George Ruth

George Ruth

Feb 6, 1895  1:45 PM  GMT-5.07E0  DST/WT 0

George RuthGeorge Ruth
Lagna in Gemini 9°29'32"
Gemini in the Ascendant gives you an attractive appearance. Usually tall, with large hands and feet, you may be lean and thin with beautiful eyes and a sharp nose. Your intelligence and pleasant demeanor make your face radiant. You have a special skill in diplomatic negotiations, expertise in trade practices, a talent for dramatic performances, and a great capacity to conceal your emotions. Ambivalence will be your outstanding feature. You are often bashful and very selective in speech. You like to meet people, travel extensively, and acquire knowledge. You have a special ability to influence people and you delight in sporting with the opposite sex. You have an adaptable, dual personality. You can be serious or trivial, depending on your mood and circumstances. Success in life depends on intuitively understanding other people's thoughts and emotions. This capacity to interpret the thoughts and feelings of others, enables you to be a very successful writer or novelist. Among the planets, Venus has a special affinity with a person born under this sign, while Mars, the Sun and Jupiter produce adverse results. The Moon is a killer, but if posited with favorable planets may yield auspicious results. However, the Moon, who is the Lord of the 2nd, does not become a death significator (Maraka) for a person born under Gemini Ascendant. You will have a dear spouse, be fond of ornaments, charitable, respectable, will have two mothers, will be favorable even to your enemies, interested in music, fine arts, amusement and poetry, be gentle, fond of beautification, conceited, truthful, impatient, crafty, will possess limbs of irregular sizes, be of fierce appearance, will destroy even fearful enemies, and be endowed with lands, jewels, gold etc.
Lagna in Lunar Mansion '6 Ardra-1'
Your Ascendant or Moonstar is Ardra.

There may be variations in physical structure, from the slim and short structure to fat and lengthy structure. Character and general events: you will undertake any work entrusted to you in a responsible manner. In the public meetings you will create an atmosphere of humor and keep everybody attracted to you. You will have intuitive perception. You may be a good psychologist. Your dealings with friends and relatives will be very cordial. You may be thankless to the persons who have given you help. You may not have a constant type of behavior.

Education, sources of earning/profession: you have the capacity to acquire and keep knowledge of almost all subjects. However, in spite of these good qualities you cannot attain much fame or reward out of such knowledge. It is advisable that you must meditate regularly. If you do so, you can overcome the above inherent affliction. Since you may be over sincere in work and to other persons, even the slightest problem which may be confronted could land you into mental agony. However, even during the time of extreme hardships both financial and mental, you can keep your head cool, and behave in a most respectable and attractive manner. Because of this quality, you will be very much involved in others hearts. You will not stick to one line of work, you may enjoy working many different jobs at a time. Even when you come to know that the line of action or thought which you have taken is the correct approach, you will not hesitate to respect others if their opinions differ. In the case of research work on any particular line, you will be successful. In the business field you will attain much success. It has been noticed that most of the selfless social workers are born with the Moon under this star. You have the capacity to successfully undertake any number of jobs at a time. Complete perfection in all the fields can also be obtained. In the case of travel for a specific job, you will oversee other connected work which can be carried out simultaneously. Normally, you will earn your livelihood away from your home and family. In other words you may be settled in foreign places. The period between 32 years and 42 years of age will be the golden period for you. You may be employed in transport, shipping, communication departments or industries. You may also earn as a book seller or finance broker.

Family life: your marriage may be delayed. In case marriage takes place early you feel compelled to live separately from the family, either due to difference of opinion between the couple or due to other circumstances beyond your control. You may have to face several inherent problems of life. But you will not reflect your problems outwardly. When the marriage takes place at a late stage, your married life will be good. Your spouse will exercise full control over you.

