Thomas Hardy
Jun 2, 1840 8:00 AM GMT-1.3E-1 DST/WT 0
Stinsford, England
Geo: 50°43'00", -2°26'00"Ayanamsa: -21°37'31"
Lagna in Cancer 10°29'42"
Cancer in the Ascendant gives a pleasing appearance of medium height, a round face, a thick neck and plump buttocks. Amiable in disposition, soft in speech, a connoisseur of good food and fond of luxurious living. You have the admirable quality of feeling at home in almost every situation.
You are a bundle of contradictions, greatly influenced by your planetary configurations. You are gentle, feminine in attribute, watery and have strength during the night and when 'resting near a lake, pond, or sand bank.' Materialistic in your approach to life, you are nevertheless capable of attaining great heights in spiritual practices. You may withdraw from the mainstream of life, actively pursuing your ethereal interests in seclusion, though outwardly you seem to be deeply engrossed in your earthly profession.
You can rise to sublime heights or sink into gross materialism. However, you do not really enjoy any situation. You may easily capture the object of your desire, but sex alone will not satisfy you. You may possess material riches and luxuries, but pine for something else. Even spiritual attainments and realizations seem of no consequence. Either you long for the past, or for that which is not yet in your possession.
Your attitude toward life and the parameters of your emotions and thoughts are always changing-nothing can hold your attention for long. You always shine in reflected glory. You must hold onto someone higher, mightier, wealthier, more respected, through whose support and patronage you can express your own qualities. In the absence of such an influence you seem forlorn, made of straw.
Given the opportunity to explain abstruse philosophical thoughts, you can reel out poetry to express them beautifully. But if required to articulate your own independent ideas on any subject, you might fail miserably. As long as love and affection are bestowed on you, you will react with the greatest sincerity, but once that situation of warmth and recognition is withdrawn, you become most miserable, just as if the life force had been drained from you. It has been observed, that emotional excitement, aggressive designs, and the pursuit of self-aggrandizement often lead a Cancer born individual to destruction.
Your greatest trouble comes from Saturn, the planet of restriction: whenever any situation arises which impedes your natural growth, you get enmeshed in an inextricable tangle. Your marriage is seldom happy; you often surrender yourself to your partner, either in emotional excitation or through some kind of infatuation, only to discover that your understanding of the situation was not realistic.
Something done in a hurry, prohibited by society and performed to derive some mean favor, often becomes a stumbling block, causing life long sorrow. Whatever happens in life, you are basically shy, unable to express your innermost feelings and thoughts or live a completely natural life.
If you examine carefully several horoscopes of persons born in Cancer Ascendant, you will invariably find that Jupiter in his Dasha has given rise to both good and bad results - bad in respect of debts, diseases and enemies. Though Jupiter may not cause Raja Yoga in the strict sense, as he promotes business and professional prospects involving you at the same time in misunderstandings, troubles, annoyances and ill-health.
Lagna in Lunar Mansion '8 Pushya-3'
Your Ascendant or Moonstar is called Pushya.
Physical features: there may be a distinguishing mark, scar or a black mole on the face. Character and general events: you may have an indecisive nature. You will act properly in most situations, but be cautious of acting selfishly. You may possess a naturally duplicitous nature. For some reason, due to past lives, or due to parental influence you may be very needy and desire more attention than you are able to distribute. You respond quickly to admiration and become quickly deflated by criticism, giving yourself to love and affection with sincerity and appreciation, yet you are ever mindful of slights and hesitate to form strong attachments. As already explained above, the inherent freedom available in all walks of life may lead you to bad company. You must be cautious of friends. You will be fond of good clothes.
Education, sources of earning/profession: you will jump upon any work without judging or thinking whether you are capable. Be cautious of this trait, it may have detrimental effects. You may not be a good anticipator, you are very good in certain work and sweet words are a natural expression for you. It would be better if you assessed your capacity and ability for the specific field where you can excel and then start doing the job. If that is done, nobody on earth can stop you in achieving the best result. One of the plus points for you is that you are not vulnerable to defeat and you push your way up through several obstacles. Even if you do not have any basic education, you will show extra-ordinary intelligence and knowledge on any matter of discussion. Another plus point for you is that you resist any idea or work which is not ethical. You may be of the opinion that all wrong doers must be punished. You will carry out any work entrusted to you with the utmost sincerity and certainty. Be cautious of an independent nature, which may effect the results of your work. Your abilities are many faceted but your success lies probable in the theater or arts or in commerce. There is an indication of poverty up to the age of 15 to16, improvement comes and will go up and down until the age of 32. From the age of 33 years on, there will be remarkable all round improvements i.e. economically, socially and in health. You may leave your home in order earn a living. You will normally undertake work where maximum traveling is involved.
