Astrological Charts of Famous People Share on Facebook Share on Twitter Comment on this articleShare via Email Print this Page Vedic Astrology Charts: Royalty According to Vedic Astrology Vedic Chart Categories Next 40 charts ~ Akbar, (The , Royalty, Mogul Emperor of India ~ Akihito , Royalty, Son of Emperor Hirohito ~ Akihito, Crown , Royalty ~ Albert, I , Royalty, King of Belgium ~ Albert, Prince , Royalty, Consort to Queen Victoria ~ Albert, Victor , Royalty, Duke of Clarence, Grandson of Victoria ~ Alexander, I , Royalty, Emperor of Russia ~ Alexander, II , Royalty, Emperor of Russia ~ Alexander, III , Royalty, Emperor of Russia ~ Alexandra , Royalty, Russian Tsarina - assassinated, ~ Alexandra, Queen , Royalty, Queen of England ~ Alexandra, Tsarina , Royalty, Empress of Russia ~ Alexis, Tsarevitch , Royalty, Son of Nicholas II, Hemophiliac ~ Alfonso, XII , Royalty, King of Spain ~ Alfonso, XIII , Royalty, King of Spain ~ Alfred, Prince , Royalty, Hemophiliac, Son of Victoria ~ Alice, Princess , Royalty, Daughter of Victoria ~ Anastasia, Grand , Royalty, Dtr of Nicholas II & Alexandra, Reputedly survived assassination ~ Andrew, Prince , Royalty, Son of Elizabeth II ~ Anne, Princess , Royalty, Dtr of Elizabeth II ~ Anne, Queen , Royalty, Queen of England ~ Augustus, Emperor , Religion, Royalty, Emperor of Rome ~ Augustus, Philip , Royalty, King of France ~ Aurelius, Marcus , Royalty, Philosopher, Emperor of Rome ~ Baudoin, King , Royalty, King of Belgium ~ Beatrice, Princess , Royalty, Dtr of Queen Victoria ~ Beatrix, Queen , Royalty, Queen of Netherlands ~ Black Pri, Edward , Royalty ~ Boleyn, Anne , Royalty, Queen of England, Beheaded by Henry VIII ~ Bowles, Camilla , Royalty, Mistress to Prince Charles ~ Caesar, Julius , Royalty, Roman Emperor ~ Caligula, Emperor , Royalty, Roman Emperor ~ Carlos, King , Royalty, King of Spain ~ Carlota, Empress , Royalty, Empress of Mexico ~ Caroline, Princess , Royalty, Dtr of Rainier & Grace Kelly ~ Catherine, (De , Royalty, Queen of France ~ Catherine, (Of , Royalty, Queen of England, Divorced Henry VIII ~ Catherine, (The , Royalty, Empress of Russia ~ Charlemagne , Royalty, Holy Roman Emperor ~ Charles, I , Royalty, King of England, Beheaded Next 40 charts Share on Facebook Tweet Email Print