Health: you might suffer from some diseases that could be serious. You may be prone to Asthma, dry cough, ear trouble.
Sun in Capricorn 25°23'26"
This brings the following general characteristics, which get modified by specific aspects and other placements in your chart: This is average or below average of help to the overall life, causing interest in low class persons, greed, working in low jobs, timidity, lacking relatives, being fickle, a wandering mentality and weakness. You are endowed with various deeds, will lose everything due to conflicts with your relatives and will be a voracious eater.
Sun in Capricorn with Gemini ascendent
You may experience many miseries.
You are ripe for occult training and the control of nature's secret powers. Nothing worldly attracts you under this impulse, so the physical world is transcended and you are free to devote yourself to occult preparations. Society does not give you any recognition; you may be humiliated, your actions and attitudes are misunderstood. But these trials simply make you more receptive to the illuminations from the unknown. The Sun in this position presents physical restrictions and difficulties which enable you to gain spiritual power.
Sun in House 8
In general, the Sun in this house makes you lean and thin, mentally unusual, disliked and abandoned by relations. But if the zodiacal sign is supportive, the solar influence here may lead to much interest in spirituality or the process of initiation.

The Sun of the 8th house is mostly malefic, as it is posited in a bad house. This house denotes wills, legacies, chronic diseases, loss of wealth, extravagance, suits and quarrels, death, co-workers and occult matters. Planets occupying this house incline to an interest in occult science; if without a planet, life runs on conventional lines till the ruler receives strong aspects. You are a crafty impostor and lewd. Life is hard and difficult.

You travel widely and associate with low class persons, eat unscrupulously, squander away wealth or loose it by theft. Secret vice brings infectious diseases and poor health. You can neither make others' life happy, nor, your own. Possibility of sudden or early death is indicated.

You are handsome, but indolent, prodigal, spend-thrifty, and suffer from piles, are adulterous, travel wide and are quarrelsome. Absence of offspring, weak sight, wealth, violence, sickness and hard work are indicated. You are neither rich nor happy, and might suffer the loss of some dear one. Generally you are less wise, short-tempered and of poor mental and physical health. These are the disqualifications for a successful and happy life. You are fickle-minded but generous, and ready to serve the wise and learned. You tend to be characterless, prudent, talkative, long-lived and serve the low caste, get little happiness from sons, suffer from eye troubles and get a wound or boil on the head during the 10th year.

Note: With the Sun in the 8th house, you will always undergo miseries, will establish relationships with persons of foreign origin, will lose wealth in thefts, will face severe and secretive dangers, will have a beautiful physique akin to that of (waxing) moon, will incur financial danger from all sides, have a weak sight and physical distress, will contact incurable venereal diseases, will always fight with others, will have few friends and some wealth, will not be steady in the career and only have limited progeny, but be a skillful astrologer.
Sun in Lunar Mansion '23 Dhanishtha-1'
You are skillful but boastful and selfish as well. You have a fair complexion and a short structure.
Moon in Gemini 13°50'55"
You are tall, handsome, full of contradictions but business-like, intellectual and possess artistic abilities, scientific pursuits, literary taste, are humane, reserved, and have a broad outlook. You will have a prominent nose and dark eyes, will be skillful in the art of love, poetry etc., will enjoy sexual pleasures, will have lines of fish in the palm, will be fond of worldly enjoyments, will be sinewy, very intelligent, splendorous, be endowed with happiness, jocular disposition and eloquent speech, be won over by the females, will have a long body, will befriend neuters and will have two mothers. (Note-: The Moon in Gemini ascending, gives the qualities of Mercury to the person in general.) The prominent nose will make the subject look beautiful. As Mercury is a eunuch, the person will make friendship with neuters or will enjoy sexual pleasures with barren partners. Worldly pleasures will be more important than spiritual pursuits. People born under this sign may be gifted speakers.
Moon in Gemini with Gemini ascendent
Bestows a beautiful physical body, voluptuous eyes and an understanding of the feelings and thoughts of others. You are erotically skilled and attractive to the opposite sex, leading to an agreeable married life-though fidelity is not assured. You may suffer from phlegm and often fall ill.
Moon in House 1
You will be gregarious and will want everyone to appreciate you. This will be especially true when the Moon is in female signs. You can suffer from somnambulism or sleepwalking. Another way to take this is that you are sleepwalking sometimes during the daydreaming in life. You take your mental life very seriously. Handsome but fickle. Scared of water or sickness. In your 15th year you can travel much. In general context it is stated that the Moon in the Ascendant can make one cunning, short-statured, valorous, happy, liking nice milk-based foods, interested in astrology, famous in the later part of life, subject to perils, and disbelieving of your spouse.
Moon in Lunar Mansion '6 Ardra-3'
Your Ascendant or Moonstar is Ardra.