Family life: there may be some problems in the family circle and you may have to depend on others for even day-to-day requirements. Due to this dependency during childhood you may become quite independent when you grow up. Circumstances may also warrant that you will be separated from your spouse and children even though you are attached to them. You may expect your spouse to be thoroughly self sufficient, with creditable talents and to be correct and conservative in manner and dress. You will be attached to your parents.
Health: be cautious of health problems in childhood.
Sun in Taurus 20°09'26"
Eyes and looks defective, tolerant, tactful, wise, jealous, affluent, fond of music, danger from water. Firm, patient and obstinate. This placement indicates that you will have troubles from diseases of the face and eyes, will endure difficulties, will have an emaciated body, will not have many sons, will be beautiful (also means fortunate, nice, handsome etc.), will possess decorum, be wise, will be jealous of those with no children, be endowed with eatables, clothes and scents, will have knowledge of singing, playing musical instruments and dancing and will face risk from water.
Sun in Taurus with Cancer ascendent
You will gain abundantly through spouse and the opposite sex and will experience good results during the Sun period.
The Sun in this sign makes you noble, with the welfare of the entire nation in your heart. dignified to the core, sensitive to every thought, you also have a great fondness for music and the fine arts. You respect learned persons, artists, and eminent thinkers. You outshine everyone, like the Sun in the solar system.
Sun in House 11
The Sun in this house is not good for the elder brother. You get wealth, recognition and goodwill from the government or those who are superior and more powerful than you in status. You rise through them and are benefited by them. You are a self-made person of some note. You will be blessed with gains, material welfare and general prosperity and a handsome spouse.
Your reputation is increased by holding public appointment or positions of responsibility. Loyal mind and honesty of purpose. For all this, you invite jealousy from enemies. Grief, on account of offspring, may be due to several reasons: They may be short-lived, foolish, illiterate, quarrelsome or sickly or you may be separated from them. You are virtuous, righteous, God-fearing, learned, fond of art and music and a leader. You can discriminate right from wrong. You are thin and lean and will be blessed with conveyances at an early age.
You will be interested in gathering money, you are strong, will dislike others, be devoid of servants and affection, be modest and will be successful in undertakings. You will conquer competitors with your valor and be so pleasing in appearance that good looking mates will lose their hearts for you and be after you. You will live long, acquire sudden wealth and be very opulent.
Sun in Lunar Mansion '4 Rohini-4'
Employment with the government. Frequent travels. Poor eye sight or mouth disease. You will be at the disposal of your spouse.
Moon in Gemini 19°04'23"
You are tall, handsome, full of contradictions but business-like, intellectual and possess artistic abilities, scientific pursuits, literary taste, are humane, reserved, and have a broad outlook. You will have a prominent nose and dark eyes, will be skillful in the art of love, poetry etc., will enjoy sexual pleasures, will have lines of fish in the palm, will be fond of worldly enjoyments, will be sinewy, very intelligent, splendorous, be endowed with happiness, jocular disposition and eloquent speech, be won over by the females, will have a long body, will befriend neuters and will have two mothers. (Note-: The Moon in Gemini ascending, gives the qualities of Mercury to the person in general.) The prominent nose will make the subject look beautiful. As Mercury is a eunuch, the person will make friendship with neuters or will enjoy sexual pleasures with barren partners. Worldly pleasures will be more important than spiritual pursuits. People born under this sign may be gifted speakers.
Moon in Gemini with Cancer ascendent
With the Moon in this sign, you will dive deep into the ocean of universal consciousness and retrieve jewels of understanding which will completely revolutionize the thinking of society. You will meet great opposition from established religious organizations. Through your integrity of character, based on complete renunciation of materiality and denial of personal glory, you will work for the revival of the primeval understanding of nature and for the proper place of mankind in the greater whole. Such a mission entails the complete abnegation of one's egotism.
Moon in House 12
Having Moon in the 12th house encourages some worldly engagements, which lead to worldly reactions. Pleasures of sex, the arts, dabbling in various subjects without a sincere desire to find truth, and so on, lead to the kinds of unwanted displeasures that come to us all to different degrees.
