George McClellan

George McClellan

Dec 3, 1826  12:15 AM  GMT-5  DST/WT 0

George McClellanGeorge McClellan
Lagna in Leo 26°38'51"
Leo in the Ascendant bestows a regal appearance, as if the life force is vibrating from every part of your body. You have a broad face with strong bones and beautiful and expressive eyes. You may be a possessive parent, egotistical and selfish in temperament, and a braggart. You are excessively libidinous, but not necessarily promiscuous. You are not satisfied with the material heights you attains and are always aspiring towards greater intellect, greater wealth, greater status, and greater respectability. Often you think you have achieved more than you really have; nevertheless, you are never satisfied, for you think you deserve more than you have received. You always strive to reach the top of the mountain.

You are basically materialistic, but like to assume that you are spiritually highly evolved. Involvement in work is intense and whole-hearted. You may be seen working adroitly on the subtle problems of life, whether related to physical sciences, psychology, or to concrete and technological problems in engineering, industry or economics. It is not the subject matter that is significant: Your complete involvement in whatever you undertake is of supreme importance to you. In that pursuit, your engagement of effort is total.

There is a suddenness in your actions, which gives you an element of surprise and unpredictability. However involved you may seem in a pursuit or relationship, you can suddenly end it. You are loyal friends, but that friendship can end suddenly. To some people, you may seem ungrateful. The world exists only for your convenience and the satisfaction of your desires. In your social relationships, contradiction and self-aggrandizement seem to predominate.

You may find married life difficult. Your spouse is very calculating and self centered, which are some of Leo's traits as well. Compatibility becomes difficult. In such circumstances, you often act in a clandestine manner, concealing certain aspects of your life. You do not trust others; equal partnership is not a common factor in your life. This placement gives rise to wealth in mutual combination.

The Sun is Lord of the Ascendant, Mercury Lord of wealth and Mars is of course Yoga Karaka. Thus all the three planets have acquired some power or other to do good. It will be seen that the Sun, Mercury and Mars play an important role in case of persons born under Leo Ascendant, while other planets will be able to do some good under certain special conditions.

One born in this Ascendant will be fond of eating meat and enjoying worldly enjoyments, will earn wealth and honor through the government, will be bereft of religion, dutiful in family affairs, hold a high rank of office, be majestic, strong, bold, be a miser, will trouble others, will wander in hills and forests and speak sparingly, be irascible, firm in friendship, careless, inaccessible (or inviolable), will destroy his enemies, have famous sons, honor the virtuous, will be rich through agriculture etc., be interested in business and will spend heavily on prostitutes and dancers. Spouse will suffer dental diseases.,
Lagna in Lunar Mansion '11 Purva Phalguni-4'
The Star ruling your Ascendant or Moon is Purva Phalguni.

Physical features: you have an attractive personality, and a stout body with mixed color. Frequent sweating, and a snubbed nose are indicated. Character and general events: you like full freedom. It is seen that you become famous in one field or another. However, your mind may be full of disturbances over one or the other matter. You have inherent intuitive powers to know the problems of other people. Hence, even before the help is requested for, you extend a helping hand to the needy. You will possess sweet speech and are fond of traveling.

Education, sources of earning/profession: you choose not to be a slave to anyone. Because of this quality, it is quite often noticed that you will not take up a job which involves subordination in its true meaning. There is a drawback in you that cannot be a 'yes master' even to your boss in the case of employment. You are not in a position to derive much benefit from your superiors. You want to be sincere in all the work you undertake. Neither can you be a party to any illegal activities nor have the power of tolerance to see such activities. This condition of your mind may drag you into several complications in life, but you are ready to face such problems. You do not like to get any benefit at the cost of others. You may have several hidden enemies. Hence, such enemies stand as a main obstacle in your progress. However, you are able to subdue such enemies and attain much success in all the work you undertake. You enjoy power. You give preference to position and authority rather than money.