There may be variations in physical structure, from the slim and short structure to fat and lengthy structure. Character and general events: you will undertake any work entrusted to you in a responsible manner. In the public meetings you will create an atmosphere of humor and keep everybody attracted to you. You will have intuitive perception. You may be a good psychologist. Your dealings with friends and relatives will be very cordial. You may be thankless to the persons who have given you help. You may not have a constant type of behavior.

Education, sources of earning/profession: you have the capacity to acquire and keep knowledge of almost all subjects. However, in spite of these good qualities you cannot attain much fame or reward out of such knowledge. It is advisable that you must meditate regularly. If you do so, you can overcome the above inherent affliction. Since you may be over sincere in work and to other persons, even the slightest problem which may be confronted could land you into mental agony. However, even during the time of extreme hardships both financial and mental, you can keep your head cool, and behave in a most respectable and attractive manner. Because of this quality, you will be very much involved in others hearts. You will not stick to one line of work, you may enjoy working many different jobs at a time. Even when you come to know that the line of action or thought which you have taken is the correct approach, you will not hesitate to respect others if their opinions differ. In the case of research work on any particular line, you will be successful. In the business field you will attain much success. It has been noticed that most of the selfless social workers are born with the Moon under this star. You have the capacity to successfully undertake any number of jobs at a time. Complete perfection in all the fields can also be obtained. In the case of travel for a specific job, you will oversee other connected work which can be carried out simultaneously. Normally, you will earn your livelihood away from your home and family. In other words you may be settled in foreign places. The period between 32 years and 42 years of age will be the golden period for you. You may be employed in transport, shipping, communication departments or industries. You may also earn as a book seller or finance broker.

Family life: your marriage may be delayed. In case marriage takes place early you feel compelled to live separately from the family, either due to difference of opinion between the couple or due to other circumstances beyond your control. You may have to face several inherent problems of life. But you will not reflect your problems outwardly. When the marriage takes place at a late stage, your married life will be good. Your spouse will exercise full control over you.