You have the Moon (mind-significator) in the 12th house (liberation from worldly entanglement). Thus, your mind spends time thinking about how to liberate yourself and others from worldly entanglements. Yet, you keenly feel a large set of restrictions or confining forces, which are not necessarily bad. Therefore, this is a suitable position for doctors, lawyers, and people of religious orders. You can keep secrets.
You love occult things, mystery, romance, and deep things. However, you may lack firmness and stability in character. You may have trouble in one eye, be frugal, and distrusted by others. Others may see you as suspect. There may be loss of wealth, and disputes in the family. You turn to addictions for comfort. Look for these indications during Moon-ruled periods.
You suffer anxiety from 'enemies' or 'opposition'. You are a philanthropist. You are not attached to the opposite sex in general, or at some point it becomes important that you give up that attachment. You have unfulfilled desires. You undo yourself at times, i.e. you subvert your own life with your own thinking, which may or may not be a bad thing. You sometimes feel dejected after love-making. You may have problems with addictions of some type, not necessarily bad ones, but some type.
Moon in the 12th causes damage to the left eye, or the eyes on general suffer. You have a hard time maintaining your morals, and your health. There may be some question regarding your birth. The relatives of your parents are annoying to you. You may have to move in order to escape some botheration. The appetite is weakened by this Moon, who also indicates that you are deprived of good food, incur wasteful expenditure, will be of angry nature, unhappy and will not be liked by others.
Moon in Lunar Mansion '6 Ardra-4'
Your Ascendant or Moonstar is Ardra.
There may be variations in physical structure, from the slim and short structure to fat and lengthy structure. Character and general events: you will undertake any work entrusted to you in a responsible manner. In the public meetings you will create an atmosphere of humor and keep everybody attracted to you. You will have intuitive perception. You may be a good psychologist. Your dealings with friends and relatives will be very cordial. You may be thankless to the persons who have given you help. You may not have a constant type of behavior.
Education, sources of earning/profession: you have the capacity to acquire and keep knowledge of almost all subjects. However, in spite of these good qualities you cannot attain much fame or reward out of such knowledge. It is advisable that you must meditate regularly. If you do so, you can overcome the above inherent affliction. Since you may be over sincere in work and to other persons, even the slightest problem which may be confronted could land you into mental agony. However, even during the time of extreme hardships both financial and mental, you can keep your head cool, and behave in a most respectable and attractive manner. Because of this quality, you will be very much involved in others hearts. You will not stick to one line of work, you may enjoy working many different jobs at a time. Even when you come to know that the line of action or thought which you have taken is the correct approach, you will not hesitate to respect others if their opinions differ. In the case of research work on any particular line, you will be successful. In the business field you will attain much success. It has been noticed that most of the selfless social workers are born with the Moon under this star. You have the capacity to successfully undertake any number of jobs at a time. Complete perfection in all the fields can also be obtained. In the case of travel for a specific job, you will oversee other connected work which can be carried out simultaneously. Normally, you will earn your livelihood away from your home and family. In other words you may be settled in foreign places. The period between 32 years and 42 years of age will be the golden period for you. You may be employed in transport, shipping, communication departments or industries. You may also earn as a book seller or finance broker.
Family life: your marriage may be delayed. In case marriage takes place early you feel compelled to live separately from the family, either due to difference of opinion between the couple or due to other circumstances beyond your control. You may have to face several inherent problems of life. But you will not reflect your problems outwardly. When the marriage takes place at a late stage, your married life will be good. Your spouse will exercise full control over you.
Health: you might suffer from some diseases that could be serious. You may be prone to Asthma, dry cough, ear trouble.
You are extravagant. You may experience disruptive education, but will acquire wealth through fair means. However, you may not enjoy a happy family life due mainly to the frequent disputes arising out of difference of opinion. You may find that your spouse resents your lack of attainment of a higher position in life.
Mars in Taurus 13°05'31"
You are an ambitious, practical, capable manager, who shows foresight, is inventive and undeterred by obstacles. Afflicted Mars indicates great financial losses through bull-headedness. Likes to break the vows of chaste persons, eats voraciously, little wealth, few sons, jealous, will maintain many people, is not trusting, plays violently, speaks harshly, is fond of music, sinful, inimical to relatives and brings infamy to the family.
Mars in Taurus with Cancer ascendent
Mars in this sign makes you very materialistic. You earn much money, enjoy a good life, and have the company of likable people. You are always engaged in business, and have little time for your family. You find no happiness in your children and often lapses in your morals.