You pursue a righteous path of progress and may devote your valuable time for such a cause. Even though you are able and intelligent you cannot necessarily reach the place of your dreams. It does not mean though that you will not rise in life. In the employment field, you will frequently change your job, particularly at the age of 22, 27, 30, 32,37 and 44 years. You will attain the requisite position only after your 45th year of age. While you do not want others' money you may be frequently in trouble in the financial matters because of others. In other words, borrowers may not return the money to you. In spite of all the adverse positions mentioned above you will, after your 45th year of age, reach a good position where power and authority vests in you. In the business field you can shine well.

Family life: your married life will be happy. You will have a good spouse and children and also derive much happiness from them. In some cases it has been noticed that you may not marry the person of your choice. You will lead a life away from your birthplace and other family members.

Health: your health will generally be good. However, you may be prone to dental disease or digestive disorders. Even so, no permanent nature of disease is noticed.
Sun in Scorpio 19°08'06"
You will have quite a taste for combat or competition. This placement causes the urge to stray from the Vedic path, to lie, to be dull, to lose the spouse or have an uninspiring spouse and to be cruel. You may be course, a miser, fond of quarreling, troubled by weapons or attacks from others, by fire and poisonous things and may be unfortunate in respect of parents.
Sun in Scorpio with Leo ascendent
You will earn abundant landed property, be learned and possibly famous.
You may feel a sense of loss, despite the fact that your material attainments are substantial.
Sun in House 4
You view life in a regal way, with a thread of detachment - making the changes of life, or living itself, something you 'view' rather than identify with. It makes you detached from the masses. You require people to offer significant things in exchange for your friendship, or in other words, you want significant people as your friends. Therefore, ordinary people are not usually found to be very important to you in your own personal life. This is also the reason why you are at times faced with vindictiveness from jealous people, even though you deal very nicely with everybody.