Health: you might suffer from some diseases that could be serious. You may be prone to Asthma, dry cough, ear trouble.
You are intelligent, have a joyful disposition, and may be an eloquent speaker.
Mars in Aries 25°00'47"
You are very active, idealistic, independent, original, hasty, impulsive, adventurous, a dashing personality, combative, fearful of fire, and prone to accidents and fevers. Mark on head. Splendorous, truthful, valorous, a leader, fond of war, competitive, adventurous and bold, an army chief, head of a group, delighted, charitable, endowed with necessary supplies for endeavors and having many mates.
Mars in Aries with Gemini ascendent
Mars makes you very energetic and active. You work whole-heartedly and constantly get promoted. But you are never satisfied with your status or your income: you want more, seek more, get more, and still strive for greater heights. There is always optimism in your outlook; you inspire courage and enthusiasm in others. You are a dependable friend, have very few children, and are devoted to religion and its observances.
Mars in House 11
Whenever Mars occupies the eleventh house you invariably become rich and chivalrous. You attain a financial status much higher than that of your ancestors. You are determined to earn money, and achieve it through your own efforts. Such a person is self-made. You are a very able organizer and possess gold, rubies, and vehicles. Though self-discipline rules your life and you have very active habits, you may not rule out the possibility of occasional sexual escapades. You earn money through your own efforts and acquire a large circle of friends. Mars in the 11th makes the whole chart stronger, but is not good for children and enemies, as they both suffer under its influence. Your facial deformity developed during illness is accredited as a beauty mark conditioned by your financial position. You are acclaimed by adversaries. To conceal your wealth and guard against jealousy, you are shabbily dressed. You are invincible and get grief through children, and pleasure through wealth, land and conveyance. Gain through personal wealth only is indicated. You are talented, fortunate, gallant, modest and prosperous. You are blessed with gold, copper, coral, red livery, conveyances, government favors, happiness and respect. You are wealthy and blessed with sons. Mars in the 11th house promotes growth; you live on delicacies and are healthy and devoted to learned and angelic people. You are vocal, sexy, rich and gallant, learned and honest. Enemies become friends. You are God-fearing, benevolent, reputed, firm, sharp, and easily excited. If Mars is exalted or strong in this house, you are fortunate, charitable, and wealthy. You are fond of the opposite sex and music, dejected and inert. Danger comes from thieves and fire. You get wealth at age 24. You have to deal with troubles from sons and fibroids in the stomach. You are glorious like the Sun and prosperous like a king, which can develop in confidence also. Gains from travel, courage, fire or arms, gold, jewels, and trade in ornamental clothes of silk are indicated. You have attendants, are sexy, scholarly and lover of truth. The eleventh house denotes friends, but they may be unfaithful, and you experience loss and trouble through them. This denotes strife, hostility and deaths amongst them. Unpopularity. You tend to have healthy relations, if Mars in this house is well aspected. If other planets are afflicting or adverse, there is violation of friendship, treachery, litigation, wrong advice, financial loss through rashness, and overindulgence with them. If this Mars is in watery signs trouble through friend is indicated. If it is in fiery signs you gain through speculation, lottery, race, and game of chance. Mars in this house develops self-control. You are very industrious and wealthy and gain through your personal qualities.
Mars in Lunar Mansion '2 Bharani-4'
You get a very high position. You have to be careful while traveling in foreign countries, as your death may take place in a foreign country, due to an accident. You could be an expert physician, preferably specializing in venereal diseases.
Mercury in Aquarius 13°05'32"
Overall you are rather intelligent and have an attraction to electronic gadgetry like computers and stereos. You tend to believe in higher spiritual forces and you are an independent thinker. You draw intelligence from the space where one knows that everything vanishes in time and that the greater, larger, picture is what is important.
Mercury in Aquarius with Gemini ascendent
Under this influence you will be helped in maintaining association with evolved individuals. You will come in contact with persons who are fairly advanced in material prosperity as well as in spirituality. In their company you will study the occult sciences, and you will also adhere to conventional religious observances.
Mercury in House 9
Mercury in this position renders you intellectually capable of discussing spiritual topics with ease, but your personal life is entirely divorced from true spirituality. You consider worldly position, money, and intellectual discourse as the true measure of life's success; you may observe all the rules of public morality, but your private life needs a great deal of preparation before you can take the direct path towards final release from material bondage. You are pious, prosperous, glorious and sharp, interested in Yoga and visiting holy places. You exercise overwhelming influence, destroying the wicked and are blessed with children and property. With Mercury is in the 9th house you observe religious ceremonies, construct wells and gardens, truth loving, ascetic, devoted to father, charitable, an eloquent speaker and noted for benevolence and learning. You are generous, anxious and sometimes, perverted. If Mercury is a malefic, you are vain and less fortunate; if a benefic, you are fortunate and devout. You are wise, live according to religious principles, are rich, a good speaker and a holy pilgrim. You have a very active mind, exploring the hidden mysteries of life and are interested in metaphysics. Well aspected Mercury will give power to concentrate. You are seeking after higher knowledge from heaven to earth and even under water life. You have an ingenious and studious mind, and love for art, science and literature. You may gain through journey, law suits and publication work, even if this Mercury is not under any planetary influence. Your bent of mind is subjected to the influence of the sign, this Mercury is posited in. In movable signs, it indicates love of journey in airy signs, well developed interest in aerial affairs.
Mercury in Lunar Mansion '24 Shatabhisha-2'
Your brother will enjoy a powerful 'Dhana Yoga'. You will be helped by your elder brother.
Jupiter in Gemini 4°10'13"
Truly kind and reliable, and not too interested in expanding your social circle. You have a liking for literature, occult studies and enlightening things. You may attempt publishing, but due to various miscalculations and relatives you sometimes suffer loss of money.
Jupiter in Gemini with Gemini ascendent
First half of life is full of hardships and the latter is full of prosperity.
A graceful appearance and favorable external conditions in life, but this does not give you inner satisfaction or peace of mind.
Jupiter in House 1
When Jupiter is in Lagna, you will have a tendency towards obesity and a stout body is a breeding place for congestion and breathing related complaints. Jupiter in the lagna promises good fortune; power and dignity to lead the social and commercial world; internal power through moral and religious self.

Optimistic, jovial, generous, prudent, sincere, courteous and amiable. Rational, firm and self-confident. You may hold a high position; such as, bankers, judges, doctors, lawyers, professors, preachers, government officers. Shipping or large scale wholesaler. You are known by your qualities; well-dressed; prosperous; charming personality; but less manly; looks forward to a life in paradise hereafter; so you give away your wealth for religious and pious observances, or doing good for others.