Mars in House 11
Whenever Mars occupies the eleventh house you invariably become rich and chivalrous. You attain a financial status much higher than that of your ancestors. You are determined to earn money, and achieve it through your own efforts. Such a person is self-made. You are a very able organizer and possess gold, rubies, and vehicles. Though self-discipline rules your life and you have very active habits, you may not rule out the possibility of occasional sexual escapades. You earn money through your own efforts and acquire a large circle of friends. Mars in the 11th makes the whole chart stronger, but is not good for children and enemies, as they both suffer under its influence. Your facial deformity developed during illness is accredited as a beauty mark conditioned by your financial position. You are acclaimed by adversaries. To conceal your wealth and guard against jealousy, you are shabbily dressed. You are invincible and get grief through children, and pleasure through wealth, land and conveyance. Gain through personal wealth only is indicated. You are talented, fortunate, gallant, modest and prosperous. You are blessed with gold, copper, coral, red livery, conveyances, government favors, happiness and respect. You are wealthy and blessed with sons. Mars in the 11th house promotes growth; you live on delicacies and are healthy and devoted to learned and angelic people. You are vocal, sexy, rich and gallant, learned and honest. Enemies become friends. You are God-fearing, benevolent, reputed, firm, sharp, and easily excited. If Mars is exalted or strong in this house, you are fortunate, charitable, and wealthy. You are fond of the opposite sex and music, dejected and inert. Danger comes from thieves and fire. You get wealth at age 24. You have to deal with troubles from sons and fibroids in the stomach. You are glorious like the Sun and prosperous like a king, which can develop in confidence also. Gains from travel, courage, fire or arms, gold, jewels, and trade in ornamental clothes of silk are indicated. You have attendants, are sexy, scholarly and lover of truth. The eleventh house denotes friends, but they may be unfaithful, and you experience loss and trouble through them. This denotes strife, hostility and deaths amongst them. Unpopularity. You tend to have healthy relations, if Mars in this house is well aspected. If other planets are afflicting or adverse, there is violation of friendship, treachery, litigation, wrong advice, financial loss through rashness, and overindulgence with them. If this Mars is in watery signs trouble through friend is indicated. If it is in fiery signs you gain through speculation, lottery, race, and game of chance. Mars in this house develops self-control. You are very industrious and wealthy and gain through your personal qualities.
Mars in Lunar Mansion '4 Rohini-1'
Interested in instrumental music and sweet-tongued. Deals in the shipping industry. Suffers from prostate gland troubles or mumps.
Mercury in Taurus 9°54'55"
Your intellect is full of happiness and cheer, but you may be too cunning when it comes to love, finding yourself attracted to more than one person. You like to use your intelligence to actually achieve worldly happiness in life. Your motto is that prosperity flows from good thinking.
Mercury in Taurus with Cancer ascendent
Mercury in Taurus in the eleventh activates your mental principle, which will be the cause of your difficulties as well as your enduring contribution to society. Mercury persuades you to dwell on the problems of life after death, or human pleasures and sensations which ultimately give rise to sorrow, on the personal rivalries and non-brotherly feelings which create bitterness and destruction in social life, and on the relationship between physical existence and enduring spiritual life. But when your thoughts center on your personal life, your own comforts and achievements, there is a sense of disappointment. The real is not the ideal, and this is the cause of your sorrow.
Mercury in House 11
Mercury enables you to earn money from trade and commerce, the legal profession, or any job where literary and mathematical abilities are needed; you may also make a good civil servant. You are quite sociable and your sharp mind may qualify you to become an astrologer.
You prefer the company of enlightened and intelligent people. You receive wealth from a considerate employer, a discerning friend or a maternal uncle. Your elder brother will be very encouraging to you and your special aptitudes for diplomacy, journalism and authorship will be recognized. This Mercury is propitious. Gain through craft, writing or business is indicated.
After age 19 there will be gain of property, progeny and wealth. You get a lot of property, are learned, fortunate, with plenty of enjoyment, have fascinating spouses, are skillful, sharp, and a favorite of your own people. You have poor appetite, are cheerful, scholarly, rich, gentle, sensuous and always gaining. You are free from sickness, happy, cordial, renowned, talented, and studious.
If Mercury is in the 11th house, you get longevity, wealth, happiness, faithful attendants and are committed. You lead a life of real luxury and pleasure, and are courteous, strong and eager to acquire all knowledge. Gain of wealth at age 45 is indicated. You have more daughters, are a well-wisher of your own people, infirm, rich, dear to the opposite sex, handsome, dark-complexioned with beautiful eyes, sensual, affluent, modest, pleasure loving, gentle, strong, and have knowledge of several disciplines. (Not to be taken too literally for sure.)