You will earn money and power by your own efforts, and those who oppose you will find it difficult to 'win'. Your later career will tend to be better than your earlier attempts, and you will gradually attain a better situation and a strong personal character. The first half of life is made difficult in a number of ways, but gradually things improve. You will suffer deeply due to bad leaders, and may also experience weakness in the heart, or heart troubles. You will acquire a very prosperous career, but will suffer in some attacks or litigation.
Sun in Lunar Mansion '18 Jyeshtha-1'
Watch for a danger from poison, fire or weapons.
Moon in Capricorn 10°52'31"
Sexy, jealous, gains and success through others, grants wealth and attendants. You are honest and generous, blessed with children, a scholar. Calculating in money matters. A good singer, susceptible to ill effects from coldness or cold things, fond of truth and charity, distinguished, famous, libidinous, unkind and shameless, may reach for things out of reach, or try to take that which is not rightfully yours, poetic and of low enthusiasm.
Moon in Capricorn with Leo ascendent
The Moon in this sign restricts mental development, leaving you at the mercy of karmic forces throughout life. All efforts to orient your life in a specific direction according to your desire will be ineffective in the face of destiny. You will live and mix with laborers who have few altruistic notions about life. You will have plenty of money, but not peace of mind or social respectability.
Moon in House 6
With the Moon in the sixth house, you are dogged with persistent difficulties. Often you are endangered and may get mixed up with criminals and anti-social elements; you suffer great financial difficulties and may even be involved in public litigation. Your physical health may not be strong, but there will be great mental expansion, intellectual development and moral stamina. Even during periods of acute physical and financial difficulty you will succeed in securing help from providential sources. You will contribute to social progress and command great respectability, but personally you will have much to complain about. You are intelligent and have an overwhelming influence against the most powerful enemies. However strong they may be, ultimately they surrender to you. Every repeated attack they make happens to be a misfire. You may not be devoted to your mother or indifferent to her. The sixth house denotes enemies, injuries, accidents, diseases, afflictions, maternal uncles, cousins, servants, loss of wealth, calamities through the opposite sex, suits and debts, intimidation and apprehension from enemy. You are delicate, have a poor appetite, your passions are subdued, You tend to be easily excited, lazy and inactive. You may be short-lived, dull, be of uncertain health and suffer loss of appetite or feel slighted. You have a sharp vision, are brave and bold, cruel and unkind, have no progeny, are strong but lean, have strong desires but can not pro-create. Enemy sign cause more enemies; If the Moon is in its depression sign Scorpio, it can cause a melancholic nature, you may remain sick and ailing. You may suffer diseases of the stomach. Note: Whatever be the valor of enemies, you will always conquer them. They will not raise their heads again before you. You may be emaciated, miserly and unfruitful, and will not have much sexual appetite. Your maternal uncle will be separated from children or will have only daughters.
Moon in Lunar Mansion '22 Shravana-1'
The Star ruling your Moon or Ascendant is Shravana. You have a physically very attractive. Normally you will be of short stature, and there will be a peculiar mark on the face, may be in the form of a mole or some other mark which appears to be a kind of disfigurement. In some cases, a black mole beneath the shoulder has been noticed. You are very sweet in speech, and also maintain neatness in every work you undertake. There is a set principle for you in life. You expect your surroundings to be very clean and you dislike persons who do not have the tendency of maintaining neatness. Once you notice a person in untidy conditions you will not hesitate to open your mouth. You take pity on the condition of others and try to help others as far as possible. You like to have very neat and delicious food. It is because of this that you are a very good host. You are God-fearing and have full respect for elders. You are a believer in victory for truth. You cannot expect much benefit or return from those persons whom you have helped, whereas it has been noticed that you are subject to deceit from others. Even if you catch a thief, you will try to find out the truth of the circumstances which led that person to become a thief, and if you are convinced you will let that person go. Your inherent quality of peaceful appearance and the knack of dealings will penetrate to the minds of the public, hence you are the fittest politician for modern times. Your smile is enough to attract and be remembered by others. Whatever may be the ups and downs in life, you will neither reach to the top or bottom. In other words, a mediocre life will be enjoyed by you. Even illiterate persons born in this Nakshatra will show complete maturity and will be eager to gather knowledge whenever they get the opportunity. You are a very good adviser. Others will look to you for solving individual as well as collective problems. You are a versatile genius. You have the ability and capacity to undertake different jobs at a time. If you are installed in a seat of some power and authority, you will shine well. You are always in search of an authoritative job. Since you have to shoulder much responsibilities and spend for fulfilling responsibilities you will always be in need of money. You will not like to take revenge even on your bitterest enemies. On the other hand, you will think to let God give due punishment to them. Up to 30 years of age you will undergo several changes. The time between 30 to 45 years of age will mark stability in all walks of life. In case you go beyond 65 years due to beneficial planetary positions, you can expect remarkable progress both economical and social. You are suitable for taking up mechanical or technical work or engineering. You may also be connected with petroleum or oil products. Married life will be filled with extra-ordinary happiness. You will have a spouse with all good qualities. That does not necessarily cause you to remain faithful however. You may suffer from ear problems, skin disease, eczema, rheumatism, tuberculosis and indigestion.
