special.
Jupiter in Cancer with Sagittarius ascendent
Mixes up the fortunes of paternal inheritance with the misfortunes of family decay. You may feel insecurity over wealth. On the good side, this placement can give a long life span.
Jupiter in this sign, being exalted, sheds any possible adverse tendencies and bestows an unsullied spirituality. You suffer much for your mother, to whom you are greatly attached. You enjoy an affluent life, pleasures of the bed, eminence in family relations, and acquisition of property. You may suffer from some congenital ailment, though it should not create any serious difficulties in your lifestyle. You are generally long-lived and inherit a handsome legacy.
Jupiter in House 8
Jupiter in this position operates like a filter which permits past religious impulses to manifest only in terms of traditional belief systems. Consequently you become learned, industrious, and interested in the scriptural knowledge of your tradition and the higher values of life; you practice severe penance as well as arduous rituals.

Nonetheless, the desire for sexual union drives you to marriage, possibly with widowed partners, or with 'religious' people. The spouse may come from a religious concern. Fame and prosperity, patrimony or legacy are indicated. This Jupiter is responsible for imprisonment due to strife.

Occupations indicated by your Jupiter: brokerage, occultism, dream psychology. Also, you might experience a peaceful and natural death. This placement denotes fortune, effluence, happiness and wealth. You might always feel sickly or be ailing, your residence and body are not stable and stationary for long, and do not live long in the house of the father.

Life hereafter is in heaven. You have longevity, but impaired health. You maintain the family traditions and culture, are steady and well-formed, average and low, intelligent, servile, fickle, gloomy, irrational, immodest, inert and lean. You visit the best pilgrim places. Imprisonment may occur, or the feeling of it.
Jupiter in Lunar Mansion '7 Punarvasu-4'
You will have many friends and acquaintances, however, money and great happiness may elude you. Intimate relations may be difficult at times, but are always based on respect. You will be successful in the acquisition of real estate. It is indicated that you will be attractive to the opposite sex. You may be active in feeding the poor.
Venus in Cancer 25°18'28"
You are wise, scholarly, strong, calm, talented, affluent, charming, diplomatic and given to woman and wine. You may gain through voyaging and water products. Unfavorable placement for marriage. Indicates trouble through parents, money matters and intimacy with the low-bred. Close to mother and home. Prone to occultism.
Venus in Cancer with Sagittarius ascendent
Your health will suffer due to imbalances between the different 'Doshas' in your body.
You may be engaged in secret affairs and an intensely lustful life, but your respectability is somehow saved. You acquire much money, legacies, and a good social position.
Venus in House 8
Under the influence of Venus, the libido is very strong, but it does not necessarily lead to promiscuity. Becoming deeply sensitive to the enduring impulses of your life-essence, you often achieve exceptional status in society; your forthright utterances may provoke others, but you become a civic leader and your religious proclivities are both intense and intrinsically honest. However, your spouse is not supportive or may look down on you and cause some kind of worry.

Death is generally at a noble place. You may be a shepherd; your language is that of rustics. This Venus denotes happiness, ailments, longevity, discontentment, and trouble for mother in the 4th year. Your partner is your well-wisher. You get financial gain through marriage or partnership or through legacy or patrimony. A natural, peaceful and easy end is indicated. If Venus is afflicted, there will be kidney problems, diabetes, obesity or urinary troubles towards the end of life. Separation from marriage partner, loss, grief and many more disappointments are indicated.