Mercury in Lunar Mansion '3 Krittika-4'
You enjoy a very high position in the professional field and are very much attached to your duties and responsibilities. You will have more sons than daughters. Your health will not be good and you live up to 62 years of age.
Jupiter in Libra 18°55'46"
Your Jupiter gives you a cultured and polished taste, and makes you generous and helpful. You might gain through the opposite sex, those in authority positions, and the highly enlightened. You get trouble through unfaithful friends.
Jupiter in Libra with Cancer ascendent
You may be gifted with a healing touch. Because you are content, you can sympathize with people in trouble and help them with your sage counsel. You become affluent, learned, and very respected in your community; however, you may be slandered by envious persons.
Jupiter in House 4
With Jupiter in the 4th house, very evolved souls are born. You have learned good lessons in a previous life and have thereby earned meritorious rewards. Thus you are born into a very respectable family, receive much recognition from the state and are placed in happy surroundings with a luxurious house, own an excellent car, have abundant family and friends and respectable means of livelihood.
You are spiritually inclined, respecting the saints and seers, are well-versed in the branches of higher learning and are capable of overcoming personal difficulties by ethical means. You earn wealth and property as a result of government support and are happy in disposition. You will have good vehicles in general, or less hassles in this area than other people. This is a single planet reading, subject to great modification by other aspects, conjunctions, etc.
Jupiter in Lunar Mansion '15 Swati-4'
Venus in Taurus 5°45'59"
You are honest and sincere in love making, are generous, have more than one spouse, are charming, wealthy, learned, noble, gentle and social. Gain and success through art, stage-craft, legacy and partners.
Venus in Taurus with Cancer ascendent
When Venus occupies this sign, the art of music transcends its merely sensual nature and becomes sublimely spiritual. Your heart flows with the songs you sing and the musical compositions you create. You are not so much interested in monetary reward for your work; you live happily and blissfully with whatever you have. In spite of this psychological saintliness, the conditions of your life keep you relatively affluent; your family members greatly benefit from you. People flock to you because your company inspires them to seek higher realms of existence, and because you are intensely consoling when others are faced with the pangs of everyday misfortune.
Venus in House 11
There is a golden touch in everything you do and your association has a luxurious influence on everyone who comes within your sphere. Your friendship is consequently much sought after. Your social circle includes well-placed people who are always eager to promote your interests. You have special gifts for music, drama, and dance which endear you to all kinds of people. You obtain riches through the opposite sex, fine arts, and the perfume business.
Your success in life depends on your effective handling of people. Venus in the 11th house mostly gives favorable results. This denotes good luck after age 21 if born of lower class; after age 31, if born of higher class. You are a very modest, imposing personality, an eloquent speaker, wealthy, of spotless reputation, a warning to your enemies, and a governor. This indicates gain. You might have unnatural sex desires, are rich and live abroad.
You are skilled, blessed with an adorable spouse and children, strong and healthy, know no sorrow, have wealth and attendants, and are wise and expert in dance and music. You are a super-person, sensuous. righteous, charming and jovial, of lovely physic and attractive. Servants and attendants obey you.
You might gain through women in service positions who please the senses of their customers, or through traveling, and trade in silver and pearls, or through villages, city connections or construction work.
You are inclined to noble deeds and permissible conduct. You are mentally tense, religious, learned and God fearing. Abundant happiness, conveyances, family and fortune, gems and jewels are indicated. You gain through the government or agriculture, are a scholar, affluent, and generous. You get wealth and possess qualities like a good nature, are brilliant, renowned, truth loving, luxurious living, prosperous, predominating, a supreme authority, almost a leader, and of captivating looks and noble conduct. If Venus is weak, none of these blessings are experienced.
This Venus indicates gain and success through friends who would forward your interest by advise, their own goodwill and physical support. You may give music concerts at home.
Venus in Lunar Mansion '3 Krittika-3'
You are generous. You have more than one spouse. You deal in cosmetics or have a suitable profession as a teacher, musician or actor.
Saturn in Scorpio 27°19'56"
Hasty, stubborn, jealous, acquisitive, influential, vain, greedy, success in cheating others, danger from poison or arms. Many losses and ill health, interest in geology and chemistry. Gains through hard work.
Saturn in Scorpio with Cancer ascendent
May cause death by drowning.