Mars in Capricorn 18°55'14"
You show courage and a spirit of adventure; interest in heroic actions, high hopes, great efforts, good management, position, authority and success. Slow to learn, but intuitive, interest in commerce and science. Gains through marriage. (If afflicted indicates many difficulties and strife with superiors. Unlucky for parents.) Wealthy, fortunate, endowed with happiness and pleasures, nice demeanor, famous, leadership abilities are good, has a good spouse, successful in combat or competition, lives in his own country, is independent, a protector, virtuous and interested in learning detailed procedures for carrying things out.
Mars in Capricorn with Leo ascendent
You become very excitable, always ready to create turmoil and have very few close friends. You are generally successful in transcending all opposition, but suffer from pain in the stomach. Your face may have some scar or other mark of injury.
Mars in House 6
Mars in the Sixth house is considered helpful; it has a great destructive force which enables you to transcend all sorts of difficulties (it destroys the difficulties represented by the 6th house such as disease and debts). Even if you somehow, somewhere, get involved in criminal proceedings, you emerge unscathed; afflicted by physical sufferings, you may experience a sudden cure. People in general may find you tight-fisted, but you will not be encumbered by debt. Mars in the Sixth induces a great deal of physical activity; events may happen so fast and from such unexpected quarters that you may find yourself in a whirlwind, both physically and mentally. In the process, you will develop fortitude, adaptability, and leadership. There is often a feeling of martyrdom; you may bleed physically and psychologically. Your life experiences may make you rigid and opinionated. You have powerful enemies; but they, being defeated by your strong arms, robust body and fiery looks, turn their backs on the battlefield. You are brainy and prosperous, but this placement is not favorable for the maternal uncles. You may lose wealth; but accumulate it again. Good imagination and alert; affliction to mother's family members; short-tempered; friendly to noble people; sensuous. Sexy and hungry; handsome and tall. Leadership; protector of family members; understanding with relatives; victor; enemies in plenty, generous, licentious. Strong Mars may lead you to cattle-rearing. Danger from poison, fire and weapons. Religious and keeps company with saintly people. You may suffer at the hands of servants or employees, as they misuse your generosity and liberality-leading to theft, quarrels, disputes and losses. Active, energetic and enthusiastic; liable to overdo yourself. Mars controls the tastes; therefore, by overeating you may impair your health through indiscretion, carelessness, extravagance and accidents. Surgical operations. Afflicted Mars causes inflammations or accidents to the part of the body indicated by the Sign occupied. If this Mars is in Fixed Signs, it causes organic diseases; complaints in bowels, diphtheria, nervous disorders, gravel; heart troubles.
Mars in Lunar Mansion '22 Shravana-3'
Mercury in Sagittarius 9°23'05"
In your own deep thinking or intelligence, you try to be philosophical and wise. You tend towards the expansive and progressive stance, considering the generosity, good literature, good arts, which protect one and all, to be worthy of your thought. Therefore you are fond of science and medicine, because they aim at taking care of one and all.
Mercury in Sagittarius with Leo ascendent
Your writings and speeches are very articulate: you will attain a very high position in your academic career. The number of your children will be restricted, but your intellectual reputation will be extensive.
Mercury in House 5
There will be happiness on account of children.
Mercury in Lunar Mansion '19 Mula-3'
You are earmarked for independent profession.
Jupiter in Virgo 18°16'55"
Choosy about friends, analytical mind, observant, promising, much traveling. Unorthodox about marriage partner. Gains through literary pursuits and speculation in commercial investments. Ailments of bowels and lack of concentration.
Jupiter in Virgo with Leo ascendent
Learned and wise, but you will not be able to amass much wealth. You will gain through honest activities, but there are be persons who will slander you. You might suffer at the hands of relations and friends.
Jupiter in House 2
You may have a second marriage late in life. Jupiter in the 2nd gives many good qualities along all general lines such as education, looks, wealth, family, etc. It is an overall positive placement. Some of the favorable attributes are: handsome, scholarly, skilled, poetic, reputed, friendly, social, perfect, benevolent, modest, rich and getting royal favor at age 27. You might be fickle at times, a little too heavy of a leader to your own people, rich, and happy with a beautiful partner. This placement can make adversaries, especially through speaking out.