You are recognized by people for your proficiency. Affluent. Graceful. Spends your wealth for noble cause. Salvation. Conscience is elevated. Learned. Handsome. Longevity. Fearless. Blessed with children. You are a scholar; gets government favor; is large-hearted, gentle, mature, beautiful, honored, healthy, enlightened, modest, strong, thoughtful actions, patient, outstanding, grateful, loves gold-diamond and beautiful clothes, rich but scared. Poet, singer, pious, charitable, fond of sweets and delicacies, devout. While considering your wealth, position, status or ability, consider the sign occupied by this Jupiter and aspect on it.

This Jupiter causes such diseases as blood impurity, plethora, gout, liver complaints, excessive vitality, varies according to the sign occupied.
Jupiter in Lunar Mansion '5 Mrigashira-4'
You will have sufficient wealth. Gets honor and presents from the government. You may be an expert in reading others mind. Bowel disorders or poor eye sight.
Venus in Aquarius 11°38'09"
Venus has much to do with our sense of beauty and pleasures and Aquarius is a sign ruled by the 'low class' yet 'truly philosophical' Saturn. The combination of these two in your chart means that your sense of beauty will not be the 'norm' but rather, shaped by an appreciation for the earthy, the basic, the third world, the deep, the working class. For example, in America, although Mexico is considered a much 'poorer' country, still, some Americans find it in Vogue to dress in colorful and festive Mexican clothing, and they like the connection between 'the real people' of the poor countries and themselves, feeling that it brings them closer to 'real beauty'. They prefer to dress like the peasants of the third world, as opposed to wearing the stream lined fashions of their own society. This kind of connection is indicated by this combination. It further indicates that you can be very thoughtful about romance and love, philosophizing on these matters at length. Aquarius is a very philosophical and high-minded sign, indicating the descent of divine truth on one and all. Venus rules over romance and love in general. So, this combination is a natural one found amongst those who think much about the truth regarding love and pleasure.
Venus in Aquarius with Gemini ascendent
At times you will be tempted to be seduced by sensual pleasures. You will be helpful to your family members, however, will be likely to establish clandestine sexual relationships. In the end you will realize the futility of such attachments.
Venus in House 9
Venus provides a sensitivity which enables you to vibrate to a higher frequency and learn how to dissolve your self-consciousness by merging it with something else. The object of assimilation may be an ideal for which you fight, a goal you want to achieve, or even the beloved with whom you desire to be with, but the central theme in all of these is self-forgetfulness, aroused by sensitivity and the desire for union with something sublime, higher than oneself.

You are a money-lender; all are indebted to you. There isn't a man in town who does not take a loan from you. They pay interest and make you richer. You are religious, charitable, into daily distribution of free food and known for piety. Gain through brothers, servants, attendants and relatives is indicated. You are of robust nature, stout, large hearted, blessed with spouse and friends, render service to preceptors, are a kind host, prosperous, learned, fortunate, pious, generous, and self-made.

Your residence is outstanding. You live for a spiritual existence and holiness. This placement denotes patrimony for the good of respectable people, festivities and pilgrimages. You are contented, simple living, thin, respected by your own community and get physical comforts. Wealth gain at age15 and luck at age 25 is indicated. You are calm and balanced, and own conveyances and garments. You are devout, austere, offer adoration, have oceanic sign on the feet, are fond of enjoyments and sexual pleasure and are blessed with a long living father.