You will have many difficulties. Your acquisitive tendencies will be thwarted and even close associates will shun you. Material deprivation and self-centeredness will eventually cause your ego to shatter, so that you must give up your egocentric shell just to subsist in the world.
Saturn in House 5
Saturn constricts where it influences. In the fifth house, it restricts the children, makes childbirth difficult, or makes children seem restrictive and troublesome to you. It brings unhappiness with life. You are self-destructive towards spousal relationships. The education has breaks. What others see as high ideals may not inspire you. You are likely to be in manual labor, not caring for common law, and lacking finances. Unfortunate in love relationships, you prefer those who are senior in age and manner. You like those who are religious. You may feel unsuccessful in your pursuit of prayer because you feel unworthy which, giving you a feeling of not achieving your religious goal (which is philosophically a great thing as feeling successful in religion is ridiculous to those who know it well). You feel your mind is impure and you have disputes with friends. All this adds up to you becoming really religious. Trouble comes to the children and to yourself because of doubts or wrong advice. You are negative about the rich, and grief comes from friends. Your deep thoughts may be of such a nature as to make you not caring for friends so much, not willing to be relied on, and thus an unknown. This you may take as inevitable or even welcome.
Saturn in Lunar Mansion '18 Jyeshtha-4'
You will be very active and rich, but wealth may be earned by unlawful activities. You may suffer from several ailments, and enjoy a moderate education.
Rahu in Aquarius 9°07'08"
Rahu in Aquarius with Cancer ascendent
Rahu in this sign draws you towards the darker side of materiality and, at worst, towards an ignoble end.
Rahu in House 8
With Rahu in this position you are always trying to attain your goal, but unfortunately your goal is not often clear to you. Under such conditions you always worry about unimportant things or strive after something which seems important momentarily but gives no ultimate satisfaction, and to attain your assumed objective you may associate with undesirable characters who bring a bad name.
You suffer from complex ailments which are difficult to diagnose. Rahu promotes health, promises longevity, grants gifts, legacies and inheritance from the dead. You are extravagant, sick, and ther will be strife with brothers, life away from birthplace and tend to have an unhappy family life. You are denied happiness through spouse, children, honor and education and might suffer from diseases of rectum or diabetes. Hindrances or enemies and complains of gastralgia or hystericus etc. are indicated. You are denied patrimony, but are respected and recognized by the rulers and pundits.
Fortune smiles once, but losses mock you again and again. You are forsaken by the noble for no reason and gain of sufficient wealth from the government, that sometimes is lost. You are well-built, short-tempered, free from danger, suffer from diseases of the generative organs, like hydrocele etc. You gain through defeated enemies, are troubled, ill-spoken, ailing and vicious.
You are praised by the state and condemned by some. There will be many ups and downs, troubles and sufferings at times in life and you might have a stomach problem caused by hard labor. You receive honor and fame from the government, are noble by deed and thought, healthy, and get some income or employment. You are happy in old age.
Rahu in Lunar Mansion '24 Shatabhisha-1'
Ketu in Leo 9°07'08"
Ketu in Leo with Cancer ascendent
Ketu shapes the kind of a philosopher who propounds Utopian theories of social relationships, while grumbling that financial and social status is inferior to what it should be. Aspects from Jupiter to malefics like Ketu will often improve the results radically
Ketu in House 2
Ketu in the second house may make you conceited, or feel depraved. There is something in your feelings which makes you careful to watch out for yourself. There are conditions which cause you to worry about finances in general. The threat of government fines looms at times. You'll have a hard time speaking before many people, or they won't accept or understand what you're trying to say. Those who support you, may feel that they've gotten themselves on the wrong side of the fence. You may therefore adopt a sweet tone of voice, and by and by, having learned that it provokes less trouble from others, this carefulness and control over your speech could lead to success.
Ketu in Lunar Mansion '10 Magha-3'
You may worry unnecessarily in the work field.
Uranus in Aquarius 28°32'20"
Uranus in Aquarius with Cancer ascendent
Uranus in House 8
Uranus in Lunar Mansion '25 Purva Bhadrapada-3'
Neptune in Capricorn 23°08'22"
Neptune in Capricorn with Cancer ascendent
Neptune in House 7
Neptune in Lunar Mansion '22 Shravana-4'
Pluto in Pisces 27°56'19"
Pluto in Pisces with Cancer ascendent
Pluto in House 9
Pluto in Lunar Mansion '27 Revati-4'