You are generous, considerate, enlightened, get appreciated merit, are adept, contented, dispassionate, polite, fond of noble company, bold, scholar, discreet, and have business wealth and conveyances. Accumulation of wealth, royal authority and power are indicated. You are healthy, sociable, love delicacies, are cheerful, wise and logical. Wealth is indicated in the 16th year. Late marriage is possible, as well as early separation or death of the father, leaving no patrimony. If it is there, there will be hostility between you and your father.

Your education might be incomplete, and your family or society may criticize and oppose you. Your heart and mind are in poetry - both composition and recitation. Because of your religious inclination and your sense for justice, you would make a fair judge or director giving rewards or punishments. This placement might not promote a sexually active life, as you tend to not like the period following the act of sex. To others you may not appear to have status or wealth. You speak sweet and short. Relationship with family and relatives is good. Your honor matters to you very much.
Jupiter in Lunar Mansion '13 Hasta-3'
You will be endowed with health, wealth and a good spouse. This position is good for an engineering profession or as an architect.
Venus in Sagittarius 18°08'25"
You are very enlightened. Blessed with comforts of most types. Spiritual, philanthropic, attractive, noble, affluent. You gain best through high status engagements and education or educated people. You will probably have more than one spousal connection. You like travel, fine arts, sports and amusements. You are honest.
Venus in Sagittarius with Leo ascendent
Venus will bring many laurels to you. You will be compassionate, possessing both a sharp intellect and a great sensitivity for the feelings of others. Your life will be directed towards achieving social and official status, in which you will succeed admirably. You will be lucky in regards to children and will also have a good education, perhaps even an academic career.
Venus in House 5
Venus is more concerned with sensual enjoyment than accepting responsibility. Under its influence, you are more interested in appreciating or patronizing the arts than in creating them, and more inclined to romance than the duties of parenthood. You will have more daughters than sons, and will be wealthy and cultured.

Your goal in life is not concerned with the attainment of spiritual awareness or an enduring reputation: immediate gain, sociability, respectability and sensual enjoyment motivate you. Venus in the 5th house indicates success in love affairs, lasting pleasures out of life, fruitful union and beautiful children, name and fame through off-spring, and social accomplishments through entertainment, concerts and gatherings.

Gains through speculation, investments, art and music, children, schools and playgrounds are also indicated. You may be blessed with noble sons, financial gain, success and the capacity to compose classics. Early birth of a son is possible. This placement can give sudden and large gain, the ability to recite poetry in assemblies and opportunities for delicious food. You have faithful friends, are lustful, effluent, and an advisor or lawyer.

You are good-looking, blessed with many vehicles, and learned and skilled in art and poetry. You get royal honor, are rich, skilled, a capable leader, politician or diplomat and dexterous in amorous sport. You are learned in various sciences, prosperous, proud and charitable, tactful, just and fair. There might be loss of reputation at some times in your life.
Venus in Lunar Mansion '20 Purva Ashadha-2'
Saturn in Gemini 12°54'45"
Scientific, perfect, methodical and systematic in action, if overcomes passion. Trouble and ill-reputation through relatives, financial problems, wrong association with the opposite sex. Tendency to delay matters.
Saturn in Gemini with Leo ascendent
Saturn makes you rich and skillful in technological and managerial matters. You are not interested in ethical questions or religious observances. You are very practical and hard working, but unhappy.
Saturn in House 11
Saturn in the eleventh makes you rich. You are thoughtful and serious in everything you do, and keep excessive control over your actions and reactions. You are very persistent, and your desire to attain a high material position is also very intense. You can become a seasoned bureaucrat, but whatever your vocation, you will be almost one-pointed in achieving the goal you set for yourself. Callous behavior during the pursuit of that goal may also be expected; you acquire fixed assets and landed property as well. Your education is usually incomplete, but your innate intelligence and practical wisdom are remarkable. Trouble through sons is indicated. Most of the life is full of struggle - it may be due to friends, family or any body. With Saturn in the 11th house you are rich, long-living, brave and firm. You suffer from acute ailments only. You are a thousand times more cunning and a better manipulator than anybody, and constant and firm in respect of wealth, health and mind. You enjoys longevity, very cunning and you show your bravery in the competition arena. You may be childless. You are reputed, have noble friends, are merciful, benevolent, soft and sweet, thin, lean, contented, affluent and pleasure seeking. You get wealth through the government, and have plenty of attendants. Some income through agriculture or employment is indicated. You are contemplative and fortunate. You have to endure much ailment since childhood and there is danger from fire. You are learned in all the sciences, get state honor but are immodest. Education through learned people is indicated. You are a family person and live through handicraft. This Saturn denotes wealth, obstacles, land and recognition through the government.
Saturn in Lunar Mansion '6 Ardra-2'
There is some indication of illegal activity. Your relations with your father may be strained. This placement shows a tendency towards spiritual life.
Rahu in Scorpio 2°03'47"
Rahu in Scorpio with Leo ascendent
This placement causes social maladjustment, heart afflictions, and secret diseases.
Rahu in House 4
When Rahu is in this house, you are not quite so unlucky. Almost everything in your immediate environment is the result of past karmic forces which nothing can stave off, and such forces may bring conditions that test your mettle. You suffer separation from your mother, siblings may turn against you even when you are helpful to them, and you may not receive your due in your profession. Nevertheless, your affluence, penchant for spiritual study and general persistence, along with insight into the workings of nature, may in time produce wealth, and you may win an enviable status in life and a reputation which outlasts you. In the end, you will certainly achieve your desires.