You have a very refined and artistic temperament and are considered a giant regarding all kinds of intellectual exercises. You are kind and sympathetic, fond of art and music and pure literature, and enjoy social intercourse with intellectual persons. You get success abroad, gain through travel and sea voyage and through relatives by marriage. Marriage to a foreigner, or to one like-minded is indicated.
Venus in Lunar Mansion '24 Shatabhisha-2'
You will be a doctor or chemist. Here also, marriage takes place at an early age.
Saturn in Libra 14°48'14"
Gains through travel and foreign countries. Gentle, soft, learned, philanthropic, recognized by the community, much intellectual exercises, broken home, attachment to prostitutes. Good for doctors and lawyers and any other profession also.
Saturn in Libra with Gemini ascendent
You will gain proficiency in international law, labor legislation, and engineering. Your married life will be slightly strained, though perhaps not seriously. You may earn a great deal of money through large corporations.
Saturn in House 5
Saturn constricts where it influences. In the fifth house, it restricts the children, makes childbirth difficult, or makes children seem restrictive and troublesome to you. It brings unhappiness with life. You are self-destructive towards spousal relationships. The education has breaks. What others see as high ideals may not inspire you. You are likely to be in manual labor, not caring for common law, and lacking finances. Unfortunate in love relationships, you prefer those who are senior in age and manner. You like those who are religious. You may feel unsuccessful in your pursuit of prayer because you feel unworthy which, giving you a feeling of not achieving your religious goal (which is philosophically a great thing as feeling successful in religion is ridiculous to those who know it well). You feel your mind is impure and you have disputes with friends. All this adds up to you becoming really religious. Trouble comes to the children and to yourself because of doubts or wrong advice. You are negative about the rich, and grief comes from friends. Your deep thoughts may be of such a nature as to make you not caring for friends so much, not willing to be relied on, and thus an unknown. This you may take as inevitable or even welcome.
Saturn in Lunar Mansion '15 Swati-3'
Rahu in Aquarius 29°56'39"
Rahu in Aquarius with Gemini ascendent
You' re involved in magic, alchemy, and the cure of physical ailments by the use of spiritual power.
Rahu in House 9
The nodes of the Moon have supreme importance in spiritual evolution. Rahu, the material polarity of the shadowy Nodes, takes you to sacred places, associates you with spiritual aspirants, and makes you a partner in spiritual celebrations and observances.

Preparing you in this way to receive the influence of the divine, Rahu equips you for this. You are a scholar, accredited for virtues, impressive in speech in an assembly, cultured and humane. You have veneration, belief and devotion in gods and sacred places. You are grateful and help upbringing your own family. You are revered for your merit, learned and generous. You give away useful things in charity, never leave a job in the middle, are persevering and virtuous, keep the family tradition and have spotless reputation. You help and support your relatives and are contented with the partner. You may be an affluent landlord and agriculturist.

You show faith in religions other than your own. Loss of wealth. You feel want of truth, conduct, luck and wisdom, travel alot, are a pauper, unfriendly to relatives and suffer from some physical ailment. You tend to be low, mean, shabby, afraid of enemies, wicked, hostile and vicious. You might be a town leader. You serve others and have intimate relationships with low-class persons.

You have many attendants, are prosperous, fortunate, have little faith in false religion, have poor health, are an eloquent speaker, are agreeable and cordial with the partner, affectionate, childless, proud of your community, a liar, speak ill of false religion and are unmindful of your duty. This Rahu denotes mental sharpness and gain through educational, legal and religious affairs, and through voyages and foreign affairs. You tend to be highly intuitive. Beware bad advisors/advice.
Rahu in Lunar Mansion '25 Purva Bhadrapada-3'
Ketu in Leo 29°56'39"
Ketu in Leo with Gemini ascendent
You may feel isolated and inflexible. You are able to propound your own special philosophy of life.
Ketu in House 3
Ketu in the third house enables you to conquer your enemies and gain wealth. You have few friends, suffer constant pain in your hands and will be fearful, anxious, worried and instable. Ketu can give much affluence, but it will not lend peace of mind. You win over oppositions. Useless and fruitless altercations and discussions are indicated. You get prosperity and show smartness. Affluent, sensual and sharp, patient, brave and generous. Disputes with enemies, loss of friends and separation from brothers are possible. You are indifferent, quarrelsome, skilled, long living and well known. You have a fortunate partner, eat tasty foods and suffer fear of loss through friends. You experience uneasiness and fear from the community and family and might be adulterous with partners who are not really your friends.
Ketu in Lunar Mansion '12 Uttara Phalguni-1'
You will be endowed with wealth, health and a reasonably good marital life. You may have only daughters, and may suffer from upper respiratory problems or liver problems.
Uranus in Libra 27°25'37"
Uranus in Libra with Gemini ascendent
Uranus in House 5
Uranus in Lunar Mansion '16 Vishakha-3'
Neptune in Taurus 20°40'29"
Neptune in Taurus with Gemini ascendent
Neptune in House 12
Neptune in Lunar Mansion '4 Rohini-4'
Pluto in Taurus 17°26'23"
Pluto in Taurus with Gemini ascendent
Pluto in House 12
Pluto in Lunar Mansion '4 Rohini-3'

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