You are learned and a person of character. You gain through cattle wealth, are of harsh speech and get success and gains after long and hard struggle. You tend to be always in debt. Victory is delayed. You might be prosperous, strong and rich and be a landlord. You are popular, jovial, vain, religious, bold and worried about the family. You have large eyes. You pay off your father's debt, promote family interest and might die of bile-cough in a holy place after age 75.
Venus in Lunar Mansion '9 Ashlesha-3'
Saturn in Taurus 16°53'25"
You have connections with older things for pleasure, such as antiques, ancient customs or cultures, older spouses, and so on. You are not easily contented, because the desires are unattainable. Because you feel restrictions arise mainly out of society's typical understanding of happy family life, you are compassionate on others troubles, which you see all around you. You try to restrain the presence of what you see as 'typical happy home life' in yourself. You try to make it more 'true' and 'more focused on higher principles'.
Saturn in Taurus with Sagittarius ascendent
Saturn in this sign will generate a protective influence. It will set up a karmic shield, founded in the past, which saves you from any serious opposition. Some kind of religious fervor, possibly involving ritual or traditional worship, will also protect you from danger. Past Karma will be covered by this protective shield of Saturn and you will be provided with opportunities to perform helpful deeds of lasting significance.
Saturn in House 6
Saturn in the sixth house produces sexual problems. Sex will be a very unorthodox kind of experience for you, but out of it there may arise a realization of your spiritual nature. Deprivation of a normal sex life and a tendency towards bizarre or unusual relationships enable you to secure special gifts from unexpected and unknown quarters which remove many personal difficulties. You may not always succeed in relating these two events, but both are impelled by Saturn. You are not necessarily attracted towards an unusual expression of sexuality, but the problem of sex affects your mental body vitally, and in some peculiar manner reveals the mysterious aspects of human motivation. For better or worse, your personal life is vitally affected by these experiences. You may suffer from some physical ailment without expressing your pain to others and doctors may not succeed in treating you easily. In spite of such personal anguish and sorrow, you enjoy great renown and social esteem. You may have trouble and hindrances in early life. There will be no help or support from any quarter and much criticism and little gain after much labor and effort are indicated, as well as trouble for maternal uncles and aunts. This placement denotes gain through some income or employment, premature retirement due to sickness and economic hardships in old age. Wealth, authority and fame do not come all together. You have to pass through many ailments beyond your control due to privation and want or neglect leading to sorrows and disappointments. Loss or trouble through attendants, menials and animals, accidents and operations, indigestion, circulatory problems, debility, diabetes or venereal diseases are some of the possible hardships. You are brave and intelligent, powerful, fortunate, with plenty of pleasures, jewelry and conveyances, learned, rich and happy, free from enemies, a favorite of the government, loving to your spouse and have lucky sons. You have few relatives and brethren and annihilate your enemies. Growing wealth is indicated. You are blessed with some income or employment, and might get some trouble through maternal uncles. You are not scared of thieves, a strong controversialist and combatant. You might gain through quadrupeds. You are known all over, are most generous, prosperous but not without some trouble, fond of merit, noble, protective, with good appetite, strong and healthy and recognized by the enemies. You are blessed with sons, have respect for the learned, are sensual and can face heavy odds. You will have plenty of attendants and followers.
Saturn in Lunar Mansion '4 Rohini-3'
A good position for Saturn to occupy. You will undertake some research work on religious scriptures, acquire wealth from others, are soft-spoken and very intelligent. You will have throat troubles or toothaches.
Rahu in Libra 12°27'32"
Rahu in Libra with Sagittarius ascendent
When Rahu occupies this sign you become a great philosopher upholding the merits of ritual and austerities. Your philosophy leads you to travel far and wide, and your musical compositions may reveal an almost supernatural sense of beauty and harmony.
Rahu in House 11
Rahu is powerful to provide material prosperity when it is in the 11th house. However, you may lack modesty. You can control your desires and activities when you want to. You are very wise, though you don't speak much, preferring definite results before spending speaking energy. Therefore, you are a master at strategy, where forethought and tongue-holding is required, and also a good commander, and possibly a writer. You live away from your birth land, and mix well with foreigners and drifters.

The way you earn money is hard to predict because you might be dealing in ways that others are not aware of, except those with whom you deal. If other favorable conditions are present, this is very good for becoming an eminent philosopher, expounding your thoughts effectively. Rahu in the 11th gives rise to Raja Yoga during Rahu's periods. Rahu in the 11th means gains through foreigners. Though you respect the really learned, you yourself are often found in a level of code or conduct just below the standard that you respect. Therefore, while you may associate with priests, you yourself may instead prefer to have intense business dealings, for example.

This Rahu is not good for gaining status, but does indicate success in various ways. Try to protect your hearing as it indicates trouble there. This Rahu protects against harm in general. Rahu in the 11th gives you faithful friends who are astrologers and the like. You can succeed in both business or service. The separation from an elder brother may become a burden. Marriage is indicated at age 27, life 'begins' at age 28, and there will be sudden gain of wealth at age 42.
Rahu in Lunar Mansion '15 Swati-2'
You are not attached to wealth and may prefer a quiet existence to that of hard work.
Ketu in Aries 12°27'32"
Ketu in Aries with Sagittarius ascendent
Ketu will obstruct your education, but you will be engaged in deep contemplation. Most people will misunderstand you and may even consider your concerns perverse.
Ketu in House 5
Ketu in the 5th house makes you have such unusual urges that you become a very original but shocking thinker, which causes you trouble with others. There is some abnormality with the children or between you and your children. You become so affected by some of your thoughts that your own goals get blurred and you suffer psychological instability. Yet, you are powerful in some way mentally, and you at times have power over others. Your brothers suffer trouble from weapons. You suffer from your own thoughts.

You have one or two children. In spite of great vigor you remain in service of others. You get hurt by falling from a high position. You have disputes and discussions with associates. You are crafty, jealous, weak, timid and impatient. You can sermonize well and have an inclination for holy pilgrimage and foreign travel. Knowledge and learning may be denied at times. You get land, wealth or business opportunities. Either having or staying with the children is difficult or you get separated from them due to circumstances. You are disobedient and meet with troubles thereby. Some harm comes from your excess or irregular pleasures.
Ketu in Lunar Mansion '1 Ashwini-4'
You will want to go away from your birth place. Sharing others food. It has been seen in some cases that the life span is only 30 years.
Uranus in Leo 29°47'03"
Uranus in Leo with Sagittarius ascendent
Uranus in House 9
Uranus in Lunar Mansion '12 Uttara Phalguni-1'
Neptune in Aries 28°51'27"
Neptune in Aries with Sagittarius ascendent
Neptune in House 5
Neptune in Lunar Mansion '3 Krittika-1'
Pluto in Taurus 8°57'37"
Pluto in Taurus with Sagittarius ascendent
Pluto in House 6
Pluto in Lunar Mansion '3 Krittika-4'

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