Rahu in the 4th gives rise to Raja Yoga during Rahu ruled periods, sub periods, etc. This means there will be a tendency towards things going well. Rahu in the 4th makes the mother long-lived. You will find little happiness and may feel foolish at times. You may find yourself living in a foreign land without a well-wisher, separated from the community, living a lonely life in a solitary place. There may be few, if any, children, and you may have trouble with the opposite sex or association with the low and wicked people. You may be a back-biter, an only child, and have a thin and lean spouse. There may be trouble and loss to the parents and relatives. Your mother suffers from excess bile or may be ailing or have mental agony. You are haughty and insolent, the enemy of your own people, sexy, inert and bold, may be prosperous and have two spouses and employees. You might suffer from psychic problems.

You can expect good luck between age 36 to 56. Sudden and unexpected gain through property is indicated. You are gentle, trustworthy and long-living. You could become a geologist. There is a possibility of illegitimate offspring.
Rahu in Lunar Mansion '16 Vishakha-4'
You may suffer from a disease that affects your appetite.
Ketu in Taurus 2°03'47"
Ketu in Taurus with Leo ascendent
At times you may feel confused, psychologically disturbed, or prone to alternative expressions of sexuality.
Ketu in House 10
Ketu is our critical faculty, seeking self-knowledge and self-importance, in exchange for which it receives humiliation in the short run, followed by enduring recognition and respectability. In the tenth house, its impulse often causes you to be maladjusted to society. However, your respect for others depends on the real worth of a person, based on inherent qualities.

Since society in general favors the external forms of behavior and the recognition of traditional values, you may find most social interactions to be based on hypocrisy despite any spiritual contradictions between the hidden and the visible. Much animosity and resentment will be leveled against you, even though you will be considered quite intelligent, with a very fertile brain, having original ideas on almost all subjects.

You will be religious in the true spiritual sense of the term. Your knowledge of scriptures will be profound and authentic, and your understanding of their esoteric implications and meanings will be extraordinary. You may feel unfortunate and miserable. Danger of falling from horse back or other conveyances and trouble through thieves is indicated. You are fond of playing musical instruments and black objects. You oppose all good activities, are vicious, impressive, reputed and gallant.

This denotes loss of reputation through fraud, treachery and unfavorable public and market conditions, failures, changes or depressions. It indicates trouble for the father or you yourself are unattractive. There is danger from horse, cow or bull etc. You may suffer from diseases of the rectum, be of lowly habits and deeds, and adulterous. You will get no gain or support through parents.
Ketu in Lunar Mansion '3 Krittika-2'
You have to lead a life away from your near and dear ones. Bodily pain and devoid of wealth. Too much attachment to the opposite sex and wine.
Uranus in Capricorn 0°21'42"
Uranus in Capricorn with Leo ascendent
Uranus in House 6
Uranus in Lunar Mansion '21 Uttara Ashadha-2'
Neptune in Sagittarius 21°05'09"
Neptune in Sagittarius with Leo ascendent
Neptune in House 5
Neptune in Lunar Mansion '20 Purva Ashadha-3'
Pluto in Pisces 11°53'12"
Pluto in Pisces with Leo ascendent
Pluto in House 8
Pluto in Lunar Mansion '26 Uttara Bhadrapada-3'

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